Voices of Andean Birds TRACK LISTING

Voices of Andean Birds TRACK LISTING

Voices of Andean Birds TRACK LISTING


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<strong>Voices</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Andean</strong> <strong>Birds</strong><br />

Volume 1: <strong>Birds</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Hill Forest <strong>of</strong> Southern Peru and Bolivia<br />

by Thomas S. Schulenberg<br />

1-CD<br />

<strong>TRACK</strong> <strong>LISTING</strong><br />

ISBN: 0-938027-50-6<br />

Lab <strong>of</strong> Ornithology PLU #: 91950<br />

Disk Track Common Name Scientific Name Location<br />

1 1 Black Tinamou Tinamus osgoodi Peru<br />

1 2 Brown Tinamou Crypturellus obsoletus Bolivia; Peru<br />

1 3 Wattled Guan Aburria aburri Peru<br />

1 4 Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail Odontophorus speciosus Bolivia<br />

1 5 White-throated Quail-Dove Geotrygon frenata Peru<br />

1 6 Scaly-naped Parrot Amazona mercenaria Peru<br />

1 7 Vermiculated Screech-Owl Otus guatemalae Peru<br />

1 8 Rufescent Screech-Owl Otus ingens Bolivia; Peru<br />

1 9 Band-bellied Owl Pulsatrix melanota Bolivia<br />

1 10 Subtropical Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium parkeri Ecuador<br />

1 11 Crested Quetzal Pharomachrus antisianus Peru<br />

1 12 Golden-headed Quetzal Pharomachrus auriceps Peru<br />

1 13 Masked Trogon Trogon personatus Bolivia<br />

1 14 Black-streaked Puffbird Malacoptila fulvogularis Ecuador<br />

1 15 Lanceolated Monklet Micromonacha lanceolata Ecuador<br />

1 16 Versicolored Barbet Eubucco versicolor Bolivia<br />

1 17 Chestnut-tipped Toucanet Aulacorhynchus derbianus Bolivia<br />

1 18 Emerald Toucanet Aulacorhynchus prasinus Bolivia<br />

1 19 Golden-olive Woodpecker Piculus rubiginosus Bolivia; Peru<br />

1 20 Cabanis' Spinetail Synallaxis cabanisi Peru<br />

1 21 Ash-browed Spinetail Cranioleuca curtata Ecuador; Peru<br />

1 22 Spotted Barbtail Premnoplex brunnescens Peru<br />

1 23 Bolivian Recurvebill Simoxenops striatus Bolivia<br />

1 24 Montane Foliage-gleaner Anabacerthia striaticollis Bolivia<br />

1 25 Rufous-rumped Foliage-gleaner Philydor erythrocercus ochrogaster Bolivia<br />

1 26 Black-billed Treehunter Thripadectes melanorhynchus Ecuador<br />

1 27 Streaked Xenops Xenops rutilans Peru<br />

1 28 Gray-throated Leaftosser Sclerurus albigularis Peru<br />

1 29 Tawny-throated Leaftosser Sclerurus mexicanus Bolivia

1 30 Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper Lochmias nematura Ecuador<br />

1 31 Upland Antshrike Thamnophilus aroyae Bolivia<br />

1 32 Chestnut-backed Antshrike Thamnophilus palliatus Peru<br />

1 33 Russet Antshrike Thamnistes anabatinus Peru<br />

1 34 Plain Antvireo Dysithamnus mentalis Bolivia<br />

1 35 Stripe-chested Antwren Myrmotherula longicauda Peru<br />

1 36 Foothill Antwren Myrmotherula spodionota Peru<br />

1 37 Rufous-tailed Antwren Myrmotherula erythrura Peru<br />

1 38 Ashy Antwren Myrmotherula grisea Bolivia<br />

1 39 Yellow-breasted Antwren Herpsilochmus axillaris Ecuador<br />

1 40 Rufous-winged Antwren Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus Bolivia<br />

