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legal scholarship - dottrina<br />

legal status - regime legale<br />

legal system - ordinamento giuridico<br />

legal transaction (s. legal act / juristic act, legal transaction, legal act)<br />

legalization / authentication - autenticazione / verificazione<br />

legatee - erede<br />

legislature - legislatore<br />

legitimate interest - interesse legittimo<br />

legittimate child / natural child - figlio legittimo / figlio naturale<br />

lender / borrower - mutuante / mutuatario<br />

leniency - indulgenza<br />

lessee (s. landlord, lessor / tenant / lessee)<br />

lessor (s. landlord, lessor / tenant / lessee)<br />

letter before action - lettera di intervento<br />

letter of claim - lettera di intervento<br />

letter of credit - lettera di credito<br />

letter of intent / memorandum of understandings, term sheet, heads of terms,<br />

heads of agreement - lettera di intenti / moa<br />

letter-head - carta intestata<br />

letters rogatory - rogatoria<br />

levy - sanzione pecuniaria amministrativa<br />

liberty - libertà<br />

liberty of contract - autonomia contrattuale<br />

licence - licenza amministrativa<br />

licence (exclusive / sole / simple) - licenza esclusiva / licenza non esclusiva<br />

licence fee - royalty<br />

liens (s. security interests: liens [with possession] or charges [without poss.] /<br />

collateral)<br />

life estate* - usufrutto<br />

limit - massimale<br />

limitation - prescrizione // prescrizione del reato<br />

liquidated* - liquido<br />

liquidated-dameges clause - penale<br />

lis pendens - litispendenza<br />

listed - quotato<br />

literature - dottrina<br />

litigant (s. party, side, litigant / other party, opponent, opposing party)<br />

litigation - contenzioso<br />

loan - mutuo<br />

loan for use - comodato<br />

Local Administration – Comune<br />

Local Council - Comune<br />

loophole - lacuna<br />

losing party (s. winning party / losing party)<br />

loss - danno<br />

loss of profits (s. actual damage, actual loss / loss of profits, lost profits)<br />

lost profits (s. actual damage, actual loss / loss of profits, lost profits)<br />

© <strong>2013</strong> Riccardo Massari<br />

228<br />

riccardo.massari@lawlinguists.com<br />


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