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<strong>DENBIGHSHIRE</strong> (<strong>VC50</strong>) <strong>COUNTY</strong> <strong>RARE</strong> <strong>PLANTS</strong> <strong>REGISTER</strong><br />

First draft – published electronically only<br />

May 2012<br />


Y Drafft Cyntaf – cyhoeddu mewn fersiwn electronig yn unig<br />

Mai 2012<br />


Introduction – English<br />

Rhagarweiniad – Cymraeg<br />

Summary list of species under primary categories included (Pages 1-12)<br />

County Rare Plant Register (Pages 1-143)<br />

List of recorders’ names with initials used in main register<br />

Checklists of county scarce taxa (for use in field): (Pages I-VI)<br />

• English<br />

• Scientific<br />

• Scientific/ English<br />

• Gwyddonol/ Cymraeg<br />

Recording form/ Ffurflen cofnodio (Page/ tudalen VII)

Denbighshire vc50 Rare Plant Register<br />

First Draft<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

My sincere thanks go to Dr. Polly Spencer-Vellacott, Welsh Officer BSBI, for all her help and<br />

encouragement, especially with aspects of the IT and for formatting the spreadsheet.<br />

Introduction<br />

This is very much the first draft of a Rare Plant Register for Denbighshire vc50. It is by no means<br />

complete, but the intention is to provide something for those who are interested, in an easily<br />

accessible electronic format, before the season of 2012 gets under way. It follows on from my<br />

predecessor Jean A. Green’s book ‘The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Denbighshire’ (2006,<br />

Countryside Council for Wales). This is a plant list and was the first to be published for Denbighshire<br />

vc50. At the time of writing there has been no flora published for Denbighshire.<br />

This first version of a Rare Plant Register shows records taken from 2000 to 2011, sourced by my<br />

own MapMate and by the BSBI’s distribution database. It includes native plants and some<br />

archaeophytes which have international or national rarity status, irrespective of their rarity in<br />

Denbighshire, as well as plants that are locally rare or scarce. Tables for hybrids and Hieracium are<br />

included.<br />

It shows the year of the last record from each monad, or tetrad or even hectad for a taxon. It<br />

includes rarities i.e. up to and including three records as well as scarcities i.e. up to and including 15<br />

records. It may well be that some of the apparently scarce plants are not actually so, but are underrecorded,<br />

especially at a high enough level of resolution. It is thought necessary to include these<br />

scarcities in this first draft in order to encourage and focus the attention of recorders. For any of the<br />

species included I would very much welcome new records including six-figure grid references and<br />

comments on the abundance/ habitat.<br />

A full taxon list includes rarity statuses. At the time of writing, nomenclature is based on MapMate<br />

and is not fully compatible with Stace ed. 3.<br />

A taxon list of the scarce plants for field use is available with scientific or common names, along with<br />

a recording form, as an appendix to this draft. Print off the pdf. form of your choice to take into the<br />

field; to send in records electronically use the Word document by clicking onto the grey boxes and<br />

use the tab key to move from one grey box to the next.<br />

The next version will include a fuller introduction, further comments on the records, summary tables<br />

and taxa not recorded since 1999.<br />

If there are any comments or errors, do please let me know.<br />

Delyth Williams<br />

BSBI Recorder vc50 DenbighshireMay 2012

Cofrestr Planhigion Prin Sir Ddinbych vc50<br />

Y Drafft Cyntaf<br />

Cydnabyddiaeth<br />

Yr ydwyf yn wir ddiolchgar i Dr Polly Spencer‐Vellacot, Swyddog Cymreig y BSBI am ei chymorth a’i<br />

hanogaeth yn enwedig gyda rhannau o’r dechnoleg gwybodaeth ac am fformatio’r daenlen.<br />

Rhagarweiniad<br />

Hon yw’r drafft cyntaf un o’r Gofrestr Planhigion Prin yn Sir Ddinbych vc50. Nid yw eto yn gyflawn<br />

ond y bwriad yw darparu rhywbeth ar gyfer y rhai sydd ganddynt ddiddordeb, mewn ffurf electroneg<br />

sy’n hawdd i’w ddefnyddio erbyn cychwyn y tymor 2012. Dilynir y gofrestr y gwaith a wnaeth fy<br />

rhagflaenydd Jean A. Green yn ei llyfr ‘ The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Denbighshire’ (2006<br />

Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru).Rhestr o blanhigion yw hon ac y cyntaf i’w chyhoeddi ar gyfer Sir Dinbych<br />

vc50. Ar hyn o bryd ni chyhoeddwyd flora ar gyfer Sir Ddinbych.<br />

Dengys yr adroddiad cyntaf o’r Gofrestr Planhigion Prin o gofnodion 2000 hyd 2011. Eu tarddiad yw’r<br />

‘MapMate’ fy hun a chronfa ddata dosraniadol y BSBI. Cynhwysir planhigion brodorol a rhai<br />

‘archaeophyta’ sydd ganddynt statws prinder gwladol neu ryngwladol ar wahan eu prinder yn Sir<br />

Ddinbych. Cynhwysir hefyd planhigion sydd yn lleol brin neu yn lleol anghyffredin. Mae cymysgryw<br />

a’r genus Hieracium i mewn hefyd.<br />

Dangosir blwyddyn y cofnod diweddaraf oddi wrth bob monad, neu tetrad, neu hydnod hectad am<br />

bob taxon. Cynhwysir y prinoedd h.y. i fyny at ac yn cynwys tri o gofnodion a hefyd y rhai<br />

anghyffredin h.y. i fyny at ac yn cynwys 15 o gofnodion. Mae’n ddigon posib nad yw rhai o’r<br />

planhigion anghyffredin mewn effaith yn wir anghyffredin, dim ond diffyg cofnodion, yn arbenig at<br />

safon manylder digon uwch. Penderfynir ei fod yn bwysig i gynwys yr anghyffredinoedd yma yn y<br />

drafft cyntaf hon er mwyn anogi a ffocysu pwyslais cofnodyddion. Am unrhyw un o’r rhywogaethau<br />

amgaeedig, wir croesawir cofnodion newydd, yn cynwys atgyfeiriad y grid am 6 rhif gyda nodiadau<br />

ar niferoedd/cynefin.<br />

Mae rhestr lawn o’r taxa yn cynwys statws prinder. Ar hyn o bryd, seilir y dull enwi ar MapMate sydd<br />

ddim yn gyflawn gyda ‘Stace, ol. 3’<br />

Caiff rhestr taxon o’r planhigion anghyffredin ar gyfer gwaith maes, gydag enwau gwyddonol neu<br />

gyffredin. Hefyd mae taflen cofnodi, fel atodiad i’r gofrestr drafft. Argraffwch y ffurflen pdf o’ch<br />

dewis i’w cymryd i’r maes; er mwyn anfon cofnodion yn electronig, defnyddiwch y doc Gair gan glicio<br />

ar y blychau llwyd a ddefnyddiwch y botwm tab er mwyn symud o un bocs llwyd i’r llall. O.N. GALL<br />


Bydd y fersiwn nesaf yn cynwys rhagarweiniad estynedig, mwy o wybodaeth ar y cofnodion, tafleni<br />

crynhoi a taxa heb eu cofnodi ers 1999.<br />

Os oes unrhyw sylwadau neu gamgymeriadau, gadewch i mi wybod, os gwelwch yn dda<br />

Delyth Williams<br />

Cofnodwraig y BSBI vc50 Sir Ddinbych Mai 2012

Summary tables (2000-2011 records) by category<br />

(first reason for inclusion)<br />

GB Endangered<br />

GB Endangered<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Anthemis arvensis<br />

Endangered<br />

Mentha pulegium Critically Endangered<br />

S42<br />

Monotropa hypopitys S42<br />

Silene gallica<br />

GB Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

S42<br />

LR 1<br />

NS 1<br />

LS 6<br />

NS 3<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Carex x gaudiniana<br />

Chenopodium bonus-henricus<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Clinopodium acinos Vulnerable<br />

S42<br />

Coeloglossum viride S42<br />

Galeopsis speciosa Vulnerable<br />

S42<br />

Gentianella campestris Endangered<br />

S42<br />

Hieracium cambricum<br />

Myosurus minimus<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Endangered<br />

Oenanthe fistulosa S42<br />

Ophrys insectifera Vulnerable<br />

S42<br />

Platanthera bifolia S42<br />

Spergula arvensis<br />

Vicia bithynica<br />

GB Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Endangered<br />

NR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LS 8<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

NR 4<br />

LR 2<br />

LS 4<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LS 10<br />

NS 1<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Asplenium trichomanes subsp. pachyrachis Endangered<br />

S42<br />

Cardamine impatiens<br />

Carex muricata subsp. muricata<br />

Cerastium pumilum<br />

Cynoglossum officinale<br />

Dianthus deltoides<br />

Euphorbia exigua<br />

Filago vulgaris<br />

Genista anglica<br />

Hypericum montanum<br />

Hypochaeris maculata<br />

Minuartia verna<br />

Neottia nidus-avis<br />

Orobanche rapum-genistae<br />

Platanthera chlorantha<br />

Rosa agrestis<br />

Senecio cambrensis<br />

Silene nutans<br />

Sorbus anglica<br />

Spiranthes spiralis<br />

Teesdalia nudicaulis<br />

Critically Endangered<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Endangered<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Critically Endangered<br />

Critically Endangered<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Vicia orobus S42<br />

Viola tricolor<br />

Wahlenbergia hederacea<br />

Vulnerable<br />

NR 1<br />

NS 1<br />

NR 1<br />

NS 2<br />

LS 4<br />

NS 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LS 8<br />

NR 1<br />

NS 3<br />

LR 2<br />

NS 2<br />

LR 3<br />

NS 3<br />

NR 9<br />

NS 1<br />

NR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LS 4<br />

NS 3<br />

LS 6<br />

LR 3<br />

22 May 2012 Page 1 of 12

Wales Critically Endangered<br />

Wales Critically Endangered<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Dryopteris submontana<br />

Potamogeton alpinus<br />

Wales Endangered<br />

Critically Endangered<br />

Critically Endangered<br />

NS 1<br />

LR 2<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Astragalus glycyphyllos<br />

Carex elongata<br />

Cirsium heterophyllum<br />

Endangered<br />

Endangered<br />

Endangered<br />

Euphrasia ostenfeldii Endangered<br />

S42<br />

Gagea lutea<br />

Lithospermum purpureocaeruleum<br />

Wales Vulnerable<br />

Endangered<br />

Endangered<br />

LR 3<br />

NS 1<br />

LR 1<br />

NS 1<br />

LR 1<br />

NR 2<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Epipactis dunensis<br />

Euphrasia confusa<br />

Gymnocarpium robertianum<br />

Lepidium campestre<br />

Mentha arvensis<br />

Rumex crispus subsp. uliginosus<br />

Scabiosa columbaria<br />

Sinapis arvensis<br />

Sorbus rupicola<br />

Wales Near Threatened<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Vulnerable<br />

NR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

NS 7<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

NS 1<br />

LS 8<br />

16<br />

NS 5<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Carex pseudocyperus<br />

Hippuris vulgaris<br />

Hottonia palustris<br />

Jasione montana<br />

Malva neglecta<br />

Marrubium vulgare<br />

Rubus chamaemorus<br />

Silene vulgaris<br />

Verbascum nigrum<br />

Section 42<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

Near Threatened<br />

LS 12<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

16<br />

LR 3<br />

NS 2<br />

LS 4<br />

17<br />

LR 1<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Juniperus communis S42<br />

Luronium natans S42<br />

Lycopodium clavatum S42<br />

Trollius europaeus S42<br />

GB Rare<br />

LR 2<br />

NS 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Buxus sempervirens<br />

Erica vagans<br />

Rumex acetosa subsp. hibernicus<br />

Stachys alpina<br />

Trichophorum cespitosum subsp. cespitosum<br />

GB Scarce<br />

NR 6<br />

NR 1<br />

NR 1<br />

NR 2<br />

NR 2<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Brassica oleracea<br />

NS 2<br />

22 May 2012 Page 2 of 12

GB Scarce<br />

Bromus hordeaceus subsp. thominei<br />

Carex magellanica<br />

Cicuta virosa<br />

Daucus carota subsp. gummifer<br />

Draba muralis<br />

Equisetum variegatum<br />

Festuca arenaria<br />

Helleborus foetidus<br />

Hippophae rhamnoides<br />

Hornungia petraea<br />

Lepidium latifolium<br />

Mentha suaveolens<br />

Potentilla tabernaemontani<br />

Pyrola rotundifolia subsp. maritima<br />

Ribes alpinum<br />

Rorippa islandica<br />

Sedum forsterianum<br />

Tilia platyphyllos<br />

Verbascum lychnitis<br />

Locally rare<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 2<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 12<br />

NS 2<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 3<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 2<br />

NS 2<br />

NS 4<br />

NS 1<br />

NS 2<br />

NS 2<br />

NS 3<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Agrimonia procera<br />

Agrostis vinealis<br />

Alopecurus myosuroides<br />

Ammophila arenaria<br />

Anacamptis morio<br />

Anchusa arvensis<br />

Antennaria dioica<br />

Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. polyphylla<br />

Aphanes australis<br />

Asplenium viride<br />

Atriplex glabriuscula<br />

Atriplex littoralis<br />

Atriplex portulacoides<br />

Beta vulgaris<br />

Bidens tripartita<br />

Bolboschoenus maritimus<br />

Brachypodium pinnatum<br />

Brassica nigra<br />

Bromopsis erecta<br />

Bromus commutatus<br />

Bromus racemosus<br />

Cakile maritima<br />

Calamagrostis epigejos<br />

Callitriche platycarpa<br />

Campanula trachelium<br />

Cardamine amara<br />

Cardamine pratensis flore pleno<br />

Carduus tenuiflorus<br />

Carex acuta<br />

Carex aquatilis<br />

Carex arenaria<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

22 May 2012 Page 3 of 12

Locally rare<br />

Carex dioica<br />

Carex disticha<br />

Carex hostiana<br />

Carex limosa<br />

Carex strigosa<br />

Carex vesicaria<br />

Carex x decolorans<br />

Carex x fulva<br />

Carex x pseudoaxillaris<br />

Catapodium marinum<br />

Centaurea scabiosa<br />

Cerastium semidecandrum<br />

Ceratophyllum demersum<br />

Ceterach officinarum<br />

Chenopodium ficifolium<br />

Chenopodium polyspermum<br />

Chrysanthemum segetum<br />

Cichorium intybus<br />

Cirsium acaule<br />

Cochlearia anglica<br />

Convallaria majalis<br />

Cotoneaster integerrimus<br />

Crataegus laevigata<br />

Crithmum maritimum<br />

Cryptogramma crispa<br />

Dactylorhiza maculata<br />

Dactylorhiza praetermissa<br />

Dactylorhiza x grandis<br />

Datura stramonium<br />

Dipsacus pilosus<br />

Dryopteris affinis subsp. cambrensis<br />

Dryopteris x deweveri<br />

Eleocharis multicaulis<br />

Eleocharis quinqueflora<br />

Eleogiton fluitans<br />

Elytrigia juncea<br />

Epilobium lanceolatum<br />

Epilobium x interjectum<br />

Epilobium x limosum<br />

Epipactis phyllanthes var. degenera<br />

Epipactis phyllanthes var. phyllanthes<br />

Equisetum hyemale<br />

Erodium moschatum<br />

Erophila majuscula<br />

Eryngium maritimum<br />

Euphorbia amygdaloides<br />

Euphorbia paralias<br />

Euphrasia nemorosa<br />

Festuca pratensis<br />

Festuca rubra subsp. juncea<br />

Filago minima<br />

Filipendula vulgaris<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

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LR 1<br />

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LR 2<br />

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LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

22 May 2012 Page 4 of 12

Locally rare<br />

Frangula alnus<br />

Fumaria bastardii<br />

Fumaria capreolata<br />

Fumaria capreolata subsp. babingtonii<br />

Galium mollugo subsp. erectum<br />

Genista tinctoria<br />

Geranium sanguineum<br />

Geum x intermedium<br />

Glaucium flavum<br />

Glyceria maxima<br />

Glyceria x pedicellata<br />

Gymnadenia conopsea s.l.<br />

Gymnocarpium dryopteris<br />

Helianthemum oelandicum<br />

Helictotrichon pratense<br />

Hieracium argillaceum<br />

Hieracium britannicum<br />

Hieracium cinderella<br />

Hieracium consociatum<br />

Hieracium holophyllum agg.<br />

Hieracium hypochaeroides<br />

Hieracium sabaudum agg.<br />

Hieracium trichocaulon<br />

Hieracium vagense<br />

Hieracium vagum<br />

Honckenya peploides<br />

Huperzia selago<br />

Hypericum elodes<br />

Juncus gerardii<br />

Juncus maritimus<br />

Juncus x kern-reichgeltii<br />

Kickxia elatine<br />

Lactuca virosa<br />

Lathyrus sylvestris<br />

Lemna gibba<br />

Lemna minuta<br />

Lemna trisulca<br />

Leymus arenarius<br />

Limonium vulgare<br />

Linaria repens<br />

Listera cordata<br />

Medicago arabica<br />

Mentha spicata<br />

Mentha x piperita<br />

Mercurialis annua<br />

Myriophyllum spicatum<br />

Narcissus pseudonarcissus<br />

Oenanthe lachenalii<br />

Ononis spinosa<br />

Orobanche hederae<br />

Orobanche minor<br />

Orobanche minor var. minor<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

22 May 2012 Page 5 of 12

Locally rare<br />

Osmunda regalis<br />

Parapholis strigosa<br />

Pastinaca sativa<br />

Pedicularis palustris<br />

Petasites hybridus 'female'<br />

Phegopteris connectilis<br />

Phleum arenarium<br />

Picris hieracioides<br />

Plantago maritima<br />

Poa angustifolia<br />

Poa pratensis<br />

Poa pratensis s.l.<br />

Polygonatum multiflorum<br />

Polygonum oxyspermum<br />

Polygonum rurivagum<br />

Polypodium cambricum<br />

Polystichum x bicknellii<br />

Potamogeton crispus<br />

Potamogeton obtusifolius<br />

Potamogeton pusillus<br />

Potamogeton trichoides<br />

Potentilla x suberecta<br />

Puccinellia maritima<br />

Pyrola rotundifolia<br />

Ranunculus lingua<br />

Ranunculus parviflorus<br />

Ranunculus peltatus<br />

Ranunculus penicillatus<br />

Ranunculus sardous<br />

Reseda lutea<br />

Rhynchospora alba<br />

Rorippa amphibia<br />

Rorippa microphylla<br />

Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum<br />

Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum agg.<br />

Rorippa sylvestris<br />

Rosa caesia subsp. caesia<br />

Rosa caesia subsp. glauca<br />

Rosa obtusifolia<br />

Rosa rubiginosa<br />

Rosa rubiginosa agg.<br />

Rosa tomentosa<br />

Rosa x dumalis (1)<br />

Rosa x dumalis (2)<br />

Rosa x dumalis (3)<br />

Rosa x involuta<br />

Rosa x molletorum<br />

Rosa x nitidula<br />

Rosa x rothschildii<br />

Rubus ulmifolius<br />

Rumex hydrolapathum<br />

Rumex maritimus<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

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LR 1<br />

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LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

22 May 2012 Page 6 of 12

Locally rare<br />

Rumex x dufftii<br />

Sagina maritima<br />

Sagina nodosa<br />

Sagina subulata<br />

Salicornia agg.<br />

Salix pentandra<br />

Salix purpurea<br />

Salix repens<br />

Salix x meyeriana<br />

Salix x smithiana<br />

Salsola kali<br />

Sanguisorba officinalis<br />

Saxifraga granulata<br />

Schoenoplectus lacustris<br />

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani<br />

Scirpus sylvaticus<br />

Scutellaria minor<br />

Selaginella selaginoides<br />

Setaria viridis<br />

Silene uniflora<br />

Silene x hampeana<br />

Sinapis alba<br />

Sison amomum<br />

Sorbus torminalis<br />

Sparganium angustifolium<br />

Sparganium erectum subsp. microcarpum<br />

Sparganium erectum subsp. neglectum<br />

Spartina anglica<br />

Spergularia rupicola<br />

Spirodela polyrhiza<br />

Stellaria nemorum<br />

Stellaria pallida<br />

Symphytum officinale<br />

Thalictrum flavum<br />

Torilis nodosa<br />

Trifolium fragiferum<br />

Trifolium scabrum<br />

Triglochin maritimum<br />

Typha angustifolia<br />

Ulex x breoganii<br />

Vaccinium x intermedium<br />

Valerianella locusta var. dunensis<br />

Verbascum x thapsi<br />

Verbena officinalis<br />

Veronica anagallis-aquatica<br />

Veronica catenata<br />

Veronica spicata<br />

Vicia lathyroides<br />

Vicia sativa subsp. sativa<br />

Viola palustris subsp. palustris<br />

Viola reichenbachiana<br />

Zannichellia palustris<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 1<br />

LR 2<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 3<br />

LR 2<br />

22 May 2012 Page 7 of 12

Locally scarce<br />

Locally scarce<br />

Scientific name Welsh red list Section 42 Rare/ Scarce <strong>VC50</strong> sites<br />

