Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula

Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula


70 P. JAKŠIĆ MITOV, P., 1995. New faunistic and chorologic data about Opiliones (Arachnida) from Bulgaria. Ann. Univ. Sofia “St. Kl. Ohridski”, 1-Zool., 86-87: 63-65. MOLDOVAN, O.T., B. JALŽIĆ & E. ERICHSEN, 2004. Adaptation of the mouthparts in some subterranean Cholevinae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae). Nat. Croat., Zagreb, 13(1): 1-18. MORAVEC, J. & R. MLEJNIK, 2002. Nauticiella stygivaga gen. n. et sp. n., a new amphibiontic cavernicolous beetle from the Vjetrenica Cave, Herzegovina (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini). Acta. Soc. Zool. Bohem., 66: 293-302 MORTON B., F. VELKOVRH & B. SKET 1998. Biology and anatomy of the “living fossil” Congeria kusceri (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) from subterranean rivers and caves in the Dinaric karst of former Yugoslavia. J. Zool., London, 245(2): 147-174. MORTON, F. 1914. Die biologischen Verhaltnisse der Vegetation einiger Höhlen in Quarnerogebiete. Österr. Bot. Zeitschr., 64: 277-286. MORTON, F. 1932. La Grotta Fortis o dei Fossili nell’isola di Cherso. Le Grotte d’Italia, 6 (4): 193- 195. MRAKOVCIC, M., M. KEROVEC, S. MIČETIC & D. SCHNEIDER, 1996. Description of Knipowitschia punctatissima croatica, (Pisces: Gobiidae), a new freshwater goby from Dalmatia, Croatia. In: A. Kirchhofer, D. Hefti (eds.), Conservation of Endangered Freshwater Fish in Europe, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, 311-319. MRAKOVCIC, M. & S. MIČETIC, 1990. Status, distribution and conservation of the salmonid Salmothymus obtusirostris (Heckel) and the cyprinid Aulopyge hugeli (Heckel) in Yugoslavia. J. Fish Biol., 37A (Suppl.): 241-242. MRAKOVCIC, M., S. MIČETIC & M. POVZ, 1995. Status of freshwater fish in Croatian Adriatic rivers system. Biol. Cons.,72: 179-185. MRAZEK, A., 1907. Ein europäischer Vertreter der Gruppe Temnocephaloidea. Sitzungber. Kgl. Böhm. Ges. d. Wiss., 11(36): 1-7. MRAZEK, A., 1913. Einige Bemerkungen uber Dina absoloni Joh. Zool. Anz., 43: 239-240. MRŠIĆ, N., 1985. Contribution to the Knowledge of Diplopods (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) of Serbia. I. Glasnik Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu, Beograd, B, 40: 143-168. MRŠIC, N., 1986. Dycerasoma (Dyc.) biokovense sp. n. (Diplopoda, Craspedosomatidae). Biol. Vestn., 34 (1): 81-88. MRŠIĆ, N., 1987a. Polydesmiida (Diplopoda) of Yugoslavia 1. Raz. SAZU, 29 (3): 69-112. MRŠIĆ, N., 1987b. Diplopod fauna (Diplopoda: Myriapoda) Biokova. Acta Biokov., Makarska, 4: 267-276. MRŠIĆ, N., 1987c. Attemisiidae (Diplopoda) of Yugoslavia. Raz. SAZU, Ljubljana, 27 (5): 101-168. MRŠIĆ, N., 1987d. Genus Xestoiulus Verh., 1893 (Diplopoda: Julidae) in Yugoslavia. Raz. SAZU, Ljubljana, 28 (1): 3-25. MRŠIĆ, N., 1987. Genus Ochogona Cook 1895 (Craspedosomatidae, Diplopoda) of Yugoslavia. Glasnik Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu, Beograd, B 42: 51-74. MRŠIĆ, N., 1992. Biokoviella mauriesi gen. nov., sp. nov. (Biokoviellidae fam. nov.) Macrochaetosomatinae subfam. nov. (Aanthogonidae) and superfamily Cleidogonoideaof the western Balkans (Craspedosomidae, Diplopoda). Raz. SAZU, Ljubljana, 33 (3): 51-91. MRŠIĆ, N., 1993. The fauna of diplopods (Diplopoda) of Macedonia. Acad. Sci. Art. Slov., Razprave Cl. IV, Hist. Nat., Ljubljana, 34: 19-44. MRŠIĆ, N., 1994. The Diplopoda (Myriapoda) of Croatia. Acad. Sci. Art. Slov., Razprave Cl. IV, Hist. Nat., XXXV, Ljubljana, 12: 219-296. MRŠIĆ, N., T. NOVAK, F. POTOČNIK, & T.AMON, 1996. Ecological evaluation of oniscoids and diplopods from cavities in Slovenia. Memoires de Biospeologie, XXIII: 203-210. MRŠIĆ, N., 1997. Biotska raznovrsnost v Sloveniji. Slovenija - “vroča točka” Evrope (Biotic Diversity in Slovenia. Slovenia - the “hot spot” of Europe. Ljubljana. MUČALICA, M., 1988/89. A contribution to the study of harvest-men (Opiliones,Arachnida)of Đerdap (Iron Gate, Serbia, Yugoslavia). Glasnik Prirodnjaèkog muzeja u Beogradu, Beograd, B 43/44: 189-192. MULAOMEROVIĆ, J., 1984. Paleolitsko nalazište pećina u Rudnoj glavi kod Trnova. Deveti jugoslovenski speleološki kongres. Zbornik predavanja, Zagreb, 659-666.

