Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula

Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula


74 NOVAK, P., 1952. Kornjaši jadranskog primorja(Coleoptera). JAZU, 1-501. NOVAK, P. & M. ETONI, 1964-1965. I coleotteri della Dalmazia. Atti del museo Civico di storia naturale, 24: 53-132. NOVAK, T.& N. SIVEC, 1977. Biološke raziskave v pegmatitnih jamah pri Ravnah. (Biological investigations in pegmatite caves near Ravne.). Naše jame, 18: 39-45. NOVAK, T., V. KUŠTOR &M. SOBOTA, 1979. Prufung einiger duftessenzen als attraktanten der unteriridischen fauna. Acta entomologica Jugoslavica, Zagreb, 15(1-2): 103-109. NOVAK, T. & V. KUŠTOR, 1980. Življenje v nekraškem podzemlju (Life in non-karstic underground.). Proteus, 42: 243-245. NOVAK, T., V. KUŠTOR, A. KRANJC &N. SIVEC, 1980(1981). Prispevek k poznavanju razporeditve favne Velikih Rovih (Contribution to the knowledge of the Across-Passage distribution of fauna). Acta carsologica, Ljubljana, IX(6): 149-179. NOVAK, T. &V. KUŠTOR, 1982. Zur Fauna der Wande dreier Höhlen Nordostsloweniens (Jugoslawien). Die Höhle, 33(3): 82-89. NOVAK, T. & V. KUŠTOR, 1983. On Troglophilus (Rhaphidophoridae, Saltatoria) from N. Slovenia (YU). Memoires de Biospeologie, 10: 127-137. NOVAK, T., GRUBER, J. & LJ. SLANA, 1984. Remarks on Opiliones from cavities in Slovenia (Yugoslavia). Mém. Biosp., XI: 185-197. NOVAK, T., 1988. Liste de la faune determinee recueillie des habitats terrestres des cavites de la Slovenie du nord (Yougoslavie). Bull. Liais. Soc. Biospeol., 13: 8-16. NOVAK, T., 1989. Ekološko vrednotenje nekaterih organimov za podzemeljske združbe. (Ecological evaluation of some organisms for the hypogean coenoses.). Doktorska disertacija, Univerza u Ljubljani, 109. NOVAK, T., GRUBER, J. & J. SLANA, 1995. Weberknechte (Opiliones) des Zentral-europaischen zoogeographischen Gebietes Sloweniens. Znanstv. Rev., 7(1): 47-60. NOVAK, T., GRUBER, J.& J. SLANA, 1995. A contribution to the knowledge of the harvestmen (Opiliones) from the submediterranean region of Slovenia. Annales, 7: 181-192. NOVAK, T., 2000. Remarks on published data on harvestmen (Arachnida,Opiliones) from Slovenia. Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 10, 2(21): 281-308. NOVOSAD, A., G. BATCHVAROV &P.PETROV, 1987. Bat flies (Nycteribiidae,Diptera) of Bats collected in Bulgaria. Polskie Pismo Entom., 57: 673-694. O P. JAKŠIĆ OBENBERGER, J., 1917. Zwei neue subterran lebende, von Dr. Absolon am Balkan gesammelte Nebriaarten. Archiv. fur Naturgeschichte, 82. Jahrgang 1916, Abteilung A: 45-48. OGNJENOVIĆ, S., 2000. Miroč - speleobiološka istraživanja. Centar za ekološko-etnološka istraživanja “Bostava”. Beograd. OGNJENOVIĆ, S., 2000. Speleobiološka istraživanja Miroča. Razvitak, Zaječar, XL, 203-204: 80-86. OMODEO, P., 1955. Lombrichi cavernicoli di Grecia e Turchia raccolti dal Dr K.Lindberg. Annuar. Ist. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, Napoli, 7: 1-15(6). OZIMEC, R., 1994. Umjetni speleološki objekti Varazdinske zupanije - Rudnik smithsonita “Kraljevski zviri”. (The artificial speleological objects of Varazdin-Country - The smithsonite mine “Kraljevski zviri”). Speleolog, Zagreb, 40/41: 21-25. OZIMEC, R., 1999a.- Novi clanci s podrucja biospeleologije. Speleo´zin, Karlovac, 11: 33-35. OZIMEC, R.,1999b. Cave dweling pseudoscorpiones, recently findings for croatian fauna. Abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia, 19th - 26th September 1999, D. Holcer & M. Šašić, (eds.). Hrvatsko biospeleološko društvo, Croatian Biospeleological Society. Poster presentations: 101-102. OZIMEC, R., 2002. Review of genus Troglochthonius Beier, 1939 (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae). XVI International Symposium of Biospeleology, Abstracts, 56, Verona. OZIMEC, R. &B. JALZIĆ, 1999. Cave dweling fauna of Mt. Biokovo, m. Dalmatia, Croatia. Abstracts of the 14th International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia, 19th -

