Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870


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NUMBER 294 235<br />

delessei, Pecten Etallon, in Thurmann and Etallon, 1862:263, plate<br />

37: figure 9<br />

delesserti, Bulimus Bourguignat, 1852a: 17; 1853e:4O, plate 2: figures<br />

1-3<br />

delesserti, Clausilia Bourguignat, 1853e:47, plate 2: figures 10-13<br />

delessertii, Fischeria Bernardi, 1860e:46, plate 3: figures 3, 4; plate<br />

9: figure 5; as Galatea, G. Sowerby, 1868 [in 1865-<strong>1870</strong>],<br />

16(Galatea): plate 5: species 10<br />

delesserti, Glandina Bourguignat, 1852a: 19; 1853e:43, plate 2: figure<br />

6<br />

delessertii, Neritina Recluz, 1853f, 4:260, plate 7: figure 2<br />

delesserti. Pupa Bourguignat, 1853e:54, plate 2: figures 26-28<br />

delesserti, Unio Bourguignat, 1852a:29; 1853e:77, plate 3: figures 7-<br />

9<br />

delessertiana, Corbicula Prime, <strong>1870</strong> [in 1864-<strong>1870</strong>], 9:299<br />

delestennei, Neritina Recluz, 1853f, 4:259, plate 7: figure 3<br />

deleta, Avicula Dumortier, 1869 [in 1864-1869], 3:293, plate 35:<br />

figure 5<br />

deleta, Corbula Deshayes, 1857 [in 1856-1865], 1:218, plate 14:<br />

figures 26-29 [25-27, 30-31]<br />

deleta, Helix cespitum A. Moquin-Tandon, 1855b, 2:255<br />

deleta, Helix erice<strong>to</strong>rum A. Moquin-Tandon, 1855b. 2:253<br />

deleta, Venus Deshayes, 1857 [in 1856-1865], atlas 1: plate 28:<br />

figures 29-35; 1858 [in 1856-1865], 1:425<br />

deleta, Venus Michelotti, 1861, 15:61, plate 6: figures 16, 17<br />

deletlrei. Area Coquand, 1862, 2:211, plate 15: figures 5, 6<br />

delettrei, Astarte Coquand, 1862, 2:197, plate 8: figures 31, 32<br />

delettrei, Avicula Coquand, 1862, 2:216, plate 14: figures I, 2<br />

delettrei, Cardita Coquand, 1862, 2:200, plate 14: figures 18, 19<br />

delettrei, Lima Coquand. 1862, 2:214, plate 14: figures 10, 11<br />

delettrei, Ostrea Coquand, 1862, 2:224, plate 18: figures 1, 7; 1869:<br />

143, plate 46: figures 16-18; plate 47: figures 1-6; plate 48: figures<br />

1-5<br />

delettrei, Turritella Coquand, 1862, 2:266, plate 30: figures 1, 2<br />

delettrei, Venus Coquand, 1862, 2:194, plate 8: figures 3, 4<br />

deletus, Pecten Michelotti, 1861, 15:77, plate 9: figures 1-3<br />

delibata, Melania Deshayes, 1862 [in 1856-1865], 2:456<br />

delibuta, Glandina Morelet, 1851a, 2:13<br />

delibutus, Bulimus Morelet and Drouet, 1857, 6:151; Morelet, 160d:<br />

190, plate 4: figure 4<br />

delicata, Columbella Reeve, 1859 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 1 l(Columbella):<br />

plate 27: species 171<br />

delicata, Janthina Seguenza, 1867:19, figures 2 a-c, 3<br />

delicata, Mitra A. Adams, 1851c: 137<br />

delicata, Monodonta Laube, <strong>1870</strong> [in 1866-<strong>1870</strong>], 30(2):41, plate 35:<br />

figure 3<br />

delicata, Narica Pease, 1868e, 3:282, plate 23: figure 25<br />

delicata, Nassa A. Adams, 1851b:99; Reeve, 1854 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>],<br />

8(Nassa): plate 27: species 180<br />

delicata, Nassa Reeve, 1853 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 8(Nassa): plate 24:<br />

species 163; erratum<br />

delicata, Pleuro<strong>to</strong>maria Laube, 1868 [in 1866-<strong>1870</strong>], 28(2):85, plate<br />

27: figure 5<br />

delicata, S<strong>to</strong>matella H. Adams and A. Adams, 1863a:433<br />

delicatae, Clausilia Gulia, 1861:7<br />

delicatissima, Panopaea Lycett, <strong>1850</strong>b, 6:423<br />

delicatula, Achatina (Polyphemus) Shuttleworth, 1852:202<br />

delicatula, Cy<strong>the</strong>rea Deshayes, 1857 [in 1856-1865], atlas I: plate<br />

