Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M

Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names --M


magnetic sulphuret of iron = pyrrhotite, Dana 6th, 73 (1892). Magnetis (German) = talc, Dana 6th, 678 (1892). magnetis (Greek) = magnetite, Dana 6th, 1121 (1892). magnetische Eisenschwärze = fine-grained magnetite, Haditsch & Maus 124 (1974). magnetische Platin = isoferroplatinum or tetraferroplatinum, Hintze I.1, 141 (1898). magnetischer Eisenkies = pyrrhotite, Hintze I.1, 630 (1900). magnetischer Eisen-Sand = pseudorutile, Dana 6th, 219 (1892). magnetischer Eisenstein = magnetite, Dana 6th, 224 (1892). magnetischer Hämatit = batiferrite, LAP 26(5), 37 (2001). magnetischer-Kies = pyrrhotite, Dana 6th, 73 (1892). magnetischer Pleuroklas = wagnerite, Chudoba RI, 50 (1939); [I.4,693]. magnetischer-Pyrotin = pyrrhotite, Egleston 198 (1892). magnetischer Pyrrotin = pyrrhotite, Dana 6th, 73 (1892). magnetischer Titaneisensand = pseudorutile, Tschermak 417 (1894). magnetisches Platin = isoferroplatinum or tetraferroplatinum, Chudoba RII, 117 (1971). magnetite-δ = rhombohedral Fe3O4, Deer et al. V, 22 (1962). magnetite-jade = actinolite + magnetite, Read 142 (1988). magnetitis = magnetite, Blackburn & Dennen 5 (1997). Magnetjermalm = magnetite, Doelter III.2, 639 (1924). Magnetjernmalm = magnetite, Dana 6th, 224 (1892). Magnetkies = pyrrhotite, Dana 6th, 73 (1892). Magnetkis = pyrrhotite, Dana 6th, 73 (1892). Magnetocker = fine-grained magnetite, Haditsch & Maus 124 (1974). Magnetoilmenit = ilmenite + magnetite, AM 15, 203 (1930). magneto-maghemite = maghemite ± magnetite, MM 36, 1154 (1968). magnetopirit = pyrrhotite, László 166 (1995). Magnetopyrites = pyrrhotite, Clark 421 (1993). Magnetostibiam = jacobsite, Kipfer 111 (1974). Magnetostibian = jacobsite, AM 58, 562 (1973). Magnetostibit = jacobsite, Kipfer 111 (1974). magnetosztibián = jacobsite, László 166 (1995). magnewioferrite = magnesioferrite, MA Index 52, 684 (2001). magnézia = periclase, László 166 (1995). magnezin = brucite, László 166 (1995). magnezioaluminokatoforit = magnesiokatophorite, László 166 (1995). magnezioaluminotaramit = magnesiotaramite, László 166 (1995). magnezioantofillit = anthophyllite, László 166 (1995). magnezioarfvedsonit = magnesio-arfvedsonite, László 166 (1995). magnezioasztrofillit = magnesioastrophyllite, László 166 (1995). magnezioaubertit = magnesioaubertite, László 166 (1995). magnezioautunit = saléeite, László 166 (1995). magnezioaxinit = axinite-(Mg), László 166 (1995). magnezioblythit = Mn-rich pyrope, László 166 (1995). magneziocopiapit = magnesiocopiapite, László 166 (1995). magneziocordierit = cordierite, László 167 (1995). magneziocronstedtit = hypothetical serpentine (Mg2Fe)[(FeSi)O5](OH)4, László 167 (1995). magneziocummingtonit = cummingtonite, László 167 (1995). magneziodolomit = dolomite, László 167 (1995). magnezioferrikatoforit = magnesiokatophorite, László 167 (1995). magnezioferrit = magnesioferrite, László 167 (1995).

