The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...

The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...

The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...


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Table 1. (cont.) <strong>Arthropods</strong> associated <strong>with</strong> agriculture <strong>and</strong> forestry<br />

Cuadro 1. (cont.) Artrópodos asociados a la agricultura y silvicultura<br />

Arthropod/Artrópodo Order/Family Common name Nombre común Table/Cuadro<br />

Orden/Familia<br />

Scutobruchus ceratioborus (Philippi) Col., Bruchidae algarrobilla bruchid bruco de la algarrobilla 27 55 59<br />

Scutobruchus gastoi Kingsolver Col., Bruchidae tamarugo bruchid bruco del tamarugo 27 55 59<br />

Seciotus luteipennis Guérin-Méneville Col., Elateridae click beetle saltaperico 24 52 59<br />

Sericoides germaini Dalla Torre Col., Scarabaeidae brown wheat beetle pololo café de los cereles 2 24 29 30 52 57 59<br />

Sericoides sp. Col., Scarabaeidae 17 45 59<br />

Sibylla livida Germain Col., Cerambycidae 24 52 59<br />

Sigelgaita chilensis Heinrich Lep., Pyralidae opuntia fruit moth polilla de la tuna 3 16 31 44 59<br />

Sinophloeus antipodus (Eggers) Col., Scolytidae 26 54 59<br />

Sinophloeus porteri Bretto Col., Scolytidae 26 54 59<br />

Siphoninus phillyreae (Haliday) Hem., Aleyrodidae ash white fly mosquita blanca del fresno 14 18 27 42 46 55 59<br />

Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) Hem., Aphididae English grain aphid pulgón de la avena 2 3 11 30 31 39 59 60<br />

Sitobion festucae Walker Hem., Aphididae pulgón de la festuca 2 30 59<br />

Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal Col., Curculionidae sitona weevil gorgojo sitona 11 39 59<br />

Sitophilus granarius (Linnaeus) Col., Curculionidae granary weevil gorgojo del trigo 10 23 38 51 59<br />

Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus) Col., Curculionidae rice weevil gorgojo del arroz 23 51 59<br />

Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky Col., Curculionidae maize weevil gorgojo del maíz 23 51 58 59<br />

Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) Lep., Gelechiidae angoumois grain moth polilla de los cereales 23 51 58 59<br />

Sminthurus viridis (Linnaeus) Coll., Sminthuridae lucerne flea colémbolo de la alfalfa 2 3 11 12 30 31 39 40 59<br />

Smynthurodes betae Westwood Hem., Aphididae bean root aphid pulgón de las raíces 3 5 8 10 20 31 33 36 38 48<br />

59<br />

<strong>Arthropods</strong> associated <strong>with</strong> agriculture <strong>and</strong> forestry in Chile 47<br />

Solenopsis gayi (Spinola) Hym., Formicidae hormiga roja 19 47 59<br />

Sphaericus gibbioides (Boieldieu) Col., Ptinidae spider beetle escarabajo araña 23 51 59<br />

Spodoptera eridania (Cramer) Lep., Noctuidae southern armyworm cuncunilla amarillenta de la 4 5 7 9 10 11 20 32 33 35<br />

alfalfa<br />

37 38 39 48 59<br />

Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) Lep., Noctuidae fall armyworm cuncunilla cogollera del maíz 4 6 7 9 10 11 32 34 35 37<br />

38 39 59<br />

Spodoptera ochrea (Hampson) Lep., Noctuidae alfalfa armyworm cuncunilla gris de la alfalfa 11 39 59<br />

Spoladea recurvalis (Fabricius) Lep., Pyralidae Peruvian quinoa moth polilla peruana de la quinoa 3 4 5 7 9 12 31 32 33 35

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