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T<br />

takeover - acquisizione<br />

takeover* - cessione di azienda<br />

tangible – materiale<br />

task - incarico<br />

tax / tax, fee, duty - imposta / tassa<br />

tax agent - rappresentante fiscale<br />

tax allowance (s. tax deduction / tax allowance, tax relief)<br />

tax assessment* - avviso di accertamento<br />

Tax Authority - fisco<br />

tax avoidance (s. tax evasion / tax avoidance)<br />

tax base - imponibile<br />

tax deduction / tax allowance, tax relief - deduzione fiscale / detrazione fiscale<br />

tax evasion / tax avoidance - evasione fiscale / elusione fiscale<br />

tax haven - paradiso fiscale<br />

tax law - diritto tributario<br />

tax planning - pianificazione fiscale<br />

tax rate - aliquota della imposta<br />

tax relief (s. tax deduction / tax allowance, tax relief)<br />

tax return - di chiarazione dei redditi<br />

tax specialist - fiscalista<br />

taxable - imponibile<br />

taxpayer - contribuente<br />

taxpayer identification number* - codice fiscale<br />

temporary / final - temporaneo / definitivo<br />

temporary* (s. final* / provisional*, temporary*, preliminary*)<br />

tenancy - locazione<br />

tenancy in common* OR joint tenancy* - comunione<br />

tenancy* (s. possession, tenancy* / tenancy*, detention)<br />

tenant (s. landlord, lessor / tenant / lessee)<br />

tenency* (s. possession, tenancy* / tenency*, detention)<br />

term - clausola // durata // termine<br />

term sheet (s. letter of intent / memorandum of understandings, term sheet,<br />

heads of terms, heads of agreement)<br />

termination - cessazione // recesso // risoluzione<br />

test - vaglio<br />

testimony - testimonianza<br />

theft - furto<br />

theory - dottrina<br />

third party - terzo<br />

time - termine<br />

time limit - termine<br />

time zone - fuso orario<br />

time-barred - prescritto<br />

© <strong>2013</strong> Riccardo Massari<br />

241<br />

riccardo.massari@lawlinguists.com<br />


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