Direktori MI Swasta - Pendis Kemenag

Direktori MI Swasta - Pendis Kemenag

Direktori MI Swasta - Pendis Kemenag


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No. NSM<br />

Nama Madrasah Alamat Telepon Kecamatan<br />


Jumlah Siswa<br />

Lk Pr<br />

Status Guru<br />

Jml PNS Non PNS Jml<br />

3,124 112 11235170710 <strong>MI</strong>S NURUL ISLAM Jl. Dr. Soetomo 117 08283480243 Bareng<br />

67 55 122 2 12 14<br />

3,125 113 11235170710 <strong>MI</strong>S PERWANIDA Plosorejo Kebondalem 0 Bareng<br />

27 42 69 2 8 10<br />

3,126 114 11235170811 <strong>MI</strong>S ANJASMORO Jarak 0 Wonosalam<br />

32 26 58 15 15<br />

3,127 115 11235170811 <strong>MI</strong>S BABUL HUDA Jl. Raya Carang Walung 0 Wonosalam<br />

25 40 65 8 8<br />

3,128 116 11235170811 <strong>MI</strong>S FASER Panglungan 0 Wonosalam<br />

53 53 106 8 8<br />

3,129 117 11235170811 <strong>MI</strong>S <strong>MI</strong>FTAHUL HUDA Ngembag 0 Wonosalam<br />

14 25 39 1 7 8<br />

3,130 118 11235170826 <strong>MI</strong>S SUNAN AMPEL Pengajaran 0 Wonosalam<br />

16 17 33 13 13<br />

3,131 119 11205040911 <strong>MI</strong>S AINUL ULUM 01 Karobelah 497239 Mojoagung<br />

110 81 191 9 9<br />

3,132 120 11205040911 <strong>MI</strong>S AINUL ULUM 02 Karobelah 497239 Mojoagung<br />

79 97 176 1 8 9<br />

3,133 121 11235170912 <strong>MI</strong>S AL MU'AWANAH Jl. Kapuas 494412 Mojoagung<br />

59 50 109 1 11 12<br />

3,134 122 11235170912 <strong>MI</strong>S AL MU'AWWANAH Dukuh Sari 6224726 Mojoagung<br />

81 114 195 12 12<br />

3,135 123 11235170912 <strong>MI</strong>S AL MU'AWWANAH Dukuhmojo 6225682 Mojoagung<br />

66 61 127 13 13<br />

3,136 124 11235170912 <strong>MI</strong>S AL MURSYIDAH Jl. Masjid Jonggrong 495855 Mojoagung<br />

38 40 78 1 8 9<br />

3,137 125 11235170911 <strong>MI</strong>S AL MURSYIDAH Mancilan 3210496693 Mojoagung<br />

99 94 193 3 14 17<br />

3,138 126 11235170911 <strong>MI</strong>S AR ROHMAN Betek 496442 Mojoagung<br />

79 67 146 10 10<br />

3,139 127 11235170912 <strong>MI</strong>S ASY SYAFI'IYAH Klampisan 7283774 Mojoagung<br />

78 77 155 13 13<br />

3,140 128 12235179012 <strong>MI</strong>S BABUSSALAM Kalibening 0321 492 150 Mojoagung<br />

190 148 338 2 18 20<br />

3,141 129 11235170128 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Ds. Johowinong 32106118362 Mojoagung<br />

42 35 77 11 11<br />

3,142 130 11235170911 <strong>MI</strong>S MAMBA?UL ULUM Murukan 32106227185 Mojoagung<br />

119 130 249 17 17<br />

3,143 131 11235170912 <strong>MI</strong>S <strong>MI</strong>FTAHUL HUDA Gedangan 0 Mojoagung<br />

70 60 130 3 9 12<br />

3,144 132 11235170911 <strong>MI</strong>S MUHAMMADIYAH 5 Jl. Kh.Akhmad Dahlan 0321 492487 Mojoagung<br />

76 55 131 18 18<br />

3,145 133 11235170999 <strong>MI</strong>S SULAIMANIYAH Jl.Masjid Ar Ridlo 495918 Mojoagung<br />

204 234 438 2 24 26<br />

3,146 134 11235170912 <strong>MI</strong>S SUNAN KALIJOGO Mojotrisno 32106225259 Mojoagung<br />

51 48 99 1 10 11<br />

3,147 135 11205041713 <strong>MI</strong>S AL FALAH Jl. H. Sidiq No. 08 (0321)62823 Sumobito<br />

79 88 167 1 15 16<br />

3,148 136 11235171012 <strong>MI</strong>S AL HIDAYAH Plemahan 3210494326 Sumobito<br />

123 102 225 12 12<br />

3,149 137 11235171013 <strong>MI</strong>S AL HIKMAH Bal Ngrejo (0321) 72553 Sumobito<br />

109 66 175 1 14 15<br />

3,150 138 11231707258 <strong>MI</strong>S AT TAQWA Kedungsari 0321 Sumobito<br />

71 63 134 10 10<br />

3,151 139 11235171014 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Badas 7171488 Sumobito<br />

79 101 180 14 14<br />

3,152 140 112351710xx <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Brudu 6254679 Sumobito<br />

168 165 333 18 18<br />

3,153 141 11235171014 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Jl. Kh. Abdurrochim 0 Sumobito<br />

120 135 255 3 13 16<br />

3,154 142 11235171014 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Jl. Pahlawan 0321 Sumobito<br />

81 76 157 11 11<br />

3,155 143 11235171014 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Jl. Pahlawan No.15 3210491128 Sumobito<br />

91 79 170 1 13 14<br />

3,156 144 11235171013 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Mojokuripan 03217177485 Sumobito<br />

80 98 178 1 12 13<br />

3,157 145 11235171013 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Nglele Sumobito 32107256610 Sumobito<br />

165 156 321 1 12 13<br />

3,158 146 11235171013 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Rejosari 03217256972 Sumobito<br />

41 32 73 1 10 11<br />

3,159 147 11235171013 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Rt. 01 Rw. 04 7164803 Sumobito<br />

67 69 136 9 9<br />

3,160 148 11235171013 <strong>MI</strong>S BUSTANUL ULUM Sembujo (0321)72110 Sumobito<br />

96 103 199 1 14 15<br />

3,161 149 11235171025 <strong>MI</strong>S DARUSSALAM Dsn. Krajan 0 Sumobito<br />

49 54 103 1 10 11<br />

Bagian Perencanaan dan Data - Setditjen Pendidikan Islam - Departemen Agama R.I<br />

Halaman: 354

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