26th September 1999, D. Holcer & M. Šašić, (eds.). Hrvatsko biospeleološko društvo, Croatian Biospeleological Society. Poster presentations: 99-100. OZIMEC, R., M. VOJINOVIĆ & A. STANKOVIĆ, 1991. Novija speleološka istrazivanja na otoku Korčuli. (New speleological researches on the Island of Korčula). Spel. Cro., Zagreb, 2: 37-42. P Biospeleological Bibliography of the Balkan Peninsula 75 PACE, R., 1999. Descrizione di Kladotyphlus kahleni gen. N., sp. n. di Leptotyphlinae della Slovenia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 7(2). PADEWIETH, M. 1891. Ein neuer Anophthalmus aus Dalmatien. Wien Ent. Zt., 10:258. PADEWIETH, M. 1900. Orthoptera genuina des kroat. Littorale und der Umgebung Fiumes. Gl. Hrv. Nar. Dr., 11 (1-6): 8-33. PAGANETTI-HUMMLER, G., 1898. Höhlen-Untersuchungen aus Sud-Dalmatien. Illustrierte Zeitschrift fur Entomologie, 3: 84-85. PAGANETTI-HUMMLER, G.1902. Die Höhlenfauna Österreich-Ungarns und des Okkupationsgebietes. Öst.-ung. Rev., 29: 14-32. PAGANETTI-HUMMLER, G.1903. Bericht uber Forschungen in Höhlen Sud-Dalmatiens und der Herzegowina. Akad. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Wien, 5: 26-29. PAGANETTI-HUMMLER, G., 1914. Apud Jeannel R. et Racovitza E.G., Enumeration des Grottes visitees, 1911-1933, Biospeologica No XXXIII Archives de Zoologie experimentale et generale, Paris, 5 (53): 325-558; 342-345. PAGES, J. 1953. Japyginae (Japygidae, Insecta Diplura) de la Yougoslavie et des regions limotrophes. Bull. Mus.Hist. Nat. Pay. Ser. B, 5-6: 235-264. PANČIĆ, J., 1883. Ortoptere u Srbiji. Beograd. PANDOURSKI, I., 1989. Diacyclops zschokkei (Graeter, 1910) (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) - une espece nouvelle pour la faune de la Bulgarie. Exped. Ann. of Univ. of Sofia “Kl. Ohridsky” 5A: 76-79. [en bulgare]. PANDOURSKI, I, 1991. Deux Cyclopides nouveaux pour la faune aquatique hypogee de la Bulgarie - Acanthocyclops (Acanthocyclops) reductus (Chappuis) (s. lat.) et Graeteriella unisetigera (Graeter) (Crustacea, Copepoda). Acta zool. Bulg. 42: 50-53. PANDOURSKI, I., 1992a. Acanthocyclops (Acanthocyclops) iskrecensis n. sp. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) des eaux souterraines de la Stara Planina d’ouest (Bulgarie). Boll. Museo regionale Scienze naturali Torino, 10, 2: 401-405. PANDOURSKI, I.,1992b. Contribution à l’etude des Cyclopides (Crustacea,Copepoda) des eaux souterraines karstiques de la Bulgarie avec description du Speocyclops rhodopensis sp. n. Acta zool. bulgarica, 45:92-101. PANDOURSKI, I., 1993. Cyclopides des eaux souterraines de la Bulgarie. I. - Acanthocyclops (Acanthocyclops) radevi sp. n. et Diacyclops pelagonicus saetosus ssp. n. (Crustacea, Copepoda). Mém. Biosp. XX(20), 47: 165-168. PANDOURSKI, I., 1993. Cyclopides(Crustacea,Copepoda)des eaux souterranes de la Bulgarie. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat., Paris, 4 16 A, 1: 95-110. PANDOURSKI, I., 1994a. Cyclopides (Crustacea, Copepoda) des eaux souterraines de la Bulgarie. Mem. de Biospeleol., Moulis, 20: 165-168. PANDOURSKI, I., 1994b. Cyclopides (Crustacea, Copepoda) des eaux souterraines de la Bulgarie. Cyclopides du massif karstique de Bosnek, montagnes de Vitocha et de Golo bardo. Bull. Mus. nat. Hist. nat. Paris, 4 A, 1, 16: 95-110. PANDOURSKI, I., 1994c. Cyclopides (Crustacea,Copepoda) des eaux souterraines de la Bulgarie. III Distribution et remarques morphologiques sur les Cyclopides des sous-familles Eucyclopinae et Cyclopinae. Hydrobiology, Sofia, 39: 3-16. PANDOURSKI, I., 1996. Cyclopodes (Crustacea, Copepoda) des eaux souterraines d’ Albanie. Acta Zool. Bulgarica, Sofia, 48. PANDOURSKI, I., 1997a. Composition, origine et formation de la faunem cyclopidienne stygobie de Bulgarie et definition du groupe d’especes “kieferi” du genre Acanthocyclops (Crusta-

