Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870


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432<br />

physis, Aiycaeus Benson, 1859b, 3:179<br />

physis, Ampullaria Hupe, 1857:67, plate 12: figure 2<br />

physodes, Spiraxis Shuttleworth, 1852:207; as Achatina, Pfeiffer,<br />

1860 [in 1840-1865], 1(130:326, plate 26: figures 20, 21<br />

phvsoidea, Acteonina Loriol, in Loriol and Cotteau, 1867, 21:454,<br />

plate 11: figure 1<br />

physoides, Ampullaria Reeve, 1856 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 10(Ampullaria):<br />

plate 22: species 107<br />

physoides, Odos<strong>to</strong>mia Gould, 1861a, 7:405<br />

phytelephas, Natica Reeve, 1855 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 9(Natica): plate 11:<br />

species 42<br />

phy<strong>to</strong>stylus. Helix Benson, 1864c, 13:492<br />

pia. Mitra Dohrn, 1860:366<br />

piasaensis, Pleuro<strong>to</strong>maria Hall, 1858, 4:22<br />

pia<strong>to</strong>ni. Turbo Dumortier, 1867 [in 1864-1869], 2:189, plate 45:<br />

figures 13-15<br />

pica,Avicula Gould, 1852, 12:443, figure 549; Reeve, 1857 [in 1851-<br />

<strong>1870</strong>], 10(Avicula): plate 17: species 71<br />

pica. Nerita Gould, 1859a, 7:43; Lischke, 1869:85. plate 5: figures 8,<br />

9<br />

pica. Patella Reeve, 1854 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 8(Patella): plate 19: species<br />

45<br />

pica, Pecten Reeve, 1853 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 8(Pecten): plate 27: figure<br />

species 115<br />

picea. Lit<strong>to</strong>rina Reeve, 1857 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], ll(Lit<strong>to</strong>rina): plate 15:<br />

species 83<br />

picea, Melania bifasciata Mousson, 1869c, 17:364<br />

picea, Mitra Pease, 1860a: 146<br />

picea. Vermetus (Thylacodus) renisectus Morch, 1861 [in 1861-<br />

1862]:349<br />

piceolus. Chi<strong>to</strong>n (Acanthopleura) Shuttleworth, 1853a:206<br />

piceus, Unio Lea, 1860c:91; 1863f, 5:379, plate 41: figure 287<br />

pichardi, Bulimus (Melaniella) Arango, 1862, 10:409; Pfeiffer, 1868<br />

[in 1854-1869], 3:427, plate 96: figures 21-23; Crosse, 1869a,<br />

17:21, plate 1: figure 5<br />

pichleri. Area Giimbel, 1861:395, 406<br />

pichleri, Delphinula Laube, <strong>1870</strong> [in 1866-<strong>1870</strong>], 30(2):29, plate 32:<br />

figure 10<br />

pichleri, Lima Zittel, 1866 [in 1865-1866], 25(2): 104, plate 17: figure<br />

I<br />

pichleri, Tellina Mayer and Giimbel, in Giimbel, 1861:674<br />

pickeringiana, Lindsleya Chitty, 1857b: 188<br />

picoides, Trochus Gould, 1853,6:381<br />

picta, Ampullaria Reeve, 1856 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 10(Ampullaria): plate<br />

24: species 117<br />

picta. Collonia Pease, 1868f, 4:91, plate 11: figures 2, 3<br />

picta. Columbella Reeve, 1859 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], I l(Columbella): plate<br />

24: species 146<br />

picta. Cy<strong>the</strong>rea Lycett, <strong>1850</strong>b, 6:423<br />

picta. Diala A. Adams, 186If, 8:243<br />

picta. Doris Kelaart, 1859a. 3:303<br />

picta. Doris Pease, l86Oa:29<br />

picta. Emarginula Dunker. I860 [in 1859-1860], 6:226; I861b:23,<br />

plate 3: figure 15<br />

picta. Eulima G. Sowerby, 1866 [in 1865-<strong>1870</strong>], !5(Eulima): plate<br />

6: species 45<br />

picta. Fossarina A. Adams, 1867:312. plate 19: figure 26<br />

picta. Helix xanthodon Bourguignat. 1864c, 1:141<br />


picta, Limnaea peregra Jeffreys, 1862 [in 1862-1869], 1:105<br />

picta, Lobiger Pease, 1868f, 4:75, plate 8: figure 3<br />

picta, Loripes H. Adams, <strong>1870</strong>f:792<br />

picta, Mangelia A. Adams and Angas, 1863b:419, plate 37: figure 7<br />

picta, Melanopsis Homes, 1856 [in 1851 -<strong>1870</strong>] 3:600, plate 49: figure<br />

