The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...

The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...

The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...


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Table 16. (cont.) <strong>Arthropods</strong> associated <strong>with</strong> small fruits<br />

blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)(1), cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon A.)(2), raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)(3), strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa D.)(4), gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa<br />

L.)(5), kiwi fruit (Actinidia chinensis P.)(6), fig (Ficus carica L.)(7), blackberry (Rubus sp.)(8), sweet cucumber (Solanum muricatum A.)(9), Indian prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.)<br />

M.)(10), currant (Ribes sp.)(11)<br />

Cuadro 16. (cont.) Artrópodos asociados a frutales menores y otros<br />

arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)(1), arándana o cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon A.)(2), frambueso (Rubus idaeus L.)(3), frutilla (Fragaria x ananassa D.)(4), grosellero (Ribes uvacrispa<br />

L.) (5), kiwi (Actinidia chinensis P.)(6), higuera (Ficus carica L.)(7), mora (Rubus sp.)(8), pepino dulce (Solanum muricatum A.)(9), tuna (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) M.)(10), zarzaparrilla<br />

(Ribes sp.)(11)<br />

Common name Nombre común Host/ Hospederos<br />

Arthropod/Artrópodo Order/Family<br />

Orden/Familia<br />

Dalaca chiliensis (Viette) Lep., Hepialidae grass brownworm cuncunilla parda de los pastos 2<br />

Dalaca pallens (Blanchard) Lep., Hepialidae grass blackworm cuncunilla negra del trébol 2<br />

Dexicrates robustus (Blanchard) Col., Bostrichidae tree wood borer taladrador gr<strong>and</strong>e de frutales 6<br />

Diaspidiotus ancylus (Putnam) Hem., Diaspididae Putnam scale escama blanca del acacio 11<br />

Eriophyes ficus Cotte Acari., Eriophyidae fig mite eriófido de la higuera 7<br />

Frankliniella australis Morgan Thys., Thripidae black flower thrips trips negro de las flores 3 6<br />

Frankliniella occidentalis (Perg<strong>and</strong>e) Thys., Thripidae western flower thrips trips de california 6<br />

Graphidothrips stuardoi Moulton Thys., Thripidae fig thrips trips de la higuera 7<br />

Graphognathus leucoloma (Boheman) Col., Curculionidae white fringed weevil gusano blanco del frejol 1 4<br />

Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) Lep., Noctuidae corn earworm gusano del choclo 1 4<br />

Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché) Thys., Thripidae greenhouse thrips trips del palto 6 8<br />

Hemiberlesia lataniae (Signoret) Hem., Diaspididae latania scale escama del látano 6<br />

Hemiberlesia rapax (Comstock) Hem., Diaspididae greedy scale escama voraz 1 6<br />

Illinoia lambersi (MacGillivray) Hem., Aphididae azalea aphid pulgón de la azalea 1<br />

Leiopus asperipennis Fairmaire & Germain Col., Cerambycidae fig borer taladrillo de la higuera 7<br />

Leptoglossus chilensis Spinola Hem., Coreidae brown Chilean leaf-footed bug chinche parda de los frutales 1 3<br />

Ligyrus villosus (Burmeister) Col., Scarabaeidae large brown beetle pololo gr<strong>and</strong>e café 1<br />

Listroderes costirostris obliquus Klug Col., Curculionidae vegetable weevil gusano de la papa 4<br />

Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) Hem., Aphididae potato aphid pulgón de la papa 6 9<br />

Margarodes vitis (Philippi) Hem., Margarodidae grape pearl margarodes de la vid 6<br />

Medonia deromecoides Schwarz Col., Elateridae sugar beet click beetle saltaperico de la betarraga 1<br />

Micrapate scabrata (Erichson) Col., Bostrichidae vine borer taladro de la vid 6<br />

Mytilaspis conchiformis (Gmelin) Hem., Diaspididae fig scale escama de la higuera 7<br />

Myzus persicae (Sulzer) Hem., Aphididae green peach aphid pulgón verde del duraznero 6<br />

<strong>Arthropods</strong> associated <strong>with</strong> agriculture <strong>and</strong> forestry in Chile 87

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