Achillea ptarmica<br />

Adoxa moschatellina<br />

Aethusa cynapium<br />

Aira caryophyllea<br />

Alchemilla xanthochlora<br />

Alisma plantago-aquatica<br />

Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii<br />

Allium vineale<br />

Anacamptis pyramidalis<br />

Anagallis tenella<br />

Andromeda polifolia<br />

Anthyllis vulneraria<br />

Apium inundatum<br />

Arabis hirsuta<br />

Arctium lappa<br />

Armeria maritima<br />

Aster tripolium<br />

Barbarea vulgaris<br />

Berula erecta<br />

Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima<br />

Bidens cernua<br />

Blackstonia perfoliata<br />

Botrychium lunaria<br />

Bryonia dioica<br />

Callitriche agg.<br />

Callitriche hamulata<br />

Campanula latifolia<br />

Carduus crispus<br />

Carduus nutans<br />

Carex acutiformis<br />

Carex binervis<br />

Carex caryophyllea<br />

Carex curta<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. leersii<br />

Carex extensa<br />

Carex laevigata<br />

Carex muricata subsp. lamprocarpa<br />

Carex pallescens<br />

Carex paniculata<br />

Carex pilulifera<br />

Carex pulicaris<br />

Carex riparia<br />

Carex rostrata<br />

Carex spicata<br />

Carex viridula subsp. oedocarpa<br />

Carlina vulgaris<br />

Carpinus betulus<br />

Catapodium rigidum<br />

Cerastium diffusum<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 7<br />

22 May 2012 Page 8 of 12

Locally scarce<br />

Ceratocapnos claviculata<br />

Chenopodium rubrum<br />

Chrysosplenium alternifolium<br />

Clematis vitalba<br />

Clinopodium vulgare<br />

Cochlearia danica<br />

Cochlearia officinalis<br />

Convolvulus arvensis<br />

Crambe maritima<br />

Crepis biennis<br />

Crepis paludosa<br />

Cystopteris fragilis<br />

Dactylorhiza purpurella<br />

Danthonia decumbens<br />

Daphne laureola<br />

Drosera rotundifolia<br />

Echium vulgare<br />

Eleocharis palustris<br />

Empetrum nigrum<br />

Epilobium roseum<br />

Epilobium tetragonum<br />

Epipactis helleborine<br />

Equisetum palustre<br />

Equisetum sylvaticum<br />

Equisetum telmateia<br />

Equisetum x litorale<br />

Erica cinerea<br />

Erica tetralix<br />

Erigeron acer<br />

Eriophorum angustifolium<br />

Eriophorum vaginatum<br />

Erodium cicutarium<br />

Erophila verna s.l.<br />

Euonymus europaeus<br />

Eupatorium cannabinum<br />

Euphorbia lathyris<br />

Fumaria muralis subsp. boraei<br />

Galeopsis bifida<br />

Galium mollugo<br />

Galium uliginosum<br />

Gentianella amarella<br />

Geranium columbinum<br />

Geranium pratense<br />

Geranium pusillum<br />

Geum rivale<br />

Glaux maritima<br />

Glyceria declinata<br />

Glyceria notata<br />

Helianthemum nummularium<br />

Helictotrichon pubescens<br />

Hordeum secalinum<br />

Humulus lupulus<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 13<br />

22 May 2012 Page 9 of 12

Locally scarce<br />

Hydrocotyle vulgaris<br />

Hypericum hirsutum<br />

Hypericum humifusum<br />

Hypericum tetrapterum<br />

Hypericum x desetangsii<br />

Inula conyzae<br />

Iris foetidissima<br />

Isolepis setacea<br />

Juncus squarrosus<br />

Koeleria macrantha sens. lat.<br />

Lathraea squamaria<br />

Lathyrus nissolia<br />

Leontodon hispidus<br />

Leontodon saxatilis<br />

Lepidium heterophyllum<br />

Linum bienne<br />

Listera ovata<br />

Lithospermum officinale<br />

Littorella uniflora<br />

Luzula multiflora subsp. congesta<br />

Lycopus europaeus<br />

Lysimachia nummularia<br />

Lysimachia vulgaris<br />

Lythrum portula<br />

Lythrum salicaria<br />

Melampyrum pratense<br />

Mentha x gracilis<br />

Mentha x verticillata<br />

Mentha x villosa<br />

Menyanthes trifoliata<br />

Milium effusum<br />

Moenchia erecta<br />

Molinia caerulea<br />

Myosotis discolor<br />

Myosotis laxa<br />

Myosotis ramosissima<br />

Myosotis scorpioides<br />

Myosoton aquaticum<br />

Nardus stricta<br />

Narthecium ossifragum<br />

Nuphar lutea<br />

Nymphaea alba<br />

Oenanthe aquatica<br />

Ononis repens<br />

Ophioglossum vulgatum<br />

Ophrys apifera<br />

Orchis mascula<br />

Oreopteris limbosperma<br />

Origanum vulgare<br />

Ornithopus perpusillus<br />

Parietaria judaica<br />

Paris quadrifolia<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 5<br />

22 May 2012 Page 10 of 12

Locally scarce<br />

Pedicularis sylvatica<br />

Persicaria amphibia<br />

Persicaria bistorta<br />

Persicaria lapathifolia<br />

Phleum bertolonii<br />

Phragmites australis<br />

Pinguicula vulgaris<br />

Plantago coronopus<br />

Plantago media<br />

Poa compressa<br />

Poa pratensis s.s.<br />

Polygala serpyllifolia<br />

Populus nigra subsp. betulifolia<br />

Populus tremula<br />

Potamogeton berchtoldii<br />

Potamogeton natans<br />

Potamogeton polygonifolius<br />

Potentilla palustris<br />

Potentilla x mixta<br />

Primula veris<br />

Prunus padus<br />

Pulicaria dysenterica<br />

Ranunculus aquatilis<br />

Ranunculus auricomus<br />

Ranunculus fluitans<br />

Ranunculus hederaceus<br />

Ranunculus omiophyllus<br />

Ranunculus sceleratus<br />

Ranunculus trichophyllus<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus<br />

Rhamnus cathartica<br />

Rorippa palustris<br />

Rorippa x sterilis<br />

Rosa micrantha<br />

Rosa mollis<br />

Rosa x dumetorum<br />

Rosa x irregularis<br />

Rubia peregrina<br />

Rubus caesius<br />

Rumex crispus subsp. littoreus<br />

Rumex x pratensis<br />

Salix aurita<br />

Salix x reichardtii<br />

Salix x sericans<br />

Saxifraga tridactylites<br />

Scutellaria galericulata<br />

Sedum anglicum<br />

Sedum telephium<br />

Senecio erucifolius<br />

Senecio sylvaticus<br />

Sherardia arvensis<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 12<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 15<br />

LS 11<br />

22 May 2012 Page 11 of 12

Locally scarce<br />

Silaum silaus<br />

Solanum nigrum<br />

Solidago virgaurea<br />

Sparganium emersum<br />

Spergularia marina<br />

Spergularia media<br />

Spergularia rubra<br />

Stachys officinalis<br />

Stachys x ambigua<br />

Stellaria neglecta<br />

Suaeda maritima<br />

Tanacetum vulgare<br />

Thalictrum minus<br />

Thlaspi arvense<br />

Thymus polytrichus<br />

Tilia cordata<br />

Trichophorum cespitosum<br />

Trifolium arvense<br />

Trifolium campestre<br />

Trifolium striatum<br />

Triglochin palustre<br />

Tripleurospermum maritimum<br />

Ulmus procera<br />

Vaccinium oxycoccos agg.<br />

Vaccinium vitis-idaea<br />

Valeriana dioica<br />

Valerianella carinata<br />

Valerianella locusta<br />

Veronica scutellata<br />

Vicia tetrasperma<br />

Viola hirta<br />

Viola lutea<br />

Viola odorata<br />

Viola palustris<br />

Vulpia bromoides<br />

Vulpia myuros<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 14<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 10<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 9<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 6<br />

LS 4<br />

LS 5<br />

LS 13<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 7<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 8<br />

LS 11<br />

LS 7<br />

22 May 2012 Page 12 of 12

Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

22 May 2012<br />

10:25:23<br />

Achillea ptarmica Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Achillea ptarmica Sneezewort Ystrewlys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2007 JAG<br />

Clocaenog Forest SJ05F 2008 DW<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Froncysyllte SJ24Q 2009 Denbs<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3749 2011 BSBI<br />

Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel Mwsglys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Coed Cefn Heskin SH9466 2010 DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2005 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2006 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanarmon D C SJ13 2006 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2005 JLR<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Nant Mill SJ25V 2008 DW<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Page 1 of 143

Aethusa cynapium Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Aethusa cynapium Fool’s parsley Geuberllys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2003 WNM<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2002<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2006 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Froncysyllte SJ24Q 2009 Denbs<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2005<br />

Agrimonia procera Fragrant agrimony Llysiau’r-dryw pêr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Dinmael SH992443 2002 WNM<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2002 ETM<br />

Agrostis vinealis Brown bent Maeswellt-y-cŵn y mynydd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint SH74W 2004 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96 2002 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2006 BSBI<br />

Aira caryophyllea Silver hair-grass Brigwellt arian<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2002<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH97D 2008 DW<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2007 BSBI<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2006<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3748 2011 BSBI<br />

Page 2 of 143

Alchemilla xanthochlora Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Alchemilla xanthochlora<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Melin-y-Wig, woodland SJ04P 2011 Denbs<br />

Derwen SJ05Q 2010 Denbs<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Mantell-Fair ganolig<br />

Alisma plantago-aquatica Water plantain Llyriad y dŵr<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Brookfield Drive<br />

Biodiversity Site<br />

SH8279 2011 DW<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2003<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Johnstown,W of Hafod<br />

House<br />

SJ30804628 2002 NFS<br />

Sydallt,NE of SJ316556 2002 NFS<br />

Halton SJ33 2007 JAG<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Allium ampeloprasum var.<br />

babingtonii<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Wild leek Cenhinen wyllt<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanddulas SH9078 2000<br />

Abergele, Pentre Mawr<br />

Park<br />

SH942783 2011 JP<br />

Abergele SH9477 2000<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Page 3 of 143

Allium vineale Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Allium vineale Wild onion Nionyn gwyllt<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2006 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ213428 2002 ETM<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Alopecurus myosuroides Black-grass Cynffonwellt du<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrhaeadr near Denbigh SJ081639 2006 WNM<br />

Ammophila arenaria Marram Môr-hesgen<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Anacamptis morio Green-winged orchid Tegeirian y waun<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Cefn SJ0181471549 2011 Denbs St. Mary's Churchyard. >7 clumps.Informed<br />

Rector. 1st for 10km sq<br />

Anacamptis pyramidalis Pyramidal orchid Tegeirian bera<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2011 DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Page 4 of 143

Anagallis tenella Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Anagallis tenella Bog pimpernel Gwlyddyn-Mair y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Cyffylliog SJ05N 2011 DW, JAG<br />

Bwlch-yr-oernant SJ167473 2009 JLR<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Anchusa arvensis Bugloss Llysiau’r-gwrid y tir âr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn Beach SH940788 2008 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Andromeda polifolia Bog-rosemary Andromeda’r gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas, near SH849535 2000<br />

Mynydd Hiraethog SH892597 2007 TK<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, AJL, SJW<br />

Fenn's Moss SJ482363 2000<br />

Antennaria dioica Mountain everlasting Edafeddog y mynydd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH9158877429 2008 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002 JAG<br />

Anthemis arvensis Corn chamomile Camri’r ŷd<br />

National Status: Endangered<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ229480 2003 JLR<br />

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Anthyllis vulneraria Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney vetch Plucen felen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH97D 2008 DW<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llanarmon-yn-Ial SJ15Y 2009 DW<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2009 DW<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Anthyllis vulneraria subsp.<br />

polyphylla<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Aphanes australis Slender parsley-piert Troed-y-dryw main<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Apium inundatum Lesser marshwort Dyfrforonen fach<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2005 JLR<br />

Erddig SJ34J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Wrexham SJ383493 2003 ETM<br />

Page 6 of 143

Arabis hirsuta Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Arabis hirsuta Hairy rock-cress Berwr-y-cerrig blewog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG, WNM<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2005 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2005<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Llanarmon-yn-Ial SJ15Y 2009 DW<br />

Llanferres SJ16V 2009 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

Pen-Llan-y-gwr SJ25S 2009 DW<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Arctium lappa Greater burdock Cyngaf mawr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brynffanigl SH97C 2008 DW<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW Meeting of Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd.<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

SJ35U SJ35U 2008 JS<br />

Worthenbury SJ420460 2005<br />

Armeria maritima Thrift Clustog Fair<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Rhos-on-sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Colwyn Bay Prom SH8678 2011 DW, JR<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Page 7 of 143

Asplenium trichomanes subsp. pachyrachis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Asplenium trichomanes<br />

subsp. pachyrachis<br />

National Status: Rare, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: S42, Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Maidenhair spleenwort Duegredynen gwallt y forwyn<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002<br />

Asplenium viride Green spleenwort Duegredynen werdd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eglwyseg Mountain SJ229477 2003 SJW World's End.<br />

Llangollen SJ23514764 2004 JAG<br />

Aster tripolium Sea aster Seren y morfa<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Rhos-on-sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Astragalus glycyphyllos Wild liquorice Llaethwyg licoris<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ35735621 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ35755589 2010 Denbs<br />

Atriplex glabriuscula Babington’s orache Llygwyn y tywod<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Page 8 of 143

Atriplex littoralis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Atriplex littoralis Grass-leaved orache Llygwyn arfor<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R Conwy SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ3003838250 2011 SS 3 0r 4 plants on bare ground on verge. 1st for<br />

10km sq<br />

Atriplex portulacoides Sea-purslane Llygwyn llwydwyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R Conwy SH77W 2003 WNM<br />

Rhos-on-Sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Colwyn Bay Prom SH8678 2011 DW, JR<br />

Barbarea vulgaris Winter cress Berwr y gaeaf<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2007 JAG<br />

Ddol, Afon Elwy riverside<br />

& woodland<br />

SH9972 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2000 BSBI<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2006 BSBI<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Berula erecta Lesser water-parsnip Panasen-y-dŵr gulddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Trefnant SJ0573 2003<br />

Page 9 of 143

Berula erecta Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Tai-nant SJ264468 2011 Denbs Large stand in wet area. 1st for 10km sq<br />

Erddig SJ332486 2005 MRo<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Queensbridge Dingle SJ380402 2011 PSV, RAJ pond<br />

Penley, Little Green SJ412405 2011 PSV, RAJ pond<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Beta vulgaris Beet Betysen<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Beta vulgaris subsp.<br />

maritima<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Sea beet Betysen arfor<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Rhos-on-sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Bidens cernua Nodding bur-marigold Graban gogwydd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2003 JAG<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Bidens tripartita Trifid bur-marigold Graban teiran<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Sutton Green SJ417485 2007 GMK<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 JR, DW<br />

Page 10 of 143

Blackstonia perfoliata Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Blackstonia perfoliata Yellow-wort Y ganrhi felen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2000<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Christionydd, Penycae SJ24X 2009 JLR<br />

Pen-Llan-y-gwr SJ25S 2009 DW<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3748 2011 BSBI<br />

Bolboschoenus maritimus Sea club-rush Ysbigfrwynen y morfa<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Lloer-redynen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera SJ20165854 2008 PD Several<br />

Maeshafn SJ204614 2008 PD<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25L 2009 SS<br />

Brachypodium pinnatum Tor-grass Breichwellt y calch<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryn Euryn SH83177988 2006 NJO SSSI update record<br />

Brassica nigra Black mustard Mwstard du<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2000<br />

Page 11 of 143

Brassica nigra Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Sutton Green SJ416485 2007 MS<br />

Brassica oleracea Cabbage Bresychen wyllt<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH91437780 2008 DW<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Bromopsis erecta Upright brome Pawrwellt talsyth<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH97D 2008 DW<br />

Eryrys SJ201574 2001 PT<br />

Bromus commutatus Meadow brome Pawrwellt y ddôl<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Glyn Farm SJ12K 2009 AKT<br />

Bromus hordeaceus subsp.<br />

thominei<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Soft-brome Pawrwellt cyffredin<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 RL<br />

Bromus racemosus Smooth brome Pawrwellt llyfn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

Poulton Fields SJ403580 2000<br />

Page 12 of 143

Bryonia dioica Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Bryonia dioica White bryony Bloneg y ddaear<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Sutton Green SJ407487 2007 JAG<br />

Buxus sempervirens Box Pren bocs<br />

National Status: Rare<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 DW, JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2005 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2007 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI planted?<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 BSBI<br />

Cakile maritima Sea rocket Hegydd arfor<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Calamagrostis epigejos Wood small-reed Corsen fach y coed<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay Prom SH86027882 2011 DW, JR 1st for vc. Abundant along N facing bank above<br />

road & prom from Eirias turn-off E to next turn<br />

off<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ34Z 2011 BSBI Large stand, apparently, needs confirming<br />

Page 13 of 143

Callitriche agg. Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Callitriche agg. Water-starwort Brigwlydd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llangwm SH94S 2011 Denbs<br />

Towyn SH97U 2009 DW<br />

Bontuchel SJ05Y 2009 PLT, MS<br />

Llangedwyn SJ1824 2010 DW<br />

Froncysyllte SJ24Q 2009 Denbs<br />

Halton. SJ34A 2004 JAG<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 DW, JR<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Almere SJ45D 2009 DW<br />

Callitriche hamulata Intermediate water-starwort Brigwlydd canolig<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Llechrydau SJ222341 2007 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2000 BSBI<br />

Callitriche platycarpa Various-leaved water-starwort Brigwlydd y gwanwyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

River Dee, Trefor SJ272418 2004 RM<br />

Johnstown,W of Hafod<br />

House<br />

SJ30834632 2002 NFS<br />

Campanula latifolia Giant bellflower Clychlys mawr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal-y-cafn,Afon Conwy N<br />

of.<br />

SH77W 2004 RL<br />

Page 14 of 143

Campanula latifolia Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2010 DW<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2004 JAG<br />

Llanarmon yn Ial SJ184559 2006 GMK<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Campanula trachelium Nettle-leaved bellflower Clychlys dail danadl<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eyarth Rocks SJ1215854707 2011 Denbs<br />

Cardamine amara Large bitter-cress Berwr chwerw mawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Halton SJ31713954 2011 SS A patch 1 x 1m in a damp flush on riverbank of<br />

Dee. 1st for 10km sq<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2006 JLR<br />

Cardamine impatiens Narrow-leaved bitter-cress Berwr chwerw culddail<br />

National Status: Scarce, Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eglwyseg Llangollen SJ223467 2004 IJL<br />

Cardamine pratensis flore<br />

pleno<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

<strong>VC50</strong> Denbighshire SH77V 2010 WNM<br />

Carduus crispus Welted thistle Ysgallen grech<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ1654 2010 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Page 15 of 143

Carduus crispus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2004 BF<br />

Sutton Green SJ416488 2007 GMK<br />

Carduus nutans Musk thistle Ysgallen bendrom<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 BSBI<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ14L 2007 DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Llansilin SJ22 2006 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Trevor Rocks SJ232433 2011 DW<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 AKT<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Carduus tenuiflorus Slender thistle Ysgallen flodfain<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2006<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Carex acuta Slender tufted-sedge Hesgen tywysennau main<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pulford SJ402580 2000 JAG, WNM<br />

Carex acutiformis Lesser pond-sedge Hesgen-y-dŵr fach<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

S.Wrexham SJ0573 2003<br />

Page 16 of 143

Carex acutiformis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llanarmon-yn-Ial SJ1857 2011 DW, JAG<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Carex aquatilis Water sedge Hesgen y dŵr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH89755030 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Carex arenaria Sand sedge Hesgen y tywod<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH939786 2000<br />

Kinmel Bay SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Carex binervis Green-ribbed sedge Hesgen ddeulasnod<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 JAG<br />

Brenig SH9455 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2155 2010 DW<br />

Nant-y-Ffrith SJ2653 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Carex caryophyllea Spring-sedge Hesgen gynnar<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Bodnant Garden SH7972 2003 WNM, SES<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Glyn Farm SJ12K 2009 AKT<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2007 BSBI<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Page 17 of 143

Carex caryophyllea Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Glyn Ceiriog SJ1838 2010 SS, DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 BSBI<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Carex curta White sedge Hesgen benwen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Brenig SH9455 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Minera SJ25 2006 JAG<br />

Carex dioica Dioecious sedge Hesgen ysgar<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Carex disticha Brown sedge Hesgen lygliw<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2001 WNM, JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH89755030 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa Grey sedge Hesgen lwyd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SH880502 2010 DW, JAG SSSI<br />

Bontuchel SJ05Y 2009 DW, JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW update of pre 1970 record?<br />

Rhydymeudwy SJ1250 2010 DW<br />

Graigfechan SJ1654 2010 DW<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Page 18 of 143

Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35H 2009 SES<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. leersii Grey sedge Hesgen lwyd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2005 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ147543 2009 DW Track just off village rd., N side of stream. Refound<br />

record of 2000?<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ35665594 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ35735620 2010 Denbs<br />

Carex elongata Elongated sedge Hesgen hir<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ4520738797 2011 JR, DW One of three clumps at this side of the Mere<br />

Carex extensa Long-bracted sedge Hesgen-yr-heli bractau hir<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Glan Conwy SH801712 2000 JAG<br />

Glan Conwy SH802761 2000<br />

Eglwysbach SH8070 2010 DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH985806 2003 NJO<br />

Carex hostiana Tawny sedge Hesgen felynllwyd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH914633 2010 DW, JAG NWWT NR.<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Carex laevigata Smooth-stalked sedge Hesgen lefn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

SJ05Y SJ05Y 2009 DW, JAG<br />

Llanrhaeadr ym Mochnant SJ115268 2006 JAG<br />

SJ12K SJ12K 2008 AKT Glyn Farm - farmland.<br />

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Carex laevigata Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Carex limosa Bog-sedge Hesgen eurwerdd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Carex magellanica Tall bog-sedge Hesgen eurwerdd lefn<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Carex muricata subsp.<br />

lamprocarpa<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Prickly sedge Hesgen ysbigog<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2003 WNM<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 BSBI<br />

Tytandderwen SH9943 2011 DW, SES<br />

Nantglyn SJ0062 2011 Denbs<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002<br />

Bont-newydd+N of. SJ07A 2003 JAG<br />

Efenechtyd SJ1155 2011 DW<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Llansilin SJ22 2006 JAG<br />

Worlds End, Llangollen SJ228480 2007 JLR<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 SES<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2007 BSBI<br />

Carex muricata subsp.<br />

muricata<br />

National Status: Rare, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Critically Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Prickly sedge Hesgen ysbigog<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

SJ25L SJ2563252163 2009 DW Re-visit with CCW for site management.<br />

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Carex pallescens Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Carex pallescens Pale sedge Hesgen welw<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pont Petreyal SJ038521 2008 JAG<br />

Pont Petreyal SJ038655 2008 DW<br />

Melin-y-Wig, riverside SJ04434879 2011 Denbs<br />

Llangollen SJ220480 2007 JLR World's End, wood edge.<br />

Carex paniculata Greater tussock-sedge Hesgen rafunog fawr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Bradley SJ324534 2004 BF<br />

Bradley Marsh SJ35G 2009 JLR<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 DW, JR<br />

Llangollen Canal at<br />

Bettisfield<br />

SJ4535 2000 AJL<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Carex pilulifera Pill sedge Hesgen bengron<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Bodnant Garden SH7972 2003 WNM, SES<br />

Llangernyw SH86 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 BSBI<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2154 2010 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2006 BSBI<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ48263592 2007 SJW, AJL<br />

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Carex pseudocyperus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Carex pseudocyperus Cyperus sedge Hesgen gynffonnog<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brookfield Drive<br />

Biodiversity Site<br />

SH8279 2011 DW<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2003 JAG<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2011 DW Small pond surveyed for B.ranunculoides (not<br />

found)<br />

Queensbridge Dingle SJ378403 2011 PSV, RAJ<br />

Queensbridge Dingle SJ380402 2011 PSV, RAJ<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3885750168 2007 TK Pond on Wrexham Industrial Estate.<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3916150744 2008 TK Wrexham Industrial Estate<br />

Overton SJ397426 2004 JAG<br />

Penley Wood SJ4139341118 2011 DW Small pond surveyed for B.ranunculoides (not<br />

found)<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 JR, DW<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 JR, DW<br />

Carex pulicaris Flea sedge Hesgen y chwain<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Moel Sych SJ03 2001 JAG<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2006 BSBI<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, AJL, SJW<br />

Carex riparia Greater pond-sedge Hesgen-y-dŵr fawr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal-y-cafn,Afon Conwy N<br />

of.<br />

SH77W 2004 RL<br />

Pensarn SH967783 2001 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 BSBI<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2006 BSBI<br />

Page 22 of 143

Carex rostrata Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Carex rostrata Bottle sedge Hesgen ylfinfain<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Brenig SH9455 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Carex spicata Spiked sedge Hesgen ysbigog borffor<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96H 2011 DW 1st for 10km sq<br />

St George SH972758 2005 JAG<br />

Melin-y-Wig, woodland SJ046493 2011 Denbs Frequent along track<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Llanrhaeadr ym Mochnant SJ135250 2006 JAG<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ399498 2010 Denbs<br />

Carex strigosa Thin-spiked wood-sedge Hesgen-y-coed benfain<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2003 JAG<br />

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Carex vesicaria Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Carex vesicaria Bladder-sedge Hesgen chwysigennaidd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ450388 2011 JR, DW Abundant at this side of the Mere<br />

Carex viridula subsp.<br />

oedocarpa<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Yellow sedge Hesgen felen<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Brenig SH9455 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2006 BSBI<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2007 BSBI<br />

Trevor Rocks SJ232433 2011 DW<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Carex x decolorans<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

C. bigelowii x C. nigra<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cadair Bronwen SJ07853468 2005 SES<br />

Carex x fulva<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

C. hostiana x viridula<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Gors Maen Lwyd SH982502 2004 JAG<br />

Page 24 of 143

Carex x gaudiniana Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Carex x gaudiniana<br />

