Aspek Genetik Demam Berdarah Dengue

Aspek Genetik Demam Berdarah Dengue Aspek Genetik Demam Berdarah Dengue


668 TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 4. Bethell DB, Flobbe K, Cao XT, Day NP, Pham TP, Buurman WA, et al. Pathophysiologic and Prognostic Role of Cytokines in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. J Infect Dis. 1998;177:778-82. 5. Hober D, Poli L, Roblin B, Gestas P, Chungue E, Granic G, et al. Serum Levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), and Inter-leukin-1β (IL-1β) in Dengue-Infected Patients. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1993;48:324-31. 6. Azliyati A. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. [cited 2010 April 10]. Available from: 7. Green S, Vaughn DW, Kalayanarooj S, Nimmannitya S, Suntayakorn S, Nisalak A, et al. Early Immune Activation in Acute Dengue Illness is Related to Development of Plasma Leakage and Disease Severity. J Infect Dis. 1999;179:755-62. 8. Kurane I, Innis BL, Nimmannitya S, Nisalak A, Meager A, Janus J, et al. Activation of T Lymphocytes in Dengue Virus Infections. High Levels of Soluble Interleukin 2 Receptor, Soluble CD4, Soluble CD8, Interleukin 2, and Interferon-γ in Sera of Children with Dengue. J Clin Invest. 1991;88:1473-80. 9. Vaughn DW, Green S, Kalayanarooj S, Innis BL, Nimmannitya S, Suntayakorn S, et al. Dengue Viremia Titer, Antibody Response Pattern, and Virus Serotype Correlate with Disease Severity. J Infect Dis. 2000;181:2 -9. 10. Burke DS, Nisalak A, Johnson DE, Scott RM. A Prospective Study of Dengue Infections in Bangkok. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1988;38:172-80. 11. Halstead SB, Nimmannitya S, Cohen SN. Observations Related to Pathogenesis of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. IV. Relation of Disease Severity to Antibody Response and Virus Recovered. Yale J Biol Med. 1970;42:311-28. 12. Russell PK, Yuill TM, Nisalak A, Udomsakdi S, Gould DJ, Winter PE. An Insular Outbreak of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. II. Virologic and Serologic Studies. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1968; 17: 600-8. 13. Wagenaar JFP, Mairuhu ATA, van Gorp ECM. Genetic Infl uences on Dengue Virus Infections. Dengue Bull. 2004; 28:126-34. 14. Beaumier CM, Mathew A, Bashyam HS, Rothman AL. Cross-Reactive Me-mory CD8 + T Cells Alter the Immune Response to Heterologous Secondary Dengue Virus Infections in Mice in a Sequence-Specifi c Manner. J Infect Dis. 2008; 197:608-17. 15. Shepherd SM, Hinfey PB, Shoff WH. Dengue Fever. [cited 2010 April 12]. Available from: http://www.emedicine .com 16. Mangada MM, Endy TP, Nisalak A, Chunsuttiwat S, Vaughn DW, Libraty DH, et al. Dengue-Spesifi c T Cell Responses in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Obtained prior to Secondary Dengue Virus Infections in Thai School-children. J Infect Dis. 2002; 185:1697-703. 17. Halstead SB, O’Rourke EJ, Allison AC. Dengue Viruses and Mononuclear Phagocytes. II. Identity of Blood and Tissue Leukocytes Supporting in Vitro Infection. J Exp Med. 1977; 146: 218-29. 18. Mercado-Curiel RF, Black WC, Munoz ML. A Dengue Receptor as Possible Genetic Marker of Vector Competence in Aedes aegypti. BMC Microbiology. 2008; 8: 118. 19. Blanton RE, Silva LK, Morato VG, Parrado AR, Dias JP, Melo PRS, et al. Genetic Ancestry and Income are Associated with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in a Highly Admixed Population. Eur J Human Genet. 2008; 16:762-5. 20. Kouri G, Guzman MG, Valdes L, Carbonel I, del Rosario D, Vazquez S, et al. Reemergence of Dengue in Cuba: A 1997 Epidemic in Santiago de Cuba. Emerg Infect Dis. 1998; 4: 89-92. 21. Halstead SB, Streit TG, Lafontant JG, Putvatana R, Russell K, Sun W, et al. Haiti: Absence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever despite Hyperendemic Dengue Virus Transmission. