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loyality - fedeltà<br />

lump sum - forfait<br />

M<br />

maintenance - mantenimento // manutenzione<br />

majority - maggioranza<br />

maker / payee / bearer / holder in due course - emittente / beneficiario /<br />

portatore / legittimo possessore<br />

malpractice - responsabilità professionale<br />

managing director [UK], CEO [US] / executive director - amministratore<br />

delegato / consigliere delegato<br />

mandate* - mandato<br />

mandatory joinder* (s. joinder* / mandatory joinder* / permissive joinder*)<br />

mandatory rules / default rules - norme inderogabili / norme dispositive<br />

manifestation of will(ingness) - manifestazione di volontà<br />

manslaughter - omicidio<br />

marginal note - postilla<br />

marital - coniugale<br />

marital agreement - convenzione matrimoniale<br />

marital status - stato civile<br />

market share - quota di mercato<br />

market value - valore di mercato<br />

marriage – matrimonio<br />

material - essenziale<br />

matrimony - matrimonio<br />

maturity, due date / expiration - scadenza<br />

maximum - massimale<br />

Mayor - sindaco<br />

means of evidence - mezzi di prova<br />

mediation - mediazione<br />

medical examiner - medico legale<br />

member - associato<br />

memorandum of associations [UK] - atto costitutivo<br />

memorandum of understandings (s. letter of intent / memorandum of<br />

understandings, term sheet, heads of terms, heads of agreement)<br />

mental capacity - capacità di intendere e di volere<br />

mental reservation - riserva mentale<br />

merchandises - merci<br />

merger (s. consolidation / merger)<br />

merits - merito<br />

Minister (s. Ministry, Office [UK], Department [US] / Secretary, Minister)<br />

Ministry, Office [UK], Department [US] / Secretary, Minister - Ministero /<br />

Ministro<br />

minor (s. adult / minor)<br />

© <strong>2013</strong> Riccardo Massari<br />

229<br />

riccardo.massari@lawlinguists.com<br />


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