Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870


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NUMBER 294 133<br />

allecta. Helix Cox, 187Oa:81<br />

alleniana, Helix Paiva, 1866, 14:343, plate 11: figure 10; 1867a:86,<br />

plate 1: figure 4<br />

alleryana, Helix Crosse, 1869k, 17:414<br />

allica, Natica Orbigny, 1851 (in <strong>1850</strong>-1860], 2:207, plate 295: figures<br />

4,5<br />

alligata, Gryphaea Quenstedt, 1858 [in 1856-1858]:752, plate 91:<br />

figure 25<br />

alligatum, Pisidium pusillum A. Moquin-Tandon, 1855b, 2:587<br />

allmanni, Edwardsia W. M'In<strong>to</strong>sh, 1866, 5:394<br />

allobrogensis, Astarte Pictet and Campiche, 1866 (in 1861-1871]:<br />

315, plate 124: figures 10, 11<br />

allobrogensis, Ostrea * "Pictet and Roux, 1853 (in 1852-1853] Moll.<br />

foss. gres verts, pi. 49, fig. 1" [Quoted <strong>from</strong> Coquand, 1869:156,<br />

plate 59: figures 8-10.]<br />

alloeodus, Neritina F. Sandberger, 1863:153, plate 20: figures 13 a,b<br />

alloeodus, Pupa F. Sandberger, 1863:58, plate 35: figure 10<br />

almonte, Helix Tristram, 1863b:411<br />

alopus, Strombus Ryckholt, 1862 [in 1852-1862], 3: plate 35: figure<br />

10<br />

alpestre, Carychium Freyer, 1855, 15:19, plate figure 2<br />

alpestris, Spondylus Gumbel, 1861:861<br />

alpestris, Valvata Blauner, in Kuster, 1853 [in 1852-1853], 1(21):86,<br />

plate 14: figures 7, 8<br />

alpha. Helix Pfeiffer, 1852k:58<br />

alpheus, Tremanotus Hall, in McChesney, 1867, 1:47, plate 8: figure<br />

4; Hall, 1868:399<br />

alphonsi, Helix Deshayes, <strong>1870</strong>a, 6:22<br />

alphonsii, Scalaria Coquand, 1859, series 2, 16:955<br />

alpicola, Helix arbus<strong>to</strong>rum A. Moquin-Tandon, 1855a, 2:124<br />

alpicola, Helix sylvalica A. Moquin-Tandon, 1855a, 2:172<br />

alpicola, Helix unifasciata Stabile, 1864:48<br />

alpicola, Turritella G umbel, 1861:861<br />

alpina, Clausilia Stabile, 1859a, 11:426, plate 15: figures 17, 18;<br />

Kuster, 1861 [in 1844-1862], l(14):305, plate 34: figures 30-32<br />

alpina, Corbula Winkler, 1861, 13:484, plate 8: figures 1 a-c<br />

alpina, Cypricardia Gumbel, 1861:397, 408<br />

alpina, Cyrena Gumbel, 1861:273, 276<br />

alpina, Dolabra Hall, in Hall and Whitney, 1858, 1(2):716, plate 29:<br />

figure 2<br />

alpina, Gervilia *"Pictet and Roux, 1853 [in 1852-1853], Moll. foss.<br />

gres verts, p. 496, pi. 41, fig. 3" [Quoted <strong>from</strong> Pictet and Campiche,<br />

1869 [in 1861-1871]:83, plate 155: figures 2-4.]<br />

alpina, Leda Winkler, 1861, 13:473, plate 7: figure 3<br />

alpina, Lima Gumbel, 1861:394, 404<br />

alpina, Lucina Fischer-Ooster, <strong>1870</strong>:70, plate 2, figure 2<br />

alpina, Pleuromya Winkler, 1861, 13:485, plate 8: figure 3<br />

alpina, Pleuro<strong>to</strong>maria Gumbel, 1861:420, 422<br />

alpina, Pleuro<strong>to</strong>maria Winkler, 1861, 13:463, plate 5: figure 5<br />

alpina, Rissoa Gumbel, 1861:397<br />

alpina, Saxicava Winkler, 1864:299, plate 6: figure 4<br />

alpina, Thracia •"Pictet and Roux, 1852 [in 1852-1853], Moll. foss.<br />

gres verts, p. 115, pi. 29, fig. 7" [Quoted <strong>from</strong> Pictet and Campiche,<br />

1865 [in 1861-1871]:118.]<br />

alpina, Turbonilla Winkler, 1861, 13:465<br />

alpina, Turritella Gumbel, 1861:420,422<br />

alpinula, Siphonaria '"Mayer, <strong>1870</strong>b, Descr. coq. foss. p. 2" [Quoted<br />

