Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M

Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M


Mesomikriklin = microcline (almost Al-Si ordered), Kipfer 185 (1974). Mesomikroklin = microcline (almost Al-Si ordered), Strunz 474 (1970). mesoperthite = albite + microcline, Bates & Jackson 414 (1987). mesosiderite = Ni-rich iron + Fe-rich forsterite + Fe-rich enstatite + anorthite (meteorite), MM 19, 59 (1920). mesotipa subfamily = natrolite + mesolite + scolecite + thomsonite + mordenite, Novitzky 202 (1951). Mesotitanate = synthetic gem tausonite, Bukanov 366 (2006). mesotite = Fe 2+ -rich magnesite, Bukanov 325 (2006). mésotype subfamily = natrolite + mesolite + scolecite + thomsonite + mordenite, Haüy III, 179 (1822). mesotype compacte = natrolite, Egleston 227 (1892). mesotype épointée = apophyllite, Dana 6th, 567 (1892). mesoype épointée = apophyllite, Clark 34 (1993). mesquitelite = montmorillonite, MM 24, 618 (1937). Messerspat = baryte, LAP 26(7/8), 32 (2001). Messing, gediegen = Cu3Zn2 (brass), Weiss 164 (1994). Messingblüte = aurichalcite, Doelter I, 474 (1911). Messingblüthe = aurichalcite, Dana 6th, 298 (1892). Messingbluthe = aurichalcite, Clark 598 (1993). Messingerz = sphalerite + chalcopyrite, Dana 6th, 61 (1892). Messing-gelbes = gold + silver, de Fourestier 221 (1999). messingite = aurichalcite, Dana 6th, 298 (1892). mész = lime, László 179 (1995). mészalabástrom = dendritic calcite, László 179 (1995). mészautunit = autunite, László 179 (1995). mészbarit = Ca-rich baryte, László 179 (1995). mészbronzit = pigeonite or enstatite + augite, László 179 (1995). mészcsillám = margarite, László 179 (1995). mészdrávit = uvite, László 179 (1995). mészepidot = zoisite, László 179 (1995). mészföldpát = anorthite, László 179 (1995). mészgránát = andradite or grossular, László 179 (1995). mészharmotom = phillipsite-Ca, TMH VI, 200 (1999). mészkabazit = chabazite-Ca, László 179 (1995). mészkáliszulfát = syngenite, László 179 (1995). mészkankrinit = meionite, László 179 (1995). mészkarbonat = liebigite, de Fourestier 221 (1999). mészklinobronzit = pigeonite, László 179 (1995). mészklinoensztatit = pigeonite, László 179 (1995). mészklinohipersztén = pigeonite, László 179 (1995). mészkrómgránát = uvarovite, László 179 (1995). mészkő = compact calcite (limestone), László 127 (1995). mészlabrador(it) = meionite, László 179 (1995). mészmagnezit = hydromagnesite ± calcite, László 179 (1995). mészmagnéziumaugit = diopside, László 127 (1995). mészmagnéziumpát = dolomite, László 127 (1995). mészmalachit = Ca-rich malachite ± gypsum ± calcite, László 179 (1995). mészmejonit = meionite, László 179 (1995). mészmezotip = scolecite, László 179 (1995). mésznátronkataplejit = Ca-rich catapleiite, László 179 (1995). mésznátronmezotip = mesolite, TMH VI, 200 (1999). mésznátronplagioklász = Ca-rich albite, László 179 (1995). mészoligoklász = Na-rich anorthite, László 179 (1995).

mészolivin = monticellite, László 179 (1995). mészpát = transparent calcite, László 179 (1995). mészpiralmandin = Mg-Ca-rich almandine, László 179 (1995). mészrodokrozit = kutnohorite ± Ca-rich rhodochrosite ± Mn-rich calcite, László 179 (1995). mészsalétrom = nitrocalcite, László 179 (1995). mészspessartin = Ca-rich spessartine, László 179 (1995). mészsinter = fine-grained calcite, László 127 (1995). mészthomsonit = hypothetical zeolite Ca2.5[(Al5Si5)O20]·6H2O, László 179 (1995). mésztriplit = Fe-rich wagnerite, László 179 (1995). mészuráncsillám or mészuranit = autunite, László 179 (1995). mészuránkarbonát = liebigite, László 179 (1995). mészvasaugit = hedenbergite, László 179 (1995). mészvascordierit = Ca-rich sekaninaite, László 179 (1995). mészvasgránát = andradite, László 179 (1995). mészvasolivin = kirschsteinite, László 179 (1995). mészvolborthit = vésigniéite, László 179 (1995). mészwavellit = crandallite, László 180 (1995). mészwulfenit = Ca-rich wulfenite, László 180 (1995). meta-allanite = metamict allanite-(Ce), MM 33, 1143 (1964). meta-alunogen (questionable) = Al2(SO4)3·(12+1.5)H2O, AM 28, 61 (1943). Metaanhydrit = anhydrite + anhydrite-γ, Doelter IV.2, 189 (1927). meta-anthracite = very high rank coal, Bates & Jackson 415 (1987). meta-arsenuranocircite = metaheinrichite, AM 44, 466 (1959). metaarzénuranocircit = metaheinrichite, László 180 (1995). meta-autinite = meta-autunite, Embrey & Fuller 233 (1980). meta-autunite I = meta-autunite, AM 66, 1070 (1981). meta-autunite-II = synthetic Ca[(UO2)2(PO4)2], MM 31, 969 (1958). meta-autunite-2 = synthetic Ca[(UO2)2(PO4)2], Aballain et al. 228 (1968). metabasaluminite = synthetic Al4(SO4)(OH)10, MM 29, 989 (1952). Metabassetit = bassetite, MM 32, 969 (1961). metabayleyite = dehydrated bayleyite, AM 37, 1060 (1952). metabazaluminit = synthetic Al4(SO4)(OH)10, László 180 (1995). metabentonite = montmorillonite-10Å, MM 24, 618 (1937). metaberilliet = beryllite with lower H2O content, Council for Geoscience 769 (1996). metaberyllite = beryllite with lower H2O content, CM 44, 1559 (2006). Metabiotit = opal-CT ? pseudomorph after biotite, MM 20, 461 (1925). metabitumite = hydrocarbon, Thrush 696 (1968). metabolite = Ni-rich iron (meteorite), Doelter III.2, 620 (1924). Metaboracit = low-temperature Mg3B7O13Cl, Embrey & Fuller 229 (1980). Metabrucit = periclase pseudomorph after brucite, MM 17, 354 (1916). metabrushite = brushite, AM 28, 223 (1943). metabushite = brushite, Clark 449 (1993). metacalciouranite = metacalciouranoite, Aballain et al. 227 (1968). metacalciouraniote = metacalciouranoite, Dana 8th, 1803 (1997). metacalciowardite = Ca-rich wardite ?, MM 23, 634 (1934). metacalcolita = metatorbernite, de Fourestier 222 (1999). metacaltsuranoite = metacalciouranoite, AM 58, 1111 (1973). metaceinerite = metazeunerite, MM 32, 969 (1961). Metachabasit = partially-dehydrated chabazite, MM 20, 461 (1925). metachabazite = partially-dehydrated chabazite, MM 20, 461 (1925). metachalcolite = metatorbernite, MM 13, 371 (1903).

