rare plants - Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

rare plants - Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

rare plants - Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation


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New additions to the watch list<br />

Scientific Name Old Rank New Rank<br />

Chrysogonum virginianum L. var. brevistolon Nesom N/A S3<br />

Clematis albicoma Wherry N/A S3<br />

Hypoxis curtissii Rose in Small N/A S3<br />

Solidago faucibus Wieboldt N/A S3<br />

Symphyotrichum urophyllum (Lindl.) G.L. Nesom N/A S3<br />

Viola macloskeyi F. Lloyd var. pallens (Banks ex A.P. de C<strong>and</strong>olle) C.L. Hitchcock N/A S3<br />

Rank changes on the <strong>rare</strong> non-vascular plant list<br />

Old Scientific Name New Scientific Name Old Rank New Rank<br />

Hydrothyria venosa J.L. Russell Peltigera hydrothyria<br />

Miadikowska & Lutzoni<br />

G3G5 G4<br />


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