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fli6«o k/LIff af]8{<br />

k/LIff lgoGq0f sfof{no -sIff !! / !@_,;fgf]l7dL,eQmk'/<br />

/lhi6«]zg cfj]bg kmf/fd<br />

-;fwf/0f wf/tkm{sf ljBfyL{sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu dfq_<br />

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ljBfno sf]8 gDa/ M<br />

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/fli6«o k/LIff af]8{ cGtu{t ;~rfng x'g] sIff !!÷!@ sf] z}lIfs sfo{qmddf d ;lDdlnt x'g OR5's ePsf]n] lgodfg';f/ nfUg]<br />

z'Ns ¿= ================= o;};fy ;+nUg u/L d]/f] gfd /lhi6«]zgsf nflu lgDg ljj/0f;lxt lgj]bg k]z u/]sf] 5' .<br />

ljBfno÷;+:yfsf] gfd, 7]ufgf -b]jgfu/Ldf_ =================================================================================<br />

NAME AND ADDRESS OF SCHOOL (IN BLOCK LETTER) :………………………………………………………<br />

!= ljBfyL{sf] k"/f gfd, y/ -b]jgfu/Ldf_ ======================================================================================<br />


d'vfs[lt glju|g] u/L kmf]6f]df ;d]t kg]{u/L ;DjlGwt<br />

ljBfnosf k|wfgfWofkssf] x:tfIf/<br />

@= hGdldltM<br />


ljqmd ;+jt (B.S.)<br />

#= gful/stf (CITIZEN): g]kfnL -Nepali) cGo (Others) $= lnª\u M—<br />

%= ljBfyL{sf] afa'sf] gfd (FATHER'S NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)<br />

ljBfyL{sf] cfdfsf] gfd ( MOTHER'S NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)<br />

^= ljBfyL{sf] :yfoL 7]ufgfM<br />

k|b]z===================================lhNnf=========================g=kf=÷uf=kf========================== j8f g+= ============<br />

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*= k/LIff pQL0f{ u/]sf] ljBfno÷;+:yfsf] gfdM ======================================================================================================<br />

√<br />

English<br />

Compulsory Subjects<br />

;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff jf ul0ft ljifodWo] s'g ljifo cWoog ug]{ xf]], ;f] ljifosf] cufl8sf] sf]i7df √ lrGx nufpg]<br />

Optional Subjects<br />


1. Opt. First ljBfyL{x?n] rf/ ;d"xdWo] s'g} tLg<br />

2. Opt. Second<br />

;d"xaf6 dfq Ps÷Ps ljifo u/L tLg<br />

ljifo 5gf}6 ug'{kg]{ / ljifosf] gfd /<br />

3. Opt. Third<br />

sf]8 o;} kmf/fdsf] k5fl8 eP cg';f/<br />

pNn]v ug]{<br />

4. Opt. Fourth<br />

Extra Opt.<br />

0 0 3<br />

Social Studies and Life Skills Edu.<br />

yk ljifo cWoog ug{ rfx]df dfly 5gf}6 gePsf]<br />

;d"xaf6 ljifo lng'kg]{<br />

d}n] dfly pNn]v u/]sf ;Dk"0f{ ljj/0fx? ;xL 5g\ / d]/f] /lhi6«]zgsf ;DaGwdf /f=k=af]8{n] dfu ug]{ cGo s'g} ljj/0f / tt\;DaGwL sfuhft<br />