74<br />

NOVAK, P., 1952. Kornjaši jadranskog primorja(Coleoptera). JAZU, 1-501.<br />

NOVAK, P. & M. ETONI, 1964-1965. I coleotteri della Dalmazia. Atti del museo Civico di storia naturale,<br />

24: 53-132.<br />

NOVAK, T.& N. SIVEC, 1977. Biološke raziskave v pegmatitnih jamah pri Ravnah. (Biological investigations<br />

in pegmatite caves near Ravne.). Naše jame, 18: 39-45.<br />

NOVAK, T., V. KUŠTOR &M. SOBOTA, 1979. Prufung einiger duftessenzen als attraktanten der unteriridischen<br />

fauna. Acta entomologica Jugoslavica, Zagreb, 15(1-2): 103-109.<br />

NOVAK, T. & V. KUŠTOR, 1980. Življenje v nekraškem podzemlju (Life in non-karstic underground.).<br />

Proteus, 42: 243-245.<br />

NOVAK, T., V. KUŠTOR, A. KRANJC &N. SIVEC, 1980(1981). Prispevek k poznavanju razporeditve<br />

favne Velikih Rovih (Contribution to <strong>the</strong> knowledge of <strong>the</strong> Across-Passage distribution<br />

of fauna). Acta carsologica, Ljubljana, IX(6): 149-179.<br />

NOVAK, T. &V. KUŠTOR, 1982. Zur Fauna der Wande dreier Höhlen Nordostsloweniens (Jugoslawien).<br />

Die Höhle, 33(3): 82-89.<br />

NOVAK, T. & V. KUŠTOR, 1983. On Troglophilus (Rhaphidophoridae, Saltatoria) from N. Slovenia<br />

