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no-profit (s. business purpose, for profit / no-profit)<br />

no-profit entity - associazione<br />

not disputed - pacifico<br />

not due - indebito<br />

not to be unsubstantial (s. to lie, to be substantial / not to lie, to be<br />

unsubstantial)<br />

not to lie (s. to lie, to be substantial / not to lie, to be unsubstantial)<br />

notice - denuncia // intimazione // notificazione // preavviso<br />

notice of assessment* - avviso di accertamento<br />

notice of delay – costituzione in mora<br />

notice to perform* – costituzione in mora<br />

notional - irrisorio<br />

notwithstanding / without prejudice to - in deroga a / fatto salvo<br />

novation - novazione<br />

(debt) novation* (s. assumption / delegation* / (debt) novation*)<br />

novelty (s. inventive step, nonobviousness / novelty)<br />

nuisance* - immissioni non tollerabili<br />

null and void – nullo<br />

nullity - nullità<br />

O<br />

oath - giuramento<br />

object of contract - oggetto<br />

objection* - eccezione<br />

objects [UK] - oggetto sociale<br />

obligation - obbligazione // obbligo<br />

obliged – obbligato<br />

obligee - creditore<br />

obligor - debitore<br />

occurrence - sopravvenienza<br />

of procedure (s. on the merits, substantive / of procedure)<br />

offence – offesa // reato<br />

offer / invitation to deal, invitation to treat - proposta / invito a proporre<br />

offeree (s. offeror / offeree)<br />

offeror / offeree - proponente / oblato<br />

office - carica<br />

Office (s. Ministry, Office [UK], Department [US] / Secretary, Minister)<br />

officer (manager) (s. director, officer (manager) / executive)<br />

ombudsman - difensore civico<br />

omission - omissione<br />

on his motion / upon motion of the party - d’ufficio / su istanza di parte<br />

on the merits, substantive / of procedure - di merito / processuale<br />

opening of a credit line - apertura di credito<br />

© <strong>2013</strong> Riccardo Massari<br />

231<br />

riccardo.massari@lawlinguists.com<br />


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