Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula

Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula


82 P. JAKŠIĆ parte, 1837 (Chiroptera, Mammalia). SANU, Zbornik radova o fauni SR Srbije, Beograd, 2: 263-266. PETROVIĆ, P., G. DŽUKIĆ &M. MILENKOVIĆ, 1987. O rasprostranjenju dvobojnog ljiljka, Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758 (Chiroptera,Mammalia) u Jugoslaviji. Zbornik radova o fauni SR Srbije, SANU, Beograd, 4: 221-226. PETROVIĆ, P., G. DŽUKIĆ &M. MILENKOVIĆ, 1987. Neue Angaben zur Verbreitung der Bechsteinfledermaus, Myotis bechsteinii Kuhl, 1818 (Chiroptera, Mammalia) in Serbien. Zbornik radova o fauni SR Srbije, SANU, Beograd, 4: 227-231. PETTITT, P.B. & A.W.G. PIKE, 2001. Blind in a cloud of data: problems with the chronology of Neanderthal extinction and anatomically modern humans expansion. Antiquiti, 75: 415- 420. PIEPER, H., 1977. Bats from the island of Crete. Zeits. Saugetierkunde 42, 1: 7-12. PINTÉR, L. & A. RIEDEL, 1973. Zwei neue Zonitiden (Gastropoda) aus Dalmatien. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sci. Biol, Cl. II, 2 (4): 271-273. PINTER, L. &A.RIEDEL,1983. Über eine neue Lindbergia Art von Kerkyra, Griechenland (Gastropoda, Zonitidae). Zool. Mededelingen 57, 11: 101-103. PINTÉR, L. &A. SZIGETHY, 1973. Über zwei Acicula-Arten aus Jugoslawien (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). Arch. Moll., 103, 1/3: 97-98. PIPAN, T.& A. BRANCELJ, 2001. Ratio of copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in fauna of percolation water in six karst caves in Slovenia. Acta carsologica, Ljubljana, 30(2), 18; 257-265. PIPAN, T.& A.BRANCELJ, 2002. Distribution patterns of copepods (Crustacea:Copepoda)in percolation water in the karst caves in Slovenia. XVI International Symposium of Biospeleology, Verona 8-15 september 2002. Societe Internationale de Biospeologie. Abstracts, 86- 87. PITTON DE TOURNEFORT, J., 1700. Voyage d’un botaniste. L’Archipel grec. Lettre n° 2. PLATAKIS, E., 1954a. De la speleologie de la Crete. Deltion II, 7 (juillet-septembre): 201-224. PLATAKIS, E., 1962a. Bibliographie cretoise. Deltion VI, 5 (janvier-mars): 18-32. PLATAKIS, E., 1973. Grottes et autres formes karstiques de la Crete. Heraklion, Crete, A: 1-414. PLATAKIS, E., 1975. Grottes et autres formes karstiques de la Crete. Heraklion, Crete, B: 1-275. PLISKO, J., 1963. Materialien zur Kenntnis der Regenwurmer (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) Bulgariens. Fragmenta faunistica, Warszawa, X, 29: 425-440. PLJAKIĆ, M., 1965. Ein Differentiationsbeispiel der Populationen in Subterrestrischen Standorten (Niphargus stygius). Glasnik Prirodnjačkog muzeja, Beograd, B, 20: 139-145. PLJAKIĆ M., 1968. A contribution to the study of the genus Sphaeromides Dollfus, 1897 in Yugoslavia - Sphaeromides bureschi serbica ssp. n. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Belgrade, 23B: 225-239. PLJAKIĆ, M., 1970a. Nouvelles especes des Isopodes terrestres dans les grottes de la Serbe (Yougoslavie). Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade, B, 25: 305-320. PLJAKIĆ, M. 1970b. Contribution a la connaissance du genre Macedonicus (Trihoniscidae) en Serbie - Macedonicus metohicus sp. n. Glas. Prir. Muz., Beograd, B, 25: 321- 328. PLJAKIĆ, M., 1972a. Un nouvell element de la faune cavernicole en Serbie Orientale: Hyloniscus stankovici sp. n. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade, 27B: 85-93. PLJAKIĆ, M., 1972b. Eléménts nouveaux dans la faune des Crustacés archaiques en Serbie et quelques considérations sur leur paléobiogeographie. Proasellus anophthalmus resavicae ssp.n. Proasellus anophthalmus rascicus ssp. n. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade, B, 27: 95-108. PLJAKIĆ, M., 1972c. Un nouveau troglobie de la faune de Serbie dans le region de l’arc alpin karpato-balkanique: Trichoniscus buturovici sp.n. Wiss. Mitt. Bosn.-Herz. Landesmuseum. Sarajevo, 2C: 159-165. PLJAKIĆ, M., 1973. Contribution to the knowledge of the Serbian cave living fauna. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade, 28 B: 143-147. PLJAKIĆ, M., 1975. Les elements cavernicoles dans la faune de la Serbie. Des nouvelles donnees sur l’aire de reparation du Mesoniscus graniger (Frivaldsky). Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade, 30B.