National Status: Rare, Vunlerable<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

C. dioica x echinata<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH9793658316 2003 JAG<br />

Cors Maen Lwyd SH980582 2004 AOC<br />

Carex x pseudoaxillaris<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

C. otrubae x remota<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tremeirchion,Coed Duon SJ072715 2002 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2003 JAG<br />

Cae Dyah SJ396425 2003 JAG<br />

Carlina vulgaris Carline thistle Ysgallen Siarl<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Craig Adwy Wynt SJ1253 2010 DW<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Trevor Rocks SJ232433 2011 DW<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 AKT<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Marford Quarry SJ35N 2009 JSm<br />

Carpinus betulus Hornbeam Oestrwydden<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH843785 2005 JAG<br />

Rhyd y Foel SH906770 2006 TCGR<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2004 JAG<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Page 25 of 143

Carpinus betulus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Catapodium marinum Sea fern-grass Gwenithwellt y morfa<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2007 JAG<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Catapodium rigidum Fern-grasses Gwenithwellt caled<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Horseshoe Pass SJ184469 2007 JLR<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Bersham, Wrexham SJ312481 2005 AKT<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3849 2011 BSBI<br />

Centaurea scabiosa Greater knapweed Y bengaled fawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Gresford SJ356558 2009 JSm<br />

Cerastium diffusum Sea mouse-ear Clust-y-llygoden arfor<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH987806 2007 JAG<br />

Llanarmon yn Ial SJ189574 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Bersham, Wrexham SJ312481 2005 AKT<br />

Page 26 of 143

Cerastium diffusum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2000 JAG<br />

Cerastium pumilum Dwarf mouse-ear Clust-y-llygoden bitw<br />

National Status: Scarce, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH888774 2004 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH987806 2007 JAG<br />

Cerastium semidecandrum Little mouse-ear Clust-y-llygoden fach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH987806 2007 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW<br />

Ceratocapnos claviculata Climbing corydalis Mwg-y-ddaear dringol<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2009 DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Melin-y-Wig, riverside SJ04P 2011 Denbs<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2002 BSBI<br />

Pistyll Rhaeadr SJ0729 2011 DW<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ1654 2010 DW<br />

Glyn Ceiriog SJ1937 2010 SS, DW<br />

Glyn Ceiriog SJ2038 2010 SS, DW<br />

Ceratophyllum demersum Rigid hornwort Cyrnddail caled<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Page 27 of 143

Ceterach officinarum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Ceterach officinarum Rustyback Duegredynen gefngoch<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Chenopodium bonushenricus<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Good king henry Llysiau’r gwrda<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2001 WNM, MS<br />

Llansilin SJ223297 2006 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Chenopodium ficifolium Fig-leaved goosefoot Troed-yr-Ŵydd dail ffigys<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Sutton Green SJ415488 2007 MS<br />

Chenopodium<br />

polyspermum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Many-seeded goosefoot Troed-yr-Ŵydd amlhadog<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ384432 2004 JAG<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2005<br />

Chenopodium rubrum Red goosefoot Troed-yr-Ŵydd coch<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Page 28 of 143

Chenopodium rubrum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Marford SJ35S 2009 DW<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2005<br />

Chrysanthemum segetum Corn marigold Melyn yr ŷd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Dawn SH878735 2010 DW, JAG repeat record of 2008<br />

Chrysosplenium<br />

alternifolium<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Alternate-leaved golden-saxifrage Eglyn bob yn eilddail<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2000 BSBI<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2004 JAG<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Cichorium intybus Chicory Ysgellog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llay SJ322552 2004 BF<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ33045465 2009 BSBI Single plant at edge of track<br />

Cicuta virosa Cowbane Buladd<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Worthenbury SJ4237540105 2007 TK and 42513 40318. 2 ponds near Penley<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2005 JAG<br />

Cirsium acaule Dwarf thistle Ysgallen ddigoes<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 BSBI<br />

Page 29 of 143

Cirsium heterophyllum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Cirsium heterophyllum Melancholy thistle Ysgallen fwyth<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Clematis vitalba Traveller’s-joy Barf yr hen ŵr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2005 JAG<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

coed abergele SH9576 2010 Denbs<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2009 DW<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Clinopodium acinos Basil thyme Brenhinllys y maes<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: S42, Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eglwysleg, Llangollen SJ223468 2007 JLR<br />

Clinopodium vulgare Wild basil Brenhinllys gwyllt<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Page 30 of 143

Clinopodium vulgare Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Betws-yn-Rhos SH97B 2008 DW<br />

Mynydd-y-Gaer,<br />

Llannefydd<br />

SH97Q 2008 JAG<br />

Nant Bends SH994443 2001 PP<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2010 DW<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2002 ETM<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

SJ34W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Cochlearia anglica English scurvygrass Llwylys Seisnig<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Cochlearia danica Danish scurvygrass Llwylys Denmarc<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2007 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ044713 2004 JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2004<br />

Chirk SJ2839 2002 SJW, AJL<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Cochlearia officinalis Common scurvygrass Llwylys cyffredin<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Rhos on Sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Colwyn Bay Prom SH8678 2011 DW, JR<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG large stand<br />

Page 31 of 143

Coeloglossum viride Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Coeloglossum viride Frog orchid Tegeirian y broga<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2003 KD<br />

Eryrys SJ2002957554 2009 DW<br />

Minera SJ2572252122 2008 DW, JAG<br />

Minera Quarry SJ2580351843 2009 DW

Cotoneaster integerrimus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Cotoneaster integerrimus Cotoneaster Cotoneaster<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Crambe maritima Sea-kale Ysgedd arfor<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanddulas SH913787 2000<br />

Pensarn SH937785 2000 Pensarn SSSI.<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG dozens of plants along shingle HWM. seedlings<br />

prolferating<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2007 JAG<br />

Crataegus laevigata Midland hawthorn Draenen wen lefn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R.Conwy SH75 2007 JAG<br />

Rhos-on-Sea SH88 2007 JAG<br />

Holt SJ45 2007 JAG<br />

Crepis biennis Rough hawk’s-beard Gwalchlys garw<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llandulas SH906786 2002 JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3749 2011 BSBI<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3848 2011 BSBI<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3849 2011 BSBI<br />

Crepis paludosa Marsh hawk’s-beard Gwalchlys y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Melin-y-Wig, riverside SJ04P 2011 Denbs<br />

Glyn Farm SJ12K 2009 AKT<br />

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Crepis paludosa Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Mynydd-y-Glyn SJ12L 2009 AKT<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Froncysyllte SJ24Q 2009 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Crithmum maritimum Rock samphire Corn-carw’r môr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Pensarn SH9357978421 2010 DW, JAG Shingle just above HWM with Crambe,<br />

Eryngium, Ammophila. Occasional,proliferating<br />

Kinmel Bay SH988807 2003 JAG<br />

Cryptogramma crispa Parsley fern Rhedynen bersli<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cadair Berwyn SJ071324 2006 MR<br />

Cynoglossum officinale Hound’s-tongue Tafod y bytheiad<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Craig Adwy Wynt SJ1253 2010 DW<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Cystopteris fragilis Brittle bladder-fern Ffiolredynen frau<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2001 SC<br />

Bryn-haidd SJ15Z 2009 SBn<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ222452 2004 HW<br />

Eglwyseg Mountain SJ229477 2003 SJW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Minera Quarry SJ2552 2003 SJW<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Coedpoeth SJ25V 2008 DW<br />

Page 34 of 143

Dactylorhiza maculata Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Dactylorhiza maculata Heath spotted-orchid Tegeirian brych y rhos<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brenig SH942558 2010 DW, JAG 2 in flower at N edge of track<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Dactylorhiza praetermissa Southern marsh-orchid Tegeirian-y-gors deheuol<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eglwyseg SJ220473 2003 JLR<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Dactylorhiza purpurella Northern marsh-orchid Tegeirian-y-gors gogleddol<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Pont Petreyal SJ05F 2008 DW<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2009 DW<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2009 SS<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 AKT<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002 JAG<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Dactylorhiza x grandis<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

D. fuchsii x praetermissa<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3748 2011 BSBI<br />

Danthonia decumbens Heath-grass Glaswellt y rhos<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2002<br />

Page 35 of 143

Danthonia decumbens Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Rhyd Galed SJ010575 2007 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 BSBI<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Daphne laureola Spurge laurel Clust yr ewig<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2005 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ148548 2003 RW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2008 AKT<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2004 JAG<br />

Marford SJ35S 2010 BF<br />

Datura stramonium Thorn-apple Afal dreiniog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Moel Famau SJ195625 2007 JP weed in garden. alt 200m<br />

Daucus carota subsp.<br />

gummifer<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Sea carrot Moronen arfor<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2000 JAG<br />

Dianthus deltoides Maiden pink Penigan y forwyn<br />

National Status: Scarce, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

New Brighton Lead Mine SJ2738250970 2010 PLT below anthill; had flowered<br />

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Dipsacus pilosus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Dipsacus pilosus Small teasel Cribau’r-pannwr bach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Froncysyllte SJ2701540660 2010 TK c.10 plants. Small wooded stream valley near<br />

Froncyssyllte<br />

Draba muralis Wall whitlowgrass Llysiau'r-bystwn y muriau<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2001 PLT<br />

Drosera rotundifolia Round-leaved sundew Gwlithlys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Gwytherin SH8761 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Dryopteris affinis subsp.<br />

cambrensis<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Scaly male-fern Marchredynen euraid<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2002 BSBI<br />

Trefor SJ270420 2004 RM<br />

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Dryopteris submontana Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Dryopteris submontana Rigid buckler-fern Marchredynen y calchfaen<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Welsh Status: Critically Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Craig Arthur, Eglwyswg SJ224461 2009 JLR<br />

Dryopteris x deweveri<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

D. carthusiana x dilatata<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Gors Maen Llwyd SH980583 2004 AOC<br />

Echium vulgare Viper’s-bugloss Gwiberlys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2004 BSBI<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35C 2009 JS<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3916950198 2008 TK Wrexham Industrial Estate<br />

Eleocharis multicaulis Many-stalked spike-rush Ysbigfrwynen gadeiriog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Eleocharis palustris Common spike-rush Ysbigfrwynen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Ddol, Afon Elwy riverside<br />

& woodland<br />

SH9972 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2154 2010 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Page 38 of 143

Eleocharis palustris Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2009 DW<br />

Johnstown,W of Hafod<br />

House<br />

SJ30804628 2002 NFS<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Burton Green SJ35P 2008 JS<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Eleocharis quinqueflora Few-flowered spike-rush Ysbigfrwynen goch<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Eleogiton fluitans Floating club-rush Clwbfrwynen arnofiol<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2007 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2001 SC<br />

Elytrigia juncea Sand couch Marchwellt y twyni<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Empetrum nigrum Crowberry Creiglusen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Page 39 of 143

Epilobium lanceolatum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Epilobium lanceolatum Spear-leaved willowherb Helyglys gwaywddail<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bersham SJ312481 2005 AKT<br />

Epilobium roseum Pale willowherb Helyglys gwelw<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhydgaled SH987647 2002 GMK<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ056666 2011 JAG Vale St. Crack in pavement.<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Pwllglas SJ126554 2005 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Epilobium tetragonum Square-stalked willowherb Helyglys pedronglog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal-y-cafn,Afon Conwy N<br />

of.<br />

SH77W 2004 RL<br />

Rhyd Galed SJ010575 2007 JAG<br />

Denbigh Town SJ069659 2011 JAG Garden escape<br />

Wrexham SJ325494 2003 GMK<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Epilobium x interjectum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

E. montanum x ciliatum<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2003 JC<br />

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Epilobium x limosum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Epilobium x limosum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

E. parviflorum x montanum<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI det. Kay, G.M.<br />

Epipactis dunensis Dune helleborine Y galdrist y twyni<br />

National Status: Rare<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ324551 2011 SMP<br />

Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine Y galdrist lydanddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trofarth SH87K 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Coed Abergle SH9475 2010 Denbs<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Abergele SH97 2002 JAG<br />

Cyffylliog SJ05N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Nant-y-Ffrith SJ2653 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2008 AH<br />

Epipactis phyllanthes var.<br />

degenera<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Green-flowered helleborine Y galdrist felynwerdd<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llay SJ32835514 2009 BSBI Around 6 plants. Determined 08/08/10.<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555955933 2010 Denbs det Richards, A.J. 3/8/10<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3560756122 2010 Denbs det. Richards, A.J. 03/08/10<br />

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Epipactis phyllanthes var. phyllanthes Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Epipactis phyllanthes var.<br />

phyllanthes<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Green-flowered helleborine Y galdrist felynwerdd<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llay SJ32835514 2010 BSBI det. 08/08/10<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ35565593 2010 Denbs det. Richards, A.J. 3/8/10<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ35605612 2010 Denbs det. Richards, A.J. 03/08/10<br />

Equisetum hyemale Rough horsetail Marchrawnen y gaeaf<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera Quarry SJ25L 2008 DW, JAG<br />

Minera SJ260575 2000 WFS Minera SSSI.<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Equisetum palustre Marsh horsetail Marchrawnen y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Rhoslydan SJ1649 2010 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 DW<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Equisetum sylvaticum Wood horsetail Marchrawnen y coed<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH8549 2010 DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2007 JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Clocaenog Forest SJ05F 2008 DW<br />

Derwen SJ05Q 2010 Denbs<br />

Graigfechan SJ1654 2010 DW<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Page 42 of 143

Equisetum sylvaticum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Nant-y-Ffrith SJ2653 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Equisetum telmateia Great horsetail Marchrawnen fawr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH8549 2010 DW<br />

Abergele SH955768 2006 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llandyrnog SJ096656 2006 JAG<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2004 JAG<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Burton Green SJ35P 2008 JS<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2005 JAG<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Equisetum variegatum Variegated horsetail Marchrawnen fraith<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2007 TK<br />

Equisetum x litorale<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

E. arvense x fluviatile<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH983559 2006 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2006 BSBI<br />

Llanrhaeadr near Denbigh SJ084641 2006 BSBI<br />

Eglwyseg Mountain SJ229477 2003 SJW By the ford at World's End. BIRM<br />

Minera SJ267508 2001 JAG<br />

Page 43 of 143

Erica cinerea Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Erica cinerea Bell heather Grug y mêl<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2006 JAG<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2155 2010 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2006 BSBI<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Erica tetralix Cross-leaved heath Grug croesddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Gwytherin SH8761 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2155 2010 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Erica vagans Cornish heath Grug Cernyw<br />

National Status: Rare<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhyd-y-foel SH97D 2008 DW<br />

Page 44 of 143

Erigeron acer Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Erigeron acer Blue fleabane Amrhydlwyd glas<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ057672 2010 JAG, SES<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ35755589 2010 Denbs<br />

Eriophorum angustifolium Common cottongrass Plu’r gweunydd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2154 2010 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Eriophorum vaginatum Hare’s-tail cottongrass Plu’r gweunydd unben<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Gwytherin SH8761 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Brenig SH9455 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2006 BSBI<br />

Page 45 of 143

Eriophorum vaginatum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Erodium cicutarium Common stork’s-bill Pig y crëyr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG, WNM<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 BSBI<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Erodium moschatum Musk stork’s-bill Pig-y-crëyr fwsg<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfair Talhaiarn SH926703 2002 JAG<br />

Erophila majuscula Hairy whitlowgrass Llysiau’r-bystwn blewog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ223425 2003 ETM<br />

Erophila verna s.l. Common whitlowgrass Llysiau’r-bystwn cynnar<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2004 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH988808 2003<br />

Derwen SJ05Q 2010 Denbs<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ14L 2007 DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Nant Mill SJ25V 2008 DW<br />

Page 46 of 143

Erophila verna s.l. Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3849 2011 BSBI<br />

Holt SJ45 2007 JAG<br />

Eryngium maritimum Sea holly Celynnen y môr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs Plentiful, spreading well<br />

Euonymus europaeus Spindle Piswydden<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R Conwy SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2007 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Llangollen SJ215428 2002 ETM<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2007 AKT<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 DW<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Eupatorium cannabinum Hemp-agrimony Byddon chwerw<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R.Conwy SH75 2007 JAG<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2003 BSBI<br />

coed abergele SH9576 2010 Denbs<br />

Brynffanigl SH97C 2008 DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2004 JAG<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Page 47 of 143

Euphorbia amygdaloides Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood spurge Llaethlys y coed<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ056675 2011 JAG<br />

Euphorbia exigua Dwarf spurge Corlaethlys<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Hendre Bach SH967763 2003 JAG Hendre bach farm<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3925050226 2008 TK Wrexham Industrial Estate<br />

Euphorbia lathyris Caper spurge Llaethlys caprys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2000<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34J 2003 JAG Wrexham,SW of+Erddig Park N..<br />

SJ35P SJ35P 2008 JS<br />

Euphorbia paralias Sea spurge Llaethlys y môr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH938785 2000<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Euphrasia confusa An eyebright Effros gliniog<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera SJ25 2004 BSBI<br />

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Euphrasia nemorosa Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Euphrasia nemorosa An eyebright Effros/llygad siriol<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Euphrasia ostenfeldii An eyebright Effros Ostenfeld<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Welsh Status: S42, Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ2245 2009 DJT scree slopes amongst Thymus, appreciable pop,<br />


Filago minima Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Filago minima Small cudweed Edafeddog fach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ223425 2003 ETM<br />

Filago vulgaris Common cudweed Edafeddog lwyd<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Maesmynan SJ117723 2011 JAG One plant, roadside, shallow pool on asphalt w<br />

Chenopodium album.<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2005 JLR<br />

Trevor SJ232433 2008 TK Panorama Walk<br />

Filipendula vulgaris Dropwort Y grogedau<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Bettisfield SJ47853672 2008 DJE In bare chippings, edge of old railway line, near<br />

peat milling works at Whixall Moss. c12<br />

jumbles rosettes. c7 flowering spikes seen<br />

earlier in year.<br />

Frangula alnus Alder buckthorn Breuwydden<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 SJW, NGH, AJL<br />

Fumaria bastardii Tall ramping-fumitory Mwg-y-ddaear grymus<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Dolwen SH883744 2004 LW<br />

Abergele SH97 2004 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2004 JAG<br />

Page 50 of 143

Fumaria capreolata Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Fumaria capreolata White ramping-fumitory Mwg-y-ddaear gwyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH875787 2005 JAG<br />

Fumaria capreolata subsp.<br />

babingtonii<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

White ramping-fumitory Mwg-y-ddaear gwyn<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 DW, JAG along wall S side of beach road, near tunnel<br />

Fumaria muralis subsp.<br />

boraei<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Common ramping-fumitory Mwg-y-ddaear amrywiol<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH9577 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Abergele SH9577 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Gagea lutea Yellow star-of-bethlehem Seren-Fethlehem felen<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Graianrhyd (SJ2055) SJ2009255804 2009 DW, JAG Path beyond house, below stile, >1000 over<br />

area 50 x 20m. only record for vc<br />

Galeopsis bifida Bifid hemp-nettle Y benboeth hollt<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 DW, JAG<br />

Dawn SH878735 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Page 51 of 143

Galeopsis bifida Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW Both white and pink flowered forms<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2007 JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96C 2011 DW, JAG<br />

Mynydd-y-Gaer,<br />

Llannefydd<br />

SH973715 2008 JAG<br />

Nantglyn SJ007617 2010 JAG<br />

Llechrydau SJ2135 2010 RAD<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Galeopsis speciosa Large-flowered hemp-nettle Y benboeth amryliw<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: S42, Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH870506 2001 WNM, JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2008 TK SJ 47814 37470. 3rd for VC. 1st for 10km sq.<br />

farmland near Fenn's Moss.<br />

Galium mollugo Hedge bedstraw Briwydd y clawdd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Abergele SH9577 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2008 JAG, DW<br />

Minera SJ25 2000 PLT<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Galium mollugo subsp.<br />

erectum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Hedge bedstraw Briwydd y clawdd<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 BSBI<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2008 DW<br />

Galium uliginosum Fen bedstraw Briwydd y fign<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Page 52 of 143

Galium uliginosum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96 2002 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Nant-y-Garth SJ1650 2010 DW<br />

Worlds End, Llangollen SJ232490 2007 HN<br />

Esclusham Mountain,<br />

Minera<br />

SJ250507 2005 BSBI<br />

Genista anglica Petty whin Cracheithinen<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH8810250098 2010 DW, JAG Many small sprigs scattered across area<br />

Genista tinctoria Dyer’s greenweed Melynog y waun<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhosllanerchrugog SJ2935745817 2008 TK Pant Farm nr<br />

Gentianella amarella Autumn gentian Crwynllys yr hydref<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Eyarth Rocks SJ1215754446 2011 Denbs >20 scattered over path<br />

Minera SJ25 2004 BSBI<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Gentianella campestris Field gentian Crwynllys y maes<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: S42, Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eryrys SJ2005757660 2008 JAG & SJ 20021 57697. 2 patches 1mx1m.<br />

Page 53 of 143

Geranium columbinum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Geranium columbinum Long-stalked crane’s-bill Pig-yr-aran hirgoes<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R Conwy SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Abergele SH97 2009 DW<br />

Mynydd-y-Gaer,<br />

Llannefydd<br />

SH97Q 2008 JAG<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Llanarmon-yn-Ial SJ15Y 2009 DW<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2002 ETM<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Geranium pratense Meadow crane’s-bill Pig-yr-aran y weirglodd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2005 JLR<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2003<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Geranium pusillum Small-flowered crane’s-bill Pig-yr-aran fân-flodeuog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

SJ35 SJ35H 2009 BSBI Alyn Waters Country Park<br />

Geranium sanguineum Bloody crane’s-bill Pig-yr-aran ruddgoch<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Page 54 of 143

Geum rivale Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Geum rivale Water avens Mapgoll glan y dŵr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2155 2010 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 BSBI<br />

Geum x intermedium<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

G. rivale x urbanum<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Llanarmon yn Ial SJ186573 2004 MRo<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Glaucium flavum Yellow horned-poppy Pabi corniog melyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 DW, JAG seeding. occasional<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG several seedlings along shingle. a few mature<br />

plants<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Glaux maritima Sea milkwort Glas yr heli<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2003 WNM<br />

Rhos-on-Sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Glyceria declinata Small sweet-grass Melyswellt llwydlas<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Page 55 of 143

Glyceria declinata Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 BSBI<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2000 BSBI<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Glyceria maxima Reed sweet-grass Melyswellt y gamlas<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2004 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 BSBI<br />

Llangollen Canal at<br />

Bettisfield<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

SJ4535 2000 AJL Banks of the canal between the bridges at<br />

Bettisfield.<br />

Glyceria notata Plicate sweet-grass Melyswellt plygedig<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrhaeadr near Denbigh SJ084641 2006 BSBI<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25 2006 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Glyceria x pedicellata<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

G. fluitans x notata<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Page 56 of 143

Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. Fragrant orchid Tegeirian pêr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ324551 2011 PW<br />

Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak fern Rhedynen dridarn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pandy SJ196352 2006 JAG<br />

Gymnocarpium<br />

robertianum<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Limestone fern Rhedynen y calchfaen<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2009 NJO, JL<br />

Bwlch yr Oernant SJ181479 2009 JLR<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ22164608 2004 SJW, AJL, TCGR BIRM<br />

Eglwyseg Mountain SJ229477 2003 SJW World's End.<br />

Craig Arthur, Eglwyswg SJ24I 2009 JLR<br />

Minera Quarry SJ2552 2003 SJW<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Helianthemum<br />

nummularium<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Common rock-rose Cor-rosyn cyffredin<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 BSBI<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2005 JAG<br />

