Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M

Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M


montanai gagát = obsidian (lava), László 85 (1995). montanairubin = red pyrope or almandine, László 237 (1995). Montana jet = obsidian (lava), O'Donoghue 832 (2006). Montana moss agate = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer + pyrolusite ± hornblende, Thrush 726 (1968). Montana onyx = aragonite, Bukanov 264 (2006). Montana Rubin = red garnet, Haditsch & Maus 138 (1974). Montana ruby = red garnet, Read 153 (1988). Montana sapphire = grey-blue asteriated gem Fe-Ti-rich corundum, Thrush 726 (1968). montanite (questionable) = dubious mineral with no crystallographic data, E.H. Nickel, pers. comm. (2002); PDF 57-626. Montasite = fibrous grunerite or anthophyllite (pre 1948), AM 63, 1051 (1978). Mont Blanc-irubin = red Fe-Ti-rich quartz ± dumortierite ?, László 237 (1995). Montblanc-Rubin = red Fe-Ti-rich quartz ± dumortierite ?, Haditsch & Maus 138 (1974). Mont Blanc ruby = red Fe-Ti-rich quartz ± dumortierite ?, AM 12, 387 (1927). montebras = montebrasite, MM 60, 770 (1996). Montebrazit = montebrasite, Linck I.4, 623 (1924). monteregianite = monteregianite-(Y), AM 72, 1042 (1987). monteregianite-Y = monteregianite-(Y), Dana 8th, 1539 (1997). Monterey jade = actinolite or tremolite, Bukanov 402 (2006). montesite = Pb-rich herzenbergite, AM 60, 163 (1975). montezit = Pb-rich herzenbergite, László 312 (1995). monticellite-like mineral = whitlockite from meteorite, Dana 7th II, 797 (1951). montigel = Ca-rich montmorillonite, ClayM 33, 110 (1998). Montil = montmorillonite ?, Robertson 23 (1954). montiselliet = monticellite, Council for Geoscience 770 (1996). montmartite = gypsum + calcite, Dana 6th, 1123 (1892). montmartrite = gypsum + calcite, Dana 6th, 935 (1892). Montmilch = fine-grained calcite, Dana 6th, 268 (1892). montmorilloniste = montmorillonite, Kipfer 186 (1974). montmorillonite-α = montmorillonite, Caillère & Hénin 325 (1963). montmorillonite-ß = montmorillonite, Caillère & Hénin 325 (1963). montmorillonite-γ = montmorillonite, Caillère & Hénin 325 (1963). montmorillonite-δ = montmorillonite, Caillère & Hénin 325 (1963). montmorillonite-ε = montmorillonite, Chudoba EII, 274 (1954). montmorillonite(Al) = K-rich beidellite, AM 74, 1030 (1989). montmorillonite-alcaline = Na-rich montmorillonite, Aballain et al. 242 (1968). montmorillonite-beidellite = Al-rich montmorillonite, ClayM 33, 581 (1998). montmorillonite calcium = Ca-rich montmorillonite, CCM 28, 18 (1980). montmorillonite de nickel = pimelite, CRAS 264C, 1536 (1967). montmorillonite(Fe 2+ ) = Fe-rich illite-montmorillonite mixed-layer, AM 74, 1030 (1989). montmorillonite(Fe 3+ ) = Fe-rich illite-montmorillonite mixed-layer, AM 74, 1030 (1989). montmorillonite(Fe 3+ ,Mg) = Fe-Mg-rich illite-montmorillonite mixed-layer, AM 74, 1030 (1989).

montmorillonite ferreuse = Ca-rich nontronite, Caillère & Hénin 308 (1963). montmorillonite(Mg) = Mg-rich illite-montmorillonite mixed-layer, AM 74, 1030 (1989). montmorillonite sodium = Na-rich montmorillonite, CCM 28, 18 (1980). montmorillonitfélék family = smectite, László 186 (1995). montmorillonniste (original spelling) = montmorillonite, Hey 115 (1963). montmorillonoids family = smectite, MM 30, 741 (1955). montmorin family = smectite, ECGA 4, 13 (2001). montmorollonite = montmorillonite, AM 38, 335 (1953). montmorrilonite = montmorillonite, de Fourestier 50 (1994). montroidita = montroydite, de Fourestier 234 (1999). montronite = nontronite, Clark 548 (1993). Montscheit = moncheite, Chudoba EIII, 215 (1965). montsjeïet = moncheite, Council for Geoscience 770 (1996). Monzanit = unknown, Kipfer 117 (1974). monzonite (de Lapparent) = rock, Clark 470 (1993). Monzonit (von Kobell) = Mg-Fe 2+ -rich grossular ?, Dana 5th I, 11 (1882). Mo-Ocrit = fine-grained molybdenite, MM 30, 742 (1955). Mood Stone = quartz + glass + liquid crystal, Nassau 279 (1980). mookaite = massive quartz ± red hematite ± brown goethite, Bukanov 294 (2006). moonfroth = gypsum, Dana 6th, 936 (1892). Moonmilch = hydromagnesite or calcite or aragonite or dolomite or nesquehonite or huntite or magnesite, Bates & Jackson 432 (1987). moonmilk = hydromagnesite or calcite or aragonite or dolomite or nesquehonite or huntite or magnesite, MA 41, 896 (1990). moonstone = orthoclase + Ca-rich albite or gypsum, Clark 470 (1993), O'Donoghue 270 (2006). moonstone glass = opal-CT, Thrush 727 (1968). moonstone spinel = Cr-rich spinel, Deer et al. V, 63 (1962). moor = lignite (low-grade coal), Des Cloizeaux II, 33 (1893). Moorabolit = K-rich natrolite, Kipfer 117 (1974). mooraboolite = K-rich natrolite, MM 13, 373 (1903). mooreite-ß = torreyite, English 29 (1939). mooreite-δ = torreyite, AM 34, 589 (1949). mooreite-D = torreyite, Aballain et al. 243 (1968). Moorkohle = lignite (low-grade coal), Egleston 217 (1892). moor's head = pale tourmaline with black top, AM 96, 911 (2011). Moosachat = gem quartz-mogánite mixed-layer + pyrolusite ± hornblende, Hintze I.2, 1472 (1906). Moosagat = gem quartz-mogánite mixed-layer + pyrolusite ± hornblende, Hintze I.2, 1472 (1906). Moosgold = fine-grained gold, LAP 27(7/8), 5 (2002). Mooskupfer = native copper, LAP 35(4), 29 (2010). Moosopal = opaque opal-CT + pyrolusite, Strunz 555 (1970). Moosstein = quartz-mogánite mixed-layer + pyrolusite ± hornblende, László 140 (1995). Moostorf = lignite (low-grade coal), Doelter IV.3, 513 (1930). Mora diamond = transparent quartz, AM 12, 385 (1927). moralla = dark-green gem Cr-rich beryl, Deer et al. 1B, 401 (1986). morallon = dark-green gem Cr-rich beryl, Dana 6th, 406 (1892). morass ore = goethite ± ferrihydrite, Chester 180 (1896). morassy iron ore = goethite ± ferrihydrite, Egleston 191 (1892).

