Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula

Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula


56 P. JAKŠIĆ KLETECKI, E., B. JALŽIĆ &T.RAĐA,1996. Distribution of the Olm (Proteusanguinus, Laur.) in Croatia. Mém. Biosp., XXIII: 227-231. KLIE, W.,1936. Entomostraken aus der bulgarischen Höhle “Lakatnik”. Bull. inst. roy. Hist. natur., Sofia 9: 108. KNIRSCH, E., 1923. Pheggomisetes nov. subgen. Trechorum coecorum ex Bulgaria. Cas. csk. Spol. ent. ou Acta Soc. Ent. Cechoslov., 20, 3/4: 1-5 ou 2-5. KNIRSCH, E.,1924a. Beitrag zur Fauna blinder Trechen Bulgariens. Trav. Soc. bulg. Sci. natur., Sofia, 11: 163-166 (Sep. 21-24). KNIRSCH, E., 1924b. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Untergattung Pheggomisetes Kn. Cas. csk. Spol. ent. ou Acta Soc. ent. Cechoslov. 21, 3/4: 62-63. KNIRSCH, E.,1925a. (V)Weitere Beiträge zur blinden Coleopteren-Fauna der Ledenik Pestera (Bulgarien). Cas. csk. Spol. ent. ou Acta Soc. ent. Cechoslov. 21, 5/6: 85-88. KNIRSCH, E., 1925b. Radevia nov. gen. Bathysci(i)narum ex Bulgaria. Cas. csk. Spol. ent. ou Acta Soc. ent. Cechoslov. 22, 3/4: 60-63. KNIRSCH, E. 1928. Novi zastupnici Silphidu ze zapadniho Serbska. Čas. Čsl. Spol. Ent., Praha, 24(5-6, 1927): 101-122. KNIRSCH, E., 1929. Coleoptera nova subterranea. Časopis Čsl. Společnosti Entomologicke, Praha, XXIV: 101-122. KOCK, D., 1974. Die Säugetierfauna der Insel Chios, Agäis (Mammalia). Senckenbergiana Biol., 55: 1-19. KOENEMANN, S. & HOLSINGER, J., 1999. Phylogenetic analysis of the amphipod family Bogidiellidae s. lat. And revision of taxa above the species level. Crustaceana, 72(8): 781-816. KOFLER, B., 1996. Raziskave podzemeljske favne hroščev. v Štinetovi jami. Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 4(1): 23-30. KOFLER, B., 1997. Hrošči v jamah radeljskega krasa in novi nahajališči vrste Orotrechus novaki (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Trechinae). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 5(1): 25- 31. KOFLER, B., 1998. Jama na Pucovem kuclju, locus typicus vrste Anophthalmus kofleri Daffner, 1996 (Coleoptera:Carabidae,Trechinae). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 6(1): 39-45. KOFLER, B., 1999. Podzemeljska favna hroščev v opuščenih rudarskih rovih v bližnji okolici železnikov (severozahodna Slovenija). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 7(2). KOFLER, B., 2002. Jama Konasnica in njena podzemeljska favna hroščev. Loški razgledi, Škofja Loka, 49: 27-34. KOFLER, B., 2002. Prispevek k poznavanju razširjenosti in pogostosti alfonzovega slepega brzca (Anophthalmus alphonsi) (Coleoptera:Carabidae:Trechinae). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 10(1). KOFLER, B., 2003. Prisankova jama in njena podzemeljska favna hroščev. Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 11(2): 163-170. KOLEBINOVA, M., 1966. Contribution to the study of the larves of the Mite - subfamily Trombiculinae (Acarina) parasitizing Bats and Reptiles in Bulgaria. Bull. Inst. Zool., Sofia, 22: 71- 80. [en bulgare. res. russe, res.anglais]. KOLEBINOVA, M., 1967. Faunistic studies on some Acari of the families Myobiidae and Cheyletidae, parasitizing on small Mammals in Bulgaria. Bull.Inst. Zool., Sofia, 25: 73-77. KOLEBINOVA, M., 1968. Neotrombicula (Neotrombicula) rhinolophi - a new species parasitic on Bats in Bulgaria (Acarina, Trombiculidae). Comptes rendus de l’Ac. bulgare de Sciences, Sofia, 21, 4: 383-386. KOLEBINOVA, M., 1982. Microtrombicula (Crypticula) balcanica sp. n. - a new larval Trombiculidae (Acarina) from Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulgarica, 20: 81-83. KOLEBINOVA, M. & P.K. BERON, 1965. Etude sur les Rougets (Trombiculidae) parasites des Chauves-souris en Bulgarie. Fragm. Balk., Skopje, V, 12, 122:71-78. KOLLAROS, D., K. PARAGAMIAN &A.LEGAKIS, 1987. Notes on the systematics of cavernicolous Orthoptera of Crete. Biol. Gallo-hellen., 13:137-140. KOLLAROS, D., K. PARAGAMIAN &A.LEGAKIS,1991. Revision of the genus Troglophyllus (Orthop-