Page 57 of 143

Helianthemum nummularium Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Helianthemum oelandicum Hoary rock-rose Cor-rosyn lledlwyd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryn Euryn SH831799 2000<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Terfyn SH914776 2000<br />

Helictotrichon pratense Meadow oat-grass Ceirchwellt y ddôl<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Colwyn Bay SH94807585 2003 BSBI<br />

Helictotrichon pubescens Downy oat-grass Ceirchwellt blewog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Helleborus foetidus Stinking hellebore Crafanc-yr-arth ddrewllyd<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH8918477389 2009 DW above school, 20m W of tele pole<br />

Abergele SH934770 2000<br />

Abergele SH938766 2008 CCW Coed y Gopa<br />

Abergele SH94807585 2010 DW woodland path, E of Plas Uchaf Farm, as path<br />

bends sharply up hill. 2 large clumps<br />

Coed abergele SH9576 2010 Denbs<br />

Cefn SJ0171 2011 Denbs<br />

Henllan SJ026699 2000 Galltfaenan Hall, limestone wood. BRC<br />

Efenechtyd SJ1155 2011 DW<br />

Cilygroeslwyd Wood SJ125553 2000<br />

Graianrhyd SJ204563 2000 Llanarmon yn lal.<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Page 58 of 143

Helleborus foetidus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Hieracium argillaceum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bersham SJ310464 2005 AKT<br />

Hieracium britannicum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryn Euryn SH832797 2004 WNM<br />

Llandulas SH8977 2004 WNM<br />

Hieracium cambricum<br />

National Status: Rare, Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ22304606 2004 TCGR, SJW, AJL<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ22344609 2004 AJL, TCGR, SJW<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ2245 2010 TCGR, HWJ<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ2246 2010 TCGR<br />

Hieracium cinderella<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pistyll Rhaeadr SJ071296 2006 AKT 1st for 10 km sq<br />

Pistyll Rhaeadr SJ073294 2006 AKT 1st for 10km<br />

Hieracium consociatum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bersham SJ314464 2005 AKT 5th for vc. 40 plants, limestone rocks, loc fr on<br />

N facing scar. Garrett, H. & Wyn, H.<br />

Page 59 of 143

Hieracium holophyllum agg. Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Hieracium holophyllum<br />

agg.<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ2245 2010 TCGR, HWJ Along the lower part of the scree.<br />

Hieracium hypochaeroides<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eyarth Rocks SJ1211854276 2011 RB<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ21964580 2004 TCGR, SJW, AJL<br />

Castell Dinas Bran SJ222430 2010 TCGR<br />

Hieracium sabaudum agg.<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002<br />

Hieracium trichocaulon<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Chirk SJ297383 2004 JC<br />

Hieracium vagense<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryn Euryn SH832797 2010 TCGR<br />

Hieracium vagum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llansannan SH96 2002 GMK<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Page 60 of 143

Hippophae rhamnoides Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Hippophae rhamnoides Sea buckthorn Rhafnwydden y môr<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Hippuris vulgaris Mare’s-tail Rhawn y gaseg<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Sydallt,NE of SJ316556 2002 NFS<br />

Honckenya peploides Sea sandwort Tywodlys arfor<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Hordeum secalinum Meadow barley Haidd y maes<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 NJO<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2007<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Hornungia petraea Hutchinsia Beryn y graig<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2002 JAG<br />

Page 61 of 143

Hottonia palustris Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Hottonia palustris Water-violet Pluddail y dŵr<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera SJ267508 2001 JAG<br />

Humulus lupulus Hop Hopys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Holt SJ406543 2007 JAG<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2005 JAG<br />

Huperzia selago Fir clubmoss Cnwp-fwsogl mawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanarmon Dyffryn Clwyd,<br />

Pentre<br />

SJ118358 2007 PLT<br />

Hydrocotyle vulgaris Marsh pennywort Dail-ceiniog y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Page 62 of 143

Hydrocotyle vulgaris Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 BSBI<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2006 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 DW, JR<br />

Hypericum elodes Marsh st john’s-wort Eurinllys y gors<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed Bryndansi SH87M 2010 DW Llyn Fawnog. Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd<br />

meeting<br />

Esclusham Mountain SJ240509 2003 JLR<br />

Hypericum hirsutum Hairy st john’s-wort Eurinllys blewog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2006 SES<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ144475 2002 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2008 JAG<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2002 ETM<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2004 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2008 TK<br />

Hypericum humifusum Trailing st john’s-wort Eurinllys ymdaenol<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Betws-yn-Rhos SH97B 2008 DW<br />

Page 63 of 143

Hypericum humifusum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Mynydd-y-Gaer,<br />

Llannefydd<br />

SH97Q 2008 JAG<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2002 BSBI<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanarmon D C SJ13 2006 JAG<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3748 2011 BSBI<br />

Hypericum montanum Pale st john’s-wort Eurinllys gwelw<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2006<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2005 JAG<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2003 JAG<br />

Castle Wood SJ1156 2010 DW, SES<br />

Loggerheads SJ1998762932 2009 MS<br />

Eryrys SJ201570 2005 JAG<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2008 JAG, DW<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ35765584 2010 Denbs<br />

Hypericum tetrapterum Square-stalked st john’s-wort Eurinllys pedronglog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal-y-cafn,Afon Conwy N<br />

of.<br />

SH77W 2004 RL<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 JAG<br />

Bontuchel SJ05Y 2009 DW<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2006 BSBI<br />

Nant-y-Garth SJ1650 2010 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

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Hypericum x desetangsii Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Hypericum x desetangsii<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

H. maculatum x perforatum<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Trevor SJ24R 2009 Denbs Trefor Canal Basin & path down<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ29975342 2010 BSBI Parents nearby<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 DW<br />

Hypochaeris maculata Spotted cat’s-ear Melynydd brych<br />

National Status: Rare, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Inula conyzae Ploughman’s-spikenard Meddyg y bugail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2005 JAG<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2009 MS<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Iris foetidissima Stinking iris Gellesgen ddrewllyd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brookfield Drive<br />

Biodiversity Site<br />

SH8279 2011 DW<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

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Iris foetidissima Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2005 JAG<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

coed abergele SH9576 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2010 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Froncysyllte SJ24Q 2009 Denbs<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2004 JAG<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Isolepis setacea Bristle club-rush Clwbfrwynen wrychog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 BSBI<br />

Clocaenog Forest SJ05F 2008 DW<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Jasione montana Sheep’s bit Clefryn<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: not rare or scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd meeting<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Brenig SH9455 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Llansannan SH96 2002 JAG<br />

Llangwm SH96914461 2011 Denbs<br />

Tytandderwen SH9943 2011 DW, SES<br />

Nantglyn SJ018619 2010 JAG<br />

Pistyll Rhaeadr SJ0729 2011 DW<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Glyn Ceiriog SJ1938 2010 DW, SS<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd meeting<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Page 66 of 143

Juncus gerardii Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Juncus gerardii Salt-marsh-rush Brwynen Gerard<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Glan Conwy SH801712 2000<br />

Llandulas SH907786 2006 JAG<br />

Juncus maritimus Sea rush Brwynen arfor<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Juncus squarrosus Heath rush Brwynen droellgorun<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2155 2010 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2004 BSBI<br />

Juncus x kern-reichgeltii<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

J. conglomeratus x effusus<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH980583 2004 AOC<br />

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Juniperus communis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Juniperus communis Common juniper Merywen<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryn Euryn SH8298979831 2008 MS 1 large plant.<br />

Coed abergele SH9479176120 2010 Denbs repeat record. at least 7 plants<br />

Kickxia elatine Sharp-leaved fluellen Llysiau Llywelyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefelin SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 JAG Hendre bach farm<br />

Koeleria macrantha sens.<br />

lat.<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Crested hair-grass Cribwellt<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2001 JAG<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 GW Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd meeting<br />

Lactuca virosa Great lettuce Letusen chwerw<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH942786 2000 JAG<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Marchwiel SJ389479 2007 JLR<br />

Lathraea squamaria Toothwort Deintlys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eglwysbach SH817671 2003 JD Two groupsof plants by awoodland S of<br />

Pennant House, Eglysbach<br />

Ruthin SJ119553 2008 AKT<br />

Page 68 of 143

Lathraea squamaria Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Graigfechan SJ147552 2009 DW Below path, east of 'moat', under Corylus and<br />

in Phyllitis<br />

Graigfechan SJ1499754402 2009 DW Graigfechan, about 30 plants<br />

Llangollen SJ220461 2003 JLR<br />

Lathyrus nissolia Grass vetchling Ytbysen feinddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI many thousands of plants on the banks above<br />

the buildings<br />

Sydallt SJ31985430 2009 JS Several large patches in meadow<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2000<br />

S.Wrexham SJ378489 2010 NB Wrexham Industrial Estate<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3848 2009 ANG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3893650209 2007 TK Wrexham Industrial Estate<br />

Lathyrus sylvestris Narrow-leaved everlasting-pea Ytbysen fythol gulddail<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Wrexham SJ317547 2005 BSBI<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 DW<br />

Lemna gibba Fat duckweed Llinad crythog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

near Poulton SJ398572 2006 MS<br />

Holt SJ45 2005 JLR<br />

Lemna minuta Least duckweed Llinad bach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2005 JAG<br />

Cloy House - Firs Farm -<br />

Mil.<br />

SJ34W 2004 BSBI<br />

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Lemna trisulca Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Lemna trisulca Ivy-leaved duckweed Llinad dail eiddew<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Leontodon hispidus Rough hawkbit Peradyl garw<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH8549 2010 DW<br />

Cottage Bridge SH95D 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2005 JAG<br />

Cyffylliog SJ05N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Minera Quarry SJ25K 2008 DW<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Pen-Llan-y-gwr SJ25S 2009 DW<br />

Bwlchgwyn SJ268532 2010 DW<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Leontodon saxatilis Lesser hawkbit Peradyl bach<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Cottage Bridge SH95D 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Llansannan SH96H 2011 DW<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3748 2011 BSBI<br />

Page 70 of 143

Lepidium campestre Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Lepidium campestre Field pepperwort Pupurlys y maes<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

N.Wrexham SJ319547 2009 JS Quite widely scattered round this part of the<br />

park<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3743757642 2008 TK Darland High School (all-weather pitches)<br />

Lepidium heterophyllum Smith’s pepperwort Pupurlys amryddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2007 JAG<br />

Coed Llys Aled SH9464 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Llansannan SH96H 2011 DW<br />

Mynydd-y-Gaer,<br />

Llannefydd<br />

SH973715 2008 JAG<br />

Llannefydd SH97Q 2009 DW<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2002 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2004 BSBI<br />

Pant Farm SJ29284583 2008 TK<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2005 BSBI<br />

Lepidium latifolium Dittander Pupurlys llydanddail<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Black Brook SJ306459 2011 JP E of Johnstown<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ3090746470 2011 Denbs Also SJ3082946555. Large stands and spreading<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ3841249093 2010 Denbs Large stand 50m from road.<br />

Leymus arenarius Lyme-grass Clymwellt<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH988808 2003 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Page 71 of 143

Limonium vulgare Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Limonium vulgare Common sea-lavender Lafant y môr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Glan Conwy SH803770 2000<br />

Linaria repens Pale toadflax Llin-y-llyffant gwelw<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH935779 2010 AD nr. medical centre, Abergele<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG Rough ground<br />

Gwynfryn SJ255521 2011 DW Base of wooden bridge over stream. Single<br />

clump.<br />

Linum bienne Pale flax Llin culddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Glan Conwy SH801712 2000 JAG<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Abergele SH94817612 2000 WFS<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2003 JAG<br />

Listera cordata Lesser twayblade Caineirian bach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2006 JAG<br />

Listera ovata Common twayblade Caineirian<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brenig SH9455 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW<br />

Llanarmon-yn-Ial SJ15Y 2009 DW<br />

Nant-y-Garth SJ1650 2010 DW<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

Page 72 of 143

Listera ovata Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Minera Quarry SJ25K 2008 DW<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Lithospermum officinale Common gromwell Maenhad<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed abergele SH94817612 2010 Denbs Around the look-out. Found Marie Beacham,<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ049667 2011 JAG, DW Up to 40 plants below oak tree at<br />

wood/meadow boundary. Update of old record.<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ35685627 2010 Denbs Several scattered plants<br />

Gresford SJ357558 2010 ANG Marford Quarry<br />

Lithospermum<br />

purpureocaeruleum<br />

National Status: Rare<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Purple gromwell Maenhad gwyrddlas<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Denbigh SJ0497466630 2007 JAG patch 5 x 5m. No flowers, in deep shade<br />

behind bared wire fence, 50 paces from top<br />

gate.<br />

Crest Mawr SJ050667 2000<br />

Littorella uniflora Shoreweed Beistonnell ferllyn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 BSBI<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Luronium natans Floating water-plantain Llyriad-y-dŵr arnofiol<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ2142 2000 HD Canal at Llangollen.NMW<br />

Page 73 of 143

Luzula multiflora subsp. congesta Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Luzula multiflora subsp.<br />

congesta<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Heath wood-rush Coedfrwynen luosben<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint SH74 2004 JAG<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3748 2011 BSBI<br />

Cloy SJ397428 2004 JC<br />

Lycopodium clavatum Stag’s-horn clubmoss Cnwp-fwsogl corn carw<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ149451 2007 JLR<br />

Llangollen SJ224400 2002 ETM<br />

Lycopus europaeus Gypsywort Llysiau’r sipsiwn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2001 JAG<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25 2006 JAG<br />

Sydallt,NE of SJ316556 2002 NFS<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Erddig Park N.T.. SJ34J 2004 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 DW, JR<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

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Lysimachia nummularia Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Lysimachia nummularia Creeping-jenny Siani lusg<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Llangedwyn SJ1824 2010 DW<br />

Glyn Ceiriog SJ1937 2010 SS, DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Lysimachia vulgaris Yellow loosestrife Trewyn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Froncysyllte SJ24Q 2009 Denbs<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 BSBI<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 DW, JR<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Lythrum portula Water purslane Troed y gywen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 BSBI<br />

Lythrum salicaria Purple loosestrife Llysiau’r-milwr coch<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Worlds End, Llangollen SJ229480 2006 JLR<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2009 DW<br />

Page 75 of 143

Lythrum salicaria Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Almere SJ45D 2009 DW<br />

Malva neglecta Dwarf mallow Corhocysen<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Ruabon SJ34C 2009 JS<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 JR, DW By church gates; repeat of 2009 record<br />

Marrubium vulgare White horehound Llwyd y cŵn<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ21824529 2004 TCGR, SJW, AJL About 100 clumps on a bare slope just inside<br />

gateway.BIRM<br />

Llangollen SJ22174529 2009 PD up the Eglwyseg stream, at base of lower cliff<br />

just N of stream. well established<br />

Medicago arabica Spotted medick Maglys brith<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2006 RW<br />

Melampyrum pratense Common cow-wheat Gliniogai<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2009 DW<br />

Llansannan SH96H 2011 DW<br />

Brynffanigl SH97C 2008 DW<br />

Melin-y-Wig, riverside SJ04P 2011 Denbs<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2004<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

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Mentha arvensis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Mentha arvensis Corn mint Mintys yr âr<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2007 JAG<br />

Llangedwyn SJ1824 2010 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Mentha pulegium Pennyroyal Brymlys<br />

National Status: Scarce, Endangered<br />

Welsh Status: S42, Critically Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Chirk SJ298383 2004 BSBI<br />

Mentha spicata Spearmint Mintys ysbigog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Mentha suaveolens Round-leaved mint Mintys deilgrwn<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coedpoeth SJ302512 2007 JLR<br />

Mentha x gracilis<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

M. arvensis x spicata<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Loggerheads SJ1962 2004 JP<br />

Trevor SJ24Q 2009 Denbs Trefor Canal Basin & below<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2004 JAG<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Page 77 of 143

Mentha x gracilis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

Mentha x piperita<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

SJ34W 2004 JAG<br />

M. aquatica x spicata<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Mentha x verticillata<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

M. aquatica x arvensis<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ195528 2002 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Trevor SJ24Q 2009 Denbs Trefor Canal Basin & below<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW Felin Puleston, E to lake<br />

Mentha x villosa<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

M. spicata x suaveolens<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH854848 2010 DW W side of road<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Tytandderwen SH9943 2011 DW, SES<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Menyanthes trifoliata Bogbean Ffeuen y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2003 JAG<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Page 78 of 143

Mercurialis annua Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Mercurialis annua Annual dog’s mercury Bresychen-y-cŵn flynyddol<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera SJ25 2007 JAG<br />

Milium effusum Wood millet Miledwellt y coed<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Melin-y-Wig, riverside SJ0442148794 2011 Denbs Frequent along riverside path<br />

Trevor SJ24Q 2009 Denbs Trefor Canal Basin & below<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs Trefor Canal basin<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Penley SJ4140 2007 AKT<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 JR, DW<br />

Minuartia verna Spring sandwort Tywodlys y gwanwyn<br />

National Status: Scarce, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Maeshafn SJ1928761451 2009 DW<br />

Eryrys SJ20025755 2009 DW<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd meeting<br />

Moenchia erecta Upright chickweed Clust-y-llygoden seth<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

coed abergele SH9576 2010 Denbs<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ148437 2007 GMK<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ14L 2007 DW<br />

bwlch yr oernant SJ169477 2009 JLR<br />

Wern SJ1857 2011 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ22074271 2003 ETM<br />

Page 79 of 143

Molinia caerulea Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Molinia caerulea Purple moor-grass Glaswellt y gweunydd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Gwytherin SH8761 2010 DW<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Ruabon Mountain SJ265480 2006 JLR<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Monotropa hypopitys Yellow bird’s-nest Cytwf<br />

National Status: Endangered<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera SJ2593451864 2008 DW, JAG S side of path, above house with dogs<br />

Minera SJ2631257107 2008 DW, JAG Inside edge of wood, S of stones, 70m E of stile<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ324551 2011 PW<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ32775475 2009 BSBI About 27 plants under betula and salix, with<br />

ground flora of brachypodium, lotus and<br />

tussilago<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ35595607 2010 Denbs 100s in several colonies<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ35755595 2010 Denbs Patch under trees<br />

Myosotis discolor Changing forget-me-not Sgorpionllys amryliw<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Clocaenog Forest SJ05F 2008 DW<br />

Glyn Farm SJ12K 2009 AKT<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ1443 2007 JAG<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Page 80 of 143

Myosotis discolor Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2005 BSBI<br />

Myosotis laxa Tufted forget-me-not Sgorpionllys siobynnog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2002 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2004 JAG<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Sydallt,NE of SJ316556 2002 NFS<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2005 JAG<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Myosotis ramosissima Early forget-me-not Sgorpionllys cynnar<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Mynydd Marian SH888774 2004 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2007 JAG<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ14L 2007 DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2000 WFS<br />

Myosotis scorpioides Water forget-me-not Sgorpionllys y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 MC<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Wynnstay SJ3042 2011 DW<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Page 81 of 143

Myosotis scorpioides Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2011 DW<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW<br />

Myosoton aquaticum Water chickweed Llinesg y dŵr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Holt SJ45 2005 JLR<br />

Myosurus minimus Mousetail Cynffon y llygoden<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

N.Wrexham SJ397572 2008 MS Update of exisiting record<br />

Poulton Fields SJ403582 2000 Pulford SSSI.<br />

Myriophyllum spicatum Spiked water milfoil Myrdd-ddail ysbigog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Maes-Mynan Sand Pit,E<br />

lake<br />

SJ114721 2002 NFS<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2005 JLR<br />

Johnstown,W of Hafod<br />

House<br />

SJ30834635 2002 NFS<br />

Narcissus pseudonarcissus Wild daffodil Cenhinen-Bedr wyllt<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ123520 2008 AKT<br />

Ruthin SJ123556 2008 JAG Cilygroeslwyd Wood. Update since 1965. Many<br />

100 W of path<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2007 TK<br />

Page 82 of 143

Nardus stricta Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Nardus stricta Mat-grass Cawnen ddu<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint SH74 2003<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2006 JAG<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2154 2010 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Trevor Rocks SJ232433 2011 DW<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Narthecium ossifragum Bog asphodel Llafn y bladur<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 JAG<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2006 BSBI<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, SJW, AJL<br />

Neottia nidus-avis Bird’s-nest orchid Tegeirian nyth aderyn<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhyd y Foel SH906770 2006 TCGR<br />

Rhewl SJ095589 2004 TGH<br />

Page 83 of 143

Nuphar lutea Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Nuphar lutea Yellow water-lily Lili’r-dŵr felen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2003 JAG<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 DW, JR<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Nymphaea alba White water-lily Alaw<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ203434 2002 JLR<br />

Little Green SJ412405 2011 PSV, RAJ<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 JR, DW<br />

Holt SJ45D 2009 DW under bridge & along cutting<br />

Oenanthe aquatica Fine-leaved water-dropwort Cegiden-y-dŵr fanddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3885750168 2007 TK Pond on Wrexham Industrial Estate.<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3916150744 2008 TK Wrexham Industrial Estate<br />

Bettisfield SJ4250939762 2008 TK Pond in Maelor School grounds.<br />

Oenanthe fistulosa Tubular water-dropwort Cegiden bibellaidd<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH963783 2001 JAG<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ399498 2011 DW Small pond. Large stand under willows<br />

Penley Wood SJ4179941648 2011 JR, DW Frequent around pond<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Page 84 of 143

Oenanthe lachenalii Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Oenanthe lachenalii Parsley water-dropwort Cegiden dail persli<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Towyn SH97U 2009 DW<br />

Ononis repens Common restharrow Tagaradr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R Conwy SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG, WNM<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2007 JAG<br />

Llangollen Canal at<br />

Bettisfield<br />

SJ4535 2000 AJL<br />

Ononis spinosa Spiny restharrow Tagaradr pigog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ33015497 2009 BSBI<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2003<br />

Ophioglossum vulgatum Adder’s-tongue Tafod y neidr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2006 SES<br />

Cilygroeslwyd SJ15H 2008 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Minera Quarry SJ2552 2003 SJW<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2009 SS<br />

Minera SJ265517 2000 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3749 2010 TK<br />

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Ophrys apifera Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Ophrys apifera Bee orchid Tegeirian y wenynen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG, WNM<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Llay SJ329549 2009 BSBI<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ356561 2010 Denbs<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3749 2009 ANG<br />

Ophrys insectifera Fly orchid Tegeirian y clêr<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: S42, Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed abergele SH9481376122 2010 PLT Single plant<br />

Coed Abergele SH954 764 2001 DH Northernmost E-W public footpath thro woods<br />

Orchis mascula Early-purple orchid Tegeirian coch y gwanwyn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R.Conwy SH75 2007 JAG<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2009 DW<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Coed Cefn Heskin SH9466 2010 DW<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

coed abergele SH9576 2010 Denbs<br />

Ddol, Afon Elwy riverside<br />

& woodland<br />

SH9972 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW<br />

Llanarmon-yn-Ial SJ15Y 2009 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Bwlchgwyn SJ2653 2010 DW<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2007 AKT<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Page 86 of 143

Oreopteris limbosperma Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Oreopteris limbosperma Lemon-scented fern Rhedynen bêr y mynydd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Betws y Coed SH7955 2007 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Moel Sych SJ03 2001 JAG<br />

Clocaenog Forest SJ05F 2008 DW<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2007 BSBI<br />

Eglwyseg Mountain SJ229477 2003 SJW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Origanum vulgare Wild marjoram Penrhudd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R.Conwy SH75 2007 JAG<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Brynffanigl SH97C 2008 DW<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Nant Bends SH994443 2007 PP<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2006 SES<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Rhydymeudwy SJ1250 2010 DW<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Glyn Ceiriog SJ1937 2010 SS, DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Ornithopus perpusillus Bird’s-foot Troed yr aderyn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Llanefydd SH973715 2008 JAG<br />

