KNOW YOUR PLANTS - California Poison Control System

KNOW YOUR PLANTS - California Poison Control System

KNOW YOUR PLANTS - California Poison Control System


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Rain tree Brunfelsia undulata 4<br />

Rain tree Pithecellobium saman 3<br />

Rain tree Samanea saman 3<br />

Rainbow pink Dianthus chinensis 1<br />

Ranunculus Ranunculus spp 1,3<br />

Rattlebox Crotalaria spectabilis 4<br />

Rattlebox Daubentonia punicea 4<br />

Rattlebox Sesbania punicea 4<br />

Red hot cat tail Acalypha hispida 1,3<br />

Red hot poker tree Erythrina abyssinica 4<br />

Red ink Phytolacca americana 3<br />

Red root Ceanothus americanus 3<br />

Red root Sanguinaria canadensis 3<br />

Red spurge Euphorbia cotinifolia 1,3<br />

Red squill Urginea maritima 4<br />

Redberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 1,4<br />

Redberry Panax quinquefolia 4<br />

Redbird cactus or floweer Euphorbia tithymaloides 3<br />

Redbird cactus or flower Pedilanthus tithymaloides 1,3<br />

Rhododendron Rhododendron genus 4<br />

Rhubarb (leaves) Rheum spp 1, 2b, 3<br />

Rock poppy Chelidonium majus 1,4<br />

Rocket larkspur Delphinium spp 4<br />

Rosary beads (not to be confused with<br />

Rosary vine)<br />

Senecio spp 4<br />

Rosary bean or pea Abrus precatorius 4<br />

Rosary pearls Senecio spp 4<br />

Rose periwinkle Cantharanthus roseus 4<br />

Rosebay Rhododendron maximum 4<br />

Rose-bay Nerium oleander 4<br />

Rosewood Dalbergia retusa 1<br />

Rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis 1<br />

Rubber vine Cryptostegia grandiflora 4<br />

Rush<br />

S<br />

Equisetum spp 4<br />

Common Name Latin or scientific name Rating

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