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2001;65:180-3. 22. Cooke GS, Hill AV. Genetics of Susceptibility to Human Infectious Disease. Nature Rev Genet. 2001;2:967-77. 23. Chaturvedi UC, Nagar R, Shrivastava R. Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever: Implications of Host Genetics. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2006; 47:155-66 24. Lan NTP, Kikuchi M, Huong VTQ, Ha DQ, Thuy TT, Tham VD, et al.. Protective and Enhancing HLA Alleles, HLA-DRB1*0901 and HLA-A*24, for Severe Forms of Dengue Virus Infection, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome. [cited 2010 May 2]. Available from: http:// 2553281 25. Chiewsilp P, Scott RM, Bhamarapravati N. Histocompatibility Antigens and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1981;30:1100-5. 26. Loke H, Bethell DB, Phuong CX, Dung M, Schneider J, White NJ, et al. Strong HLA Class I-Restricted T Cell Responses in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: A Double-Ed-ged Sword? J Infect Dis. 2001;184:1369-73. 27. Stephens HAF, Klaythong R, Sirikong M, Vaughn DW, Green S, Kalayanarooj S, et al. HLA-A and -B Allele Associations with Secondary Dengue Virus Infections Correlate with Disease Severity and The Infecting Viral Serotype in Ethnic Thais. Tissue Antigens. 2002;60:309-18. 28. Fernandez-Mestre M, Navarrete CV, Brown J, Brown C, Correa E, Layrisse Z. HLA Alleles and Dengue Virus Infection in Venezuelan Patients: A Prelimi-nary Study. Immunologia. 2009;28:96- 100. 29. Zivna I, Green S, Vaughn DW, Kalayanarooj S, Stephens HAF, Chan-danayingyong D, et al. T Cell Responses to An HLA-B*07-Restricted Epitope on The Dengue NS3 Protein Correlate with Disease Severity. J Immunol. 2002; 168:5959–65. 30. Van Epps HL, Schmaljohn CS, Ennis FA. Human Memory Cytotoxic T-Lym-phocyte (CTL) Responses to Hantaan Virus Infection: Identifi cation of Virus-Specifi c and Cross-Reactive CD8 + CTL Epitopes on Nucleocapsid Protein. J Virol. 1999;73:5301-8. 31. Abel L, Dessein AJ. Genetic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases in Humans: Design of Population-Based Studies. Emerg Infect Dis. 1998; 4: 593-603. 32. McNicoll J. Host Genes and Infectious Diseases. Emerg Infect Dis. 1998; 4: 423-6. 33. Thursz M. MHC and The Viral Hepatitides. Quart J Med. 2001; 94: 287-91. 34. Vargas-Alarcon G, Gamboa R, Zuniga J, Hernandez-Pacheco G, Ramos-Kuri M, Castillo E, et al. HLA-DR4 Allele Frequencies on Indian and Mestizo Population from Mexico. Hum Immunol. 2000;61:341-4. 35. Vargas-Alarcon G, Hernandez-Pacheco G, Gamboa R, Zuniga J, Flores C, Gomez-Casado E, et al. Polymorphism and Distribution of HLA-DR2 Alleles in Mexican Populations. Hum Immunol. 2001;62:286-91. 36. LaFleur C, Granados J, Vargas-Alarcon G, Ruiz-Morales J, Villarreal-Garza C, Higuera L, et al. HLA-DR Antigen Frequencies in Mexican Patients with Dengue Virus Infection: HLA-DR4 as A Possible Genetic Resistance Factor for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Hum Immunol. 2002;63:1039-44. 37. Loke H, Bethell D, Phuong CX, Day N, White N, Farrar J, et al. Susceptibility to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Vietnam: Evidence of An Association with Variation in The Vitamin D Receptor and Fcγ Receptor IIA Genes. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2002; 67:102-6. 38. Ennis FA. Immune Response of Host Infections, Emphasizing Cellular Responses. [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2010 June 19]. Available from: http://www.nlv.chVirology tutorialsImmunology2.htm 39. Adams JS, Hewison M. Unexpected Actions of Vitamin D: New Perspectives on The Regulation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity. Nature Clin Pract Endocrinol & Metab. 2008;4:80-90. CDK-197/ vol. 39 no. 9, th. 2012 CDK-197_vol39_no9_th2012 ok.indd 668 9/12/2012 5:02:20 PM