Page 87 of 143

Ornithopus perpusillus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Pistyll Rhaeadr SJ079291 2011 DW All over roadside bank below Footpath sign &<br />

stile<br />

Orobanche hederae Ivy broomrape Gorfanhadlen eiddew<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 JAG<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH9050076225 2010 PLT 1 fl. spike. 2km S of Llandulas, pass Plas<br />

Newydd, R at jct, N side of Isallt rd.<br />

Llanddulas SH916781 2008 NJO Abundant in roadside verge by north towers,<br />

Tan-yr-ogof, Llanddulas<br />

Orobanche minor Common broomrape GorfanhadlenGorfanadl<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ330550 2009 BSBI Scattered plants in meadow<br />

Orobanche minor var.<br />

minor<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ3308454737 2010 TK Alyn Waters Golf Course, Llay. 2 dead spikes<br />

Orobanche rapum-genistae Greater broomrape Gorfanhadlen fawr<br />

National Status: Scarce, Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH8551149839 2010 DW Gwern Hywel Bach. 3 stands of 1,4,6 spikes<br />

under broom.<br />

Castell Dinas Bran SJ22694322 2011 JLR 1st at this site since 1973. about 12 spikes,<br />

under woody gorse, N side of Castell Dinas Bran<br />

Osmunda regalis Royal fern Rhedynen gyfrdwy<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 RL<br />

Llangernyw SH896600 2007 TK Mynydd Hiraethog<br />

Page 88 of 143

Parapholis strigosa Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Parapholis strigosa Hard-grass Caledwellt y morfa<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH995800 2000 Railway bank<br />

Parietaria judaica Pellitory-of-the-wall Paladr y wal<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Rhos on Sea SH88 2005 JAG<br />

Betws-yn-Rhos SH97B 2008 DW<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Mynydd-y-Gaer,<br />

Llannefydd<br />

SH97Q 2009 DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2001 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2005 JLR<br />

Paris quadrifolia Herb-paris Cwlwm cariad<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eyarth Rocks SJ1216354740 2011 Denbs Occasional along the path. Probably more<br />

Graigfechan SJ146532 2009 DW Large stand of 3-400 under managed mixed<br />

woodland, close to path.<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2005 JLR<br />

Penley SJ418417 2011 AKT Confirmed Keith Bell at SJ418414<br />

Pastinaca sativa Wild parsnip Panasen wyllt<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 AKT<br />

Page 89 of 143

Pedicularis palustris Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Pedicularis palustris Marsh lousewort Melog y waun<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed Bryndansi SH87M 2010 DW Llyn Fawnog. Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd<br />

meeting<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH914633 2010 DW, JAG NWWT NR<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Pedicularis sylvatica Lousewort Melog y cŵn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2009 DW<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Glyn Farm SJ12K 2009 AKT<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Minera SJ25 2004 JAG<br />

Persicaria amphibia Amphibious bistort Canwraidd y dŵr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Abergele SH9577 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2005 JLR<br />

Sydallt,NE of SJ316556 2002 NFS<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Sydallt SJ35C 2009 JS<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2005<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Persicaria bistorta Common bistort Llysiau’r neidr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2005 JAG<br />

Page 90 of 143

Persicaria bistorta Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llanarmon D C SJ13 2006 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Persicaria lapathifolia Pale persicaria Canwraidd y dom<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2005 JLR<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2004 JAG<br />

Petasites hybridus 'female' Butterbur Alan mawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Chirk SJ280371 2009 SS female plants, large patch, riverside field next<br />

to Pont-faen bridge, outside Chirk on B5400<br />

Phegopteris connectilis Beech fern Rhedynen gorniog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Llangernyw SH869669 2005 JAG<br />

Phleum arenarium Sand cat’s-tail Rhonwellt y tywyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Phleum bertolonii Smaller cat’s-tail Rhonwellt penfain<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Llansannan SH96 2002 JAG<br />

Page 91 of 143

Phleum bertolonii Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002<br />

Cyffylliog SJ05N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2005 JAG<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Phragmites australis Common reed Corsen Cyrs<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Abergele SH9577 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

SJ35P SJ35P 2008 JS<br />

Picris hieracioides Hawkweed ox-tongue Tafod y llew<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ295537 2010 SB Brymbo disused steelworks. Rough industrial<br />

site,paths, fossil site.<br />

Pinguicula vulgaris Common butterwort Tafod y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2009 DW<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Llanferres SJ196593 2006 RW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Minera Quarry SJ25K 2009 DW<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002 JAG<br />

Page 92 of 143

Plantago coronopus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Plantago coronopus Buck’s-horn plantain Llyriad corn carw<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhos on Sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Colwyn Bay Prom SH8678 2011 DW, JR<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Plantago maritima Sea plantain Llyriad arforLlyriaid arfor<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG, WNM<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Plantago media Hoary plantain Llyriad llwyd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Denbigh SJ041674 2009 DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

Trevalyn SJ35Y 2009 JLR<br />

Platanthera bifolia Lesser butterfly-orchid Tegeirian llydanwyrdd bach<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llansannan SH927652 2005 DWr Llyn Creiniog<br />

Page 93 of 143

Platanthera chlorantha Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Platanthera chlorantha Greater butterfly-orchid Tegeirian llydanwyrdd<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

coed abergele SH9489075956 2011 IF 10 plants, 6 flowering. Update of 2010 record<br />

coed abergele SH9494476144 2011 IF 1 flowering; the other flowered last year<br />

Eyarth Rocks SJ1214254375 2011 Denbs 2 flowering, 2 non-flowering, another 6 within<br />

30m<br />

Poa angustifolia Narrow-leaved meadow-grass Gweunwellt culddail<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH8479 2001 WNM<br />

Poa compressa Flattened meadow-grass Gweunwellt cywasgedig<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2001 WNM, MS<br />

Denbigh SJ058665 2000 PT<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2000 BSBI<br />

Minera SJ257512 2002 WNM<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Chirk SJ30703842 2011 SS A few plants in gateway to field<br />

Poa pratensis Smooth meadow-grass Gweunwellt llyfn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Poa pratensis s.l. Smooth meadow-grass Gweunwellt llyfn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Page 94 of 143

Poa pratensis s.l. Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Poa pratensis s.s. Smooth meadow-grass Gweunwellt llyfn<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Melin-y-Wig, roadside SJ04P 2011 Denbs<br />

Derwen SJ05Q 2010 Denbs<br />

Glyn Farm SJ12K 2009 AKT<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Polygala serpyllifolia Heath milkwort Amlaethai’r waun<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Polygonatum multiflorum Solomon’s-seal Llysiau Solomon<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed Llys Aled SH9464 2010 JAG, DW one clump in hedgerow<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Polygonum oxyspermum Ray’s knotgrass Canclwm Ray<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhos on Sea SH842806 2011 DW Several plants beneath sea wall just N of<br />

Tourist Info Centre<br />

Abergele SH97 2009 NJO<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs About 12 plants scattered along shore<br />

Page 95 of 143

Polygonum rurivagum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Polygonum rurivagum Cornfield knotgrass Canclwm y tir âr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH967762 2003 JAG Hendre bach farm<br />

Polypodium cambricum Southern polypody Llawredynen Gymreig<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryn Euryn SH8308879774 2004 WNM<br />

Llanddulas SH9077 2001 MS, WNM<br />

Llanddulas SH918776 2003 JD Limestone crag below tower near Gwrych<br />

Castle, Llanddulas<br />

Polystichum x bicknellii<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

P. aculeatum x setiferum<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Nant Mill SJ292499 2000 BSBI<br />

Populus nigra subsp.<br />

betulifolia<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Black poplar Poplysen ddu<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 RL<br />

Ruthin SJ191598 2006 BSBI<br />

Llangollen SJ210424 2004 SBE<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2006 BSBI<br />

Populus tremula Aspen Aethnen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 BSBI<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Bont-newydd SJ004712 2003 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Page 96 of 143

Populus tremula Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Erddig Park N.T.. SJ34J 2004 JAG<br />

Sydallt SJ35C 2009 JS<br />

Potamogeton alpinus Red pondweed Dyfrllys coch<br />

Welsh Status: Critically Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ204436 2006 JLR Canal<br />

Bettisfield SJ4223839816 2008 TK field pond near Penley.<br />

Potamogeton berchtoldii Small pondweed Dyfrllys bach<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Glyn-Lws, Dolwen SH881735 2008 WNM<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 MS<br />

Johnstown,W of Hafod<br />

House,by E side of railway<br />

SJ30844648 2002 NFS<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3849 2007 TK<br />

Potamogeton crispus Curled pondweed Dyfrllys crych<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Maes-Mynan Sand<br />

Pit,Middle Lake<br />

SJ111721 2002 NFS<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2006 BSBI<br />

Potamogeton natans Broad-leaved pondweed Dyfrllys llydanddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Moel Sych SJ03 2001 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Johnstown,W of Hafod<br />

House<br />

SJ30814624 2002 NFS<br />

Page 97 of 143

Potamogeton natans Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2000 WFS<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2005 JAG<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Potamogeton obtusifolius Blunt-leaved pondweed Dyfrllys dail aflym<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 MS<br />

Potamogeton<br />

polygonifolius<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Bog pondweed Dyfrllys y gors<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint SH74 2004 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Potamogeton pusillus Lesser pondweed Dyfrllys eiddil<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Maes-Mynan Sand<br />

Pit,Middle Lake<br />

SJ111721 2002 NFS<br />

Maes-Mynan Sand Pit,E<br />

lake<br />

SJ114721 2002 NFS<br />

Potamogeton trichoides Hairlike pondweed Dyfrllys blewynnaidd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ452392 2008 ES<br />

Page 98 of 143

Potentilla palustris Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Potentilla palustris Marsh cinquefoil Pumnalen y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2003 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ220461 2003 JLR<br />

Minera SJ25 2006 JAG<br />

Potentilla tabernaemontani Spring cinquefoil Pumnalen y gwanwyn<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Potentilla x mixta<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

P. anglica x reptans<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eglwysbach SH8070 2010 DW<br />

Llansannan SH991648 2002<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Potentilla x suberecta<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

P. anglica x erecta<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Corwen SJ0044 2002 WNM<br />

Page 99 of 143

Primula veris Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Primula veris Cowslip Briallen Fair<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

Pen-Llan-y-gwr SJ25S 2009 DW<br />

Halton SJ33 2007 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2000<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2005 BSBI<br />

Prunus padus Bird cherry Coeden geirios yr adar<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Llansannan SH96 2002 JAG<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2006 BSBI<br />

Llanarmon D C SJ13 2006 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Almere SJ45D 2009 DW<br />

Page 100 of 143

Puccinellia maritima Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Puccinellia maritima Common salt-marsh-grass Gwellt y morfa<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Pulicaria dysenterica Common fleabane Cedowydd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Lower Halton SJ33 2009 SS<br />

Bradley SJ333535 2007 JAG<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Commonwood SJ35W 2009 DW<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Pyrola rotundifolia Round-leaved wintergreen Glesyn-y-gaeaf deilgrwn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Coed Bryndansi SH852743 2005 CCW Llyn y Fawnog SSSI. Wetland Survey Team. 11<br />

flower spikes<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2000 JAG<br />

Page 101 of 143

Pyrola rotundifolia subsp. maritima Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Pyrola rotundifolia subsp.<br />

maritima<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Round-leaved wintergreen Glesyn-y-gaeaf deilgrwn<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera Quarry SJ2637251855 2008 DW, JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Ranunculus aquatilis Common water-crowfoot Crafanc-y-frân y dŵr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2009 DW<br />

Towyn SH965786 2001 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Penley Wood SJ4179941648 2011 JR, DW Edge of pond<br />

Ranunculus auricomus Goldilocks buttercup Blodyn-ymenyn peneuraid<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2004 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2005 BSBI<br />

Ranunculus fluitans River water-crowfoot Crafanc-y-frân yr afon<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Elwy Llanfair SH927703 2004 JAG<br />

Llanferres SJ189598 2006 JAG<br />

Chain Bridge SJ199432 2005 JLR<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2000 BSBI<br />

Minera SJ25 2006 JAG<br />

Page 102 of 143

Ranunculus hederaceus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Ranunculus hederaceus Ivy-leaved crowfoot Crafanc-y-frân dail eiddew<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2007 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2002 JAG<br />

Pont Petreyal SJ05F 2008 DW<br />

Derwen SJ05Q 2010 Denbs<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Ranunculus lingua Greater spearwort Llafnlys mawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llandegla SJ249526 2006 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 JLR<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ35725625 2010 Denbs In pond. Introduced?<br />

Ranunculus omiophyllus Round-leaved crowfoot Crafanc-y-frân y rhostir<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llangwm SH94S 2011 Denbs<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ1654 2010 DW<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2155 2010 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Erddig Park N.T.. SJ34J 2004 JAG<br />

Page 103 of 143

Ranunculus parviflorus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Ranunculus parviflorus Small-flowered buttercup Blodyn-ymenyn mân-flodeuog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Mariau SH888774 2004 JAG, WNM<br />

Ranunculus peltatus Pond water-crowfoot Crafanc-y-frân y llyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH981580 2002 AOC<br />

Maes-Mynan Sand<br />

Pit,Middle Lake<br />

SJ111721 2002 NFS<br />

Ranunculus penicillatus Stream water-crowfoot Crafanc-y-frân y nant<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ddol SH9972 2011 DW, JAG Large patch in river below house<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Ranunculus sardous Hairy buttercup Blodyn-ymenyn blewog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Trefnant SJ051686 2004 JAG<br />

Ranunculus sceleratus Celery-leaved buttercup Crafanc yr eryr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brookfield Drive<br />

Biodiversity Site<br />

SH8279 2011 DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2007 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Page 104 of 143

Ranunculus sceleratus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2003 JAG<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 DW, JR<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Holt SJ45 2005 JLR<br />

Ranunculus trichophyllus Thread-leaved water-crowfoot Crafanc-y-frân feinddail<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2000 JAG<br />

Johnstown,W of Hafod<br />

House<br />

SJ30804628 2002 NFS<br />

Sydallt,NE of SJ316556 2002 NFS<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum Radish Rhuddygl<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Dawn SH878735 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Dawn SH888774 2008 WNM Sloping field nr crossroadsbetween Betws yn<br />

Rhos & Dawn<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2000 BSBI<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum<br />

subsp. maritimus<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Sea radish Rhuddygl arfor<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH991809 2007 JAG<br />

Reseda lutea Wild mignonette Melengu wyllt ddi-sawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW need checking<br />

Brymbo SJ25W 2009 DW Brymbo Steelworks Site<br />

Page 105 of 143

Rhamnus cathartica Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rhamnus cathartica Buckthorn Rhafnwydden<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2000<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2004 JAG<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ309467 2011 Denbs Edge of track<br />

Rhynchospora alba White beak-sedge Corsfrwynen wen<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 SJW, NGH, AJL<br />

Ribes alpinum Mountain currant Llwyn cwrens y mynydd<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Trofarth SH87K 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Coed Llys Aled SH9464 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Coed abergele SH9542176306 2010 Denbs<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2005 JAG<br />

Rorippa amphibia Great yellow-cress Berwr melyn mawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Sutton Green SJ409477 2007 BSBI<br />

Rorippa islandica Northern yellow-cress Berwr melyn gogleddol<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Trevor SJ24R 2009 Denbs Trefor Canal Basin & below<br />

Page 106 of 143

Rorippa microphylla Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rorippa microphylla Narrow-fruited water-cress Berwr-y-dŵr bach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2003 JAG<br />

Rorippa nasturtiumaquaticum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Water-cress Berwr y dŵr<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Froncysyllte SJ24Q 2009 Denbs<br />

Rorippa nasturtiumaquaticum<br />

agg.<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Water-cress Berwr y dŵr<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Lavister SJ35U 2008 JS<br />

Rorippa palustris Marsh yellow cress Berwr melyn y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2004 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2003 JAG<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 JR, DW<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Rorippa sylvestris Creeping yellow-cress Berwr melyn ymlusgol<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Sutton Green SJ409477 2007 BSBI<br />

Page 107 of 143

Rorippa x sterilis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rorippa x sterilis<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

R. microphylla x nasturtium-aquaticum<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2002 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2002 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 BSBI<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 BSBI<br />

Rosa agrestis Small-leaved sweet-briar Drysïen bêr fanddail<br />

National Status: Scarce, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Critically Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH829799 2006<br />

Graigfechan SJ148549 2000 GMK<br />

Ruthin SJ148550 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa caesia subsp. caesia Hairy dog-rose Rhosyn rhuddlas<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llansannan SH981646 2002 GMK<br />

Denbigh SJ025621 2002 GMK<br />

Llangwyfan SJ123657 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa caesia subsp. glauca Glaucous dog-rose Rhosyn llwydwyrdd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera SJ257518 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa micrantha Small-flowered sweet-briar Drysïen bêr fân-flodeuog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2008 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ148549 2000 GMK<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 BSBI<br />

Page 108 of 143

Rosa micrantha Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Minera SJ275509 2001 JAG<br />

Rosa mollis Soft downy-rose Rhosyn blewog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrellyn Cwmmer SH987520 2007 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys,E of SJ185504 2002 GMK<br />

Gwynfryn Quarry near<br />

Wrexham<br />

SJ2552 2004 RM<br />

Minera SJ257518 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa obtusifolia Round-leaved dog-rose Rhosyn deilgrwn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cobblers Lane, Burton SJ334579 2002 GMK<br />

Golly SJ334679 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa rubiginosa Sweet briar Drysïen bêr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanarmon yn Ial SJ178558 2006 GMK<br />

Minera SJ276508 2004 JAG<br />

Cefn y Bedd SJ35 2008<br />

Rosa rubiginosa agg. Sweet briar Drysïen bêr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2006<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Rosa tomentosa Harsh downy-rose Rhosyn gwlanog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Page 109 of 143

Rosa x dumalis (1) Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rosa x dumalis (1)<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

R. caesia subsp. caesia x sherardii (fxm<br />

or mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Moel Famau SJ123657 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa x dumalis (2)<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

R. caesia subsp. glauca x canina (fxm or<br />

mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2002 GMK<br />

Llansannan SH983639 2002 GMK<br />

Corwen SJ04 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa x dumalis (3)<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

R. caesia subsp. caesia x canina (fxm or<br />

mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llansannan SH984647 2002 GMK<br />

Dinmael SH995496 2002 GMK<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa x dumetorum<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

R. canina x obtusifolis (fxm or mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrhaeadr near Denbigh SJ083641 2006 GMK<br />

Burton SJ335579 2003 GMK Cobblers Lane<br />

Brynhovah Bank SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Overton SJ388428 2003 GMK<br />

Rosa x involuta<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

R. pimpinellifolia x sherardii (fxm or<br />

mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2006 GMK<br />

Page 110 of 143

Rosa x irregularis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rosa x irregularis<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

R. arvensis x canina (fxm or mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2002 GMK<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Ruthin SJ196527 2002<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Rosa x molletorum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

R. canina x mollis (fxm or mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryneglwys SJ183500 2002 GMK<br />

Minera SJ257518 2002 GMK<br />

Rosa x nitidula<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

R. canina x rubiginosa (fxm or mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

New Brighton SJ276509 2001 JAG<br />

Minera Lead Mines<br />

Country Park<br />

SJ276511 2001 JAG<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34J 2003<br />

Rosa x rothschildii<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

R. canina x sherardii (fxm or mxf)<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryneglwys SJ153479 2002 GMK<br />

Rubia peregrina Wild madder Cochwraidd gwyllt<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Terfyn SH914777 2000<br />

Golpa Wood SH934770 2000<br />

Coed Abergle SH9475 2010 Denbs<br />

Rhyd-y-foel SH97D 2008 DW<br />

Cefn SJ0171 2011 Denbs<br />

Page 111 of 143

Rubus caesius Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rubus caesius Dewberry Llwyn mwyar Mair<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2005 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2001 JAG<br />

Bersham SJ310471 2005 AKT<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Burton Green SJ35P 2008 JS<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Rubus chamaemorus Cloudberry Llwyn mwyar y Berwyn<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Moel Sych SJ05323151 2006 MR<br />

Cadair Bronwen SJ075347 2006 MR<br />

Cadair Bronwen SJ076336 2009 JSm<br />

Fenn's Moss SJ482363 2006<br />

Rubus ulmifolius<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Burton Green SJ35P 2008 JS<br />

Rumex acetosa subsp.<br />

hibernicus<br />

National Status: Rare<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Common sorrel Suran y cŵn<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llansannan SH96 2002 JAG<br />

Page 112 of 143

Rumex crispus subsp. littoreus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rumex crispus subsp.<br />

littoreus<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Curled dock Tafolen grech<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhos-on-sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Colwyn Bay Prom SH8678 2011 DW, JR<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Rumex crispus subsp.<br />

uliginosus<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Curled dock Tafolen grech<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Rumex hydrolapathum Water dock Tafolen y dŵr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Bettisfield SJ4535 2000 AJL Banks of the canal between the bridges at<br />

Bettisfield.<br />

Rumex maritimus Golden dock Tafolen felen<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pant-yr-ochain SJ3453 2000<br />

Borras SJ352523 2011 BF update of previous records in this area<br />

Rumex x dufftii<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

R. obtusifolius x sanguineus<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ33025467 2009 BSBI have sample<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Page 113 of 143

Rumex x pratensis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Rumex x pratensis<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

R. crispus x obtusifolius<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2009 SES, JAG<br />

Abergele SH955778 2007 JAG<br />

Dinmael SH997443 2002 MS<br />

St Asaph SJ034745 2010 JAG W of A. Elwy by new footbridge bank at St<br />

Asaph. Alan Davies.<br />

Pont Petreyal SJ037520 2008 DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2004 BSBI<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Rhostyllen SJ322491 2002 SJW, AJL<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Sagina maritima Sea pearlwort Corwlyddyn arfor<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhos-on-sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Llandulas SH907786 2006 GMK<br />

Sagina nodosa Knotted pearlwort Corwlyddyn clymog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH940785 2000 MG<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Sagina subulata Heath pearlwort Corwlyddyn mynawydaidd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 BSBI<br />

Salicornia agg. Glasswort Llyrlys<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Page 114 of 143

Salicornia agg. Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Salix aurita Eared willow Helygen glustiog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal-y-cafn,Afon Conwy N<br />

of.<br />

SH77W 2004 RL<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Gwytherin SH8761 2010 DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Llansannan SH96 2002 GMK<br />

Cyffylliog SJ05N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Rhoslydan SJ1649 2010 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Salix pentandra Bay willow Helygen bêr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Trefor SJ272424 2000 JAG<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs Planted?<br />

Salix purpurea Purple willow Helygen gochlas<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr SH94Z 2011 DW<br />

Salix repens Creeping willow Corhelygen<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 JAG<br />

Minera SJ264518 2003 JAG<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park,<br />

Wrexham<br />

SJ316551 2005 JAG<br />

Page 115 of 143

Salix x meyeriana Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Salix x meyeriana<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

S. fragilis x pentandra<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

SJ24R SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Salix x reichardtii<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

S. caprea x cinerea<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Dinmael SH993443 2002 GMK<br />

Ruthin SJ196527 2002<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Bettisfield SJ4535 2000 AJL Banks of the canal between the bridges at<br />

Bettisfield.BIRM<br />

Salix x sericans<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

S. caprea x viminalis<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2003 BSBI<br />

Llanrhaeadr ym Mochnant SJ1228 2000<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2007<br />