Biospeleological Bibliography of the Balkan Peninsula 71 MULAOMEROVIĆ, J., 1984. Paleolitsko nalazište pećina u Rudnoj glavi kod Trnova. Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja, Arheologija, Nova serija, Sarajevo, 39: 1-10. MULAOMEROVIŠ, J., 1985. Novo nalazište pećinskog medvjeda. Naše jame, Sarajevo, 27: 44-46. MULAOMEROVIĆ, J., 1990. Nekoliko novih paleontoloških nalaza u pećinama okolice Sarajeva. Naš krš, Sarajevo, XVI(28-29): 139-141. MULAOMEROVIĆ, J., 2004. Bosnia and Hercegovina Agreement on the conservation of bats in Europe. National Report. URL: MULEC, J., M. RUPNIK & H. ZUPAN, 2001. Comparison of the culturable bacterial flora from three microenvironments from Pećina v Borštu cave (South-west Slovenia). Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Speleology, Brasilia D.F., Brazil, July 15-22, 073/S3. MULLER, G., 1904. Zwei neue Höhlensilphiden aus der Balkanhalbinsel. Munch. Kol. Z., Munchen, 2: 38-42. MULLER, G., 1922. Secondo contributo alla conoscenza della fauna cavernilola italiana. Atti Assoc. sci. Veneto-Trentino-Istriana, 12/13(III): 3-16. MULLER, G., 1926. Neues uber istrianische und dalmatinische Höhlenkafer. Wien. ent. Ztg., Wien, 43: 154-158. MULLER, G., 1931a. Nuovi Pseudoscorpioni cavernicoli appartenenti al sottogenere Blothrus Schiodte. Boll. Soc. Ent. It., Genova, 63: 125-127. MULLER, G., 1931b. Sopra due Crostacei delle nostre acque carsiche (Troglocaris Schmidti Dorm. e Sphaeromides virei Brian.). Atti Mus. CIV. Stor. Nat., Trieste, 11: 206-216. MULLER, G., 1931c. Nuovi coleotteri cavernicoli e ipogei delle Alpi meridionali e del carso Adriatico. Atti del Museo Civico di Storia naturalle di Trieste, XI, part II Trieste. MULLER, G.ou J., 1935. Diagnosi preliminari di nuovi Coleotteri ipogei e cavernicoli. Atti Mus. Trieste, Trieste, 12: 176-181. MULLER, G., 1937a. Nuovi silfidi cavernicoli della Balcania. Atti del Museo civico di storia naturale. Trieste, XIII, 4. MULLER, G., 1937b. Nuovi silfidi cavernicoli della Balcania. Atti del Museo civico di storia naturale. Trieste, XIII, 6: 105-117. MULLER, G., 1944. Die Amaurops-Arten der Balkanhalbinsel. Mitt. Munch. Ent. Ges., Munchen, 34: 82-103. MULLER, G., 1947. I Pselafidi cavernicoli del Carso adriatico settentrionale. Boll. Soc. adriat. Sci. natur. Trieste, 43: 133-146. MULLER, J., 1904. Zwei neue Höhlensilphiden von der Balkanhalbinsel. Munchener Koleopt. Zeitschr., Munchen, 2: 38-42. MULLER, J., 1911. Zwei neue Höhlensilphiden aus den osterreichen Karstlandern. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, XXX(VI und VII): 175-176. MULLER, J., 1912. Über einige wissenschaftliche Aufgaben unserer Höhlenforschungsabteilung “Hades” sowie uber deren zoologische Tatigkeit im Jahre 1911. Jahresbericht Sekt. Kustenland des D. u Oe. Alpenvereins fur das Jahr 1911. Trieste, 25-28. MULLER, J., 1912. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Blindkaferfauna der Ostalpen und des Karstes. Wien. ent. Ztg., Wien, 31: 297-304. MULLER, J., 1913a. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkanhalbinsel. I. Die Gattung Aphaobius Ab. Denkschr. math.-natur. Kl. Kaiser, Akad. Wissen. Wien, XC(90): 1-124 ou 1-10. MULLER, J., 1913b. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Ostalpen und, der Balkanhalbinsel. II Revision der blinden Trechus-Arten. Denkschr. math.-natur. Kl. Kaiser, Akad. Wissen. Wien, XC(90): 18-28. MULLER, J. 1913c. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkanhalbinsel. II Revision der blinden Trechus - Arten mit einem Stammbaum und 9 Textfiguren, Denkschr. Math. naturw. Jl. Akad. Wiss., 90: 11-12. MULLER, J. 1914. Zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna und der Subtteranfauna von Albanien, Serbien, Montenegro, Italien und des osterreichischen Karstgebietes. SB akad. Wiss. Wien, math. Nat. Kl., Wien, 123: 1001-1031. MULLER, J., 1917. Systematisch-faunistische studien uber Blindkäfer. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math.-nat. Cl., Wien, 126, I: 607-655.

