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passport - passaporto<br />

patent - brevetto<br />

patent licence (s. trademark / patent licence)<br />

patrimony - patrimonio<br />

pay slip - busta paga<br />

paycheck - busta paga<br />

payee (s. maker / payee / bearer / holder in due course)<br />

payment - pagamento<br />

payment obligation - obbligazione pecuniaria<br />

payment order* - decreto ingiuntivo<br />

pecuniary damage (s. damage to property*, pecuniary damage / damage to<br />

person*)<br />

penalty* - pena<br />

penalty clause - penale<br />

penitenciary - prigione<br />

pension - pensione<br />

performance – adempimento // prestazione<br />

period - termine<br />

perjury - falsa testimonianza<br />

permanent establishment - stabile organizzazione<br />

permission - consenso<br />

permissive joinder* (s. joinder* / mandatory joinder* / permissive joinder*)<br />

permit - licenza amministrativa<br />

person entitled to - titolare<br />

personal data - dati personali<br />

personal guarantee - fideiussione / (s. collateral security / personal surety,<br />

personal guarantee)<br />

personal injuries* - lesioni personali<br />

personal injury* - danno biologico<br />

personal liability*- responsabilità patrimoniale<br />

personal property (s. asset, property / personal property, chattel / real property,<br />

real estate)<br />

personal property execution (s. real property execution / personal property<br />

execution)<br />

personal rights - diritti della personalità<br />

personal surety (s. collateral security / personal surety, personal guarantee)<br />

petition - istanza // ricorso<br />

phrasing - formulazione<br />

physical harm - danno biologico<br />

physycal coercion* / duress* / undue influence* - violenza fisica / violenza<br />

morale / timore reverenziale<br />

plagiarism - plagio<br />

plaintiff [US] - attore<br />

plaintiff claiming damages - parte civile<br />

plea of forgery* - querela di falso<br />

plea* - eccezione<br />

pleading - memoria<br />

© <strong>2013</strong> Riccardo Massari<br />

233<br />

riccardo.massari@lawlinguists.com<br />


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