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State property - Demanio pubblico<br />

state registry - Stato Civile<br />

state secret - segreto di stato<br />

statement - dichiarazione<br />

statement of case – memoria<br />

statement of claim* [UK] - atto di citazione<br />

statement of facts - narrativa<br />

status - status<br />

statute - legge<br />

statutory (s. voluntary / statutory / judicial )<br />

statutory auditor - sindaco<br />

statutory registers - libri sociali<br />

stay - sospensione<br />

stipulation for other - contratto a favore di terzo<br />

stock - azione (1) // pacchetto di partecipazioni<br />

stock company (s. partnership (company) / stock company, stock corporation)<br />

stock corporation (s. partnership (company) / stock company, stock corporation)<br />

stock exchange - borsa<br />

stocks - scorte<br />

straw men - prestanome<br />

strict liability - responsabilità oggettiva<br />

strike - sciopero<br />

subject matter - oggetto<br />

submission(s) - difese in fatto<br />

submission, arbitration agreement / arbitration clause - compromesso /<br />

clausola compromissoria<br />

subordination (s. service, right to control and direct, [UE] subordination /<br />

parasubordination, quasi-subordination, [UK] work)<br />

subrogation - surrogazione<br />

subsection (s. section, article / subsection, paragraph)<br />

subsidiary - controllata<br />

substance - contenuto<br />

substantial - essenziale<br />

substantive (s. on the merits, substantive / of procedure)<br />

succession (legal / testamentary) - successione legale / s. testamentaria<br />

successor in interest, assign / assignor - avente causa / dante causa<br />

sufferance (s. acquiescence, consent / sufferance, forbearance)<br />

suitable - adeguato // idoneo<br />

supervening unconscionability – eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta<br />

supervisory board (s. board of directors / executive (managing) board /<br />

supervisory board)<br />

supplier - fornitore<br />

support - mantenimento<br />

suretyship agreement* - promessa di fatto del terzo<br />

suspension - sospensione<br />

swindling - truffa<br />

© <strong>2013</strong> Riccardo Massari<br />

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riccardo.massari@lawlinguists.com<br />


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