Biospeleological Bibliography of the Balkan Peninsula 57 tera, Raphidophoridae) in Crete, Greece. Int. J. Speleol., 20: 37-45. KOLOMBATOVIC, G., 1902. Contribuzioni alla fauna dei Vertebrati della Dalmazia. Glasnik hrvatskog Naravoslovnog Društva, 13 (4-6): 22-37. KOLOSVARY, G., 1938. Sulla fauna aracnologica della Jugoslavia. Rass. Faun., 5: 3-23. KOMAREK, J. 1919. O temnostnich Tricladach (Vermes,Turbellaria) z krasu balkánských. Cas. Mor. Mus. Zem., 17-19: 255-304. KORLJEVIĆ, A., 1903. List of Croatian mamals stored in National Zoological Museum in Zagreb before 1900. Glasnik Hrvatskog Naravosl. Društva, 14: 1-10 (In Croatian). KOSELJ, K., A. HUDOKLIN & P.PRESETNIK, 2002. The Mediterranean horseshoe bat Rhinolophus euryale in Slovenia: status, distribution and conservation. IX European Bat Research Symposium, Le Havre 26-30 August. KOSELJ, K., 2002. Seasonal dynamics of bat numbers in two caves in South Eastern Slovenia. IX European Bat Research Symposium, Le Havre, 26-30 August. KOS, I., 1996. A review of centipedes (Chilopoda, Myriapoda) of Croatia. Nat. Croat., 5 (2): 145- 154. KOVAČEV, V., 1894. Materiaux pour l’etude de la faune bulgare. Periodichno spisanie, Sofia, 9, 47: 742-749. [en bulgare]. KOVAČEV, V., 1925. La faune des Mammiferes de Bulgarie. Trudove na bâlgarskija zemedelskostopanski institut, Sofia, 11: 1-68. [en bulgare]. KOVAČEVIĆ, Ž.1918. Prilog fauni Myriapoda Hrvatske. Gl. Hrv. Prir. Dr., Zagreb, 30: 72-79. KOVAČIĆ, D. & B. ĐULIĆ, 1988. Prilog poznavanju šišmiša (Chiroptera, Mammalia) srednje Dalmacije. Biosistematika, Beograd, 14(2): 31-40. KOVAČIĆ, M. 1997. Cryptobenthic gobies (Pisces, Perciformes, Gobiidae) and clingfishes (Pisces, Perciformes, Gobiesocidae) in the Kvarner area, Adriatic Sea. Natura Croatica, 6 (4): 423-435. KOVAČIĆ, M. 1999. Gammogobius steinitzi Bath, 1971, a fish new to the Adriatic Sea. Natura Croatica, 8 (1): 1-7. KOVAČEVIĆ, T., 1984. Speleološki objekti Stajničkog polja - stanište čovječje ribice (Proteus anguinus Laurenti). Deveti jugoslavenski speleološki kongres, Zagreb, 539-543. KOVARIK, F. &D.VLASTA, 1996. First report of Amblypygi (Charinidae,Charinus ioanniticus) from Turkey. Klapalekiana, 32:57-58. KOWALSKI, K., 1950. Nejvyse polo z ena jeszkyňe v Bulharsku. Eeskosl. Kras, Brno, III, 6/7: 192. KOWALSKI, K., 1950. Nejvyse polo z ena jeszkyňe v Bulharsku. Eeskosl. Kras, Brno, III, 8: 267- 268. KRATOCHVIL, J.1934. Liste generale des Araignees cavernicoles en Yougoslavie. Prir. Raz., SAZU, Ljubljana, 2 (4): 165-226. KRATOCHVIL, J., 1935a. Un Opilion cavernicole nouveau de Jugoslavie. Platybunus Hadžii n. sp. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga, VIII: 291-294. KRATOCHVIL, J. 1935b. Noveau genre d’Araignees cavernicoles en Yougoslavie: Typhlonyphia reimoseri n. gen. n. sp. Mem. Soc. Zool. Tchecosl., Praha, 3: 1-11. KRATOCHVIL, J., 1935c. Araignees cavernicoles de Krivošije. Acta. Soc. Scient. Nat. Moravicae, 9(12): 1-25. KRATOCHVIL, J., 1936. Dve zoogeografsko važni družini pajkovcev iz jugoslovenskih jam. Proteus, Ljubljana, III, 3: 56-60. KRATOCHVIL, J. 1937a. Essai d’une nouvelle classification du genre Siro. Acta Soc. Zool. Cech., Praha, 5: 59-76. KRATOCHVIL, J., 1937b. Un Harpactocrates nouveau de Crete (Araneae, Dysderidae). Festschrift Embrik Strand, 2: 560-562. KRATOCHVIL, J. 1938a. Lola insularis n.g., n.sp. et Travunia (?) jandai n.sp. deux opilions cavernicoles nouveaux des iles de la Dalmatie meridionale. Folia entomologica, Brno, 1: 44-54. KRATOCHVIL, J. 1938b. Etude sur les Araignees cavernicoles du genre Hadites. Acta. Soc. Sc. Nat. Morav., Brno, 11 (1): 1-28. KRATOCHVIL, J. 1938c. Etude sur les Araignees cavernicoles du genre Sulcia nov. gen. Acta. Soc. Soc. Nat. Morav., Brno, 11 (3): 1-25.