Biospeleological Bibliography of the Balkan Peninsula 83 PLJAKIĆ M., 1977. Taksonomsko-biogeografski odnosi primitivnih evolutivnih serija nižih Oniscoidea Jugoslavije, posebno elemenata kavernikole faune Srbije. SANU, Posebna izdanja, DIV, Odeljenje prirodno-matematičkih nauka, Beograd, 48: 1-148. POGGI R., G. NONVEILLER, A. COLLA, D. PAVIĆEVIĆ &T.RAĐA, 2001. Thaumastocephalini, a new tribe of Pselaphinae for Thaumastocephalus folliculipalpus n. gen., n.sp., an interesting new troglobious species from central Dalmatia (Croatia). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria”, Genova, XCIV: 1-20. POJE, M. & T. RAĐA, 1976. Fosilna malakofauna pećine Veternice. Speleolog, Zagreb, XXII-XXI- II: 6-8. POLAK, S., 1997. The use of caves by the edible dormouse (Myoxus glis) in the Slovenian karst. Natura Croatica, Zagreb, 6: 313-321. POLAK, S., 2002a. New confirmations of the common North-West Dinaric troglobiontic Leptodirinae fauna (Coleoptera,Cholevidae). XVI International Symposium of Biospeleology, Abstracts, Verona: 87-88. POLAK, S., 2002b. Spelaeodromus sneznikensis sp. nov. from Slovenia (Coleoptera: Cholevidae: Leptodirinae). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 10(1). POLENEC, A., 1969. Zur Kenntnis der mikrokavernikolen Spinnen-Arten Sloweniens. Bul. Mus. hist. Natur, 2, 41 (Suppl. 1), 201-204. POLJUGAN, Ž. 1957-58. Ponor reke Vruje u Ropoljani. Speleolog, Zagreb. POLJUGAN, D. 1915. O pauku Stalita gracilipes Kulcz., a napose o njegovom muzjaku. Gl. Hrv. Prir. Dr., Zagreb, 27 (1): 176-181. POP, V., 1969. Les Lumbricides cavernicoles de la collecton biospeologica. Arch. Zool. Exper. et Gener., Paris, 109: 229-256. POPOV, A., 1958. Sauterelle cavernicole trouvee en Bulgarie. Priroda, Sofia, VII, 6: 67. [en bulgare]. POPOV, A., 1969. La faune cavernicole dans la region du v Gabare, distr. Vraca. Annuel de Speleologie, Ed. STD “Akademik”, 1968, Sofia, 1: 36-40. [en bulgare]. POPOV, A., 1981. Die Megalopteren Bulgariens. Acta zool. bulgarica, 17:63-65. POPOV, R., 1922. Grottes. Bâlgarski turist, Sofia, XIV, 1: 5-7. [en bulgare]. POPOV, R., 1922. Grottes. Bâlgarski turist, Sofia, XIV, 2: 22-24. [en bulgare]. POPOV, V., 1983. Paleontological explorations in the caves (significance, methods, achieved results and trends of developments). In: 4th National Conf. “The links between the Science and the Practice in the Speleology”, Varna, 36-48. POPOV, V., 1984. Small mammals (Mammalia: Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) of the Upper Pleistocene deposites in the Mechata Doupka Cave (Western Stara Planina Mts.) I. Taphonomy, paleoecological and zoogeographical peculiarities. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 24: 35-44. POPOV, V., 1985. Small mammals (Mammalia: Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) of the Upper Pleistocene deposits in the Mechata Doupka Cave (Western Stara Planina Mts.) I. Description of species. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 26: 23-49. POPOV, V., 1986. Early Pleistocene Rodentia (Mammalia) from the “Temnata dupka” cave near Karlukovo (North Bulgaria). Acta zoologica bulgarica, 30: 3-14. POPOV, V., 1989. Middle Pleistocene small mammals (Mammalia: Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) from Morovitsa Cave (North Bulgaria). Acta zoologica cracoviensis, 32 13: 561- 588. POPOV, V. &T.IVANOVA, 1995. Morphoecological analysis and late quaternary history of a Bat community in a karstic landscape of north Bulgaria. Myotis, 32-33: 21-31. POPOV, V. & T.IVANOVA, 2002. Comparative craniometrical analysis and distributional patterns of medium-sized horseshoe bats (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in Bulgaria. Folia Zool., 51(3): 187-200. POTOČNIK, F., 1992. Rdeči seznam ogroženih mokric (Isopoda terrestria) v Hrvatski. The Red List of endangered Isopoda terrestria (Crustacea) in Croatia. U knjizi: Sažeci i referati (Milošević, B., ur.): 8. Entomofauna Hrvatske 1992. Drugi kolokvij i savetovanje., Zagreb 15.-16.10.1992. Second colloq. And conferen. Hrvatsko entomološko društvo, Zagreb.