montanai gagát = obsidian (lava), László 85 (1995).<br />

montanairubin = red pyrope or almandine, László 237 (1995).<br />

Montana jet = obsidian (lava), O'Donoghue 832 (2006).<br />

Montana moss agate = banded quartz-mogánite mixed-layer + pyrolusite ±<br />

hornblende, Thrush 726 (1968).<br />

Montana onyx = aragonite, Bukanov 264 (2006).<br />

Montana Rubin = red garnet, Haditsch & Maus 138 (1974).<br />

Montana ruby = red garnet, Read 153 (1988).<br />

Montana sapphire = grey-blue asteriated gem Fe-Ti-rich corundum, Thrush<br />

726 (1968).<br />

montanite (questionable) = dubious mineral with no crystallographic data,<br />

E.H. Nickel, pers. comm. (2002); PDF 57-626.<br />

Montasite = fibrous grunerite or anthophyllite (pre 1948), AM 63, 1051<br />

(1978).<br />

Mont Blanc-irubin = red Fe-Ti-rich quartz ± dumortierite ?, László 237<br />

(1995).<br />

Montblanc-Rubin = red Fe-Ti-rich quartz ± dumortierite ?, Haditsch & Maus<br />

138 (1974).<br />

Mont Blanc ruby = red Fe-Ti-rich quartz ± dumortierite ?, AM 12, 387<br />

(1927).<br />

montebras = montebrasite, MM 60, 770 (1996).<br />

Montebrazit = montebrasite, Linck I.4, 623 (1924).<br />

monteregianite = monteregianite-(Y), AM 72, 1042 (1987).<br />

monteregianite-Y = monteregianite-(Y), Dana 8th, 1539 (1997).<br />

Monterey jade = actinolite or tremolite, Bukanov 402 (2006).<br />

montesite = Pb-rich herzenbergite, AM 60, 163 (1975).<br />

montezit = Pb-rich herzenbergite, László 312 (1995).<br />

monticellite-like mineral = whitlockite from meteorite, Dana 7th II, 797<br />

(1951).<br />

montigel = Ca-rich montmorillonite, ClayM 33, 110 (1998).<br />

Montil = montmorillonite ?, Robertson 23 (1954).<br />

montiselliet = monticellite, Council for Geoscience 770 (1996).<br />

montmartite = gypsum + calcite, Dana 6th, 1123 (1892).<br />

montmartrite = gypsum + calcite, Dana 6th, 935 (1892).<br />

Montmilch = fine-grained calcite, Dana 6th, 268 (1892).<br />

montmorilloniste = montmorillonite, Kipfer 186 (1974).<br />

montmorillonite-α = montmorillonite, Caillère & Hénin 325 (1963).<br />

montmorillonite-ß = montmorillonite, Caillère & Hénin 325 (1963).<br />

montmorillonite-γ = montmorillonite, Caillère & Hénin 325 (1963).<br />

montmorillonite-δ = montmorillonite, Caillère & Hénin 325 (1963).<br />

montmorillonite-ε = montmorillonite, Chudoba EII, 274 (1954).<br />

montmorillonite(Al) = K-rich beidellite, AM 74, 1030 (1989).<br />

montmorillonite-alcaline = Na-rich montmorillonite, Aballain et al. 242<br />

(1968).<br />

montmorillonite-beidellite = Al-rich montmorillonite, ClayM 33, 581<br />

(1998).<br />

montmorillonite calcium = Ca-rich montmorillonite, CCM 28, 18 (1980).<br />

montmorillonite de nickel = pimelite, CRAS 264C, 1536 (1967).<br />

montmorillonite(Fe 2+ ) = Fe-rich illite-montmorillonite mixed-layer, AM<br />

74, 1030 (1989).<br />

montmorillonite(Fe 3+ ) = Fe-rich illite-montmorillonite mixed-layer, AM<br />

74, 1030 (1989).<br />

montmorillonite(Fe 3+ ,Mg) = Fe-Mg-rich illite-montmorillonite mixed-layer,<br />

AM 74, 1030 (1989).

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