Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870


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204<br />

10(Ampullaria): plate 5: species 25<br />

columbiensis, Bulimus Pfeiffer, 1854r:124<br />

columbulae, Mitra Brusina, 1865, 15:14<br />

columellaris, Ampullaria Gould, 1851c, 3:74; 1852, 12:128, figure<br />

147<br />

columellaris, Bulla Menke, 1854a, 1:26<br />

columellaris, Helicina Gundlach, 1856, 3:39; Pfeiffer, 1856 [in 1854-<br />

1869], 1:84, plate 23: figures 11-13; Poey, 1858 [in 1851-1861], 2:<br />

14, plate 1: figure 16<br />

columellaris, Tornatellina Mousson, <strong>1870</strong>, 18:129<br />

columellaris. Turbo Rigaux and Sauvage, 1868, 3:62, plate 1: figure<br />

25<br />

columna, Cerithiopsis P. Carpenter, 1864c:628, 660; 1865 [in 1864-<br />

1865], 15:32<br />

columna, Chemnitzia Orbigny, <strong>1850</strong> [in <strong>1850</strong>-1860], 2:63, plate 247:<br />

figure 2<br />

columna, Nerinea Piette, 1855a, 12:1098, 1114<br />

columna, Paludina (Vivipara) Martens, I864i, 16:345<br />

columna, Turritella Zekeli, 1852:24, plate 1: figures 6 a-c<br />

columnaris, Aclaeonina S<strong>to</strong>liczka, 1868 [in 1867-1868], 2:413, plate<br />

28: figure 26<br />

columnaris, Natica Recluz, 185Oh, 1:394<br />

columnaris. Nerinea Piette, 1855a, 12:1093<br />

columnaris, Terebra Deshayes, 1859:310<br />

columnella, Achatina Deshayes, 1863 [in 1856-1865], 2:843, plate<br />

54: figures 8-10<br />

columnella, Pleuro<strong>to</strong>ma Deshayes, 1865 [in 1856-1865], 3:396, plate<br />

96: figures 19, 20<br />

columnella, Syrnola A. Adams, 1862b:235<br />

colus, SiphonaliaA. Adams, 1863d, 11:205<br />

comatula, Lima Buvignier, 1852, atlas page 22, plate 18: figures 20-<br />

23<br />

comatulum, Cardium Bronn, 1860:125, figure 10<br />

comatus, Hipponyx Deshayes, 1861 [in 1856-1865], 2:271, plate 13:<br />

figures 9, 10(9-11]<br />

comensis, Natica Homes, 1856, 12(2):25, plate 1: figures 6 a,b<br />

comephora, Helix Bourguignat, 1857 [in 1853-1860], 9:546<br />

comes, Bulimus Pfeiffer, 18611:193; 1866 [in 1854-1869], 3:311, plate<br />

75: figures 10, 11<br />

comes, Cardium Coquand, 1865, 3:309, plate 19: figures 3, 4<br />

comes. Helix Poey, 1858 [in 1851-1861], 2:29<br />

cometa, Corbula Coquand, 1865, 3:292, plate 14: figures 1, 2<br />

comma, Monodonla Lycett, 1863:101, plate 45: figure 24 a<br />

comma-notata, Nerita Reeve, 1855 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 9(Nerita): plate<br />

17: species 72<br />

commersoni, Melania Morelet, 1860 [in 1858-1875]: 116, plate 6:<br />

figure 4; Reeve, 1860 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 12(Melania): plate 35:<br />