magnezioferritaramit = ferri-magnesiotaramite, László 167 (1995). magneziogèdrit = gedrite, László 167 (1995). magneziohastingsit = magnesiohastingsite, László 167 (1995). magnezioholmquistit = holmquistite, László 167 (1995). magneziohornblende = magnesiohornblende, László 167 (1995). magneziohulsit = magnesiohulsite, László 167 (1995). magneziokalcit = dolomite, László 167 (1995). magneziokarfolit = magnesiocarpholite, László 167 (1995). magneziokatoforit = magnesiokatophorite, László 167 (1995). magnezioklinoholmquistit = clinoholmquistite, László 167 (1995). magneziokloritoid = magnesiochloritoid, László 167 (1995). magneziokolumbit = columbite-(Mn), László 167 (1995). magneziokromit = magnesiochromite, László 167 (1995). magneziolaumontitul = Mg-bearing laumontite, AM 47, 1483 (1962). magnezioludwigit = ludwigite, László 167 (1995). magneziomagnetit = Mg-rich magnetite, László 167 (1995). magneziomargarit = clintonite, László 167 (1995). magnezioniobit = columbite-(Mn), László 167 (1995). magnezioortit = dollaseite-(Ce), László 167 (1995). magnezioriebeckit = magnesioriebeckite, László 167 (1995). magneziosadanagait = magnesiosadanagaite, László 167 (1995). magnezioscheelit = magnesiowolframite, László 167 (1995). magneziospinell = spinel, László 167 (1995). magneziosussexit = Mn-rich szaibélyite, László 167 (1995). magneziotaramit = magnesiotaramite, László 167 (1995). magneziotriplit = wagnerite, László 167 (1995). magneziowüstit = Fe 2+ -rich periclase, László 167 (1995). magnezit (Beudant) = sepiolite, László 167 (1995). magnezit (Karsten) = magnesite, László 167 (1995). magnéziumapjohnit = Mg-rich apjohnite, László 167 (1995). magnéziumasztrofillit = magnesioastrophyllite, László 167 (1995). magnéziumautunit = saléeite, László 167 (1995). magnéziumaxinit = axinite-(Mg), László 167 (1995). magnéziumbeidellit = hectorite or saponite, László 167 (1995). magnéziumbentonit = hectorite, László 167 (1995). magnéziumberzeliit = berzeliite, László 167 (1995). magnéziumblöldit = blödite, László 167 (1995). magnéziumblythit = Mn-rich pyrope, László 167 (1995). magnéziumboothit = Mg-rich boothite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumboracit = boracite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumchamosit (Bannister & Whittard) = Mg-rich chamosite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumchamosit (Yoder) = synthetic Mg3[(Al2Si2)O10]·nH2O, László 168 (1995). magnéziumcordierit = cordierite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumcsillám = biotite or phlogopite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumdiopszid = pigeonite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumepidot = Mg-rich epidote, László 168 (1995). magnéziumfarmakolit = berzeliite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumfauserit = epsomite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumfoszforuranit = saléeite, László 168 (1995). magnéziumgalukofán = glaucophane, László 168 (1995). magnéziumgammakercsenit = Mg-rich metavivianite ?, László 168 (1995). magnéziumglaukonit = celadonite, László 168 (1995).

magnezi<strong>of</strong>erritaramit = ferri-magnesiotaramite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziogèdrit = gedrite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziohastingsit = magnesiohastingsite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnezioholmquistit = holmquistite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziohornblende = magnesiohornblende, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziohulsit = magnesiohulsite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziokalcit = dolomite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziokarfolit = magnesiocarpholite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziokat<strong>of</strong>orit = magnesiokatophorite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnezioklinoholmquistit = clinoholmquistite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziokloritoid = magnesiochloritoid, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziokolumbit = columbite-(Mn), László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziokromit = magnesiochromite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziolaumontitul = Mg-bearing laumontite, AM 47, 1483 (1962).<br />

magnezioludwigit = ludwigite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziomagnetit = Mg-rich magnetite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziomargarit = clintonite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnezioniobit = columbite-(Mn), László 167 (1995).<br />

magnezioortit = dollaseite-(Ce), László 167 (1995).<br />

magnezioriebeckit = magnesioriebeckite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziosadanagait = magnesiosadanagaite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnezioscheelit = magnesiowolframite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziospinell = spinel, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziosussexit = Mn-rich szaibélyite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziotaramit = magnesiotaramite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziotriplit = wagnerite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magneziowüstit = Fe 2+ -rich periclase, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnezit (Beudant) = sepiolite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnezit (Karsten) = magnesite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumapjohnit = Mg-rich apjohnite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumasztr<strong>of</strong>illit = magnesioastrophyllite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumautunit = saléeite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumaxinit = axinite-(Mg), László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumbeidellit = hectorite or saponite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumbentonit = hectorite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumberzeliit = berzeliite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumblöldit = blödite, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumblythit = Mn-rich pyrope, László 167 (1995).<br />

magnéziumboothit = Mg-rich boothite, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumboracit = boracite, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumchamosit (Bannister & Whittard) = Mg-rich chamosite, László 168<br />

(1995).<br />

magnéziumchamosit (Yoder) = synthetic Mg3[(Al2Si2)O10]·nH2O, László 168<br />

(1995).<br />

magnéziumcordierit = cordierite, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumcsillám = biotite or phlogopite, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumdiopszid = pigeonite, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumepidot = Mg-rich epidote, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumfarmakolit = berzeliite, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumfauserit = epsomite, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumfoszforuranit = saléeite, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumgaluk<strong>of</strong>án = glaucophane, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumgammakercsenit = Mg-rich metavivianite ?, László 168 (1995).<br />

magnéziumglaukonit = celadonite, László 168 (1995).

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