English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home


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Raiment = vestaĵo.<br />

Rain = pluvo.<br />

Rainbow = ĉielarko.<br />

Raise = levi, plialtigi.<br />

Raise up = altlevi.<br />

Raisin = sekvinbero.<br />

Rake = rasti.<br />

Rake (implement) = rastilo.<br />

Rake (a profligate) = diboĉulo, malĉastulo.<br />

Rally (gather together) = kolekti.<br />

Rally (to banter) = moki.<br />

Ram = ŝafoviro.<br />

Ram (a gun) = ŝtopi.<br />

Ramble = vagi.<br />

Ramble (in speech) = paroli sensence.<br />

Rampart = remparo, murego.<br />

Rancid = ranca.<br />

Rancour = malameco.<br />

Random, at = hazarde.<br />

Range (put in order) = aranĝi.<br />

Rank (a row) = vico.<br />

Rank (dignity) = rango.<br />

Ransom = reaĉeto.<br />

Ransom = reaĉeti.<br />

Rant = paroli sensence.<br />

Ranunculus = ranunkolo.<br />

Rap = frapeti.<br />

Rap = frapo, frapeto.<br />

Rapacious = rabema.<br />

Rapacity = rabemeco.<br />

Rape = forrabo.<br />

Rapid = rapida.<br />

Rapidity = rapideco.<br />

Rapidly = rapide.<br />

Rapier = rapiro.<br />

Rapine = rabo.<br />

Rapt = rava, entuziasma.<br />

Rapture = ravo, entuziasmo.<br />

Rare (seldom) = malofta.<br />

Rare (curious) = kurioza.<br />


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