668<br />


4. Bethell DB, Flobbe K, Cao XT, Day NP, Pham TP, Buurman WA, et al. Pathophysiologic and Prognostic Role of Cytokines in <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever. J Infect Dis. 1998;177:778-82.<br />

5. Hober D, Poli L, Roblin B, Gestas P, Chungue E, Granic G, et al. Serum Levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), and Inter-leukin-1β (IL-1β) in <strong>Dengue</strong>-Infected Patients.<br />

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1993;48:324-31.<br />

6. Azliyati A. <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever. [cited 2010 April 10]. Available from:<strong>Dengue</strong>+Hemorrhagic+Fe-ver.htm<br />

7. Green S, Vaughn DW, Kalayanarooj S, Nimmannitya S, Suntayakorn S, Nisalak A, et al. Early Immune Activation in Acute <strong>Dengue</strong> Illness is Related to Development of Plasma Leakage and<br />

Disease Severity. J Infect Dis. 1999;179:755-62.<br />

8. Kurane I, Innis BL, Nimmannitya S, Nisalak A, Meager A, Janus J, et al. Activation of T Lymphocytes in <strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Infections. High Levels of Soluble Interleukin 2 Receptor, Soluble CD4,<br />

Soluble CD8, Interleukin 2, and Interferon-γ in Sera of Children with <strong>Dengue</strong>. J Clin Invest. 1991;88:1473-80.<br />

9. Vaughn DW, Green S, Kalayanarooj S, Innis BL, Nimmannitya S, Suntayakorn S, et al. <strong>Dengue</strong> Viremia Titer, Antibody Response Pattern, and Virus Serotype Correlate with Disease Severity.<br />

J Infect Dis. 2000;181:2 -9.<br />

10. Burke DS, Nisalak A, Johnson DE, Scott RM. A Prospective Study of <strong>Dengue</strong> Infections in Bangkok. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1988;38:172-80.<br />

11. Halstead SB, Nimmannitya S, Cohen SN. Observations Related to Pathogenesis of <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever. IV. Relation of Disease Severity to Antibody Response and Virus Recovered.<br />

Yale J Biol Med. 1970;42:311-28.<br />

12. Russell PK, Yuill TM, Nisalak A, Udomsakdi S, Gould DJ, Winter PE. An Insular Outbreak of <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever. II. Virologic and Serologic Studies. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1968; 17:<br />

600-8.<br />

13. Wagenaar JFP, Mairuhu ATA, van Gorp ECM. Genetic Infl uences on <strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Infections. <strong>Dengue</strong> Bull. 2004; 28:126-34.<br />

14. Beaumier CM, Mathew A, Bashyam HS, Rothman AL. Cross-Reactive Me-mory CD8 + T Cells Alter the Immune Response to Heterologous Secondary <strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Infections in Mice in a<br />

Sequence-Specifi c Manner. J Infect Dis. 2008; 197:608-17.<br />

15. Shepherd SM, Hinfey PB, Shoff WH. <strong>Dengue</strong> Fever. [cited 2010 April 12]. Available from: http://www.emedicine .com<br />

16. Mangada MM, Endy TP, Nisalak A, Chunsuttiwat S, Vaughn DW, Libraty DH, et al. <strong>Dengue</strong>-Spesifi c T Cell Responses in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Obtained prior to Secondary<br />

<strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Infections in Thai School-children. J Infect Dis. 2002; 185:1697-703.<br />

17. Halstead SB, O’Rourke EJ, Allison AC. <strong>Dengue</strong> Viruses and Mononuclear Phagocytes. II. Identity of Blood and Tissue Leukocytes Supporting in Vitro Infection. J Exp Med. 1977; 146: 218-29.<br />

18. Mercado-Curiel RF, Black WC, Munoz ML. A <strong>Dengue</strong> Receptor as Possible Genetic Marker of Vector Competence in Aedes aegypti. BMC Microbiology. 2008; 8: 118.<br />

19. Blanton RE, Silva LK, Morato VG, Parrado AR, Dias JP, Melo PRS, et al. Genetic Ancestry and Income are Associated with <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever in a Highly Admixed Population. Eur J<br />

Human Genet. 2008; 16:762-5.<br />

20. Kouri G, Guzman MG, Valdes L, Carbonel I, del Rosario D, Vazquez S, et al. Reemergence of <strong>Dengue</strong> in Cuba: A 1997 Epidemic in Santiago de Cuba. Emerg Infect Dis. 1998; 4: 89-92.<br />

21. Halstead SB, Streit TG, Lafontant JG, Putvatana R, Russell K, Sun W, et al. Haiti: Absence of <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever despite Hyperendemic <strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Transmission. Am J Trop Med<br />

Hyg. 2001;65:180-3.<br />

22. Cooke GS, Hill AV. Genetics of Susceptibility to Human Infectious Disease. Nature Rev Genet. 2001;2:967-77.<br />

23. Chaturvedi UC, Nagar R, Shrivastava R. <strong>Dengue</strong> and <strong>Dengue</strong> Haemorrhagic Fever: Implications of Host Genetics. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2006; 47:155-66<br />