cfjZos eP tL ;a} k|:t't ug{ d~h'/L 5 .<br />

cfj]bs ljBfyL{sf] ;xLM ================================ ldltM @) ÷ ÷<br />

1<br />

0 0 5 1<br />

Mathematics 0 0 7<br />

√<br />

Nepali<br />

O:jL ;+jt (A.D.)<br />

0 0 1 1<br />

1<br />

ljBfno k|of]hgsf nflu<br />

ljBfyL{sf] qmd ;ª\Vof M =================<br />

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k|dfl0ft ug]{<br />

k|wfgfWofkssf] ;xL M ====================<br />

= ljBfno÷;+:yfsf] 5fk<br />

k"/f gfd, y/ M ==============================<br />

ldlt M @)& ÷ ÷<br />

/lhi6«]zg g+= M<br />

=<br />

=============<br />

?h' ug]{<br />

sfof{no k|of]hgsf] nflu<br />

=============== ================<br />

zfvf clws[t<br />

sfof{no k|d'v<br />

-k|dfl0ft ug]{_<br />

‣ ljifo 5gf}6 ubf{ kf7\oqmd ljsf; s]Gb|n] to u/]sf] egf{sf cfwf/x?nfO{ clgjfo{ ?kdf kfngf ug'{kg]{ 5 .

