Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870

Index to the Species of Mollusca Introduced from 1850 to 1870


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126<br />

adolfi, Cyclos<strong>to</strong>ma (Choanopoma) Pfeiffer, 1852n:142; 1854 [in<br />

1843-1854], 1(19):371, plate 48: figures 5-8<br />

adolfi, Helix Pfeiffer, 1854n, 1:264; A. Schmidt, 1855c:3O, figure 41<br />

adolphaei, Cucullaea Deshayes, 1853c, 2:370<br />

adolphi, Barbatia Dunker, 1868 [in 1858-<strong>1870</strong>], 2:107, plate 37:<br />

figures 1-3<br />

adonis, Helix (Geotrochus) Angas, 1869b:624, plate 48: figure 4<br />

adposita, Clausilia *"P. Strobel, 1853, Giorn. Malac, 1:17." [Quoted<br />

<strong>from</strong> Pfeiffer, 1859 [in 1853-1877], 4:756.]<br />

adposita, Patula Mousson, <strong>1870</strong>, 18:119, plate 7: figure 8<br />

adpressa, Tetlina (Tellinides) S<strong>to</strong>liczka, <strong>1870</strong> [in <strong>1870</strong>-1871], 3:128,<br />

plate 4: figure 14<br />

adrastia, Modiolopsis Billings, 1865:45<br />

adroceras, Capulus Ryckholt, 1852 [in 1852-1862], 1:35, plate 1:<br />

figures 3, 4<br />

adrostyle, Natica Ryckholt, 1860 [in 1852-1862], 3: plate 25: figure<br />

10<br />

adspersa, Bivonia quoyi Morch, 1862 [in 1861-1862]:60<br />

adspersa, Nerita (Clithon) Recluz, 1853g, 4:319, plate 7: figure 6<br />

aduaticorum, Mytilus Ryckholt, 1860 [in 1852-1862], 2:87, plate 16:<br />

figures 24, 25<br />

adulterata, Turritella Deshayes, 1861 [in 1856-1865], 2:316, plate<br />

15: figures 1, 2<br />

adulterinum, Chondropoma Pfeiffer, in Hjalmarson and Pfeiffer,<br />

1858,5:141<br />

adumbrata, Neritina Reeve, 1855 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 9(Neritina): plate<br />

12: species 57<br />

adumbratus, Bulimus Pfeiffer, 1854v:291<br />

adunca, Crista E. Romer, 1869 [in 1864-1872], 1:178, plate 51:<br />

figure 2<br />

adunca, Neaera Gould, 1861b, 8:24<br />

adunca, Scrobicularia (Capsa) Gould, 1861b, 8:28<br />

aduncum, Cerithium Gould, 1851g, 3:119; 1852, 12:147, figure 167;<br />

G. Sowerby 1865 [in 1865-<strong>1870</strong>], 15(Cerithium): plate 9: species<br />

57<br />

adusta, Ampullaria Reeve, 1856 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 10(Ampullaria):<br />

plate 3: species 11<br />

adusta, Melania Anthony, 1860:55; Reeve, 1860 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>],<br />

12(Melania): plate 46: species 338<br />

advena, Serpula Salter, 1863, 19:496, figure 6<br />

adversa. Auricula Deshayes, 1863 [in 1856-1865], 2:773, plate 48:<br />

figures 10, 11<br />

adversa, Chama Schafhautl, 1863:161, plate 36: figure 13<br />

adversarium, Busycon Conrad, 1862b:560; I862c:584<br />

adversidentata. Area Deshayes, 1858 [in 1856-1865], atlas I: plate<br />

68: figures 7-9; 1860 (in 1856-1865], 1:907<br />

adversus, Paxillus H. Adams and A. Adams, 1851, 7:63<br />

ae (see also oe)<br />

aedilis, Nucula '"Eichwald, 1857, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. p. 133"<br />

[Quoted <strong>from</strong> Eichwald, I860 [in 1853-1868], 1:991, plate 38:<br />

figure 10.]<br />

aeduensis. Phasianella Dumortier, 1867 [in 1864-1869], 2:41, plate<br />

16: figures 5-7<br />

aegrota, Venus Reeve, 1863 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 14(Venus): plate 17:<br />

species 74<br />

aegrotus. Helix Reeve. 1851 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>]. 7(Helix): plate 22:<br />

species 95; Pfeiffer, 1853 (in 1853-1854], 1(I2,):437, plate 152:<br />

figure 3<br />


aegypthiaca, Lucina Bellardi, 1854:23, plate 2: figure 8<br />

aegyptiaca, Melania Benson, in Reeve, 1860 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>],<br />

