Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870


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NUMBER 294 279<br />

fortunatus, Pecten Dumortier, 1869 [in 1864-1869], 3:140, plate 22:<br />

figure 4<br />

fortuneana, Petitia Chitty, 1857b: 185<br />

fortunei, Bulimus Pfeiffer, 1852m: 137; 1853 [in 1840-1865], 1(13,):<br />

255, plate 69: figures 6-8<br />

fortunei, Cerithidea A. Adams, 1854d:85; G. Sowerby, 1866 [in<br />

1865-<strong>1870</strong>], 15(Cerithidea): plate 3: species 15<br />

fortunei, Clausilia Pfeiffer, 1852b, 9:80; Kuster, I860 [in 1844-<br />

1862], 1( 14):209, plate 23: figures 4, 5<br />

fortunei, Cyclos<strong>to</strong>ma (Cyclotus) Pfeiffer, 1852o:146; 1854 [in 1843-<br />

1854], 1(19):375, plate 49: figures 3-5; Reeve, 1863 [in 1851-<br />

<strong>1870</strong>], 14(Cyclotus): plate 4: species 17<br />

fortunei, Helix Pfeiffer, 185Od, 7:73; Reeve, 1852 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>],<br />

7(Helix): plate 85: species 458; Pfeiffer, 1853 [in 1853-1854],<br />

1(12.,):344, plate 133: figures 12, 13<br />

fortunei, Lit<strong>to</strong>rina Reeve, 1857 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 10(Lit<strong>to</strong>rina): plate<br />

9: species 42<br />

fortunei, Melania Reeve, 1859 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 12(Melania): plate<br />

14: species 97<br />

fortunei, Natica Reeve, 1855 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 9(Natica): plate 26:<br />

species 123; Crosse and Debeaux, 1863c, 11:262, plate 9: figure<br />

5<br />

fortunei, Streptaxis Pfeiffer, 1854t:149<br />

fortunei, Terebra Deshayes, 1857c, 6:79, plate 4: figure 1; 1859:312;<br />

Reeve, 1860 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 12(Terebra): plate 13: species 53<br />

fortunei, Volsella Dunker, 1856b:361; as Modiola, Reeve, 1858 [in<br />

1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 10( Modiola): plate 10: species 62<br />

fortuni, Rapana (Latiaxis) A. Adams, 1853b:99<br />

forulata, Melania Reeve, 1859 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 12(Melania): plate<br />

17: species 122<br />

fossa, Leda Baird, 1863b:71<br />

fossatum, Buccinum Gould, 185H, 3:152; 1852, 12:254, figure 321<br />

fossatum, Tri<strong>to</strong>n (Monoplex) Gould, 1860, 7:329<br />

fossulata, Helicina Poey, 1858 [in 1851-1861], 2:25<br />

fossulata, Ringicula Folin, <strong>1870</strong> [in 1867-1871], 1:251, plate 31:<br />

figure 9<br />

foucardi, Cardium Loriol, in Loriol and Cotteau, 1867, 21:558, plate<br />

7: figure 10<br />

foucardi, Donax Deshayes, 1857 [in 1856-1865], atlas 1: plate 22:<br />

figures 22-25; 1858 [in 1856-1865], 1:393<br />

foucardi, Erycina Deshayes, 1858 [in 1856-1865], atlas 1: plate 52:<br />

figures 10-13; 1860 [in 1856-1865], 1:721<br />

foucardi, Lucina Deshayes, 1857 [in 1856-1865], atlas 1: plate 41:<br />

figures 14-17; 1858 [in 1856-1865], 1:666<br />

foucardi, Pholas Loriol, in Loriol and Cotteau, 1867, 21:502, plate<br />

5: figure 4<br />

foucardi, Turbo Cotteau, in Loriol and Cotteau, 1867, 21:482, plate<br />

3: figures 11, 12<br />

foulisi, Aeolis Angas, 1864b, 12:64, plate 6: figure 3<br />

foulkei, Corbula Lea, 1861h:149<br />

fouqueti, Planorbis Gassies, <strong>1870</strong> [in 1867-<strong>1870</strong>], 18:146<br />

fourneli, Plicatula Coquand, 1862, 2:220, plate 16: figures 5, 6<br />

fourneli, Pterocera Coquand, 1862, 2:184, plate 5: figure 7<br />

fourneti, Ostrea Coquand, 1862, 2:229, plate 21: figures 1-3; 1869:<br />

26, plate 3; plate 13: figure 1<br />

fourneti, Trochus Dumortier, 1869 [in 1864-1869], 3:229<br />

fournieri, Murex Crosse, 186If, 9:352, plate 16: figure 7<br />

fournieri, Trochus Crosse, 1863d, 11:180, plate 6: figure 5<br />

fourousi, Helix Bourguignat, 1863 [in 1863-<strong>1870</strong>], 15:256, plate 19:<br />

figures 6-9<br />

foveata, Helicina Pfeiffer, 1853h:53<br />

foveata, Helix Pfeiffer, 1853j:126; Reeve, 1854 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>],<br />