70<br />

P. JAKŠIĆ<br />

MITOV, P., 1995. New faunistic and chorologic data about Opiliones (Arachnida) from Bulgaria.<br />

Ann. Univ. Sofia “St. Kl. Ohridski”, 1-Zool., 86-87: 63-65.<br />

MOLDOVAN, O.T., B. JALŽIĆ & E. ERICHSEN, 2004. Adaptation of <strong>the</strong> mouthparts in some subterranean<br />

Cholevinae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae). Nat. Croat., Zagreb, 13(1): 1-18.<br />

MORAVEC, J. & R. MLEJNIK, 2002. Nauticiella stygivaga gen. n. et sp. n., a new amphibiontic cavernicolous<br />

beetle from <strong>the</strong> Vjetrenica Cave, Herzegovina (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae:<br />

Leptodirini). Acta. Soc. Zool. Bohem., 66: 293-302<br />

MORTON B., F. VELKOVRH & B. SKET 1998. Biology and anatomy of <strong>the</strong> “living fossil” Congeria<br />

kusceri (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) from subterranean rivers and caves in <strong>the</strong> Dinaric karst<br />

of former Yugoslavia. J. Zool., London, 245(2): 147-174.<br />

MORTON, F. 1914. Die biologischen Verhaltnisse der Vegetation einiger Höhlen in Quarnerogebiete.<br />

Österr. Bot. Zeitschr., 64: 277-286.<br />

MORTON, F. 1932. La Grotta Fortis o dei Fossili nell’isola di Cherso. Le Grotte d’Italia, 6 (4): 193-<br />

195.<br />

MRAKOVCIC, M., M. KEROVEC, S. MIČETIC & D. SCHNEIDER, 1996. Description of Knipowitschia<br />

punctatissima croatica, (Pisces: Gobiidae), a new freshwater goby from Dalmatia, Croatia.<br />