56<br />

P. JAKŠIĆ<br />

KLETECKI, E., B. JALŽIĆ &T.RAĐA,1996. Distribution of <strong>the</strong> Olm (Proteusanguinus, Laur.) in Croatia.<br />

Mém. Biosp., XXIII: 227-231.<br />

KLIE, W.,1936. Entomostraken aus der bulgarischen Höhle “Lakatnik”. Bull. inst. roy. Hist. natur.,<br />

Sofia 9: 108.<br />

KNIRSCH, E., 1923. Pheggomisetes nov. subgen. Trechorum coecorum ex Bulgaria. Cas. csk. Spol.<br />

ent. ou Acta Soc. Ent. Cechoslov., 20, 3/4: 1-5 ou 2-5.<br />

KNIRSCH, E.,1924a. Beitrag zur Fauna blinder Trechen Bulgariens. Trav. Soc. bulg. Sci. natur., Sofia,<br />

11: 163-166 (Sep. 21-24).<br />

KNIRSCH, E., 1924b. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Untergattung Pheggomisetes Kn. Cas. csk. Spol.<br />

ent. ou Acta Soc. ent. Cechoslov. 21, 3/4: 62-63.<br />

KNIRSCH, E.,1925a. (V)Weitere Beiträge zur blinden Coleopteren-Fauna der Ledenik Pestera (Bulgarien).<br />

Cas. csk. Spol. ent. ou Acta Soc. ent. Cechoslov. 21, 5/6: 85-88.<br />

KNIRSCH, E., 1925b. Radevia nov. gen. Bathysci(i)narum ex Bulgaria. Cas. csk. Spol. ent. ou Acta<br />

Soc. ent. Cechoslov. 22, 3/4: 60-63.<br />

KNIRSCH, E. 1928. Novi zastupnici Silphidu ze zapadniho Serbska. Čas. Čsl. Spol. Ent., Praha,<br />