species 237<br />

commixia. Helix (Caseolus) R. Lowe, 1854:184<br />

commoda. Helix (Fruticicola) A. Adams, 1868a, 1:464<br />

commoda, Pseudoliva (Macron) H. Adams and A. Adams, 1863a:<br />

430<br />

commoda, SiphonaliaA. Adams, 1863d, 11:203<br />

commoda, Turbonilla A. Adams, 1860h, 6:419<br />

commodum, Pilidium Middendorff, 1851b, 2:214, plate 17: figures<br />

4-11<br />

commodus, Conus A. Adams, 1853c: 117<br />

commodus, Melampus H. Adams and A. Adams, 1854a: 12; Pfieffer,<br />


1854 [in 1854-1869], 1:23, plate 6: figures 20-22<br />

commune, Cardium Mayer, 1866 [in 1857-1869], 14:68<br />

commune, Cerithium Deshayes, 1864 [in 1856-1865], atlas 2: plate<br />

81: figures 10-13; 1865 [in 1856-1865], 3:228<br />

communis, Amycla (Astyrisj Conrad, 1862a:287<br />

communis, Astarte Zittel and Goubert, 1861, 9:201, plate 12: figures<br />

2-4<br />

communis, Avicula Hall, 1859b, 3:286, plate 52: figures 1-7; plate<br />

53: figures 1, 4, 6<br />

communis, Chemnitzia C.B. Adams, 1852d, 5:390, 536<br />

communis, Eulima Morris and Lycett, 1854 [in 1853-1854], 1:48,<br />

plate 9: figure 21 a; Laube, 1868a, 28(2):7, plate 1: figure 11<br />

communis, Stagnicola Leach, in I. Gray, 1852d: 103<br />

communis, Tri<strong>to</strong>nium antiquum Middendorff, 1851b, 2(1):226<br />

comorense, Cyclosloma (O<strong>to</strong>poma) Pfeiffer, 1854u:151; Reeve, 1862<br />

[in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 3(Cyclos<strong>to</strong>ma): plate 19: species 127<br />

comorensis, Achatina Pfeiffer, 1855p:211<br />

comorensis, Vitrina Pfeiffer, 1856m:325; 1858 [in 1854-1869], 1:99,<br />

plate 28: figures 4, 5; as Simpulopsis, Reeve, 1862 [in 1851-<br />

<strong>1870</strong>], 13(Simpulopsis): plate 2: species 11<br />

compacta, Amnicola Paladilhe, 1869, 21:234, plate 19: figures 14, 15<br />

compacta, Ampullaria Reeve, 1856 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 10( Ampullaria):<br />

plate 14: species 62<br />

compacta, Astarte compressa P. Carpenter, 1864c:642; 1865a:57<br />

compacta, Bivonia P. Carpenter, 1864c:628, 654; 1864 [in 1864-<br />

1865], 14:427<br />

compacta, Eulima P. Carpenter, 1866a, 3:221<br />

compacta, Hydrobia P. Carpenter, 1864d, 13:478<br />

compacta, Kellia Gould, 1861b, 8:34<br />

compacta, Labiella Pease, 1869c, 17:172<br />

compacta, Lacuna solidula P. Carpenter, 1864c:628; 1864 [in 1864-<br />

1865], 14:428<br />

compacta, Limnaea Pease, <strong>1870</strong>d, 6:6, plate 3: figure 4<br />

compacta, Lit<strong>to</strong>rina Gabb, 1864b, 1:131, plate 20: figure 89<br />

compacta, Lit<strong>to</strong>rina obtusata Jeffreys, 1865 [in 1862-1869], 3:357<br />

compacta, Loxonema Hall, 1859b, 3:297, plate 54: figure 12<br />

compacta, Melania Anthony, 1854, 6:122, plate 3: figure 22; Reeve,<br />

1860 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 12(Melania): plate 46: species 343<br />

compacta, Nassa Angas, 1865b: 154<br />

compacta, Nerita Forbes, 1856a, 7:122, plate 15: figure 6<br />

compacta, Partula Pease, 1866 [in 1866-1867], 2:200; 1867 [in 1866-<br />

1867], 3:81, plate 1: figure 9<br />

compacta, Rissoa P. Carpenter, 1864c:656; 1865a:62<br />

compacta, Scalaria J. Sowerby, <strong>1850</strong>:349, plate 27: figure 32<br />

compacta, Zonites cellarius Jeffreys, 1862 [in 1862-1869], 1:160<br />

compactilis, Odos<strong>to</strong>mia scillae Jeffreys, 1867 [in 1862-1869], 4:169<br />

compactum, Caecum quadratum P. Carpenter, 1856 [in 1855-<br />

1857]:322<br />

compactus, Unio Lea, 1859c: 154; 1859i, 4:218, plate 28: figure 98<br />

companyoi, Umax Bourguignat, 1863 [in 1863-<strong>1870</strong>], 2:25<br />

companyoi, Paludinella Bourguignat, in Paladilhe, <strong>1870</strong>, 1:204<br />

comparata, Clausilia Parreyss, in A. Schmidt, 1868a: 143<br />

comparilis, Pecten Tuomey and Holmes, 1855 [in 1855-1857]:29,<br />

plate 11: figures 6-10<br />

complanata, Area Pictet and Campiche, 1866 [in 1861-1871], 4:439,<br />

plate 131: figures 1,2<br />

complanata, Cardinia Winchell, 1862:413<br />

complanata, Corbis (Corbicella) Lycett, 1857b: 128, plate 6: figure 1

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