7( Helix): plate 184: species 1272<br />

foveata, Lit<strong>to</strong>rina C.B. Adams, 1852d, 5:397, 537<br />

foveata, Mitra Dunker, 1863 [in 1858-<strong>1870</strong>], 2:46, plate 15: figures<br />

5,6<br />

foveatum, Chondropoma Gundlach, in Pfeiffer, 1863 [in 1857-<br />

<strong>1870</strong>], 10:185; Pfeiffer, 1863 [in 1854-1869], 2:241, plate 62:<br />

figures 8, 9<br />

foveicollis, Clausilia Parreyss, in Charpentier, 1852, 3:400; Kuster,<br />

1861 [in 1844-1862], l(14):310, plate 35: figures 13-17<br />

foveolata, Crassatella G. Sowerby, <strong>1870</strong>:249<br />

foveolata, Monodonta (Aradasia) A. Adams, 185 Id: 176<br />

foveolata, Narica Montrouzier, in Souverbie and Montrouzier, 1866<br />

[in 1859-<strong>1870</strong>], 14:138, plate 6: figure 6<br />

foveolata, Nassa Dunker, in Reeve, 1853 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 8(Nassa):<br />

plate 13: species 83<br />

foveolata, Par<strong>the</strong>nia A. Adams, 1860b, 5:479<br />

foveolata, Purpura C.B. Adams, 1852d, 5:300, 530<br />

foveolata, Stenothyra Benson, 1856d, 17:497<br />

foveolata, Terebra Beyrich, 1854 [in 1853-1856], 6:440, plate 6:<br />

figures 15 a,b<br />

foveolata, Venus G. Sowerby, 1853 [in 1847-1886]:730, plate 154:<br />

figure 46; Reeve, 1863 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 14(Venus): plate 4: species<br />

11<br />

foveolatum, Cerithium Fuchs, <strong>1870</strong>a, 30(2): 156, plate 6: figures 24-<br />

27<br />

foveolatum, Cerithium J. Miiller, 1851, 2:48, plate 6: figure 2<br />

foveolatum, Tri<strong>to</strong>nium F. Sandberger, 1863:199, plate 18: figures 2<br />

a-c<br />

foveolatus, Murex Pease, 1869g, 5:83, plate 8: figure 3<br />

foxcr<strong>of</strong>ti, A chatimi Pfeiffer, 1861k:25; 1861e, 8:78<br />

fraasi, Pholadomya Oppel, 1856 [in 1856-1858]:95<br />

fracta, Diplommatina godeffroyana Mousson, <strong>1870</strong>, 18:183<br />

fradiniana. Helix Bourguignat, 1864c, 1:160, plate 17: figures 22-25<br />

fraenata, Cyclostrema Ryckholt, 1860 [in 1852-1862], 3: plate 26:<br />

figure 6<br />

fragile, Cyclos<strong>to</strong>ma Gundlach, in Pfeiffer, 1859 [in 1857-<strong>1870</strong>], 6:<br />

70; Reeve, 1862 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 13(Cyclos<strong>to</strong>ma): plate 23: species<br />

153<br />

fragilis, Achatina Deshayes, 1863 [in 1856-1865], 2:839, plate 53:<br />

figures 10-12(13-15]<br />

fragilis, Achatinella Gulick, 1856 [in 1856-1858], 6:183, plate 6:<br />

figure 11<br />

fragilis, Ancylus Tryon. 1863d:149, plate 1: figure 15; W. Binney,<br />

1865d, 2:146, figure 246<br />

fragilis, Anthracoptera Meek and Wor<strong>the</strong>n, 1866b, 1:18<br />

fragilis, Argonauta Parkinson, 1856, 5:387<br />

fragilis, Astarte Meek and Hayden, 1860b: 183<br />

fragilis, Capulus Meek and Hayden, 1856a, 8:68<br />

fragilis, Cumingia A. Adams, 185Ob:25, plate 8: figure 7; [reprinted<br />

1851,7:147]<br />

fragilis, Cyclas Meek and Hayden, 1856d, 8:115<br />

fragilis, Cyclina E. Romer, 1860a, 7:160

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