Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula

Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula


94 P. JAKŠIĆ SKET B., 1995. Biotic diversity of hypogean habitats in Slovenia and its cultural importance. Biodiversity - Internat. Biodiversity Seminar, UNESCO, Gozd Martuljek, Proceedings: 33- 34. SKET B., 1996a. Biotic diversity of hypogean habitats in Slovenia and its cultural importance. Biodiversity - Internat. Biodiversity Seminar, UNESCO, Gozd Martuljek, Proceedings: 59-74. SKET B., 1996b.The ecology of the anchihaline caves. Trends Ecol. Evol., 11(5): 221-225. SKET B.,1996c. Hypogean habitats in Slovenia - their endangerment and conservation. Društvo Ekologa Slovenije, Ljubljana, 19-28. SKET B., 1997a. Distribution of Proteus (Amphibia: Urodela: Proteidae) and its possible explanation. Journal of Biogeography, 24: 263-280. SKET B., 1997b. The Anchihaline habitats, a dispersed “center” of biotic diversity. Conservation and Protection of the Biota of Karst. Karst Water Institute, Special Publication, 3; 98- 104. SKET B.,1997c. Biotic diversity of the dinaric karst, particulary in Slovenia: History of its richness, destruction and protection. 84-98 in Sasowsky, I.D., Fong, D.W., White, E.L. (Eds.) Conservation and protection of the biota of karst. Karst Waters Institute, Special Publication 3. SKET B., 1999a. High biodiversity in hypogean waters and its endangerment - the situation in Slovenia, Dinaric karst, and Europe. Crustaceana, 72(8): 769-779. SKET B.,1999b. The nature of biodiversity in hypogean waters and how it is endangered. Biodiversity and Conservation, 8(10): 1319-1338. SKET B., 1999c. Niphargus aquilex dobati ssp.n. (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Karst of Slovenia. Mitteilungen Verband Deutscher Höhlen- und Karstforschung, 45: 54-56. SKET B., 1999d. Diversity and singularity of hypogean fauna in the Dinaric region. Abstracts 14th International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia, 138-139. SKET B., 2003a. Rdeči seznam ogroženih sladkovodnih višjih rakov (Malacostraca aquatica: Isopoda,Amphipoda,Decapoda) u Sloveniji (The Red Data List of emndangered freshwater Malacostraca (Isopoda aquatica: Amphipoda, Decapoda) in Slovenia. Varstvo narave, Ljubljana, 17: 147-156. SKET B.,2003b. Subterranean fauna in Slovenia and southern Europe. In: Young, J. (ed.). Priorities in biodiversity conservation and research in the acceding and candidate countries and their integration in the European research area. Bialowieza, Poland. Mammal research institute, Polish academy of sciences, 19-20. SKET B., 2003c. Životinjski svijet Vjetrenice. In: Lučić, I: Vjetrenica, pogled u dušu Zemlje. Zagreb - Ravno. SKET B., 2004a. Dinaric Karst, Diversity in. In: Culver C.D. & White B. W. (Editors). Encyclopedia of Caves., Elsevier Publ., 158-165. SKET B., 2004b. Dinaric karst: Biospeleology. In: Gunn, J. ed., Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science. Fitzroy Dearborn, New York, London, 289-291. SKET B., 2004c. Invertebrates: Minor groups. In: Gunn, J. ed., Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science. Fitzroy Dearborn, New York, London, 457-459. SKET B., 2004d. Thermal water abitats. In: Gunn, J. ed., Encyclopedia of Cave and Karst Science, Fitzroy Dearborn, New York - London, 724-725. SKET B. & J.W. ARNTZEN, 1994. A black, non-troglomorphic amphinbian from the karst of Slovenia - Proteus anguinus parkelj n-ssp (Urodela, Proteidae). Bijdragen Tot de Dierkunde, 64 (1): 33-53. SKET B. & J.W. ARNTZEN, 1994. Discovery of a nontroglobiomorphic race of the European cave salamander Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata, Proteidae) - preliminary report (Abstr.). Proc. XI int. Con. Speleol. (Beijing 1993). Suppl. 41. SKET B. & J. BOLE, 1981. Organizmi kot indikatorji podzemeljskih vodnih povezav (Organisms as indicators of subterranean water connections). Naš krš, Sarajevo, 10-11: 243-252. SKET B., J. BOLE, A. BENOVIĆ, A. BRANCELJ, J. BRGLEZ, M. ČUČEK, B.P.M., ĆURČIĆ, A. JAKLIN, G. KARAMAN, I. KATAVIĆ, M. KEROVEC, I. KOS, M. LEGAC, N. MRŠIĆ, A. MALEJ, T. NOVAK,

