ILLUSTRATIONS - Samuel H. Kress Foundation

ILLUSTRATIONS - Samuel H. Kress Foundation ILLUSTRATIONS - Samuel H. Kress Foundation
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409 obi). 409 rcp. Empcror Com modus Salus fccdin g scrpcnt 4II obi). Hcad of Hcrcules 414 obi). Antonio Mula, Dukc of Crete 412 ob i). Sigisl11und Augustus, King of Poland 4II rei). A mcsscngcr brings Hcrculcs thc shirt of Nessus 414 rCIJ. Mula and another man joining hands 410 oim . Empcror Scptimius Scvcrus 413 oim. Andrca Gritti, Dogc ofVcnicc 4 T 5 oiJlJ. Girolam o Zanc, V cnetian Sena tor 41 2 rei). Lion 410 rl'lI. Mars resting on spcar and shield 413 r CI). C hurch of S. Franccsco della Vigna 415 r l'l). St.Jeromc in landscapc GIOVANNI DAL CAVINO (409-10) . MONOGRAMMIST H B (4II) . GIOVANNI MARIA MOSCA (41 2) ANDREA SPINELLI (413-15)

416 obI!. Doge Pietro La ndo and senators before C hrist 416 rCI! . Venice crowned holding cornucopiae and scales, galley and a nTIS 41 7b DIJII. Tommaso Rangone of Ravenna 416a olJII. Eternity veiled holding globe with phoenix on pyre 416a rCII. Fame seated on celestial globe, blowin g trumpets 41 7 obI!. Pietro Lauro, poet and scholar 417a obll. TOlllmaso Rangone of Ravenna 41 7 I'CII. Tnscription within a wreath 419a ob/!. Giovanni dc' Medici delle Bande Nere, father of Cosimo T 417b rCIl . Jupiter as ca gle brings infant Hercul es to Juno 419 ob/!. Elisa betta Quirini, daughter of Francesco Quirini 419 rcv. T he three Graces 417a re/!. Female fi gure places wreath on ox's horns 419a rCIl. Thunderbolt issuing from a cloud ANDREA SP INELLI (416, 416a) LA.V.F. (417) . ]ACOPO TATTI, called SANSOVINO (417a, b) DANESE CATTANEO (419,419a)

416 obI!. Doge Pietro La ndo<br />

and senators before C hrist<br />

416 rCI! . Venice crowned<br />

holding cornucopiae and scales,<br />

galley and a nTIS<br />

41 7b DIJII. Tommaso Rangone<br />

of Ravenna<br />

416a olJII.<br />

Eternity veiled holding globe<br />

with phoenix on pyre<br />

416a rCII. Fame seated on<br />

celestial globe, blowin g trumpets<br />

41 7 obI!. Pietro Lauro, poet and scholar 417a obll. TOlllmaso Rangone of Ravenna<br />

41 7 I'CII. Tnscription within a wreath<br />

419a ob/!. Giovanni dc' Medici delle<br />

Bande Nere, father of Cosimo T<br />

417b rCIl . Jupiter as ca gle<br />

brings infant Hercul es to Juno<br />

419 ob/!. Elisa betta Quirini,<br />

daughter of Francesco Quirini<br />

419 rcv. T he three Graces<br />

417a re/!. Female fi gure places wreath<br />

on ox's horns<br />

419a rCIl.<br />

Thunderbolt issuing from a cloud<br />

ANDREA SP INELLI (416, 416a) LA.V.F. (417) . ]ACOPO TATTI, called SANSOVINO (417a, b)<br />


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