1 41 Yellow-rumped Antwren Terenura sharpei Bolivia<br />

1 42 Black Antbird Cercomacra serva Bolivia<br />

1 43 White-backed Fire-eye Pyriglena leuconota Bolivia<br />

1 44 Spot-winged Antbird Percnostola leucostigma Peru<br />

1 45 Short-tailed Antthrush Chamaeza campanisona Bolivia<br />

1 46 Scaled Antpitta Grallaria guatimalensis Peru<br />

1 47 Ochre-breasted Antpitta Grallaricula flavirostris Peru<br />

1 48 Slaty Gnateater Conopophaga ardesiaca Bolivia<br />

1 49 Chestnut-crowned Gnateater Conopophaga castaneiceps Peru; Ecuador<br />

1 50 Southern White-crowned Tapaculo Scytalopus bolivianus Bolivia<br />

1 51 Rough-legged Tyrannulet Phyllomyias burmeisteri Bolivia<br />

1 52 Red-billed Tyrannulet Zimmerius cinereicapillus Bolivia; Peru<br />

1 53 Olive-striped Flycatcher Mionectes olivaceus Ecuador<br />

1 54 Slaty-capped Flycatcher Leptopogon superciliaris Bolivia<br />

1 55 Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant Phylloscartes ophthalmicus Bolivia<br />

1 56 Spectacled Bristle-Tyrant Phylloscartes orbitalis Ecuador<br />

1 57 Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet Phylloscartes parkeri Peru<br />

1 58 White-bellied Pygmy-Tyrant Myiornis albiventris Bolivia<br />

1 59 Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant Lophotriccus pileatus Peru<br />

1 60 Buff-throated Tody-Tyrant Hemitriccus rufigularis Peru<br />

1 61 Yungas Tody-Tyrant Hemitriccus spodiops Bolivia<br />

1 62 Ornate Flycatcher Myiotriccus ornatus Peru<br />

1 63 Cinnamon Flycatcher Pyrrhomyias cinnamomea Peru<br />

1 64 Pale-edged Flycatcher Myiarchus cephalotes Colombia; Peru<br />

1 65 Dusky-capped Flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer Argentina; Peru<br />

1 66 Lemon-browed Flycatcher Conopias cinchoneti Peru

1 67 Golden-crowned Flycatcher Myiodynastes chrysocephalus Bolivia<br />

1 68 Yungas Manakin Chiroxiphia boliviana Bolivia<br />

1 69 Cerulean-capped Manakin Pipra coeruleocapilla Peru<br />

1 70 Shrike-like Cotinga (Elegant Mourner) Laniosoma elegans Peru<br />

1 71 Scaled Fruiteater Ampelioides tschudii Peru<br />

1 72 Gray-tailed Piha Lipaugus subalaris Peru<br />

1 73 <strong>Andean</strong> Cock-<strong>of</strong>-the-Rock Rupicola peruviana Peru<br />

1 74 Sharpbill Oxyruncus cristatus Peru<br />

1 75 Gray-mantled Wren Odontorchilus branickii Peru<br />

1 76 Gray-breasted Wood-Wren Henicorhina leucophrys Peru<br />

1 77 Chestnut-breasted Wren Cyphorhinus thoracicus Peru<br />

1 78 Spotted Nightingale-Thrush Catharus dryas Peru<br />

1 79 Pale-eyed Thrush Platycichla leucops Peru<br />

1 80 Half-collared Gnatwren Microbates cinereiventris Ecuador; Peru<br />

1 81 Olive Finch Lysurus castaneiceps Ecuador<br />

1 82 Carmiol's Tanager Chlorothraupis carmioli Peru<br />

1 83 Black-goggled Tanager Trichothraupis melanops Brazil<br />

1 84 White-winged Tanager Piranga leucoptera Bolivia<br />

1 85 Bronze-green Euphonia Euphonia mesochrysa Bolivia; Ecuador<br />

1 86 Orange-bellied Euphonia Euphonia xanthogaster Peru<br />

1 87 Blue-naped Chlorophonia Chlorophonia cyanea Peru<br />

1 88 Bluish Flower-piercer Diglossa caerulescens Peru<br />

1 89 Deep-blue Flower-piercer Diglossa glauca Bolivia<br />

1 90 Tropical Parula Parula pitiayumi Bolivia<br />

1 91 Slate-throated Redstart Myioborus miniatus Peru; Ecuador<br />

1 92 Two-banded Warbler Basileuterus bivittatus Bolivia<br />

1 93 Golden-bellied Warbler Basileuterus chrysogaster Peru<br />

1 94 Russet-crowned Warbler Basileuterus coronatus Peru<br />

1 95 Three-striped Warbler Basileuterus tristriatus Peru<br />

1 96 Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo Vireolanius leucotis Peru<br />

1 97 Brown-capped Vireo Vireo leucophrys Bolivia<br />

1 98 Tawny-crowned Greenlet Hylophilus ochraceiceps Peru<br />

1 99 Dusky-green Oropendola Psarocolius atrovirens Bolivia

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