Biospeleological Bibliography of the Balkan Peninsula 95 S. PETKOVSKI, T. PETKOVSKI, A. POLENEC, F. POTOČNIK, V. PUJIN, B. RADUJKOVIĆ, Z. ŠTEVČIĆ, K. TARMAN, A. TRAVIZI, M. VELIKONJA, F. VELKOVRH, J. VIDAKOVIĆ & D. ZAV- ODNIK, 1991. Bogatstvo in raziskanost jugoslovenske favne nižji nevretenčarji (Metazoa, Invertebrata ex. Insecta) (Richness and state of knowledge of the fauna of Yugoslavia: lower invertebrate (Metazoa: Invertebrata, ex. Insecta). Biološki Vestnik, Ljubljana, 39(1-2): 37-52. SKET B. &A. BRANCELJ, 1992. Rdeči seznam ogroženih sladkovodnih nižjih rakov (Entomostraca: Anostraca, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda) v Sloveniji (The Red List of freshwater Entomostraca/Anostraca, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda/ in Slovenia). Varstvo narave, Ljubljana, 17: 165-172, SKET B., P. DOVC, B. JALZIC, M. KEROVEC, M. KUCINIC & P. TRONTELJ, 2001. A cave beech (Hirudinea, Erpobdellidae) from Croatia with unique morphological features. Zoologica Scripta, 30(3): 223-229. SKET B., P. HABIC &C. JUBERTHIE, 1994. Slovenia. In: Juberthie, C. & Decu, V., 1994, (eds.), Societe de Biospeologie, Encyclopaedia Biospeologica I:803-807. SKET B. & J. MATJAŠIČ, 1973. Eine interessante unteriridische Hydroiden-art aus Jugoslawien. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Speleology. sub-section Karst zoology: Olomouc-Praha, 263-265. SKET B., K. PARAGAMIAN & P. TRONTELJ, 2002. Census of supposedly troglobiotic and stygobiotic faunas of the Balkan Peninsula. XVI International Symposium of Biospeleology, Verona 8-15 September 2002, Societe internationale de Biospeologie. SKET B. & P. TRONTELJ, 2003. Subterranean biodiversity in Slovenia and Western Balkans. Workshop Programme, Plenary lectures. SKET B. &M. VELIKONJA, 1984. Prethodni izvještaj o nalazima slatkovodnih spužvi (Porifera, Spongillidae) u špiljama Jugoslavije. Deveti jugoslavenski speleološki kongres, Zagreb, 553-557. SKET B. & M. VELIKONJA, 1986. Troglobitic freshwater sponges (Porifera, Spongillidae) found in Yugoslavia. Stygologia, 2(3): 254-266. SKET B. & F.VELKOVRH, 1981. Podzemaljski živali v termalnih vodah. (Subterranean animals in thermal waters). Biološki Vestnik, Ljubljana, 29(2): 91-120. SKET B. & F.VELKOVRH, 1981. Postojnsko-planinski jamski sistem kot model za proučavanje onesnaženja podzemeljskih voda (The Postopjna-Planina Cave system as a model for the investigations of the polluted subterranean rivers). Naše jame, 22: 27-44. SKURATOWICZ, W., 1970. Nycteribidae (Diptera, Pupipara) we zbiorach Instytutu Zoologicznego Polskej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie. Polskie Pismo Ent., 40: 745-748. SKURATOWICZ, W., K. BARTKOWSKA &G. BATCHVAROV, 1982. Fleas (Siphonaptera) of small Mammals and Birds collected in Bulgaria. Fragm. faunistica, Warszawa, 27, 9: 101-140. SLAPNIK, R. 1994. Razširjenost rodu Zospeum Bourguignat 1856 (Gastropoda,Pulmonata,Carychiidae) v osamelem krasu vzhodne Slovenije. (Distribution of the genus Zospeum Bourg. 1856 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Carychiidae) in isolated karst in Eastern Slovenia). Raz. IV. Raz. SAZU, 35 (13): 297-335. SLAPNIK, R., 1996a. Speleobiološke raziskave členov. JK Kamnik v jamah Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp. Naše jame, 38: 76-85. SLAPNIK, R., 1996b. Kronološki pregled bioloških raziskovanj v jamah Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp v okviru Jamarskega kluba Kamnik. Kamniški zbornik, 13: 106-109. SLAPNIK R., 2001. Activity and movements of Zospeum isselianum Pollonera 1886 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata,Carychiidae)in a cave in the Kamniške-Savinjske Alps (Slovenia). Nat. Croat., Zagreb, 10(3): 153-162. SLIŠKOVIĆ, T., 1979. Stratigrafska i paleontološka istraživanja pećinskih naslaga u Bosni i Hercegovini. Naš krš, Sarajevo, 6(V): 21-27. SLIVOV, A., 1968. Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) von Iskârdurchbruch. I. Macrolepidoptera. Bull. Inst. Zool., Sofia, 28: 186-195. SMERDU, R., 1972. Obročkan netopir v jami Marijino brezno pri Škofji Loki. Proteus, Ljubljana, 34: 374.

