English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home

English-Esperanto Dictionary - mjwilliams92 - home


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Good (welfare) = bonstato.<br />

Good-for-nothing = sentaŭgulo.<br />

Good-bye = adiaŭ.<br />

Goodness = boneco.<br />

Goods (effects) = posedaĵo.<br />

Goods (merchandise) = komercaĵo.<br />

Goods train, by = malrapidire.<br />

Goose = ansero.<br />

Goose = anserino.<br />

Gooseberry = groso.<br />

Gorge = valego.<br />

Gorge = supersatigi.<br />

Gorgeous = belega.<br />

Goshawk = akcipitro.<br />

Gosling = anserido.<br />

Gospel = Evangelio.<br />

Gossip = babilaĵo.<br />

Gourd = kukurbo.<br />

Gourmand = manĝegulo.<br />

Gout = podagro.<br />

Govern = regi.<br />

Government = registaro.<br />

Governess = guvernistino.<br />

Governor = reganto.<br />

Gown = robo.<br />

Grace = gracio.<br />

Graceful = gracia.<br />

Gracious = gracia.<br />

Gradation = gradeco.<br />

Grade (rank) = rango.<br />

Gradual = grada.<br />

Gradually = grade.<br />

Graduate = gradigi.<br />

Graduation = gradigo.<br />

Graft = inokuli.<br />

Grain of corn = grenero.<br />

Grain of dust = polvero.<br />

Grammar = gramatiko.<br />

Gramme = gramo.<br />

Granary = grenejo.<br />


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