English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home


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Brick (fire) = fajrŝtono.<br />

Bride = novedzino.<br />

Bridge = ponto.<br />

Bridle = brido.<br />

Brief = mallonga.<br />

Brier = rozo sovaĝa.<br />

Brigade = brigado.<br />

Brigand = rabisto.<br />

Brigandage = rabado.<br />

Bright (clear) = hela.<br />

Bright, to get = heliĝi.<br />

Brighten = briligi.<br />

Brighten (polish) = poluri.<br />

Brightness = brilo.<br />

Brilliant = brila.<br />

Brilliant (jewel) = brilianto.<br />

Brimful = plenpota.<br />

Brine = peklakvo.<br />

Bring = alkonduki.<br />

Bring back = rekonduki.<br />

Bring down (of prices) = rabati.<br />

Bring forth (a child) = naski.<br />

Bring up (a child) = elnutri.<br />

Brink = rando.<br />

Briny = sala.<br />

Brisk (lively) = vigla.<br />

Brisk (quick) = rapida.<br />

Briskness = rapideco.<br />

Bristle = harego.<br />

Brittle = facilrompa.<br />

Broach = trapiki.<br />

Broad = larĝa.<br />

Brochure = broŝuro.<br />

Broil = rosti.<br />

Broker = makleristo.<br />

Broker, to act as = makleri.<br />

Brokerage = maklero.<br />

Bromine = bromo.<br />

Bronchitis = bronkito.<br />

Bronchial = bronka.<br />


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