In: A. Kirchhofer, D. Hefti (eds.), Conservation of Endangered Freshwater Fish in<br />

Europe, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, 311-319.<br />

MRAKOVCIC, M. & S. MIČETIC, 1990. Status, distribution and conservation of <strong>the</strong> salmonid Salmothymus<br />

obtusirostris (Heckel) and <strong>the</strong> cyprinid Aulopyge hugeli (Heckel) in Yugoslavia.<br />

J. Fish Biol., 37A (Suppl.): 241-242.<br />

MRAKOVCIC, M., S. MIČETIC & M. POVZ, 1995. Status of freshwater fish in Croatian Adriatic rivers<br />

system. Biol. Cons.,72: 179-185.<br />

MRAZEK, A., 1907. Ein europäischer Vertreter der Gruppe Temnocephaloidea. Sitzungber. Kgl.<br />

Böhm. Ges. d. Wiss., 11(36): 1-7.<br />

MRAZEK, A., 1913. Einige Bemerkungen uber Dina absoloni Joh. Zool. Anz., 43: 239-240.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1985. Contribution to <strong>the</strong> Knowledge of Diplopods (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) of Serbia.<br />

I. Glasnik Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu, Beograd, B, 40: 143-168.<br />

MRŠIC, N., 1986. Dycerasoma (Dyc.) biokovense sp. n. (Diplopoda, Craspedosomatidae). Biol.<br />

Vestn., 34 (1): 81-88.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1987a. Polydesmiida (Diplopoda) of Yugoslavia 1. Raz. SAZU, 29 (3): 69-112.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1987b. Diplopod fauna (Diplopoda: Myriapoda) Biokova. Acta Biokov., Makarska, 4:<br />

267-276.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1987c. Attemisiidae (Diplopoda) of Yugoslavia. Raz. SAZU, Ljubljana, 27 (5): 101-168.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1987d. Genus Xestoiulus Verh., 1893 (Diplopoda: Julidae) in Yugoslavia. Raz. SAZU,<br />

Ljubljana, 28 (1): 3-25.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1987. Genus Ochogona Cook 1895 (Craspedosomatidae, Diplopoda) of Yugoslavia.<br />

Glasnik Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu, Beograd, B 42: 51-74.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1992. Biokoviella mauriesi gen. nov., sp. nov. (Biokoviellidae fam. nov.) Macrochaetosomatinae<br />

subfam. nov. (Aanthogonidae) and superfamily Cleidogonoideaof <strong>the</strong> western<br />

<strong>Balkan</strong>s (Craspedosomidae, Diplopoda). Raz. SAZU, Ljubljana, 33 (3): 51-91.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1993. The fauna of diplopods (Diplopoda) of Macedonia. Acad. Sci. Art. Slov., Razprave<br />

Cl. IV, Hist. Nat., Ljubljana, 34: 19-44.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1994. The Diplopoda (Myriapoda) of Croatia. Acad. Sci. Art. Slov., Razprave Cl. IV,<br />

Hist. Nat., XXXV, Ljubljana, 12: 219-296.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., T. NOVAK, F. POTOČNIK, & T.AMON, 1996. Ecological evaluation of oniscoids and diplopods<br />

from cavities in Slovenia. Memoires de Biospeologie, XXIII: 203-210.<br />

MRŠIĆ, N., 1997. Biotska raznovrsnost v Sloveniji. Slovenija - “vroča točka” Evrope (Biotic Diversity<br />

in Slovenia. Slovenia - <strong>the</strong> “hot spot” of Europe. Ljubljana.<br />

MUČALICA, M., 1988/89. A contribution to <strong>the</strong> study of harvest-men (Opiliones,Arachnida)of Đerdap<br />

(Iron Gate, Serbia, Yugoslavia). Glasnik Prirodnjaèkog muzeja u Beogradu, Beograd,<br />

B 43/44: 189-192.<br />

MULAOMEROVIĆ, J., 1984. Paleolitsko nalazište pećina u Rudnoj glavi kod Trnova. Deveti jugoslovenski<br />

speleološki kongres. Zbornik predavanja, Zagreb, 659-666.

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