English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home


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Group = grupigi.<br />

Grouse = tetro.<br />

Grove = arbetaro.<br />

Grow = kreski.<br />

Grow (become) = —iĝi.<br />

Grow young = juniĝi.<br />

Growl = bleki, blekadi.<br />

Growth = kresko.<br />

Grub (insect) = tervermeto.<br />

Grudge = malameco.<br />

Gruff = malĝentila.<br />

Grumble = riproĉegi.<br />

Grunt = bleki.<br />

Guarantee = garantio.<br />

Guarantee = garantii.<br />

Guard = gardi.<br />

Guard (milit.) = gvardio.<br />

Guardian = gardanto, zorganto.<br />

Gudgeon = gobio.<br />

Guess = diveni.<br />

Guest = gasto.<br />

Guide = gvidi.<br />

Guide = gvidisto.<br />

Guile = artifiko.<br />

Guileless = senartifika.<br />

Guillotine = gilotino.<br />

Guilt = kulpo.<br />

Guilty, to be = kulpiĝi.<br />

Guinea = gineo.<br />

Guitar = gitaro.<br />

Gulf = golfo.<br />

Gull = trompi.<br />

Gullet = faringo, ezofago.<br />

Gully = valeto.<br />

Gulp = engluti.<br />

Gum = gumo.<br />

Gum = gumi.<br />

Gun = pafilo.<br />

Gun (cannon) = pafilego.<br />

Gun-carriage = subpafilego.<br />


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