24(5-6, 1927): 101-122.<br />

KNIRSCH, E., 1929. Coleoptera nova subterranea. Časopis Čsl. Společnosti Entomologicke, Praha,<br />

XXIV: 101-122.<br />

KOCK, D., 1974. Die Säugetierfauna der Insel Chios, Agäis (Mammalia). Senckenbergiana Biol.,<br />

55: 1-19.<br />

KOENEMANN, S. & HOLSINGER, J., 1999. Phylogenetic analysis of <strong>the</strong> amphipod family Bogidiellidae<br />

s. lat. And revision of taxa above <strong>the</strong> species level. Crustaceana, 72(8): 781-816.<br />

KOFLER, B., 1996. Raziskave podzemeljske favne hroščev. v Štinetovi jami. Acta entomologica<br />

Slovenica, Ljubljana, 4(1): 23-30.<br />

KOFLER, B., 1997. Hrošči v jamah radeljskega krasa in novi nahajališči vrste Orotrechus novaki<br />

(Coleoptera: Carabidae, Trechinae). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 5(1): 25-<br />

31.<br />

KOFLER, B., 1998. Jama na Pucovem kuclju, locus typicus vrste Anophthalmus kofleri Daffner,<br />

1996 (Coleoptera:Carabidae,Trechinae). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 6(1):<br />

39-45.<br />

KOFLER, B., 1999. Podzemeljska favna hroščev v opuščenih rudarskih rovih v bližnji okolici železnikov<br />

(severozahodna Slovenija). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 7(2).<br />

KOFLER, B., 2002. Jama Konasnica in njena podzemeljska favna hroščev. Loški razgledi, Škofja<br />

Loka, 49: 27-34.<br />

KOFLER, B., 2002. Prispevek k poznavanju razširjenosti in pogostosti alfonzovega slepega brzca<br />

(Anophthalmus alphonsi) (Coleoptera:Carabidae:Trechinae). Acta entomologica Slovenica,<br />

Ljubljana, 10(1).<br />

KOFLER, B., 2003. Prisankova jama in njena podzemeljska favna hroščev. Acta entomologica Slovenica,<br />

Ljubljana, 11(2): 163-170.<br />

KOLEBINOVA, M., 1966. Contribution to <strong>the</strong> study of <strong>the</strong> larves of <strong>the</strong> Mite - subfamily Trombiculinae<br />

(Acarina) parasitizing Bats and Reptiles in Bulgaria. Bull. Inst. Zool., Sofia, 22: 71-<br />

80. [en bulgare. res. russe, res.anglais].<br />

KOLEBINOVA, M., 1967. Faunistic studies on some Acari of <strong>the</strong> families Myobiidae and Cheyletidae,<br />

parasitizing on small Mammals in Bulgaria. Bull.Inst. Zool., Sofia, 25: 73-77.<br />

KOLEBINOVA, M., 1968. Neotrombicula (Neotrombicula) rhinolophi - a new species parasitic on<br />

Bats in Bulgaria (Acarina, Trombiculidae). Comptes rendus de l’Ac. bulgare de Sciences,<br />

Sofia, 21, 4: 383-386.<br />

KOLEBINOVA, M., 1982. Microtrombicula (Crypticula) balcanica sp. n. - a new larval Trombiculidae<br />

(Acarina) from Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulgarica, 20: 81-83.<br />

KOLEBINOVA, M. & P.K. BERON, 1965. Etude sur les Rougets (Trombiculidae) parasites des Chauves-souris<br />

en Bulgarie. Fragm. Balk., Skopje, V, 12, 122:71-78.<br />

KOLLAROS, D., K. PARAGAMIAN &A.LEGAKIS, 1987. Notes on <strong>the</strong> systematics of cavernicolous Orthoptera<br />

of Crete. Biol. Gallo-hellen., 13:137-140.<br />

KOLLAROS, D., K. PARAGAMIAN &A.LEGAKIS,1991. Revision of <strong>the</strong> genus Troglophyllus (Orthop-

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