Bettisfield SJ4535 2000 AJL Banks of the canal between the bridges at<br />

Bettisfield.BIRM<br />

Salix x smithiana<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

S. cinerea x viminalis<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 GMK<br />

Tai-nant SJ264474 2011 Denbs<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 BSBI Planted? near visitor centre. Sample taken for<br />

determination<br />

Page 116 of 143

Salsola kali Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Salsola kali Prickly saltwort Helys pigog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Sanguisorba officinalis Great burnet Bwrned mawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Saxifraga granulata Meadow saxifrage Tormaen y gweunydd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ196434 2010 PDS Canal<br />

Llangollen SJ224432 2008 JAG<br />

Halton SJ31533979 2011 SS 1 flowering plant plus a few non-flowering on<br />

slope on bank near R.Dee<br />

Saxifraga tridactylites Rue-leaved saxifrage Tormaen tribys<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2005 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH996809 2003 JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Scabiosa columbaria Small scabious Clafrllys bach<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Page 117 of 143

Scabiosa columbaria Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Trefnant SJ07A 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2006 BSBI<br />

Moel Famau SJ1995361154 2008 DW, JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Minera Quarry SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2005 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Schoenoplectus lacustris Common club-rush Llafrwynen<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2003 WNM<br />

Bradley Marsh SJ35G 2009 JLR<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 JR, DW<br />

Schoenoplectus<br />

tabernaemontani<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Grey club-rush Llafrwynen arfor<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Scirpus sylvaticus Wood club-rush Clwbfrwynen bengron<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Trevor SJ2712441815 2009 Denbs Trefor Canal Basin & below<br />

Bradley Marsh SJ325534 2009 JLR<br />

Scutellaria galericulata Skullcap Cycyllog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Chirk SJ23 2001 JAG<br />

Hem house SJ395545 2006 JLR<br />

Penley Wood SJ4139341118 2011 DW Small pond<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 JR, DW<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 JR, DW Pond<br />

Page 118 of 143

Scutellaria minor Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Scutellaria minor Lesser skullcap Cycyllog bach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2006 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2005 JLR<br />

Sedum anglicum English stonecrop Briweg y cerrig<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2002<br />

Abergele SH97 2009 DW<br />

Mynydd-y-Gaer,<br />

Llannefydd<br />

SH97Q 2008 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Mynydd-y-Glyn SJ12L 2009 AKT<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2007 BSBI<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Nant Mill SJ25V 2008 DW<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Sedum forsterianum Rock stonecrop Briweg Gymreig<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ1234028483 2008 PLT basic crag.<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ220458 2010 TCGR limestone rock. 1 clump only<br />

Sedum telephium Orpine Canewin<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Llys Aled SH9464 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Page 119 of 143

Sedum telephium Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llansilin SJ224295 2006 JAG<br />

Selaginella selaginoides Lesser clubmoss Cnwp-fwsogl bach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8851559422 2007 TK Mynydd Hiraethog<br />

Senecio cambrensis Welsh groundsel Creulys Gymreig<br />

National Status: Rare, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Critically Endangered<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryn-yr-Eos SJ28664006 2004 SJW, AJL Frequent along the A5 between Chirk and<br />

Llangollen.IRM<br />

Chirk SJ289390 2010 LB, AJL<br />

Chirk SJ28983867 2009 CB SJ289389. 3rd for VC. 1st for 10km sq. Entrance<br />

to Crogan, Lodgevale Estate, Chirk, close to<br />

cupressus hedge<br />

Ruabon SJ290439 2002 SJW, AJL Just two plants seen on the verge of Plas<br />

Bennion Road, Ruabon.<br />

Chirk SJ29053787 2006 SJW, AJL<br />

Chirk SJ29053812 2006 SJW, AJL<br />

New Broughton SJ30845145 2003 SJW, AJL, MMC Frequent along a roadside in New Broughton<br />

from SJ30785149 to SJ30845145.<br />

Rhostyllen SJ322491 2002 SJW, AJL Ten plants along the roadside, but the verge<br />

had been cut, so there could have been more.<br />

Associated species listed.<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ358558 2011 JSm About 40 plants on the steep bank<br />

Senecio erucifolius Hoary ragwort Creulys lwyd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llandulas SH917778 2005 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2004 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Minera Quarry SJ25L 2008 DW<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ295537 2010 SB Disused, rough industrial site paths, near fossil<br />

site<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Page 120 of 143

Senecio erucifolius Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs Disused industrial area near 'Calypso' factory<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ399498 2011 DW Edge of small pond<br />

Senecio sylvaticus Heath groundsel Creulys y rhos<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2002<br />

<strong>VC50</strong> Denbighshire SH96C 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 BSBI<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2005 JAG<br />

Pistyll Rhaeadr SJ0729 2011 DW<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ14L 2007 DW<br />

Glyn Ceiriog SJ1937 2010 SS, DW<br />

Chirk SJ23 2005 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 AKT<br />

Setaria viridis Green bristle-grass Cibogwellt gwyrddlas<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Wrexham SJ382485 2002 GL<br />

Sherardia arvensis Field madder Mandon las yr ŷd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangernyw SH86 2005 JAG<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2008 JAG, DW<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Page 121 of 143

Sherardia arvensis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Silaum silaus Pepper-saxifrage Ffenigl yr hwch<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Wrexham SJ387494 2009 ANG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3898450441 2008 TK Wrexham Industrial Estate<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Silene gallica Small-flowered catchfly Gludlys amryliw<br />

National Status: Scarce, Endangered<br />

Welsh Status: S42, Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG, WNM<br />

Pensarn SH947788 2000 WNM Many plants on railway bank at Pensarn.<br />

Abergele SH950789 2005 JAG<br />

Silene nutans Nottingham catchfly Gludlys gogwyddol<br />

National Status: Scarce, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG, WNM<br />

Silene uniflora Sea campion Gludlys arfor<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

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Silene vulgaris Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Silene vulgaris Bladder campion Gludlys codrwth<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: not rare or scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2003 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Rhydymeudwy SJ1250 2010 DW<br />

Craig Adwy Wynt SJ1253 2010 DW<br />

Nant-y-Garth SJ177517 2011 DW Large stand by roadside<br />

Eryrys SJ21003 57152. 2008 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 BSBI<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Rhostyllen SJ32314925 2002 SJW, AJL Associated species with Senecio cambrensis.<br />

Llay SJ32695460 2009 BSBI Also scattered plants in nearby meadow<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Silene x hampeana<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

S. latifolia x S. dioica<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 DW<br />

Sinapis alba White mustard Mwstard gwyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

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Sinapis arvensis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Sinapis arvensis Charlock Mwstard gwyllt<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: not rare or scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R Conwy SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Abergele SH9577 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96 2004 BSBI<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Ruthin by-pass SJ15E 2010 DW<br />

Moel y Parc SJ17 2005 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Burton Green SJ35P 2008 JS<br />

Lavister SJ35U 2008 JS<br />

Worthenbury SJ44 2007<br />

Sison amomum Stone parsley Perllys y cerrig<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ059673 2011 JAG Edge of road/roundabout<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Solanum nigrum Black nightshade Codwarth du<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH9577 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2004 JAG<br />

Llangedwyn SJ1824 2010 DW<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Page 124 of 143

Solanum nigrum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2003 JAG<br />

Sutton Green SJ406482 2007 JAG<br />

Solidago virgaurea Goldenrod Eurwialen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R.Conwy SH75 2007 JAG<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2002<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2007 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Froncysyllte SJ24Q 2009 Denbs<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2004 JAG<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ3556 2010 Denbs<br />

Sorbus anglica<br />

National Status: Rare, Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Llangollen SJ229477 2002 BSBI<br />

Sorbus rupicola<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Cerddinen Lloegr<br />

Cerddinen y graig<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH8885877422 2011 NJO by western covered reservoir amongst<br />

F.excelsior<br />

Rhyd-y-foel SH906765 2006 TCGR, JAG<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ2211145204 2002 TCGR, SH<br />

Creigiau Eglwyseg SJ22264605 2004 TCGR, SJW, AJL BIRM<br />

Llangollen SJ229477 2002 BSBI<br />

Page 125 of 143

Sorbus torminalis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Sorbus torminalis Wild service-tree Cerddinen wyllt<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llansannan SH981644 2002 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Penley SJ416415 2007 AKT<br />

Sparganium angustifolium Floating bur-reed Cleddlys arnofiol<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Moel Sych SJ03 2001 JAG<br />

Sparganium emersum Unbranched bur-reed Cleddlys di-gainc<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH76 2005 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ201436 2006 JLR<br />

Sydallt,NE of SJ316556 2002 NFS<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2009 DW<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Sparganium erectum<br />

subsp. microcarpum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Branched bur-reed Cleddlys canghennog<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Wrexham SJ381487 2004 JC<br />

Sparganium erectum<br />

subsp. neglectum<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Branched bur-reed Cleddlys canghennog<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llandulas SH909787 2005 JAG<br />

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Spartina anglica Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Spartina anglica Common cord-grass Cordwellt cyffredin<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Glan Conwy SH802718 2002 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Spergula arvensis Corn spurrey Troellig yr ŷd<br />

National Status: Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R Conwy SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 DW, JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 DW, JAG<br />

Dawn SH87887357 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH914633 2010 DW, JAG NWWT NR<br />

Abergele SH97 2003 JAG Hendre bach farm<br />

Ddol, Afon Elwy riverside<br />

& woodland<br />

SH9972 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Nant-y-Ffrith SJ2653 2010 DW, JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2003 JAG<br />

Spergularia marina Lesser sea-spurrey Troellig arfor bach<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH865787 2005 JAG<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH957564 2010 DW, JAG A few patches on W edge of B4501, 200m N of<br />

county boundary<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Spergularia media Greater sea-spurrey Troellig arfor mawr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Rhos-on-sea SH8480 2011 DW, JR<br />

Page 127 of 143

Spergularia media Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Spergularia rubra Sand spurrey Troellig arfor coch<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanefydd SH9742671553 2008 JAG<br />

Bersham, Wrexham SJ312481 2004 AKT<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ3126446576 2011 Denbs Occasional around edge of carpark<br />

Bettisfield SJ4714637085 2008 TK farmland nr Fenn's Moss<br />

Spergularia rupicola Rock sea-spurrey Troellig arfor y clogwyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG<br />

Spiranthes spiralis Autumn lady’s-tresses Troellig yr hydref<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH905768 2010 ANG lots<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH916760 2010 ANG lots<br />

Spirodela polyrhiza Greater duckweed Llinad mawr<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

near Poulton SJ398572 2006 MS<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Stachys alpina Limestone woundwort Briwlys y calch<br />

National Status: Rare<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Nant Bends SH994443 2007 PP<br />

Cilygroeslwyd Wood SJ1254255321 2011 PLT<br />

Page 128 of 143

Stachys officinalis Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Stachys officinalis Betony Cribau San Ffraid<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R.Conwy SH75 2007 JAG<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Coed Bryndansi, Llanelian SH87M 2010 DW<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Betws-yn-Rhos SH97B 2008 DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2006 BSBI<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Stachys x ambigua<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

S. palustris x sylvatica<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Llandulas SH909787 2005 JAG<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2004 JAG<br />

Stellaria neglecta Greater chickweed Gwlyddyn-y-dom mawr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004<br />

Cefn SJ0171 2011 Denbs St. Mary's Churchyard<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2004 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2006 JAG<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2003 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 BSBI<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Page 129 of 143

Stellaria nemorum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Stellaria nemorum Wood stitchwort Serenllys y coed<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW<br />

Stellaria pallida Lesser chickweed Gwlyddyn-y-dom bach<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 JAG<br />

Kinmel Bay SH987806 2007 JAG<br />

Cefn SJ01637169 2011 Denbs St. Mary's Churchyard<br />

Suaeda maritima Annual sea-blite Helys unflwydd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Glan Conwy SH802718 2000 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2000<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Symphytum officinale Common comfrey Cyfardwf<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Aifft SJ115688 2011 JAG In hedge<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ32535428 2009 BSBI<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Tanacetum vulgare Tansy Tansi<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

St George SH965755 2005 JAG<br />

Llansannan SH96H 2011 DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH9980 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanarmon D C SJ13 2006 JAG<br />

Page 130 of 143

Tanacetum vulgare Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3749 2011 BSBI<br />

Worthenbury SJ44H 2011 DW<br />

Holt SJ45 2007 JAG<br />

Teesdalia nudicaulis Shepherd’s cress Berwr y bugail<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llanrwst SH7869968582 2007 WNM Cefn Coed Isaf, Maenan. About 10<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ14L 2007 DW<br />

Castell Dinas Bran SJ222430 2010 PDS<br />

Fenn's Moss SJ48473362 2000<br />

Thalictrum flavum Common meadow-rue Arianllys<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2005 BSBI<br />

Holt SJ45 2000 JAG<br />

Thalictrum minus Lesser meadow-rue Arianllys bach<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Rhyd-y-Foel SH97D 2008 DW<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2008 JAG, DW<br />

Pentre Farm SJ34A 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Thlaspi arvense Field penny-cress Codywasg y maes<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llandulas SH918783 2000 JAG<br />

Berwyn, Llangollen SJ219435 2009 JLR 100s<br />

Pontfadog SJ234383 2011 SS<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS<br />

Page 131 of 143

Thymus polytrichus Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Thymus polytrichus Wild thyme Teim gwyllt<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Brynffanigl SH97C 2008 DW<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llanfair DC SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Acrefair SJ24R 2009 Denbs<br />

Eryrys SJ25D 2010 DW<br />

Minera SJ25Q 2011 DW<br />

Pen-Llan-y-gwr SJ25S 2009 DW<br />

Maeshafn SJ26 2005 JAG<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2002<br />

Tilia cordata Small-leaved lime Pisgwydden dail bach<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R.Conwy SH75 2007 JAG<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2008 GMK<br />

Ruabon SJ323410 2007 AKT<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Tilia platyphyllos Large-leaved lime Pisgwydden dail mawr<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW Planted ? along canalside<br />

Torilis nodosa Knotted hedge-parsley Troed-y-cyw clymog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JAG<br />

Page 132 of 143

Trichophorum cespitosum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Trichophorum cespitosum Deergrass Clwbfrwynen y mawn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Gwytherin SH8761 2010 DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Llyn Cyfynwy SJ2154 2010 DW<br />

Bryn Adda, Ruabon<br />

Mountain<br />

SJ24M 2009 JLR<br />

Trichophorum cespitosum<br />

subsp. cespitosum<br />

National Status: Rare<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Trifolium arvense Hare’s foot clover Meillionen gedennog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay Prom SH8678 2011 DW, JR<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Chirk Green SJ297383 2009 SS<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2004 BF<br />

Trifolium campestre Hop trefoil Meillionen hopysaidd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 JAG<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG, DW<br />

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Trifolium campestre Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 JLR<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Trifolium fragiferum Strawberry clover Meillionen fefusaidd<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentre Mawr Parc,<br />

Abergele<br />

SH943786 2005 JAG<br />

Brymbo SJ25W 2009 DW Brymbo Steelworks Site<br />

Trifolium scabrum Rough clover Meillionen arw<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pensarn SH940785 2000<br />

Trifolium striatum Knotted clover Meillionen rychog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2007 JAG<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 DW<br />

Triglochin maritimum Sea arrowgrass Saethbennig y morfa<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2002 JAG<br />

Triglochin palustre Marsh arrowgrass Saethbennig y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Mynydd Branar SH87Q 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Page 134 of 143

Triglochin palustre Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Eglwyseg Llangollen SJ223467 2004 IJB<br />

Trevor Rocks SJ232433 2011 DW<br />

Tripleurospermum<br />

maritimum<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Sea mayweed Amranwen arfor<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Tal y Cafn SH77 2004 WNM<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Llanddulas SH97E 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Pensarn SH97J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Trollius europaeus Globeflower Cronnell<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

R.Conwy SH79805447 2008 WNM small pop. on both banks of the afon Conwy.<br />

Corwen SJ04 2005 HH<br />

Typha angustifolia Lesser bulrush Cynffon-y-gath gulddail<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Hanmer Mere SJ43P 2011 JR, DW<br />

Ulex x breoganii<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

U. europaeus x gallii<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llysfaen SH892772 2004 WNM<br />

Llanefydd SH9729371821 2008 JAG<br />

Ulmus procera English elm Llwyfen Lloegr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Eglwysbach SH8070 2010 DW<br />

Page 135 of 143

Ulmus procera Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Abergele SH97 2007 JAG<br />

Denbigh Industrial Site SJ06N 2011 JAG<br />

Aifft SJ16E 2011 JAG<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Llangedwyn SJ1824 2010 DW<br />

Brynhovah Bank,rd E of+R<br />

Dee.<br />

SJ34W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Erddig SJ35J 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Vaccinium oxycoccos agg. Cranberry Llygaeren<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2006 JAG<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Moel Sych SJ03 2001 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2006 BSBI<br />

Whixall Moss (v.c. 50) SJ47953554 2006 NGH, AJL, SJW<br />

Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cowberry Llusen goch<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2003 JAG, WNM, SES<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Moel Sych SJ03 2001 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2003 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2006 BSBI<br />

Vaccinium x intermedium V. myrtillus x vitis-idaea<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Esclusham Mountain SJ23764979 2006 PLT<br />

Valeriana dioica Marsh valerian Triaglog y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2001 WNM, JAG<br />

Page 136 of 143

Valeriana dioica Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Melin-y-Wig, riverside SJ04P 2011 Denbs<br />

Pistyll Rhaeadr SJ0729 2011 DW<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2004<br />

Worlds End SJ230483 2003 JLw<br />

Minera SJ25 2003 JAG<br />

Valerianella carinata Keeled-fruited cornsalad Gwylaeth-yr-oen ffrwythau rhychog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 JAG BSBI group<br />

Derwen SJ05Q 2010 Denbs<br />

Glyndyfrdwy SJ152430 2007 GMK<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2003 ETM<br />

Valerianella locusta Common cornsalad Gwylaeth yr oen<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2006 JAG<br />

Abergele SH97 2005 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ15M 2009 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2000 BSBI<br />

Halton. SJ34A 2004 JAG<br />

Valerianella locusta var.<br />

dunensis<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2007 JAG<br />

Verbascum lychnitis White mullein Pannog wen<br />

National Status: Scarce<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

N.Wrexham SJ3397454138 2008 TK Known for several years. A483 embankment<br />

near Gresford.<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ3555 2010 Denbs another local record. scattered across site.<br />

Marford Quarrya SJ357564 2010 Denbs scattered across site<br />

Page 137 of 143

Verbascum nigrum Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Verbascum nigrum Dark mullein Pannog dywyll<br />

Welsh Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

N.Wrexham SJ35 2005 BSBI<br />

Verbascum x thapsi<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

V. lychnitis x thapsus<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Marford Quarryb SJ35805584 2010 Denbs very different from either parent.<br />

Verbena officinalis Vervain Y ferfain<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2004 JAG<br />

Veronica anagallisaquatica<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Blue water-speedwell Graeanllys y dŵr<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH987794 2001 JAG<br />

Veronica catenata Pink water-speedwell Graeanllys-y-dŵr rhosliw<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Sydallt,NE of SJ316556 2002 NFS<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 JR, DW By pond<br />

Veronica scutellata Marsh speedwell Rhwyddlwyn culddail y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2002 AOC, CJ<br />

Page 138 of 143

Veronica scutellata Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Towyn SH97U 2009 DW<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Llanrhaeadr SJ084642 2007 JAG<br />

Llandynan SJ14X 2008 DW<br />

Ruthin SJ15 2001 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2005 JLR<br />

Minera SJ25 2005 BSBI<br />

Bettisfield SJ43 2005 JAG<br />

Penley Wood SJ44A 2011 DW, JR<br />

Veronica spicata Spiked speedwell Rhwyddlwyn pigfain<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bont-newydd area. SJ07A 2003 JAG, WNM<br />

Vicia bithynica Bythinian vetch Ffacbysen ruddlas<br />

National Status: Scarce, Vulnerable<br />

Welsh Status: Endangered<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Trefnant SJ041714 2011 JAG update record. Sparse on flowering bank, side<br />

of B5381, dangerous corner.Specimen<br />

Vicia lathyroides Spring vetch Ffacbysen y gwanwyn<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Fenn's Moss SJ487365 2000<br />

Vicia orobus Wood bitter-vetch Ffacbysen chwerw<br />

National Status: Scarce, Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: S42<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH8241046828 2009 DW Pennant. Under Rowan on edge of river. Few<br />

pods. Visible from track. 100m from bridge<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2007 JAG<br />

Cefn Brith SH9528749462 2009 DW, JAG

Vicia sativa subsp. sativa Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Vicia sativa subsp. sativa Cultivated vetch PupysenPupys<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Mynydd Marian SH87Y 2009 DW<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3749 2011 BSBI<br />

Vicia tetrasperma Smooth tare Ffacbysen lefn<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2004 WNM<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2004 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Maesmynan SJ17B 2011 JAG<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ2953 2010 BSBI<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ34Z 2010 Denbs<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Viola hirta Hairy violet Fioled flewog<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2005 JAG<br />

coed abergele SH9476 2010 Denbs<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Eyarth Rocks SJ15H 2011 Denbs<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2004 JAG<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ295537 2010 SB Brymbo disused steelworks. Rough industrial<br />

site,paths, fossil site.<br />

Bettisfield Village SJ43S 2010 DW<br />

Viola lutea Mountain pansy Trilliw y mynydd<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH873500 2010 IJR a few flowering plants on the side of a green<br />

lane. 1st for 10km sq<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ1831047997 2007 JAG Horseshoe Pass, short grass<br />

Waterfalls SJ214356 2010 RAD steep bank in field. c. 12 plants in flower.<br />

Page 140 of 143

Viola lutea Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

SJ23M SJ236340 2009 RAD patch 30 x 30cm, flowers all yellow<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Minera SJ25445196 2006 JLR Minera<br />

Gwynfryn SJ25L 2009 SS Minera. scattered individuals<br />

Viola odorata Sweet violet Fioled bêr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Llangernyw SH86T 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Dawn SH878735 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Efenechtyd SJ1155 2011 DW<br />

Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant SJ12 2006 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2007 JAG<br />

Moel Famau SJ16 2000 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ33E 2011 SS Records taken between April & August.<br />

Wrexham,SW of+Erddig<br />

Park N..<br />

SJ34J 2003 JAG<br />

Viola palustris Marsh violet Fioled y gors<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Pentrefoelas SH8751 2011 JAG, DW<br />

Plas Iolyn Bog SSSR SH880502 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Blaen-y-weirglodd SH9163 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Cerrig y Drudion SH94 2003 BSBI<br />

Brenig SH9455 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Hafod Elwy NNR SH9456 2010 JAG, DW<br />

Glyn Farm SJ12K 2009 AKT<br />

Tai-nant SJ24T 2011 Denbs<br />

Viola palustris subsp.<br />

palustris<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Migneint. SH74W 2004 WNM, SES, JAG<br />

Ysbyty Ifan SH84 2005 JAG<br />

Clocaenog SJ05 2007 JAG<br />

Page 141 of 143

Viola reichenbachiana Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Viola reichenbachiana Early dog-violet Fioled y coed-au’r coed<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Denbigh SJ06 2007 JAG<br />

Ruthin SJ116519 2008 AKT<br />

S.Wrexham SJ34 2004 JAG<br />

Viola tricolor Wild pansy Trilliw<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Welsh Status: Vulnerable<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Bryneglwys SJ14 2002 JAG<br />

Ruthin by-pass SJ15E 2010 DW<br />

Ruthin by-pass SJ15E 2010 DW<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Llangollen SJ24 2004 JAG<br />

Vulpia bromoides Squirreltail fescue Peisgwellt cynffon gwiwer<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Bodnant Garden<br />

