The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...

The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...

The Distribution and Importance of Arthropods Associated with ...


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Table 1. (cont.) <strong>Arthropods</strong> associated <strong>with</strong> agriculture <strong>and</strong> forestry<br />

Cuadro 1. (cont.) Artrópodos asociados a la agricultura y silvicultura<br />

Common name Nombre común Table/Cuadro<br />

Arthropod/Artrópodo Order/Family<br />

Orden/Familia<br />

Frankliniella australis Morgan Thys., Thripidae black flower thrips trips negro de las flores 4 6 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20<br />

25 27 32 34 39 41 42 43 44 46<br />

47 48 53 55 59<br />

Frankliniella gemina Bagnall Thys., Thripidae tamarugo thrips trips del tamarugo 18 19 27 46 47 55 59<br />

Frankliniella occidentalis (Perg<strong>and</strong>e) Thys., Thripidae western flower thrips trips de California 4 5 7 11 13 14 15 16 19 21<br />

32 33 35 39 41 42 43 44 47 49<br />

59 60<br />

Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus) Lep., Pyralidae wax moth polilla gr<strong>and</strong>e de la cera 23 51 59<br />

Geniocremnus chilensis (Boheman) Col., Curculionidae tuberous pine weevil capacho defoliador del pino 13 29 41 57 59<br />

Gliptoscelis pulvinosa (Blanchard) Col., Chrysomelidae Chilean vine leaf beetle crisomélido de la vid 27 55 59<br />

Glycyphagus domesticus (DeGeer) Acari., Glycyphagidae house itch mite ácaro del polvo 23 51 59<br />

Glycyphagus ornatus Kramer Acari., Glycyphagidae 23 51 59<br />

Gnathotrupes fimbriatus Wood Col., Scolytidae 24 52 59<br />

Gnathotrupes longipennis Blanchard Col., Scolytidae 24 52 59<br />

Gnatocerus cornutus (Fabricius) Col., Tenebrionidae broadhorned flour beetle gorgojo cornudo de la harina 23 51 59<br />

Gohieria fusca (Oudemans) Acari., Glycyphagidae brown flour mite 23 51 59<br />

Gonipterus scutellatus (Gyllenhal) Col., Curculionidae eucalyptus beetle defoliador del eucalipto 28 56 59<br />

Gonodontis antucaria Felder & Rogenh<strong>of</strong>er Lep., Geometridae southern beech hornworm oruga cornuda del roble 24 52 59<br />

Gonzalezinus squamosus Carvalho Hem., Miridae fruit tree chinch bug chinche de frutales 14 42 59<br />

Grammicosum flav<strong>of</strong>asciatum Blanchard Col., Cerambycidae limb borer perforador de ramillas 24 52 59<br />

Grammophorus niger (Solier) Col., Elateridae black click beetle saltaperico negro, hachero 24 29 52 57 59<br />

Graphidothrips stuardoi Moulton Thys., Thripidae fig thrips trips de la higuera 16 44 58 59<br />

Graphognathus leucoloma (Boheman) Col., Curculionidae white fringed weevil gusano blanco del frejol 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 16 19 30<br />

31 36 37 38 39 40 44 47 58 59<br />

60<br />

Hadrobregmus incisicolis Pic Col., Anobiidae 24 52 59<br />

Haplothrips niger (Osborn) Thys., Phlaeothripidae red clover thrips trips de la alfalfa 7 11 35 39<br />

34 Arthrópodos associados a la agricultura y silvicultura en Chile<br />

Helicoverpa atacamae (Hardwick) Lep., Noctuidae Chilean corn earworm cuncunilla chilena de la mazorca 9 37 59

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