24. Lan NTP, Kikuchi M, Huong VTQ, Ha DQ, Thuy TT, Tham VD, et al.. Protective and Enhancing HLA Alleles, HLA-DRB1*0901 and HLA-A*24, for Severe Forms of <strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Infection, <strong>Dengue</strong><br />

Hemorrhagic Fever and <strong>Dengue</strong> Shock Syndrome. [cited 2010 May 2]. Available from: http:// 2553281<br />

25. Chiewsilp P, Scott RM, Bhamarapravati N. Histocompatibility Antigens and <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1981;30:1100-5.<br />

26. Loke H, Bethell DB, Phuong CX, Dung M, Schneider J, White NJ, et al. Strong HLA Class I-Restricted T Cell Responses in <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever: A Double-Ed-ged Sword? J Infect Dis.<br />

2001;184:1369-73.<br />

27. Stephens HAF, Klaythong R, Sirikong M, Vaughn DW, Green S, Kalayanarooj S, et al. HLA-A and -B Allele Associations with Secondary <strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Infections Correlate with Disease Severity<br />

and The Infecting Viral Serotype in Ethnic Thais. Tissue Antigens. 2002;60:309-18.<br />

28. Fernandez-Mestre M, Navarrete CV, Brown J, Brown C, Correa E, Layrisse Z. HLA Alleles and <strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Infection in Venezuelan Patients: A Prelimi-nary Study. Immunologia. 2009;28:96-<br />

100.<br />

29. Zivna I, Green S, Vaughn DW, Kalayanarooj S, Stephens HAF, Chan-danayingyong D, et al. T Cell Responses to An HLA-B*07-Restricted Epitope on The <strong>Dengue</strong> NS3 Protein Correlate with<br />

Disease Severity. J Immunol. 2002; 168:5959–65.<br />

30. Van Epps HL, Schmaljohn CS, Ennis FA. Human Memory Cytotoxic T-Lym-phocyte (CTL) Responses to Hantaan Virus Infection: Identifi cation of Virus-Specifi c and Cross-Reactive CD8 + CTL<br />

Epitopes on Nucleocapsid Protein. J Virol. 1999;73:5301-8.<br />

31. Abel L, Dessein AJ. Genetic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases in Humans: Design of Population-Based Studies. Emerg Infect Dis. 1998; 4: 593-603.<br />

32. McNicoll J. Host Genes and Infectious Diseases. Emerg Infect Dis. 1998; 4: 423-6.<br />

33. Thursz M. MHC and The Viral Hepatitides. Quart J Med. 2001; 94: 287-91.<br />

34. Vargas-Alarcon G, Gamboa R, Zuniga J, Hernandez-Pacheco G, Ramos-Kuri M, Castillo E, et al. HLA-DR4 Allele Frequencies on Indian and Mestizo Population from Mexico. Hum Immunol.<br />

2000;61:341-4.<br />

35. Vargas-Alarcon G, Hernandez-Pacheco G, Gamboa R, Zuniga J, Flores C, Gomez-Casado E, et al. Polymorphism and Distribution of HLA-DR2 Alleles in Mexican Populations. Hum Immunol.<br />

2001;62:286-91.<br />

36. LaFleur C, Granados J, Vargas-Alarcon G, Ruiz-Morales J, Villarreal-Garza C, Higuera L, et al. HLA-DR Antigen Frequencies in Mexican Patients with <strong>Dengue</strong> Virus Infection: HLA-DR4 as A<br />

Possible Genetic Resistance Factor for <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever. Hum Immunol. 2002;63:1039-44.<br />

37. Loke H, Bethell D, Phuong CX, Day N, White N, Farrar J, et al. Susceptibility to <strong>Dengue</strong> Hemorrhagic Fever in Vietnam: Evidence of An Association with Variation in The Vitamin D Receptor<br />

and Fcγ Receptor IIA Genes. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2002; 67:102-6.<br />

38. Ennis FA. Immune Response of Host Infections, Emphasizing Cellular Responses. [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2010 June 19]. Available from: http://www.nlv.chVirology tutorialsImmunology2.htm<br />

39. Adams JS, Hewison M. Unexpected Actions of Vitamin D: New Perspectives on The Regulation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity. Nature Clin Pract Endocrinol & Metab. 2008;4:80-90.<br />

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CDK-197_vol39_no9_th2012 ok.indd 668 9/12/2012 5:02:20 PM

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