33: figures 1-3; 1858 [in 1856-1865], 1:461<br />

delicatula, Ennea PfeifTer, 1857c, 3:259; 1859 [in 1854-1869], 1:117,<br />

plate 32: figures 21-23<br />

delicatula, Helicina Shuttleworth, 1852:303<br />

delicatula, Modiola Deshayes, 1858 [in 1856-1865], atlas 1: plate 74:<br />

figures 25, 26; 1861 [in 1856-1865], 2:18<br />

delicatula, Myrtea A. Adams, 1862e, 9:226<br />

delicatula, Odos<strong>to</strong>mia (Evalea) P. Carpenter, 1864d, 14:47<br />

delicatula, Oxynoe Nevill, in Nevill and Nevill, 1869, 38(2):67, plate<br />

13: figures 5 a-c<br />

delicatula, Patella Deshayes, 1861 [in 1856-1865], 2:228, plate 5:<br />

figures 24-27<br />

delicatula, Pharella S<strong>to</strong>liczka, <strong>1870</strong> [in <strong>1870</strong>-1871], 3:101, plate 1:<br />

figure ,14<br />

delicatula, Scala H. Adams, 1869:274, plate 19: figure 9<br />

delicatula, Scalaria Crosse and Fischer, 1864b, 12:347; 1865a, 13:<br />

42, plate 3: figures 9, 10<br />

delicatula, Tellina Deshayes, 1854c: 363<br />

delicatula, Tornatina A. Adams, 1862d, 9:153<br />

delicatula, Venus Deshayes, 1857 [in 1856-1865], atlas 1: plate 34:<br />

figures 7-9; 1858 [in 1856-1865], 1:423<br />

delicatulum, Pro<strong>to</strong>cardium S<strong>to</strong>liczka, <strong>1870</strong> [in <strong>1870</strong>-1871], 3:220,<br />

plate 13: figure 8<br />

delicatulus, Bulimus Philippi, 1867a, 14:73; PfeifTer, 1867 [in 1854-<br />

1869], 3:335, plate 80: figures 8, 9<br />

delicatulus, Coelodon A. Adams, in P. Carpenter, 1864b:600<br />

delicatus, Macrodon Meek and Wor<strong>the</strong>n, <strong>1870</strong>:40<br />

delicatus, Pleurobranchus Pease, 1861:245; 1868f, 4:79, plate 9: figure<br />

1<br />

delicatus, Unio Lea, 1863b:189; 1866 [in 1866-1869], 6:58, plate 19:<br />

figure 56<br />

deliciosa, Helix PfeifTer, 1862h:271, plate 36: figure 3<br />

deliciosa, Voluta Montrouzier, 1859 [in 1859-1860], 7:375; 1860 [in<br />

1859-1860], 8:121, plate 2: figures 7, 8<br />

delocrei, Carychium Michaud, 1855, 2:51, plate 5: figure 9<br />

delphicola, Loxonema Hall, 1862b, D:52, plate 4: figure 9<br />

delphinae, Bulimus J. Moricand, 1858, 10:452, plate 14: figure 3<br />

delphinula, Pleuro<strong>to</strong>maria Laube, 1868 [in 1866-<strong>1870</strong>], 28(2):84,<br />

plate 27: figure 9<br />

delphinuloides. Helix R. Lowe, 1860a, 6:44, plate 3: figures 1-3;<br />

PfeifTer, 1864c, 11:54, plate 2: figures 14-17; Paiva, 1867a:67,<br />

plate 1: figure 1<br />

delphinuloides, Rapella Bayan, <strong>1870</strong>, 27:460, 479<br />

delphinuloides, Trochus Orbigny, 1852 [in <strong>1850</strong>-1852], 3:43<br />

delphinulus, Cyclophorus Mousson, 1869a, 16:180<br />

delphinus. Nautilus Forbes, 1856a, 7:98<br />

delta, Achatinella Gulick, 1858 [in 1856-1858], 6:231, plate 8: figure<br />

50<br />

delta. Helix PfeifTer, 1856q:386; Cox, 1868:63, plate 4: figure 13<br />

delta, Trochus Dumortier, 1869 [in 1864-1869], 3:230, plate 28:<br />

figures 5, 6<br />

deltae, Scaphula W. Blanford, 1867 [in 1862-<strong>1870</strong>], 36(2):71, plate<br />

3 [14]: figures 7-10<br />

deltae, Unio favidens Benson, 1862a, 10:189<br />

del<strong>to</strong>idea, Diplodonta Conrad, 1860a, 4:297<br />

del<strong>to</strong>idea, Mysia Conrad, 1865d, 1:147, plate 11: figure 10<br />

del<strong>to</strong>idea, Neritina Garrett, in Mousson, <strong>1870</strong>, 18:224<br />

del<strong>to</strong>idea, Plicatula Tate, 1865, 21:39, plate 3: figures 5 a,b<br />

del<strong>to</strong>idea, Syndosmya Deshayes, 1857 [in 1856-1865], 1:310; 1858<br />

[in 1856-1865], atlas 1: plate 16 bis: figures 22-24

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