Killarney National Park BioBlitz 2011 Species List - Irelands' BioBlitz ...

Killarney National Park BioBlitz 2011 Species List - Irelands' BioBlitz ...

Killarney National Park BioBlitz 2011 Species List - Irelands' BioBlitz ...


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Flowering plant Pulmonaria Pulmonaria<br />

Flowering plant Quercus ilex Evergreen Oak<br />

Flowering plant Quercus petraea Sessile Oak<br />

Flowering plant Quercus phellos Willow Oak<br />

Flowering plant Quercus robur Pedunculate Oak<br />

Flowering plant Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup<br />

Flowering plant Ranunculus aquatilis Common Water-crowfoot<br />

Flowering plant Ranunculus ficaria Lesser Celandine<br />

Flowering plant Ranunculus flammula Lesser Spearwort<br />

Flowering plant Ranunculus repens Creeping Buttercup<br />

Flowering plant Rhamnus cathartica Buckthorn<br />

Flowering plant Rhinanthus minor Yellow-rattle<br />

Flowering plant Rhododendron ponticum Rhododendron<br />

Flowering plant Rhynchospora alba White Beak-sedge<br />

Flowering plant Ribes rubrum Red Currant<br />

Flowering plant Ribes sanguineum Flowering Currant<br />

Flowering plant Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Water-cress<br />

Flowering plant Rosa arvensis Field-rose<br />

Flowering plant Rosa canina Dog-rose<br />

Flowering plant Rubia peregrina Wild Madder<br />

Flowering plant Rubus fruticosus agg. Bramble<br />

Flowering plant Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel<br />

Flowering plant Rumex acetosella Sheep's Sorrel<br />

Flowering plant Rumex crispus Curled Dock<br />

Flowering plant Rumex obtusifolius Broad-leaved Dock<br />

Flowering plant Rumex sanguineus Wood Dock<br />

Flowering plant Sagina procumbens Procumbent Pearlwort<br />

Flowering plant Salix alba White Willow<br />

Flowering plant Salix aurita Eared Willow<br />

Flowering plant Salix caprea Goat Willow<br />

Flowering plant Salix cinerea Grey Willow<br />

Flowering plant Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia Rusty Willow<br />

Flowering plant Salix fragilis Crack-willow<br />

Flowering plant Salix purpurea Purple Willow<br />

Flowering plant Sambucus nigra Elder<br />

Flowering plant Sanicula europaea Sanicle<br />

Flowering plant Sasa palmata Broad-leaved Bamboo<br />

Flowering plant Saxifraga spathularis St Patrick's-cabbage<br />

Flowering plant Schoenus nigricans Black Bog-rush<br />

Flowering plant Scrophularia nodosa Common Figwort<br />

Flowering plant Scutellaria galericulata Skullcap<br />

Flowering plant Sedum anglicum English Stonecrop<br />

Flowering plant Senecio aquaticus Marsh Ragwort<br />

Flowering plant Senecio erucifolius Hoary Ragwort<br />

Flowering plant Senecio jacobaea Common Ragwort<br />

Flowering plant Senecio vulgaris Groundsel<br />

Flowering plant Silene dioica Red Campion<br />

Flowering plant Silene uniflora Sea Campion<br />

Flowering plant Sisyrinchium bermudiana Blue-eyed-grass<br />

Flowering plant Smyrnium olusatrum Alexanders<br />

Flowering plant Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet<br />

Flowering plant Solidago virgaurea Goldenrod<br />

Flowering plant Sorbus anglica Sorbus anglica<br />

Flowering plant Sorbus aucuparia Rowan<br />

Flowering plant Sorbus scannelliana Scannell's Whitebeam<br />

Flowering plant Sorbus rupicola Rock Whitebeam<br />

Flowering plant Sparganium emersum Unbranched Bur-Reed<br />

Flowering plant Sparganium erectum Branched Bur-reed<br />

Flowering plant Stachys officinalis Betony<br />

Flowering plant Stachys palustris Marsh Woundwort<br />

Flowering plant Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort<br />

Flowering plant Stellaria alsine Bog Stitchwort<br />

Flowering plant Stellaria graminea Lesser Stitchwort<br />

Flowering plant Stellaria holostea Greater Stitchwort<br />

Flowering plant Stellaria media Common Chickweed<br />

Flowering plant Succisa pratensis Devil's-bit Scabious<br />

Flowering plant Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry<br />


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