82<br />

P. JAKŠIĆ<br />

parte, 1837 (Chiroptera, Mammalia). SANU, Zbornik radova o fauni SR Srbije, Beograd,<br />

2: 263-266.<br />

PETROVIĆ, P., G. DŽUKIĆ &M. MILENKOVIĆ, 1987. O rasprostranjenju dvobojnog ljiljka, Vespertilio<br />

murinus Linnaeus, 1758 (Chiroptera,Mammalia) u Jugoslaviji. Zbornik radova o fauni<br />

SR Srbije, SANU, Beograd, 4: 221-226.<br />

PETROVIĆ, P., G. DŽUKIĆ &M. MILENKOVIĆ, 1987. Neue Angaben zur Verbreitung der Bechsteinfledermaus,<br />

Myotis bechsteinii Kuhl, 1818 (Chiroptera, Mammalia) in Serbien. Zbornik<br />

radova o fauni SR Srbije, SANU, Beograd, 4: 227-231.<br />

PETTITT, P.B. & A.W.G. PIKE, 2001. Blind in a cloud of data: problems with <strong>the</strong> chronology of Neanderthal<br />

extinction and anatomically modern humans expansion. Antiquiti, 75: 415-<br />

420.<br />

PIEPER, H., 1977. Bats from <strong>the</strong> island of Crete. Zeits. Saugetierkunde 42, 1: 7-12.<br />

PINTÉR, L. & A. RIEDEL, 1973. Zwei neue Zonitiden (Gastropoda) aus Dalmatien. Bull. Acad. Pol.<br />

Sci., Ser. Sci. Biol, Cl. II, 2 (4): 271-273.<br />

PINTER, L. &A.RIEDEL,1983. Über eine neue Lindbergia Art von Kerkyra, Griechenland (Gastropoda,<br />

Zonitidae). Zool. Mededelingen 57, 11: 101-103.<br />

PINTÉR, L. &A. SZIGETHY, 1973. Über zwei Acicula-Arten aus Jugoslawien (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia).<br />