14<br />

picta, Mitra Danilo and Sandri, in Brusina, 1865, 15:15<br />

picta, Nevillia H. Adams, 1868c:289, plate 28: figure 2<br />

picta, Ostrea J. Sowerby, in Dixon, <strong>1850</strong>:95, 173, plate 4: figure 1<br />

picta, Patella vulgata Jeffreys, 1865 [in 1862-1869], 3:237<br />

picta, Phasianella Deshayes, 1863 [in 1856-1865], 2:915, plate 64:<br />

figures 16-18<br />

picta, Phasianella Laube, <strong>1870</strong> [in 1866-<strong>1870</strong>], 30(2): 18, plate 31:<br />

figure 6<br />

picta, Pirena Reeve, 1859 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 12(Pirena): plate 1: species<br />

3<br />

picta, Rissoa Jeffreys, 1867a, 19:435<br />

picta, S<strong>to</strong>matella Montrouzier, in Souverbie, in Souverbie and Montrouzier,<br />

1862 [in 1859-<strong>1870</strong>], 10:239, plate 9: figure 7<br />

picta, Tellina G. Sowerby, 1867 [in 1865-<strong>1870</strong>], 16(Tellina): plate<br />

33: species 184<br />

pictaviensis, Pleuro<strong>to</strong>maria Orbigny, 1854 [in <strong>1850</strong>-1860], 2:510,<br />

plate 399: figures 1-5<br />

pictella, Helicina Pfeiffer, 1856q:392<br />

picteti, Cardium M. Rouault, 1851, 8:388<br />

picteti, Cassiope Coquand, 1865, 3:253, plate 4: figures 6, 7<br />

picteti, Cerithium Deshayes, 1864 [in 1856-1865], 3:141, plate 75:<br />

figure 38<br />

picteti, Crassatella Coquand, 1862, 2:199, plate 13: figures 10, 11<br />

picteti, Cryp<strong>to</strong>plocus Gemmellaro, 1869, 4:100, plate 3: figures 3-8<br />

picteti, Lima Loriol, 1861:96, plate 12: figures 1-3<br />

picteti, Natica Deshayes, 1864 [in 1856-1865], 3:48, plate 69: figures<br />

7, 8, 13 [7-9]<br />

picteti, Solarium Deshayes, 1863 [in 1856-1865], 2:664, plate 40:<br />

figures 33-35 [32-34]<br />

picteti, Thracia Favre. 1869a: 108, plate 12: figure 2<br />

picteti, Trichites Campiche, in Loriol, 1868, 4:40; Pictet and Campiche,<br />

1869 [in 1861-1871], 5:76, plates 153, 154<br />

picteti, Trigonia Coquand, 1865, 3:320, plate 25: figures 1-4<br />

pictetiana, Anodonta Mortillet, in Brot, 1867a:45, plate 8: figures 1-<br />

3<br />

pictetiana, Astarte Cotteau, 1855 [in 1853-l857]:7O<br />

pictetiana, Rostellaria Loriol, 1861:43, plate 4: figures 5-7<br />

pic<strong>to</strong>nicus, Zonites Bourguignat, <strong>1870</strong> [in 1863-<strong>1870</strong>], 22:91, plate<br />

16: figures 7-9<br />

pictum, Cardium Dunker, 1861c, 8:37<br />

pictum, Liocardium Ravenel, 1861:44<br />

pictum. Operculatum A. Adams, 1854f: 137<br />

pictum, Siphonium Morch, 1861 [in 1861-1862]: 161<br />

picturata, Gibbula A. Adams and Angas, 1864:36<br />

picturata. Goniodoris Morch, 1863c, 11:35<br />

picturata. Helix Poey. 1853 [in 1851-1861], 1:209, 212. plate 26:<br />

figures 1-5<br />

picturata. Leiopyrga H. Adams and A. Adams. 1863b. 11:19<br />

picturata. Leiostraca A. Adams. 1864f. 7:86<br />

picturata. Melania Reeve. 1861 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 12(Melania): errata<br />

picturata. Omphalotropis H. Adams. l867a:306. plate 19: figure 13<br />

picluratum. Cyclos<strong>to</strong>ma (Cyclophorus) Pfeiffer. 1852k:62: 1854 [in

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