KNOW YOUR PLANTS - California Poison Control System

KNOW YOUR PLANTS - California Poison Control System

KNOW YOUR PLANTS - California Poison Control System


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Fruitless mulberry Morus spp<br />

Fuchsia Fuchsia spp<br />

G<br />

Common name<br />

Latin or scientific name<br />

Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides<br />

Gazania Gazania spp<br />

Geranium Pelargonium spp<br />

Gerbera daisy Gerbera jamesonii<br />

German violet Exacum affine<br />

Ghost plant Sedum weinbergii<br />

Giant bird's nest Pterospora andromedea<br />

Giant dracaena Dracaena australis<br />

Ginger lily Hedychium coronarium<br />

Ginger, white Hedychium coronarium<br />

Glory bush Pleroma spp<br />

Glory bush Tibouchina spp<br />

Gloxinia Gloxinia perennis<br />

Gloxinia Sinningia speciosa<br />

Gloxinia, hardy Incarvillea spp<br />

Godetia Clarkia amoena<br />

Godetia Godetia spp<br />

Gold bloom Calendula officinalis<br />

Gold dust dracaena Dracaena spp<br />

Gold dust plant Alyssum spp<br />

Gold dust plant Aucuba japonica<br />

Golden bells Forsythia spp<br />

Golden feather palm Chrysalidocarpus lutescens<br />

Golden stars Mammillaria elongata<br />

Goldfish plant Hypocyrta spp<br />

Good luck leaf Kalanchoe spp<br />

Good luck palm Chamaedorea elegans<br />

Good luck plant Cordyline terminalis<br />

Good luck plant Dracaena terminalis<br />

Good luck plant Kalanchoe daigremontiana<br />

Gourd Cucurbitaceae spp<br />

Grape Vitus vinifera

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