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timely (s. late / timely)<br />

timesharing - multiproprietà<br />

title of execution [EU] - titolo esecutivo<br />

title - titolo<br />

title* - diritto<br />

to be substantial (s. to lie, to be substantial / not to lie, to be unsubstantial)<br />

to lie, to be substantial / not to lie, to be unsubstantial - fondato / infondato<br />

to the bearer of / to the order of / registered - al portatore / all’ordine /<br />

nominativo<br />

to the extent that - nel caso in cui<br />

to the order of (s. to the bearer of / to the order of / registered)<br />

tortfeasor - danneggiante<br />

tortious liability - responsabilità extracontrattuale<br />

Town Council - Comune<br />

trade name [US] - ditta / ragione sociale / denominazione sociale<br />

trade secret - segreto industriale<br />

trademark - marchio<br />

trademark / patent licence - licenza di marchio / licenza di brevetto<br />

training [UK] - praticantato legale<br />

transaction - affare<br />

transmission - alienazione<br />

treaty (s. convention, treaty)<br />

trial - processo<br />

trial* - istruttoria<br />

trivial - irrisorio<br />

trust – trust<br />

trust* – fondazione<br />

trustee (s. fiduciary / trustee)<br />

U<br />

unconscionable - leonino<br />

under - ai sensi di<br />

understanding - intesa<br />

undertaking - obbligo // [UE] impresa<br />

undisposable right (s. disposable right, negotiable right / undisposable right, nonnegotiable-right)<br />

undue influence* (s. physycal coercion* / duress* / undue influence*)<br />

unfair competition / passing off - concorrenza sleale / concorrenza<br />

parassitaria<br />

unfair contract term - clausola abusiva<br />

unfair dealing (s. good faith and fair dealing, good faith / fraud, unfair dealing,<br />

bad faith)<br />

unfair labour practice - condotta antisindacale<br />

unilateral mistake - errore<br />

© <strong>2013</strong> Riccardo Massari<br />

242<br />

riccardo.massari@lawlinguists.com<br />


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