Arch. Moll., 103, 1/3: 97-98.<br />

PIPAN, T.& A. BRANCELJ, 2001. Ratio of copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in fauna of percolation<br />

water in six karst caves in Slovenia. Acta carsologica, Ljubljana, 30(2), 18; 257-265.<br />

PIPAN, T.& A.BRANCELJ, 2002. Distribution patterns of copepods (Crustacea:Copepoda)in percolation<br />

water in <strong>the</strong> karst caves in Slovenia. XVI International Symposium of Biospeleology,<br />

Verona 8-15 september 2002. Societe Internationale de Biospeologie. Abstracts, 86-<br />

87.<br />

PITTON DE TOURNEFORT, J., 1700. Voyage d’un botaniste. L’Archipel grec. Lettre n° 2.<br />

PLATAKIS, E., 1954a. De la speleologie de la Crete. Deltion II, 7 (juillet-septembre): 201-224.<br />

PLATAKIS, E., 1962a. Bibliographie cretoise. Deltion VI, 5 (janvier-mars): 18-32.<br />

PLATAKIS, E., 1973. Grottes et autres formes karstiques de la Crete. Heraklion, Crete, A: 1-414.<br />

PLATAKIS, E., 1975. Grottes et autres formes karstiques de la Crete. Heraklion, Crete, B: 1-275.<br />

PLISKO, J., 1963. Materialien zur Kenntnis der Regenwurmer (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) Bulgariens.<br />

Fragmenta faunistica, Warszawa, X, 29: 425-440.<br />

PLJAKIĆ, M., 1965. Ein Differentiationsbeispiel der Populationen in Subterrestrischen Standorten<br />

(Niphargus stygius). Glasnik Prirodnjačkog muzeja, Beograd, B, 20: 139-145.<br />

PLJAKIĆ M., 1968. A contribution to <strong>the</strong> study of <strong>the</strong> genus Sphaeromides Dollfus, 1897 in Yugoslavia<br />

- Sphaeromides bureschi serbica ssp. n. Bulletin of <strong>the</strong> Natural History Museum,<br />

Belgrade, 23B: 225-239.<br />

PLJAKIĆ, M., 1970a. Nouvelles especes des Isopodes terrestres dans les grottes de la Serbe (Yougoslavie).<br />

Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade, B, 25: 305-320.<br />

PLJAKIĆ, M. 1970b. Contribution a la connaissance du genre Macedonicus (Trihoniscidae) en Serbie<br />

- Macedonicus metohicus sp. n. Glas. Prir. Muz., Beograd, B, 25: 321- 328.<br />

PLJAKIĆ, M., 1972a. Un nouvell element de la faune cavernicole en Serbie Orientale: Hyloniscus<br />

stankovici sp. n. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade, 27B: 85-93.<br />

PLJAKIĆ, M., 1972b. Eléménts nouveaux dans la faune des Crustacés archaiques en Serbie et<br />

quelques considérations sur leur paléobiogeographie. Proasellus anophthalmus resavicae<br />

ssp.n. Proasellus anophthalmus rascicus ssp. n. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade, B,<br />

27: 95-108.<br />

PLJAKIĆ, M., 1972c. Un nouveau troglobie de la faune de Serbie dans le region de l’arc alpin karpato-balkanique:<br />

Trichoniscus buturovici sp.n. Wiss. Mitt. Bosn.-Herz. Landesmuseum.<br />

Sarajevo, 2C: 159-165.<br />

PLJAKIĆ, M., 1973. Contribution to <strong>the</strong> knowledge of <strong>the</strong> Serbian cave living fauna. Bull. Mus. Hist.<br />

Nat., Belgrade, 28 B: 143-147.<br />

PLJAKIĆ, M., 1975. Les elements cavernicoles dans la faune de la Serbie. Des nouvelles donnees<br />

sur l’aire de reparation du Mesoniscus graniger (Frivaldsky). Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belgrade,<br />


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