(YU). Memoires de Biospeologie, 10: 127-137.<br />

NOVAK, T., GRUBER, J. & LJ. SLANA, 1984. Remarks on Opiliones from cavities in Slovenia (Yugoslavia).<br />

Mém. Biosp., XI: 185-197.<br />

NOVAK, T., 1988. Liste de la faune determinee recueillie des habitats terrestres des cavites de la Slovenie<br />

du nord (Yougoslavie). Bull. Liais. Soc. Biospeol., 13: 8-16.<br />

NOVAK, T., 1989. Ekološko vrednotenje nekaterih organimov za podzemeljske združbe. (Ecological<br />

evaluation of some organisms for <strong>the</strong> hypogean coenoses.). Doktorska disertacija,<br />

Univerza u Ljubljani, 109.<br />

NOVAK, T., GRUBER, J. & J. SLANA, 1995. Weberknechte (Opiliones) des Zentral-europaischen zoogeographischen<br />

Gebietes Sloweniens. Znanstv. Rev., 7(1): 47-60.<br />

NOVAK, T., GRUBER, J.& J. SLANA, 1995. A contribution to <strong>the</strong> knowledge of <strong>the</strong> harvestmen (Opiliones)<br />

from <strong>the</strong> submediterranean region of Slovenia. Annales, 7: 181-192.<br />

NOVAK, T., 2000. Remarks on published data on harvestmen (Arachnida,Opiliones) from Slovenia.<br />

Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 10, 2(21): 281-308.<br />

NOVOSAD, A., G. BATCHVAROV &P.PETROV, 1987. Bat flies (Nycteribiidae,Diptera) of Bats collected<br />

in Bulgaria. Polskie Pismo Entom., 57: 673-694.<br />

O<br />

P. JAKŠIĆ<br />

OBENBERGER, J., 1917. Zwei neue subterran lebende, von Dr. Absolon am <strong>Balkan</strong> gesammelte Nebriaarten.<br />

Archiv. fur Naturgeschichte, 82. Jahrgang 1916, Abteilung A: 45-48.<br />

OGNJENOVIĆ, S., 2000. Miroč - speleobiološka istraživanja. Centar za ekološko-etnološka istraživanja<br />

“Bostava”. Beograd.<br />

OGNJENOVIĆ, S., 2000. Speleobiološka istraživanja Miroča. Razvitak, Zaječar, XL, 203-204: 80-86.<br />

OMODEO, P., 1955. Lombrichi cavernicoli di Grecia e Turchia raccolti dal Dr K.Lindberg. Annuar.<br />

Ist. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, Napoli, 7: 1-15(6).<br />

OZIMEC, R., 1994. Umjetni speleološki objekti Varazdinske zupanije - Rudnik smithsonita “Kraljevski<br />

zviri”. (The artificial speleological objects of Varazdin-Country - The smithsonite<br />

mine “Kraljevski zviri”). Speleolog, Zagreb, 40/41: 21-25.<br />

OZIMEC, R., 1999a.- Novi clanci s podrucja biospeleologije. Speleo´zin, Karlovac, 11: 33-35.<br />

OZIMEC, R.,1999b. Cave dweling pseudoscorpiones, recently findings for croatian fauna. Abstracts<br />

of <strong>the</strong> 14th International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia, 19th - 26th<br />

September 1999, D. Holcer & M. Šašić, (eds.). Hrvatsko biospeleološko društvo, Croatian<br />

<strong>Biospeleological</strong> Society. Poster presentations: 101-102.<br />

OZIMEC, R., 2002. Review of genus Troglochthonius Beier, 1939 (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones,<br />

Chthoniidae). XVI International Symposium of Biospeleology, Abstracts, 56, Verona.<br />

OZIMEC, R. &B. JALZIĆ, 1999. Cave dweling fauna of Mt. Biokovo, m. Dalmatia, Croatia. Abstracts<br />

of <strong>the</strong> 14th International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia, 19th -

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