<strong>Biospeleological</strong> Bibliography of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Balkan</strong> Peninsula 95<br />



ODNIK, 1991. Bogatstvo in raziskanost jugoslovenske favne nižji nevretenčarji (Metazoa,<br />

Invertebrata ex. Insecta) (Richness and state of knowledge of <strong>the</strong> fauna of Yugoslavia:<br />

lower invertebrate (Metazoa: Invertebrata, ex. Insecta). Biološki Vestnik, Ljubljana,<br />

39(1-2): 37-52.<br />

SKET B. &A. BRANCELJ, 1992. Rdeči seznam ogroženih sladkovodnih nižjih rakov (Entomostraca:<br />

Anostraca, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda) v Sloveniji (The Red List of freshwater<br />

Entomostraca/Anostraca, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda/ in Slovenia). Varstvo narave,<br />

Ljubljana, 17: 165-172,<br />

SKET B., P. DOVC, B. JALZIC, M. KEROVEC, M. KUCINIC & P. TRONTELJ, 2001. A cave beech (Hirudinea,<br />

Erpobdellidae) from Croatia with unique morphological features. Zoologica<br />

Scripta, 30(3): 223-229.<br />

SKET B., P. HABIC &C. JUBERTHIE, 1994. Slovenia. In: Juberthie, C. & Decu, V., 1994, (eds.), Societe<br />

de Biospeologie, Encyclopaedia Biospeologica I:803-807.<br />

SKET B. & J. MATJAŠIČ, 1973. Eine interessante unteriridische Hydroiden-art aus Jugoslawien. Proceedings<br />

of <strong>the</strong> 6th International Congress of Speleology. sub-section Karst zoology: Olomouc-Praha,<br />

263-265.<br />

SKET B., K. PARAGAMIAN & P. TRONTELJ, 2002. Census of supposedly troglobiotic and stygobiotic<br />

faunas of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Balkan</strong> Peninsula. XVI International Symposium of Biospeleology, Verona<br />

8-15 September 2002, Societe internationale de Biospeologie.<br />

SKET B. & P. TRONTELJ, 2003. Subterranean biodiversity in Slovenia and Western <strong>Balkan</strong>s. Workshop<br />

Programme, Plenary lectures.<br />

SKET B. &M. VELIKONJA, 1984. Prethodni izvještaj o nalazima slatkovodnih spužvi (Porifera,<br />

Spongillidae) u špiljama Jugoslavije. Deveti jugoslavenski speleološki kongres, Zagreb,<br />

553-557.<br />

SKET B. & M. VELIKONJA, 1986. Troglobitic freshwater sponges (Porifera, Spongillidae) found in<br />

Yugoslavia. Stygologia, 2(3): 254-266.<br />

SKET B. & F.VELKOVRH, 1981. Podzemaljski živali v termalnih vodah. (Subterranean animals in<br />

<strong>the</strong>rmal waters). Biološki Vestnik, Ljubljana, 29(2): 91-120.<br />

SKET B. & F.VELKOVRH, 1981. Postojnsko-planinski jamski sistem kot model za proučavanje onesnaženja<br />

podzemeljskih voda (The Postopjna-Planina Cave system as a model for <strong>the</strong> investigations<br />

of <strong>the</strong> polluted subterranean rivers). Naše jame, 22: 27-44.<br />

SKURATOWICZ, W., 1970. Nycteribidae (Diptera, Pupipara) we zbiorach Instytutu Zoologicznego<br />

Polskej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie. Polskie Pismo Ent., 40: 745-748.<br />

SKURATOWICZ, W., K. BARTKOWSKA &G. BATCHVAROV, 1982. Fleas (Siphonaptera) of small Mammals<br />

and Birds collected in Bulgaria. Fragm. faunistica, Warszawa, 27, 9: 101-140.<br />

SLAPNIK, R. 1994. Razširjenost rodu Zospeum Bourguignat 1856 (Gastropoda,Pulmonata,Carychiidae)<br />

v osamelem krasu vzhodne Slovenije. (Distribution of <strong>the</strong> genus Zospeum Bourg.<br />

1856 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Carychiidae) in isolated karst in Eastern Slovenia). Raz.<br />

IV. Raz. SAZU, 35 (13): 297-335.<br />

SLAPNIK, R., 1996a. Speleobiološke raziskave členov. JK Kamnik v jamah Kamniško-Savinjskih<br />

Alp. Naše jame, 38: 76-85.<br />

SLAPNIK, R., 1996b. Kronološki pregled bioloških raziskovanj v jamah Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp<br />

v okviru Jamarskega kluba Kamnik. Kamniški zbornik, 13: 106-109.<br />

SLAPNIK R., 2001. Activity and movements of Zospeum isselianum Pollonera 1886 (Gastropoda,<br />

Pulmonata,Carychiidae)in a cave in <strong>the</strong> Kamniške-Savinjske Alps (Slovenia). Nat. Croat.,<br />

Zagreb, 10(3): 153-162.<br />

SLIŠKOVIĆ, T., 1979. Stratigrafska i paleontološka istraživanja pećinskih naslaga u Bosni i Hercegovini.<br />

Naš krš, Sarajevo, 6(V): 21-27.<br />

SLIVOV, A., 1968. Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) von Iskârdurchbruch. I. Macrolepidoptera. Bull.<br />

Inst. Zool., Sofia, 28: 186-195.<br />

SMERDU, R., 1972. Obročkan netopir v jami Marijino brezno pri Škofji Loki. Proteus, Ljubljana,<br />

34: 374.

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