English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home


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Combat = batalo.<br />

Combat = batali.<br />

Combatant = batalanto.<br />

Combine = kombini.<br />

Combustible = brulebla.<br />

Combustion = brulado.<br />

Come = veni.<br />

Come (after) = postveni.<br />

Come (back) = reveni.<br />

Comedian = komedianto.<br />

Comedy = komedio.<br />

Comely = gracia, beleta.<br />

Comet = kometo.<br />

Comfort = komforti.<br />

Comfort = komforto.<br />

Comic = komika, ridinda.<br />

Coming = veno.<br />

Comma = komo.<br />

Command (milit.) = komandi.<br />

Command = ordoni.<br />

Commandant = komandanto.<br />

Commander = komandoro.<br />

Commandment = ordono.<br />

Commemorate = memorigi.<br />

Commence = komenci.<br />

Commend = laŭdi.<br />

Commendation = laŭdo.<br />

Comment = komentarii.<br />

Commentary = komentario.<br />

Commerce = komerco.<br />

Commercial man = komercisto.<br />

Commission = komisii.<br />

Commission = komisio.<br />

Commission (brokerage) = maklero.<br />

Commission agent = makleristo.<br />

Commissioner = komisario.<br />

Commit = fari.<br />

Commit (to prison) = aresti.<br />

Committee = komitato.<br />

Commodity = komercaĵo.<br />


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