<strong>from</strong> Mayer, <strong>1870</strong> [in 1861-<strong>1870</strong>], 18:325, plate 11: figure 2.]<br />

alpinum, Cardium Gumbel, 1861:396, 407<br />

alpinus, Eucyclus S<strong>to</strong>liczka, 1861, 43:176, plate 2: figure 12<br />

alpinus, Lithodomus Zittel, 1866 [in 1865-1866], 25(2):87, plate 12:<br />

figure 11<br />

alpinus, Mytilus Gumbel, 1861:273, 275<br />

alpinus, Pectunculus Mayer, 1868:99<br />

alpinus, Trochus Gumbel, 1861:420,422<br />

alpinus, Turbo Winkler, 1861, 13:463, plate 5: figure 4 [3]<br />

alpis sordidae, Lima Winkler, 1864:299, plate 6: figure 5<br />

alpis sordidae, Trochus Winkler, 1861, 13:462, plate 5: figure 3 [4]<br />

alpis sordidae, Turritella Winkler, 1861, 13:466, plate 5. figures 9<br />

a,b<br />

alschingeri, Clausilia Kuster, 1853 [in 1844-1862], l(14):130, plate<br />

14: figures 9-12<br />

alsia, Helix Bourguignat, 1864c, 1:173, plate 16: figures 21-23<br />

alsophila. Helix Philippi, 1867a, 14:67<br />

alsophilus, Bulimus Philippi, 1867a, 14:69; Pfeiffer, 1867 [in 1854-<br />

1869], 3:334, plate 80: figures 3, 4<br />

alta, Anatina C.B. Adams, 1852d, 5:518, 547<br />

alta, Delphinula Morris and Lycett, 1854 [in 1853-1854], 1:71, plate<br />

9: figure 31<br />

alta, Dosinia Conrad, 1855h:9; 1856a, 5:320, plate 2: figure 2<br />

alta, Dosinia Conrad, 1856b, 8:315; 1857a, 6:71, plate 3: figures 13<br />

a,b<br />

alta, Emarginula Lycett, <strong>1850</strong>b, 6:416<br />

alta, Fissurella C.B. Adams, 1852d, 5:460, 544<br />

aha, Helix Pease, 1868i, 4:153, plate 12: figure 1<br />

aha, Homomya Ferd. Roemer, 1852:45, plate 6: figure 11<br />

alta, Mactra Deshayes, 1854c:347<br />

aha, Mactra Meek and Hayden, 1856e, 8:271<br />

alta, Myophoria Gabb, 1864a, 1:33, plate 6: figure 33<br />

aha, Natica (Euspira) Lycett, 1863:97, plate 45: figure 22 a<br />

aha, Periploma Conrad, 1862b:572; 1862c:585; 1866a, 2:70, plate 4:<br />

figure 10<br />

alta, Pharella Gabb, 1864b, 1:147, plate 22: figure 118<br />

alta, Tellinomya Hall, 1861b:27; Meek and Wor<strong>the</strong>n, 1868, 3:309,<br />

plate 2: figure 6<br />

alta, Valvata Deshayes, 1862 [in 1856-1865], 2:524, plate 36: figures<br />

3-5<br />

alta, Venus G. Sowerby, 1853 [in 1847-1886]:724, plate 158: figures<br />

131-133; Reeve, 1863 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 14(Venus): plate 23: species<br />

115<br />

altae-ripae, Testacella Grateloup, 1855:16<br />

altecostata, Clausilia Zelebor, in Pfeiffer, 1866f, 13:148<br />

alter, Limopsis Deshayes, 1858 [in 1856-1865], atlas I: plate 72:<br />

figures 13-15; 1860 [in 1856-1865], 1:844<br />

altera. Area Deshayes, 1858 [in 1856-1865], atlas 1: plate 69: figures<br />

14-16; 1860 [in 1856-1865], 1:871<br />

altera, Tellina Deshayes, 1857 [in 1856-1865], 1:338, plate 26:<br />

figures 7-10 [8-11]<br />

altera, Tornatella Deshayes, 1862 [in 1856-1865], 2:599, plate 37:<br />

figures 4-7<br />

alternans, Alaria Terquem and Jourdy, 1869, 9:67, plate 4: figures<br />

9, 10<br />

alternans, Cyclos<strong>to</strong>ma Pfeiffer, 1851e:249; 1854 [in 1843-1854],<br />

1(I9):317, plate 41: figures 30-32; as Cyclophorus, Reeve, 1861<br />

[in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 13(Cyclophorus): plate 16: species 71

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