12(Melania): plate 34: species 227<br />

aegyptiacus, Fusus Bellardi, 1854:14, plate 2: figure 2<br />

aemula, Helix Rossmassler, in Pfeiffer, 1853 [in 1853-1877], 3:235;<br />

Pfeiffer, 1853 [in 185O-1853a], 1(122):267, plate 121: figures 4-6;<br />

Reeve, 1854 [in 1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 7(Helix): plate 178: species 1220; A.<br />

Schmidt, 1855c:37, figure 65<br />

aemula, Scalaria Deshayes, 1861 [in 1856-1865], 2:348, plate 14:<br />

figures 7-9<br />

aemulans, Polydonta (Infundibulum) A. Adams, 1854f:132<br />

aenea, Donax Morch, in Deshayes, 1854c:350; Reeve, 1854 [in<br />

1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 8(Donax): plate 8: species 52<br />

aenea, Simpulopsis Pfeiffer, 1861k:27; 1861e, 8:84; Reeve, 1862 [in<br />

1851-<strong>1870</strong>], 13(Simpulopsis): plate 1: species 7<br />

aenigmatica, Io Bayan, <strong>1870</strong>, 27:459, 476<br />

aequa, Melania Lea, 186lg: 122; as Goniobasis, Lea, 1863e, 5:240,<br />

plate 34: figure 41<br />

aequaeva, Cancellaria Ryckholt, 1861 [in 1852-1862], 3: plate 32:<br />

figures 32-33<br />

aequale, Cardium Deshayes, 1854c:332<br />

aequale, Dentalium Deshayes, 1861 [in 1856-1865], 2:204, plate 20:<br />

figures 5-7<br />

aequalis, Aceteonina Terquem and Jourdy, 1869, 9:49, plate 2:<br />

figures 6, 7<br />

aequalis, Arcomya Terquem and Jourdy, 1869, 9:77, plate 6: figures<br />

9, 10<br />

aequalis, Avicula C. Moore, <strong>1870</strong>, 26:247, plate 11: figure 4<br />

aequalis, Defrancia linearis Jeffreys, 1867 [in 1862-1869], 4:369<br />

aequalis, Fusus Michelotti, 1861, 15:115, plate 12: figure 10<br />

aequalis, Gresslya Terquem and Jourdy, 1869, 9:86, plate 8: figures<br />

1,2<br />

aequalis, Lucinopsis undata Jeffreys, 1863 [in 1862-1869], 2:364<br />

aequalis, Oliva Fuchs, <strong>1870</strong>a, 30(2): 185, plate 8: figures 27, 28<br />

aequalis, Panopaea Schafhautl, 1863:174, plate 44: figure 2<br />

aequalis, Pecten Quenstedt, 1856 [in 1856-1858]:78, plate 9: figure<br />

13<br />

aequalis, Potamomya C.B. Adams, 1852d, 5:519, 547<br />

aequalis, Tellina Deshayes, 1854c:358<br />

aequalis, Trochus Buvignier, 1852, atlas page 38: plate 25: figures<br />

33,34<br />

aequata, Voluta Gueranger, 1853:32<br />

aequatiformis, Pecten Schauroth, 1865:145, plate 4: figure 8<br />

aequa<strong>to</strong>ria. Helix Pfeiffer, 1860b: 133, plate 50: figure 6; 1861c, 7:<br />

236<br />

aequa<strong>to</strong>riana, Helix Hidalgo, 1867d, 15:307, plate 8: figure 2<br />

aequa<strong>to</strong>rius, Bulimus Pfeiffer, 1852r:155; 1854 [in 1840-1865],<br />

l(13,):101, plate 33: figures 1-4<br />

aequatum, Cerithium Deshayes, 1864 [in 1856-1865], 3:153, plate<br />

77: figures 8-10<br />

aequatus, Pecten Quenstedt, 1858 [in 1856-1858]:755, plate 92:<br />

figure 12<br />

aequatus, Unio Lea, 1857g:170; 1858h, 4:89, plate 19: figure 69<br />

aequatus, Zonites Mousson, 1854, 3(101):362<br />

aequecostatus, Fusus Favre, 1869a:83, plate 10: figure 7<br />

aequiaxis, Natica Coquand, 1862, 2:179, plate 3: figure 6<br />

aequicostata, Astarte Terquem and Jourdy, 1869, 9: plate 9: figures<br />

8-9 [variation in spelling <strong>of</strong> inaequicostata]

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