N.T.+Trallwyn.<br />

SH77W 2003 WNM<br />

Colwyn Bay SH87 2004 JAG<br />

Abergele SH942786 2000 BSBI<br />

Llyn Brenig SH95 2004 JAG<br />

Melin-y-Wig, woodland SJ04P 2011 Denbs<br />

Trefnant SJ07 2004 JAG<br />

Pistyll Rhaeadr SJ0729 2011 DW<br />

Llanrhaeadr ym Mochnant SJ144243 2006 JAG<br />

Chirk SJ23 2007 SES<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 DW<br />

Wrexham Industrial Site SJ3748 2011 BSBI<br />

Vulpia myuros Rat’s-tail fescue Peisgwellt y fagwyr<br />

Local Status: scarce<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Abergele SH97 2000 WFS<br />

Page 142 of 143

Vulpia myuros Denbighshire Draft Rare Plants Register (<strong>VC50</strong>)<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98 2001 JAG<br />

Nant-y-Ffrith SJ2653 2010 DW, JAG<br />

Brymbo Steelworks Site SJ295535 2010 BSBI near works buildings and newt ponds<br />

Alyn Waters Country Park SJ32755451 2009 BSBI On metalled entrance to field off road<br />

Bonc-yr-Hafod SJ34D 2011 Denbs<br />

Llay SJ35H 2009 BSBI<br />

Wahlenbergia hederacea Ivy-leaved bellflower Clychlys dail eiddew<br />

National Status: Near Threatened<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Moel y Park SJ117697 2006 JAG<br />

Graigfechan SJ158547 2000 Moel Llanfair<br />

Graigfechan SJ165547 2010 DW rivulet between footpath N and stream.<br />

Abundant .<br />

Zannichellia palustris Horned pondweed Llynwlyddyn corniog<br />

Local Status: rare<br />

Site Gridref Year Initials Comment<br />

Kinmel Bay SH98V 2010 Denbs<br />

Maes-Mynan Sand Pit,E<br />

lake<br />

SJ114721 2002 NFS<br />

Page 143 of 143

Recorders’ full names and initials<br />

Initials only are given in the body of the Register, in order to save space.<br />

Full name Initials<br />

Beacham, R. RB<br />

Bennallick, I.J. IJB<br />

Bird, N. NB<br />

Boyett, L. LB<br />

Burnett, S. SBn<br />

Burton, S. SB<br />

Chambers, S. SC<br />

Chater, A.O. AOC<br />

Clarke, J. JC<br />

Cole, M.M. MMC<br />

Cooper, M. MC<br />

Davies, A. AD<br />

Davies, K. KD<br />

Dawes, R.A. RAD<br />

Day, P. PD<br />

Denbighshire recording group Denbs<br />

Drinkwater, H. HD<br />

Driver, J. JD<br />

Evans, D.J. DJE<br />

Evans, S.B. SBE<br />

Field meeting BSBI<br />

Formstone, B. BF<br />

Fraser, I. IF<br />

Godfrey, M. MG<br />

Graham, A.N. ANG<br />

Green, J.A. JAG<br />

Grey-Hulse, T. TGH<br />

Hand, S. SH<br />

Harthill, D. DH<br />

Hazlehurst, A. AH<br />

Hipperson, H. HH<br />

Hodgetts, N.G. NGH<br />

Jermy, C. CJ<br />

Jones, H.W. HWJ<br />

Jones, R.A. RAJ<br />

Kay, G.M. GMK<br />

Knight, T. TK<br />

Latham, J. JL<br />

Lawton Roberts, J. JLR<br />

Full name Initials<br />

Lawton, J. JLw<br />

Lewis, R. RL<br />

Lockton, A.J. AJL<br />

Lowden, G. GL<br />

Maskew, R. RM<br />

McCarthy, W.N. WNM<br />

Meilleur, E.T. ETM<br />

Nash, H. HN<br />

Osley, N.J. NJO<br />

Parker, P. PP<br />

Phillips, J. JP<br />

Povey, S.M. SMP<br />

Rand, M. MR<br />

Rees, I&J IJR<br />

Rich, T.C.G. TCGR<br />

Rogers, M. MRo<br />

Rose, J. JR<br />

Shanklin, J. JS<br />

Shannon, P.D. PDS<br />

Shilland, E. ES<br />

Smith, J. JSm<br />

Spencer-Vellacott, P. PSV<br />

Stead, M. MS<br />

Stewart, N.F. NFS<br />

Stille, S.E. SES<br />

Swindells, S. SS<br />

Tennant, D.J. DJT<br />

Thomas, P.L. PLT<br />

Thorne, A.K. AKT<br />

Watson, K. LW<br />

Webster, H. HW<br />

Whild, S.J. SJW<br />

Whitehead, R. RW<br />

Wild Flower Society Group WFS<br />

Williams, D. DW<br />

Williams, P. PW<br />

Wright, D. DWr<br />

Wynne, G. GW

Scarce plants in Denbighshire – for any of these (or plants that could be rare/ new) please fill in the recording form on page 5. Please<br />

print your preferred list using either scientific or common names.<br />

Scientific name<br />

Achillea ptarmica<br />

Adoxa moschatellina<br />

Aethusa cynapium<br />

Aira caryophyllea<br />

Alchemilla xanthochlora<br />

Alisma plantago-aquatica<br />

Allium ampeloprasum var.<br />

babingtonii<br />

Allium vineale<br />

Anacamptis pyramidalis<br />

Anagallis tenella<br />

Andromeda polifolia<br />

Anthyllis vulneraria<br />

Apium inundatum<br />

Arabis hirsuta<br />

Arctium lappa<br />

Armeria maritima<br />

Aster tripolium<br />

Barbarea vulgaris<br />

Berula erecta<br />

Beta vulgaris subsp.<br />

maritima<br />

Bidens cernua<br />

Blackstonia perfoliata<br />

Botrychium lunaria<br />

Bryonia dioica<br />

Buxus sempervirens<br />

Callitriche agg.<br />

Callitriche hamulata<br />

Campanula latifolia<br />

Carduus crispus<br />

Carduus nutans<br />

Carex acutiformis<br />

Carex binervis<br />

Carex caryophyllea<br />

Carex curta<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. leersii<br />

Carex extensa<br />

Carex laevigata<br />

Carex muricata subsp.<br />

lamprocarpa<br />

Carex pallescens<br />

Carex paniculata<br />

Carex pilulifera<br />

Carex pseudocyperus<br />

Carex pulicaris<br />

Carex riparia<br />

Carex rostrata<br />

Carex spicata<br />

Carex viridula subsp.<br />

oedocarpa<br />

Carlina vulgaris<br />

Carpinus betulus<br />

Catapodium rigidum<br />

Cerastium diffusum<br />

Ceratocapnos claviculata<br />

Chenopodium rubrum<br />

Chrysosplenium alternifolium<br />

Clematis vitalba<br />

Clinopodium vulgare<br />

Cochlearia danica<br />

Cochlearia officinalis<br />

Coeloglossum viride<br />

Convolvulus arvensis<br />

Scientific name<br />

Crambe maritima<br />

Crepis biennis<br />

Crepis paludosa<br />

Cynoglossum officinale<br />

Cystopteris fragilis<br />

Dactylorhiza purpurella<br />

Danthonia decumbens<br />

Daphne laureola<br />

Drosera rotundifolia<br />

Echium vulgare<br />

Eleocharis palustris<br />

Empetrum nigrum<br />

Epilobium roseum<br />

Epilobium tetragonum<br />

Epipactis helleborine<br />

Equisetum palustre<br />

Equisetum sylvaticum<br />

Equisetum telmateia<br />

Erica cinerea<br />

Erica tetralix<br />

Erigeron acer<br />

Eriophorum angustifolium<br />

Eriophorum vaginatum<br />

Erodium cicutarium<br />

Erophila verna s.l.<br />

Euonymus europaeus<br />

Eupatorium cannabinum<br />

Euphorbia lathyris<br />

Fumaria muralis subsp.<br />

boraei<br />

Galeopsis bifida<br />

Galium mollugo<br />

Galium uliginosum<br />

Gentianella amarella<br />

Geranium columbinum<br />

Geranium pratense<br />

Geranium pusillum<br />

Geum rivale<br />

Glaux maritima<br />

Glyceria declinata<br />

Glyceria notata<br />

Gymnocarpium robertianum<br />

Helianthemum nummularium<br />

Helictotrichon pubescens<br />

Helleborus foetidus<br />

Hordeum secalinum<br />

Humulus lupulus<br />

Hydrocotyle vulgaris<br />

Hypericum hirsutum<br />

Hypericum humifusum<br />

Hypericum montanum<br />

Hypericum tetrapterum<br />

Inula conyzae<br />

Iris foetidissima<br />

Isolepis setacea<br />

Jasione montana<br />

Juncus squarrosus<br />

Koeleria macrantha sens.<br />

lat.<br />

Lathraea squamaria<br />

Lathyrus nissolia<br />

Leontodon hispidus<br />

Leontodon saxatilis<br />

Lepidium heterophyllum<br />

Linum bienne<br />

Scientific name<br />

Listera ovata<br />

Lithospermum officinale<br />

Littorella uniflora<br />

Luzula multiflora subsp.<br />

congesta<br />

Lycopus europaeus<br />

Lysimachia nummularia<br />

Lysimachia vulgaris<br />

Lythrum portula<br />

Lythrum salicaria<br />

Melampyrum pratense<br />

Menyanthes trifoliata<br />

Milium effusum<br />

Moenchia erecta<br />

Molinia caerulea<br />

Monotropa hypopitys<br />

Myosotis discolor<br />

Myosotis laxa<br />

Myosotis ramosissima<br />

Myosotis scorpioides<br />

Myosoton aquaticum<br />

Nardus stricta<br />

Narthecium ossifragum<br />

Nuphar lutea<br />

Nymphaea alba<br />

Oenanthe aquatica<br />

Oenanthe fistulosa<br />

Ononis repens<br />

Ophioglossum vulgatum<br />

Ophrys apifera<br />

Orchis mascula<br />

Oreopteris limbosperma<br />

Origanum vulgare<br />

Ornithopus perpusillus<br />

Parietaria judaica<br />

Paris quadrifolia<br />

Pedicularis sylvatica<br />

Persicaria amphibia<br />

Persicaria bistorta<br />

Persicaria lapathifolia<br />

Phleum bertolonii<br />

Phragmites australis<br />

Pinguicula vulgaris<br />

Plantago coronopus<br />

Plantago media<br />

Poa compressa<br />

Polygala serpyllifolia<br />

Polygonatum multiflorum<br />

Populus nigra subsp.<br />

betulifolia<br />

Populus tremula<br />

Potamogeton berchtoldii<br />

Potamogeton natans<br />

Potamogeton polygonifolius<br />

Potentilla palustris<br />

Primula veris<br />

Prunus padus<br />

Pulicaria dysenterica<br />

Ranunculus auricomus<br />

Ranunculus fluitans<br />

Ranunculus hederaceus<br />

Ranunculus omiophyllus<br />

Ranunculus sceleratus<br />

Ranunculus trichophyllus<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum<br />

Scientific name<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum<br />

subsp. maritimus<br />

Rhamnus cathartica<br />

Ribes alpinum<br />

Rorippa palustris<br />

Rosa micrantha<br />

Rosa mollis<br />

Rubia peregrina<br />

Rubus caesius<br />

Rubus chamaemorus<br />

Rumex crispus subsp.<br />

littoreus<br />

Salix aurita<br />

Saxifraga tridactylites<br />

Scabiosa columbaria<br />

Scutellaria galericulata<br />

Sedum anglicum<br />

Sedum telephium<br />

Senecio cambrensis<br />

Senecio erucifolius<br />

Senecio sylvaticus<br />

Sherardia arvensis<br />

Silaum silaus<br />

Silene vulgaris<br />

Sinapis arvensis<br />

Solanum nigrum<br />

Solidago virgaurea<br />

Sorbus rupicola<br />

Sparganium emersum<br />

Spergula arvensis<br />

Spergularia marina<br />

Spergularia media<br />

Spergularia rubra<br />

Stachys officinalis<br />

Stellaria neglecta<br />

Suaeda maritima<br />

Tanacetum vulgare<br />

Teesdalia nudicaulis<br />

Thalictrum minus<br />

Thlaspi arvense<br />

Thymus polytrichus<br />

Tilia cordata<br />

Trichophorum cespitosum<br />

Trifolium arvense<br />

Trifolium campestre<br />

Trifolium striatum<br />

Triglochin palustre<br />

Tripleurospermum<br />

maritimum<br />

Ulmus procera<br />

Vaccinium oxycoccos agg.<br />

Vaccinium vitis-idaea<br />

Valeriana dioica<br />

Valerianella carinata<br />

Valerianella locusta<br />

Veronica scutellata<br />

Vicia tetrasperma<br />

Viola hirta<br />

Viola lutea<br />

Viola odorata<br />

Viola palustris<br />

Viola tricolor<br />

Vulpia bromoides<br />

Vulpia myuros<br />

<strong>VC50</strong> Rare Plant Register taxa list – scientific names I

Scarce plants in Denbighshire – for any of these (or plants that could be rare/ new) please fill in the recording form on page 5. Please<br />

print your preferred list using either scientific or common names.<br />

Common name<br />

Common name<br />

Common name<br />

Common name<br />

Adder’s-tongue<br />

Deergrass<br />

Limestone fern<br />

bill<br />

Alternate-leaved golden- Dewberry<br />

Long-bracted sedge Small-flowered sweetsaxifrage<br />

Downy oat-grass<br />

Long-stalked crane’s-bill briar<br />

Amphibious bistort<br />

Eared willow<br />

Lousewort<br />

Small-leaved lime<br />

Annual sea-blite<br />

Early forget-me-not<br />

Marsh arrowgrass<br />

Smith’s pepperwort<br />

Aspen<br />

Early-purple orchid<br />

Marsh cinquefoil<br />

Smooth tare<br />

Autumn gentian<br />

English elm<br />

Marsh hawk’s-beard Smooth-stalked sedge<br />

Bee orchid<br />

English stonecrop<br />

Marsh horsetail<br />

Sneezewort<br />

Bell heather<br />

Fen bedstraw<br />

Marsh pennywort<br />

Soft downy-rose<br />

Betony<br />

Fern-grasses<br />

Marsh speedwell<br />

Solomon’s-seal<br />

Bifid hemp-nettle<br />

Field bindweed<br />

Marsh valerian<br />

Spiked sedge<br />

Bird cherry<br />

Field madder<br />

Marsh violet<br />

Spindle<br />

Bird’s-foot<br />

Field penny-cress<br />

Marsh yellow cress<br />

Spring-sedge<br />

Black nightshade<br />

Fine-leaved water-<br />

Mat-grass<br />

Spurge laurel<br />

Black poplar<br />

dropwort<br />

Meadow barley<br />

Square-stalked st john’s-<br />

Bladder campion<br />

Flattened meadow-grass Meadow crane’s-bill<br />

wort<br />

Blue fleabane<br />

Flea sedge<br />

Moonwort<br />

Square-stalked<br />

Bog asphodel<br />

Fool’s parsley<br />

Moschatel<br />

willowherb<br />

Bog pimpernel<br />

Frog orchid<br />

Mountain currant<br />

Squirreltail fescue<br />

Bog pondweed<br />

Giant bellflower<br />

Mountain pansy<br />

Stinking hellebore<br />

Bogbean<br />

Goldenrod<br />

Musk thistle<br />

Stinking iris<br />

Bog-rosemary<br />

Goldilocks buttercup Nodding bur-marigold Sweet violet<br />

Bottle sedge<br />

Grass vetchling<br />

Northern marsh-orchid Tansy<br />

Box<br />

Great horsetail<br />

Orpine<br />

Thread-leaved water-<br />

Bristle club-rush<br />

Greater burdock<br />

Pale flax<br />

crowfoot<br />

Brittle bladder-fern<br />

Greater chickweed<br />

Pale persicaria<br />

Thrift<br />

Broad-leaved helleborine Greater pond-sedge Pale sedge<br />

Toothwort<br />

Broad-leaved pondweed Greater sea-spurrey Pale st john’s-wort<br />

Trailing st john’s-wort<br />

Buck’s-horn plantain Greater tussock-sedge Pale willowherb<br />

Traveller’s-joy<br />

Buckthorn<br />

Green-ribbed sedge Pellitory-of-the-wall<br />

Tubular water-dropwort<br />

Caper spurge<br />

Grey sedge<br />

Pepper-saxifrage<br />

Tufted forget-me-not<br />

Carline thistle<br />

Grey sedge<br />

Pill sedge<br />

Unbranched bur-reed<br />

Celery-leaved buttercup Gypsywort<br />

Plicate sweet-grass<br />

Upright chickweed<br />

Changing forget-me-not Hairy rock-cress<br />

Ploughman’s-spikenard Viper’s-bugloss<br />

Charlock<br />

Hairy st john’s-wort<br />

Prickly sedge<br />

Water avens<br />

Climbing corydalis<br />

Hairy violet<br />

Purple loosestrife<br />

Water chickweed<br />

Cloudberry<br />

Hare’s foot clover<br />

Purple moor-grass<br />

Water forget-me-not<br />

Common bistort<br />

Hare’s-tail cottongrass Pyramidal orchid<br />

Water plantain<br />

Common butterwort<br />

Heath groundsel<br />

Radish<br />

Water purslane<br />

Common cornsalad<br />

Heath milkwort<br />

Rat’s-tail fescue<br />

Water-starwort<br />

Common cottongrass Heath rush<br />

Red goosefoot<br />

Welsh groundsel<br />

Common cow-wheat Heath wood-rush<br />

River water-crowfoot Welted thistle<br />

Common fleabane<br />

Heath-grass<br />

Rough hawk’s-beard White bryony<br />

Common gromwell<br />

Hedge bedstraw<br />

Rough hawkbit<br />

White sedge<br />

Common ramping-<br />

Hemp-agrimony<br />

Round-leaved crowfoot White water-lily<br />

fumitory<br />

Herb-paris<br />

Round-leaved sundew Wild basil<br />

Common reed<br />

Hoary plantain<br />

Rue-leaved saxifrage Wild leek<br />

Common restharrow Hoary ragwort<br />

Sand spurrey<br />

Wild madder<br />

Common rock-rose<br />

Hop<br />

Sea aster<br />

Wild marjoram<br />

Common scurvygrass Hop trefoil<br />

Sea beet<br />

Wild onion<br />

Common spike-rush Hornbeam<br />

Sea mayweed<br />

Wild pansy<br />

Common stork’s-bill<br />

Hound’s-tongue<br />

Sea milkwort<br />

Wild thyme<br />

Common twayblade Intermediate water-<br />

Sea mouse-ear<br />

Winter cress<br />

Common whitlowgrass starwort<br />

Sea radish<br />

Wood horsetail<br />

Corn spurrey<br />

Ivy-leaved crowfoot<br />

Sea-kale<br />

Wood millet<br />

Cowberry<br />

Keeled-fruited cornsalad Sheep’s bit<br />

Yellow bird’s-nest<br />

Cowslip<br />

Kidney vetch<br />

Shepherd’s cress<br />

Yellow loosestrife<br />

Cranberry<br />

Knotted clover<br />

Shoreweed<br />

Yellow sedge<br />

Creeping-jenny<br />

Lemon-scented fern Silver hair-grass<br />

Yellow water-lily<br />

Crested hair-grass<br />

Lesser hawkbit<br />

Skullcap<br />

Yellow-wort<br />

Cross-leaved heath<br />

Lesser marshwort<br />

Small pondweed<br />

Crowberry<br />

Lesser meadow-rue Small scabious<br />

Curled dock<br />

Lesser pond-sedge<br />

Small sweet-grass<br />

Cyperus sedge<br />

Lesser sea-spurrey<br />

Smaller cat’s-tail<br />

Danish scurvygrass<br />

Lesser water-parsnip Small-flowered crane’s-<br />

<strong>VC50</strong> Rare Plant Register taxa list – common names II

Scarce plants in Denbighshire – for any of these (or plants that could be rare/ new) please fill in the recording form on page 5. Please<br />

print your preferred list using either scientific or common names.<br />

Scientific name Common name<br />

Achillea ptarmica Sneezewort<br />

Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel<br />

Aethusa cynapium Fool’s parsley<br />

Aira caryophyllea<br />

Alchemilla xanthochlora<br />

Silver hair-grass<br />

Alisma plantago-aquatica Water plantain<br />

Allium ampeloprasum var.<br />

Wild leek<br />

babingtonii<br />

Allium vineale Wild onion<br />

Anacamptis pyramidalis Pyramidal orchid<br />

Anagallis tenella Bog pimpernel<br />

Andromeda polifolia Bog-rosemary<br />

Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney vetch<br />

Apium inundatum Lesser marshwort<br />

Arabis hirsuta Hairy rock-cress<br />

Arctium lappa Greater burdock<br />

Armeria maritima Thrift<br />

Aster tripolium Sea aster<br />

Barbarea vulgaris Winter cress<br />

Berula erecta Lesser water-parsnip<br />

Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima Sea beet<br />

Bidens cernua Nodding bur-marigold<br />

Blackstonia perfoliata Yellow-wort<br />

Botrychium lunaria Moonwort<br />

Bryonia dioica White bryony<br />

Buxus sempervirens Box<br />

Callitriche agg. Water-starwort<br />

Callitriche hamulata Intermediate water-starwort<br />

Campanula latifolia Giant bellflower<br />

Carduus crispus Welted thistle<br />

Carduus nutans Musk thistle<br />

Carex acutiformis Lesser pond-sedge<br />

Carex binervis Green-ribbed sedge<br />

Carex caryophyllea Spring-sedge<br />

Carex curta White sedge<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa Grey sedge<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. leersii Grey sedge<br />