mészolivin = monticellite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészpát = transparent calcite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészpiralmandin = Mg-Ca-rich almandine, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészrodokrozit = kutnohorite ± Ca-rich rhodochrosite ± Mn-rich calcite,<br />

László 179 (1995).<br />

mészsalétrom = nitrocalcite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészspessartin = Ca-rich spessartine, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészsinter = fine-grained calcite, László 127 (1995).<br />

mészthomsonit = hypothetical zeolite Ca2.5[(Al5Si5)O20]·6H2O, László 179<br />

(1995).<br />

mésztriplit = Fe-rich wagnerite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészuráncsillám or mészuranit = autunite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészuránkarbonát = liebigite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészvasaugit = hedenbergite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészvascordierit = Ca-rich sekaninaite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészvasgránát = andradite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészvasolivin = kirschsteinite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészvolborthit = vésigniéite, László 179 (1995).<br />

mészwavellit = crandallite, László 180 (1995).<br />

mészwulfenit = Ca-rich wulfenite, László 180 (1995).<br />

meta-allanite = metamict allanite-(Ce), MM 33, 1143 (1964).<br />

meta-alunogen (questionable) = Al2(SO4)3·(12+1.5)H2O, AM 28, 61 (1943).<br />

Metaanhydrit = anhydrite + anhydrite-γ, Doelter IV.2, 189 (1927).<br />

meta-anthracite = very high rank coal, Bates & Jackson 415 (1987).<br />

meta-arsenuranocircite = metaheinrichite, AM 44, 466 (1959).<br />

metaarzénuranocircit = metaheinrichite, László 180 (1995).<br />

meta-autinite = meta-autunite, Embrey & Fuller 233 (1980).<br />

meta-autunite I = meta-autunite, AM 66, 1070 (1981).<br />

meta-autunite-II = synthetic Ca[(UO2)2(PO4)2], MM 31, 969 (1958).<br />

meta-autunite-2 = synthetic Ca[(UO2)2(PO4)2], Aballain et al. 228 (1968).<br />

metabasaluminite = synthetic Al4(SO4)(OH)10, MM 29, 989 (1952).<br />

Metabassetit = bassetite, MM 32, 969 (1961).<br />

metabayleyite = dehydrated bayleyite, AM 37, 1060 (1952).<br />

metabazaluminit = synthetic Al4(SO4)(OH)10, László 180 (1995).<br />

metabentonite = montmorillonite-10Å, MM 24, 618 (1937).<br />

metaberilliet = beryllite with lower H2O content, Council for Geoscience<br />

769 (1996).<br />

metaberyllite = beryllite with lower H2O content, CM 44, 1559 (2006).<br />

Metabiotit = opal-CT ? pseudomorph after biotite, MM 20, 461 (1925).<br />

metabitumite = hydrocarbon, Thrush 696 (1968).<br />

metabolite = Ni-rich iron (meteorite), Doelter III.2, 620 (1924).<br />

Metaboracit = low-temperature Mg3B7O13Cl, Embrey & Fuller 229 (1980).<br />

Metabrucit = periclase pseudomorph after brucite, MM 17, 354 (1916).<br />

metabrushite = brushite, AM 28, 223 (1943).<br />

metabushite = brushite, Clark 449 (1993).<br />

metacalciouranite = metacalciouranoite, Aballain et al. 227 (1968).<br />

metacalciouraniote = metacalciouranoite, Dana 8th, 1803 (1997).<br />

metacalciowardite = Ca-rich wardite ?, MM 23, 634 (1934).<br />

metacalcolita = metatorbernite, de Fourestier 222 (1999).<br />

metacaltsuranoite = metacalciouranoite, AM 58, 1111 (1973).<br />

metaceinerite = metazeunerite, MM 32, 969 (1961).<br />

Metachabasit = partially-dehydrated chabazite, MM 20, 461 (1925).<br />

metachabazite = partially-dehydrated chabazite, MM 20, 461 (1925).<br />

metachalcolite = metatorbernite, MM 13, 371 (1903).

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