Carex extensa Long-bracted sedge<br />

Carex laevigata Smooth-stalked sedge<br />

Carex muricata subsp.<br />

Prickly sedge<br />

lamprocarpa<br />

Carex pallescens Pale sedge<br />

Carex paniculata Greater tussock-sedge<br />

Carex pilulifera Pill sedge<br />

Carex pseudocyperus Cyperus sedge<br />

Carex pulicaris Flea sedge<br />

Carex riparia Greater pond-sedge<br />

Carex rostrata Bottle sedge<br />

Carex spicata Spiked sedge<br />

Carex viridula subsp. oedocarpa Yellow sedge<br />

Carlina vulgaris Carline thistle<br />

Carpinus betulus Hornbeam<br />

Catapodium rigidum Fern-grasses<br />

Cerastium diffusum Sea mouse-ear<br />

Ceratocapnos claviculata Climbing corydalis<br />

Chenopodium rubrum Red goosefoot<br />

Chrysosplenium alternifolium<br />

Alternate-leaved goldensaxifrage<br />

Clematis vitalba Traveller’s-joy<br />

Clinopodium vulgare Wild basil<br />

Cochlearia danica Danish scurvygrass<br />

Cochlearia officinalis Common scurvygrass<br />

Coeloglossum viride Frog orchid<br />

Convolvulus arvensis Field bindweed<br />

Crambe maritima Sea-kale<br />

Crepis biennis Rough hawk’s-beard<br />

Crepis paludosa Marsh hawk’s-beard<br />

Cynoglossum officinale Hound’s-tongue<br />

Cystopteris fragilis Brittle bladder-fern<br />

Dactylorhiza purpurella Northern marsh-orchid<br />

Danthonia decumbens Heath-grass<br />

Daphne laureola Spurge laurel<br />

Scientific name Common name<br />

Drosera rotundifolia Round-leaved sundew<br />

Echium vulgare Viper’s-bugloss<br />

Eleocharis palustris Common spike-rush<br />

Empetrum nigrum Crowberry<br />

Epilobium roseum Pale willowherb<br />

Epilobium tetragonum Square-stalked willowherb<br />

Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine<br />

Equisetum palustre Marsh horsetail<br />

Equisetum sylvaticum Wood horsetail<br />

Equisetum telmateia Great horsetail<br />

Erica cinerea Bell heather<br />

Erica tetralix Cross-leaved heath<br />

Erigeron acer Blue fleabane<br />

Eriophorum angustifolium Common cottongrass<br />

Eriophorum vaginatum Hare’s-tail cottongrass<br />

Erodium cicutarium Common stork’s-bill<br />

Erophila verna s.l. Common whitlowgrass<br />

Euonymus europaeus Spindle<br />

Eupatorium cannabinum Hemp-agrimony<br />

Euphorbia lathyris Caper spurge<br />

Fumaria muralis subsp. boraei Common ramping-fumitory<br />

Galeopsis bifida Bifid hemp-nettle<br />

Galium mollugo Hedge bedstraw<br />

Galium uliginosum Fen bedstraw<br />

Gentianella amarella Autumn gentian<br />

Geranium columbinum Long-stalked crane’s-bill<br />

Geranium pratense Meadow crane’s-bill<br />

Geranium pusillum Small-flowered crane’s-bill<br />

Geum rivale Water avens<br />

Glaux maritima Sea milkwort<br />

Glyceria declinata Small sweet-grass<br />

Glyceria notata Plicate sweet-grass<br />

Gymnocarpium robertianum Limestone fern<br />

Helianthemum nummularium Common rock-rose<br />

Helictotrichon pubescens Downy oat-grass<br />

Helleborus foetidus Stinking hellebore<br />

Hordeum secalinum Meadow barley<br />

Humulus lupulus Hop<br />

Hydrocotyle vulgaris Marsh pennywort<br />

Hypericum hirsutum Hairy st john’s-wort<br />

Hypericum humifusum Trailing st john’s-wort<br />

Hypericum montanum Pale st john’s-wort<br />

Hypericum tetrapterum<br />

Square-stalked st john’swort<br />

Inula conyzae Ploughman’s-spikenard<br />

Iris foetidissima Stinking iris<br />

Isolepis setacea Bristle club-rush<br />

Jasione montana Sheep’s bit<br />

Juncus squarrosus Heath rush<br />

Koeleria macrantha sens. lat. Crested hair-grass<br />

Lathraea squamaria Toothwort<br />

Lathyrus nissolia Grass vetchling<br />

Leontodon hispidus Rough hawkbit<br />

Leontodon saxatilis Lesser hawkbit<br />

Lepidium heterophyllum Smith’s pepperwort<br />

Linum bienne Pale flax<br />

Listera ovata Common twayblade<br />

Lithospermum officinale Common gromwell<br />

Littorella uniflora Shoreweed<br />

Luzula multiflora subsp.<br />

Heath wood-rush<br />

congesta<br />

Lycopus europaeus Gypsywort<br />

Lysimachia nummularia Creeping-jenny<br />

Lysimachia vulgaris Yellow loosestrife<br />

Lythrum portula Water purslane<br />

Lythrum salicaria Purple loosestrife<br />

Melampyrum pratense Common cow-wheat<br />

Menyanthes trifoliata Bogbean<br />

Milium effusum Wood millet<br />

Moenchia erecta Upright chickweed<br />

Molinia caerulea Purple moor-grass<br />

Monotropa hypopitys Yellow bird’s-nest<br />

<strong>VC50</strong> Rare Plant Register taxa list – scientific and common names III

Scientific name Common name<br />

Myosotis discolor Changing forget-me-not<br />

Myosotis laxa Tufted forget-me-not<br />

Myosotis ramosissima Early forget-me-not<br />

Myosotis scorpioides Water forget-me-not<br />

Myosoton aquaticum Water chickweed<br />

Nardus stricta Mat-grass<br />

Narthecium ossifragum Bog asphodel<br />

Nuphar lutea Yellow water-lily<br />

Nymphaea alba White water-lily<br />

Oenanthe aquatica Fine-leaved water-dropwort<br />

Oenanthe fistulosa Tubular water-dropwort<br />

Ononis repens Common restharrow<br />

Ophioglossum vulgatum Adder’s-tongue<br />

Ophrys apifera Bee orchid<br />

Orchis mascula Early-purple orchid<br />

Oreopteris limbosperma Lemon-scented fern<br />

Origanum vulgare Wild marjoram<br />

Ornithopus perpusillus Bird’s-foot<br />

Parietaria judaica Pellitory-of-the-wall<br />

Paris quadrifolia Herb-paris<br />

Pedicularis sylvatica Lousewort<br />

Persicaria amphibia Amphibious bistort<br />

Persicaria bistorta Common bistort<br />

Persicaria lapathifolia Pale persicaria<br />

Phleum bertolonii Smaller cat’s-tail<br />

Phragmites australis Common reed<br />

Pinguicula vulgaris Common butterwort<br />

Plantago coronopus Buck’s-horn plantain<br />

Plantago media Hoary plantain<br />

Poa compressa Flattened meadow-grass<br />

Polygala serpyllifolia Heath milkwort<br />

Polygonatum multiflorum Solomon’s-seal<br />

Populus nigra subsp. betulifolia Black poplar<br />

Populus tremula Aspen<br />

Potamogeton berchtoldii Small pondweed<br />

Potamogeton natans Broad-leaved pondweed<br />

Potamogeton polygonifolius Bog pondweed<br />

Potentilla palustris Marsh cinquefoil<br />

Primula veris Cowslip<br />

Prunus padus Bird cherry<br />

Pulicaria dysenterica Common fleabane<br />

Ranunculus auricomus Goldilocks buttercup<br />

Ranunculus fluitans River water-crowfoot<br />

Ranunculus hederaceus Ivy-leaved crowfoot<br />

Ranunculus omiophyllus Round-leaved crowfoot<br />

Ranunculus sceleratus Celery-leaved buttercup<br />

Ranunculus trichophyllus<br />

Thread-leaved watercrowfoot<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum Radish<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum subsp.<br />

Sea radish<br />

maritimus<br />

Rhamnus cathartica Buckthorn<br />

Ribes alpinum Mountain currant<br />

Rorippa palustris Marsh yellow cress<br />

Rosa micrantha Small-flowered sweet-briar<br />

Rosa mollis Soft downy-rose<br />

Rubia peregrina Wild madder<br />

Rubus caesius Dewberry<br />

Rubus chamaemorus Cloudberry<br />

Rumex crispus subsp. littoreus Curled dock<br />

Salix aurita Eared willow<br />

Saxifraga tridactylites Rue-leaved saxifrage<br />

Scabiosa columbaria Small scabious<br />

Scutellaria galericulata Skullcap<br />

Sedum anglicum English stonecrop<br />

Sedum telephium Orpine<br />

Senecio cambrensis Welsh groundsel<br />

Senecio erucifolius Hoary ragwort<br />

Senecio sylvaticus Heath groundsel<br />

Sherardia arvensis Field madder<br />

Silaum silaus Pepper-saxifrage<br />

Silene vulgaris Bladder campion<br />

Sinapis arvensis Charlock<br />

Solanum nigrum Black nightshade<br />

Scientific name Common name<br />

Solidago virgaurea Goldenrod<br />

Sorbus rupicola<br />

Sparganium emersum Unbranched bur-reed<br />

Spergula arvensis Corn spurrey<br />

Spergularia marina Lesser sea-spurrey<br />

Spergularia media Greater sea-spurrey<br />

Spergularia rubra Sand spurrey<br />

Stachys officinalis Betony<br />

Stellaria neglecta Greater chickweed<br />

Suaeda maritima Annual sea-blite<br />

Tanacetum vulgare Tansy<br />

Teesdalia nudicaulis Shepherd’s cress<br />

Thalictrum minus Lesser meadow-rue<br />

Thlaspi arvense Field penny-cress<br />

Thymus polytrichus Wild thyme<br />

Tilia cordata Small-leaved lime<br />

Trichophorum cespitosum Deergrass<br />

Trifolium arvense Hare’s foot clover<br />

Trifolium campestre Hop trefoil<br />

Trifolium striatum Knotted clover<br />

Triglochin palustre Marsh arrowgrass<br />

Tripleurospermum maritimum Sea mayweed<br />

Ulmus procera English elm<br />

Vaccinium oxycoccos agg. Cranberry<br />

Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cowberry<br />

Valeriana dioica Marsh valerian<br />

Valerianella carinata Keeled-fruited cornsalad<br />

Valerianella locusta Common cornsalad<br />

Veronica scutellata Marsh speedwell<br />

Vicia tetrasperma Smooth tare<br />

Viola hirta Hairy violet<br />

Viola lutea Mountain pansy<br />

Viola odorata Sweet violet<br />

Viola palustris Marsh violet<br />

Viola tricolor Wild pansy<br />

Vulpia bromoides Squirreltail fescue<br />

Vulpia myuros Rat’s-tail fescue<br />

<strong>VC50</strong> Rare Plant Register taxa list – scientific and common names IV

Planhigion anghyffredin Sir Ddinbych – am unrhyw o’r rhain (neu planhigion prin/ newydd) cwblhewch y daflen ar<br />

tudalen 7. Defnyddiwch unrhyw iaith.<br />

Achillea ptarmica Ystrewlys<br />

Adoxa moschatellina Mwsglys<br />

Aethusa cynapium Geuberllys<br />

Aira caryophyllea Brigwellt arian<br />

Alchemilla xanthochlora Mantell-Fair ganolig<br />

Alisma plantago-aquatica Llyriad y dŵr<br />

Allium ampeloprasum var.<br />

babingtonii<br />

Cenhinen wyllt<br />

Allium vineale Nionyn gwyllt<br />

Anacamptis pyramidalis Tegeirian bera<br />

Anagallis tenella Gwlyddyn-Mair y gors<br />

Andromeda polifolia Andromeda’r gors<br />

Anthyllis vulneraria Plucen felen<br />

Apium inundatum Dyfrforonen fach<br />

Arabis hirsuta Berwr-y-cerrig blewog<br />

Arctium lappa Cyngaf mawr<br />

Armeria maritima Clustog Fair<br />

Barbarea vulgaris Berwr y gaeaf<br />

Berula erecta Panasen-y-dŵr gulddail<br />

Beta vulgaris Betysen<br />

Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima Betysen arfor<br />

Bidens cernua Graban gogwydd<br />

Blackstonia perfoliata Y ganrhi felen<br />

Botrychium lunaria Lloer-redynen<br />

Bryonia dioica Bloneg y ddaear<br />

Buxus sempervirens Pren bocs<br />

Callitriche agg. Brigwlydd<br />

Callitriche hamulata Brigwlydd canolig<br />

Campanula latifolia Clychlys mawr<br />

Carduus crispus Ysgallen grech<br />

Carduus nutans Ysgallen bendrom<br />

Carex acutiformis Hesgen-y-dŵr fach<br />

Carex binervis Hesgen ddeulasnod<br />

Carex caryophyllea Hesgen gynnar<br />

Carex curta Hesgen benwen<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa Hesgen lwyd<br />

Carex divulsa subsp. leersii Hesgen lwyd<br />

Carex extensa Hesgen-yr-heli bractau hir<br />

Carex laevigata Hesgen lefn<br />

Carex muricata subsp.<br />

lamprocarpa<br />

Hesgen ysbigog<br />

Carex pallescens Hesgen welw<br />

Carex paniculata Hesgen rafunog fawr<br />

Carex pilulifera Hesgen bengron<br />

Carex pseudocyperus Hesgen gynffonnog<br />

Carex pulicaris Hesgen y chwain<br />

Carex riparia Hesgen-y-dŵr fawr<br />

Carex rostrata Hesgen gylfinfain<br />

Carex spicata Hesgen ysbigog borffor<br />

Carex viridula subsp. oedocarpa Hesgen felen<br />

Carlina vulgaris Ysgallen Siarl<br />

Carpinus betulus Oestrwydden<br />

Catapodium rigidum Gwenithwellt caled<br />

Cerastium diffusum Clust-y-llygoden arfor<br />

Ceratocapnos claviculata Mwg-y-ddaear dringol<br />

Chenopodium rubrum Troed-yr-Ŵydd coch<br />

Chrysosplenium alternifolium Eglyn bob yn eilddail<br />

Clematis vitalba Barf yr hen ŵr<br />

Clinopodium vulgare Brenhinllys gwyllt<br />

Cochlearia danica Llwylys Denmarc<br />

Cochlearia officinalis Llwylys cyffredin<br />

Coeloglossum viride Tegeirian y broga<br />

Convolvulus arvensis Cwlwm y cythraul<br />

Crambe maritima Ysgedd arfor<br />

Crepis biennis Gwalchlys garw<br />

Crepis paludosa Gwalchlys y gors<br />

Cynoglossum officinale Tafod y bytheiad<br />

Cystopteris fragilis Ffiolredynen frau<br />

Dactylorhiza purpurella Tegeirian-y-gors gogleddol<br />

Danthonia decumbens Glaswellt y rhos<br />

Daphne laureola Clust yr ewig<br />

Drosera rotundifolia Gwlithlys<br />

Echium vulgare Gwiberlys<br />

Eleocharis multicaulis Ysbigfrwynen gadeiriog<br />

Eleocharis palustris Ysbigfrwynen<br />

Empetrum nigrum Creiglusen<br />

Epilobium roseum Helyglys gwelw<br />

Epilobium tetragonum Helyglys pedronglog<br />

Epipactis helleborine Y galdrist lydanddail<br />

Equisetum palustre Marchrawnen y gors<br />

Equisetum sylvaticum Marchrawnen y coed<br />

Equisetum telmateia Marchrawnen fawr<br />

Erica cinerea Grug y mêl<br />

Erica tetralix Grug croesddail<br />

Erigeron acer Amrhydlwyd glas<br />

Eriophorum angustifolium Plu’r gweunydd<br />

Eriophorum vaginatum Plu’r gweunydd unben<br />

Erodium cicutarium Pig y crëyr<br />

Erodium moschatum Pig-y-crëyr fwsg<br />

Erophila verna s.l. Llysiau’r-bystwn cynnar<br />

Euonymus europaeus Piswydden<br />

Eupatorium cannabinum Byddon chwerw<br />

Euphorbia lathyris Llaethlys caprys<br />

Fumaria muralis subsp. boraei Mwg-y-ddaear amrywiol<br />

Galeopsis bifida Y benboeth hollt<br />

Galium mollugo Briwydd y clawdd<br />

Galium uliginosum Briwydd y fign<br />

Gentianella amarella Crwynllys yr hydref<br />

Geranium columbinum Pig-yr-aran hirgoes<br />

Geranium pratense Pig-yr-aran y weirglodd<br />

Geranium pusillum Pig-yr-aran fân-flodeuog<br />

Geum rivale Mapgoll glan y dŵr<br />

Glaux maritima Glas yr heli<br />

Glyceria declinata Melyswellt llwydlas<br />

Glyceria notata Melyswellt plygedig<br />

Gymnocarpium robertianum Rhedynen y calchfaen<br />

Helianthemum nummularium Cor-rosyn cyffredin<br />

Helictotrichon pubescens Ceirchwellt blewog<br />

Helleborus foetidus Crafanc-yr-arth ddrewllyd<br />

Hordeum secalinum Haidd y maes<br />

Humulus lupulus Hopys<br />

Hydrocotyle vulgaris Dail-ceiniog y gors<br />

Hypericum hirsutum Eurinllys blewog<br />

Hypericum humifusum Eurinllys ymdaenol<br />

Hypericum montanum Eurinllys gwelw<br />

Hypericum tetrapterum Eurinllys pedronglog<br />

Inula conyzae Meddyg y bugail<br />

Iris foetidissima Gellesgen ddrewllyd<br />

Isolepis setacea Clwbfrwynen wrychog<br />

Jasione montana Clefryn<br />

Juncus squarrosus Brwynen droellgorun<br />

Koeleria macrantha sens. lat. Cribwellt<br />

Lathraea squamaria Deintlys<br />

Lathyrus nissolia Ytbysen feinddail<br />

Leontodon hispidus Peradyl garw<br />

Leontodon saxatilis Peradyl bach<br />

Lepidium heterophyllum Pupurlys amryddail<br />

Linum bienne Llin culddail<br />

Listera ovata Caineirian<br />

Lithospermum officinale Maenhad<br />

Littorella uniflora Beistonnell ferllyn<br />

Luzula multiflora subsp. congesta Coedfrwynen luosben<br />

Lycopus europaeus Llysiau’r sipsiwn<br />

Lysimachia nummularia Siani lusg<br />

Lysimachia vulgaris Trewyn<br />

Lythrum portula Troed y gywen<br />

Lythrum salicaria Llysiau’r-milwr coch<br />

Melampyrum pratense Gliniogai<br />

Rhestr planhigion anghyffredin <strong>VC50</strong> – enwau gwyddonol a chyffredin V

Menyanthes trifoliata Ffeuen y gors<br />

Milium effusum Miledwellt y coed<br />

Moenchia erecta Clust-y-llygoden syth<br />

Molinia caerulea Glaswellt y gweunydd<br />

Monotropa hypopitys Cytwf<br />

Myosotis discolor Sgorpionllys amryliw<br />

Myosotis laxa Sgorpionllys siobynnog<br />

Myosotis ramosissima Sgorpionllys cynnar<br />

Myosotis scorpioides Sgorpionllys y gors<br />

Myosoton aquaticum Llinesg y dŵr<br />

Nardus stricta Cawnen ddu<br />

Narthecium ossifragum Llafn y bladur<br />

Nuphar lutea Lili’r-dŵr felen<br />

Nymphaea alba Alaw<br />

Oenanthe aquatica Cegiden-y-dŵr fanddail<br />

Oenanthe fistulosa Cegiden bibellaidd<br />

Ononis repens Tagaradr<br />

Ophioglossum vulgatum Tafod y neidr<br />

Ophrys apifera Tegeirian y wenynen<br />

Orchis mascula Tegeirian coch y gwanwyn<br />

Oreopteris limbosperma Rhedynen bêr y mynydd<br />

Origanum vulgare Penrhudd<br />

Ornithopus perpusillus Troed yr aderyn<br />

Parietaria judaica Paladr y wal<br />

Paris quadrifolia Cwlwm cariad<br />

Pedicularis sylvatica Melog y cŵn<br />

Persicaria amphibia Canwraidd y dŵr<br />

Persicaria bistorta Llysiau’r neidr<br />

Persicaria lapathifolia Canwraidd y dom<br />

Phleum bertolonii Rhonwellt penfain<br />

Phragmites australis Corsen<br />

Pinguicula vulgaris Tafod y gors<br />

Plantago coronopus Llyriad corn carw<br />

Plantago media Llyriad llwyd<br />

Poa compressa Gweunwellt cywasgedig<br />

Polygala serpyllifolia Amlaethai’r waun<br />

Polygonatum multiflorum Llysiau Solomon<br />

Populus nigra subsp. betulifolia Poplysen ddu<br />

Populus tremula Aethnen<br />

Potamogeton berchtoldii Dyfrllys bach<br />

Potamogeton natans Dyfrllys llydanddail<br />

Potamogeton polygonifolius Dyfrllys y gors<br />

Potentilla palustris Pumnalen y gors<br />

Primula veris Briallen Fair<br />

Prunus padus Coeden geirios yr adar<br />

Pulicaria dysenterica Cedowydd<br />

Ranunculus auricomus Blodyn-ymenyn peneuraid<br />

Ranunculus fluitans Crafanc-y-frân yr afon<br />

Ranunculus hederaceus Crafanc-y-frân dail eiddew<br />

Ranunculus omiophyllus Crafanc-y-frân y rhostir<br />

Ranunculus sceleratus Crafanc yr eryr<br />

Ranunculus trichophyllus Crafanc-y-frân feinddail<br />

Raphanus raphanistrum Rhuddygl arfor<br />

Rhamnus cathartica Rhafnwydden<br />

Ribes alpinum Llwyn cwrens y mynydd<br />

Rorippa palustris Berwr melyn y gors<br />

Rosa micrantha Drysïen bêr fân-flodeuog<br />

Rosa mollis Rhosyn blewog<br />

Rubia peregrina Cochwraidd gwyllt<br />

Rubus caesius Llwyn mwyar Mair<br />

Rubus chamaemorus Llwyn mwyar y Berwyn<br />

Rumex crispus subsp. littoreus Tafolen grech<br />

Salix aurita Helygen glustiog<br />

Saxifraga tridactylites Tormaen tribys<br />

Scabiosa columbaria Clafrllys bach<br />

Scutellaria galericulata Cycyllog<br />

Sedum anglicum Briweg y cerrig<br />

Sedum telephium Canewin<br />

Senecio cambrensis Creulys Gymreig<br />

Senecio erucifolius Creulys lwyd<br />

Senecio sylvaticus Creulys y rhos<br />

Sherardia arvensis Mandon las yr ŷd<br />

Silaum silaus Ffenigl yr hwch<br />

Silene vulgaris Gludlys codrwth<br />

Sinapis arvensis Mwstard gwyllt<br />

Solanum nigrum Codwarth du<br />

Solidago virgaurea Eurwialen<br />

Sorbus rupicola Cerddinen y graig<br />

Sparganium emersum Cleddlys di-gainc<br />

Spergula arvensis Troellig yr ŷd<br />

Spergularia marina Troellig arfor bach<br />

Spergularia media Troellig arfor mawr<br />

Spergularia rubra Troellig arfor coch<br />

Stachys officinalis Cribau San Ffraid<br />

Stellaria neglecta Gwlyddyn-y-dom mawr<br />

Suaeda maritima Helys unflwydd<br />

Tanacetum vulgare Tansi<br />

Teesdalia nudicaulis Berwr y bugail<br />

Thalictrum minus Arianllys bach<br />

Thlaspi arvense Codywasg y maes<br />

Thymus polytrichus Teim gwyllt<br />

Tilia cordata Pisgwydden dail bach<br />

Trichophorum cespitosum Clwbfrwynen y mawn<br />

Trifolium arvense Meillionen gedennog<br />

Trifolium campestre Meillionen hopysaidd<br />

Trifolium striatum Meillionen rychog<br />

Triglochin palustre Saethbennig y gors<br />

Tripleurospermum maritimum Amranwen arfor<br />

Ulmus procera Llwyfen Lloegr<br />

Vaccinium oxycoccos agg. Llygaeren<br />

Vaccinium vitis-idaea Llusen goch<br />

Valeriana dioica Triaglog y gors<br />

Valerianella carinata<br />

Gwylaeth-yr-oen ffrwythau<br />

rhychog<br />

Valerianella locusta Gwylaeth yr oen<br />

Veronica scutellata Rhwyddlwyn culddail y gors<br />

Vicia tetrasperma Ffacbysen lefn<br />

Viola hirta Fioled flewog<br />

Viola lutea Trilliw y mynydd<br />

Viola odorata Fioled bêr<br />

Viola palustris Fioled y gors<br />

Viola tricolor Trilliw<br />

Vulpia bromoides Peisgwellt cynffon gwiwer<br />

Vulpia myuros Peisgwellt y fagwyr<br />

Rhestr planhigion anghyffredin <strong>VC50</strong> – enwau gwyddonol a chyffredin VI

Recorder name/ Enw y cofnodydd:<br />

Scientific or common name/<br />

Enw gwyddonol neu<br />

cyffredin<br />

Date/<br />

Dyddiad Site name/ Enw’r safle<br />

Gridref (minimum<br />

6 figures)/ Cyf. Y<br />

Grid (6 rhif o leiaf)<br />

Comment (e.g. habitat,<br />

abundance)/ Sylwadau (e.e.<br />

cynefin, niferau<br />

<strong>VC50</strong> Rare Plant Register – form for new records VII

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