;fwf/0f wf/tkm{ sIff !! df k7gkf7g x'g] ljifo tyf ltgsf] sf]8 gDa/<br />

-s_ clgjfo{ ljifo<br />

l;=g+= sIff !! sf ljifo sf]8<br />

1 Nepali(TH) 0011<br />

2 Nepali(PR) 0012<br />

3 English(TH) 0031<br />

4 English(PR) 0032<br />

5<br />

Social Studies & Life Skill(TH) 0051<br />

Mathematics(TH)<br />

0071<br />

6<br />

Social Studies & Life Skill(PR)<br />

Mathematics(PR)<br />

0052<br />

0072<br />

-O_ P]lR5s t];|f] ;d"x<br />

l;=g+= sIff !! sf ljifo sf]8<br />

1 Chemistry(TH) 3011<br />

2 Chemistry(PR) 3012<br />

3 Economics(TH) 3031<br />

4 Economics(PR) 3032<br />

5<br />

Tourism and Mountaineering<br />

Studies(TH)<br />

3051<br />

6<br />

Tourism and Mountaineering<br />

Studies(PR)<br />

3052<br />

7 Marketing(TH) 3071<br />

8 Marketing(PR) 3072<br />

9<br />

Gerontology and Care Taking<br />

Education(TH)<br />

3091<br />

10<br />

Gerontology and Care Taking<br />

Education(PR)<br />

3092<br />

11 Yog(TH) 3111<br />

12 Yog(PR) 3112<br />

13 Vocal/Instrumetal(TH) 3131<br />

14 Vocal/Instrumetal(PR) 3132<br />

15 Sewing and Knitting(TH) 3151<br />

16 Sewing and Knitting(PR) 3152<br />

17 Constitutional Law(TH) 3171<br />

18 Constitutional Law(PR) 3172<br />

19 Culinary Arts(TH) 3211<br />

20 Culinary Arts(PR) 3212<br />

21 Culture(TH) 3231<br />

22 Culture(PR) 3232<br />

23 Fashion Designing(TH) 3251<br />

24 Fashion Designing(PR) 3252<br />

25 Film and Dacumentry(TH) 3271<br />

26 Film and Dacumentry(PR) 3272<br />

27<br />

Live Stock, Poultry and Fish<br />

Farming(TH)<br />

3291<br />

28<br />

Live Stock, Poultry and Fish<br />

Farming(PR)<br />

3292<br />

29 Nepali(TH) 3311<br />

30 Nepali(PR) 3312<br />

31 English(TH) 3331<br />

32 English(PR) 3332<br />

33 Maithali(TH) 3351<br />

34 Maithali(PR) 3352<br />

35 Newari(TH) 3371<br />

36 Newari(PR) 3372<br />

37 Hindi(TH) 3391<br />

38 Hindi(PR) 3392<br />

39 Chinease(TH) 3411<br />

40 Chinease(PR) 3412<br />

41 Jerman(TH) 3431<br />

42 Jerman(PR) 3432<br />

43 Japanease(TH) 3451<br />

44 Japanease(PR) 3452<br />

45 Korean(TH) 3471<br />

46 Korean(PR) 3472<br />

47 Urdu(TH) 3491<br />

48 Urdu(PR) 3492<br />

49 Bhojpuri(TH) 3511<br />

50 Bhojpuri(PR) 3512<br />

51 French(TH) 3531<br />

52 French(PR) 3532<br />

53 Hibru(TH) 3551<br />

54 Hibru(PR) 3552<br />

55 Arabic(TH) 3571<br />

56 Arabic(PR) 3572<br />

57 Sanskrit(TH) 3591<br />

58 Sanskrit(PR) 3592<br />

59 Applied Arts(TH) 3611<br />

60 Applied Arts(PR) 3612<br />

-v_ P]lR5s ljifo<br />

-c_ P]lR5s klxnf] ;d"x<br />

l;=g+= sIff !! sf ljifo sf]8<br />

1 Physics(TH) 1011<br />

2 Physics(PR) 1012<br />

3 Accounting(TH) 1031<br />

4 Accounting(PR) 1032<br />

5 Rural Development(TH) 1051<br />

6 Rural Development(PR) 1052<br />

7 Jurispudence and Legal Theories(TH) 1071<br />

8 Jurispudence and Legal Theories(PR) 1072<br />

9 Painting(TH) 1111<br />

10 Painting(PR) 1112<br />

11 Child Development and Learning(TH) 1151<br />

12 Child Development and Learning(PR) 1152<br />

13 Psychology(TH) 1191<br />

14 Psychology(PR) 1192<br />

15 History(TH) 1211<br />

16 History(PR) 1212<br />

17 Gender Studies(TH) 1231<br />

18 Gender Studies(PR) 1232<br />

19 Hospitality Management(TH) 1251<br />

20 Hospitality Management(PR) 1252<br />

21 Agronomy(TH) 1271<br />

22 Agronomy(PR) 1272<br />

23 Naturopathy(TH) 1291<br />

24 Naturopathy(PR) 1292<br />

25 Human Value Education(TH) 1311<br />

26 Human Value Education(PR) 1312<br />

-O{_ P]lR5s rf}yf] ;d"x<br />

l;=g+= sIff !! sf ljifo sf]8<br />

1 Mathematics(TH) 4011<br />

2 Mathematics(PR) 4012<br />

3 Applied mathematics(TH) 4031<br />

4 Applied mathematics(PR) 4032<br />

5 Business Mathematics(TH) 4051<br />

6 Business Mathematics(PR) 4052<br />

7 Human rights(TH) 4071<br />

8 Human rights(PR) 4072<br />

9 Library and Information Science(TH) 4091<br />

10 Library and Information Science(PR) 4092<br />

11 Home Science(TH) 4111<br />

12 Home Science(PR) 4112<br />

13 Environment Science(TH) 4131<br />

14 Environment Science(PR) 4132<br />

15 General Law(TH) 4151<br />

16 General Law(PR) 4152<br />

17 Finance(TH) 4171<br />

18 Finance(PR) 4172<br />

19 Co-operative management(TH) 4191<br />

20 Co-operative management(PR) 4192<br />

21 Buddhist Studies(TH) 4211<br />

22 Buddhist Studies(PR) 4212<br />

23 Sculpture(TH) 4231<br />

24 Sculpture(PR) 4232<br />

25 Signing(TH) 4251<br />

26 Signing(PR) 4252<br />

27 Sericulture and Bee Keeping(TH) 4291<br />

28 Sericulture and Bee Keeping(PR) 4292<br />

29 Beautician and Hair Dressing(TH) 4311<br />

30 Beautician and Hair Dressing(PR) 4312<br />

31 Medicinal Herbals(TH) 4331<br />

32 Medicinal Herbals(PR) 4332<br />

33 Plumbing and Wiring(TH) 4351<br />

34 Plumbing and Wiring(PR) 4352<br />

35 Internal Decoration(TH) 4371<br />

36 Internal Decoration(PR) 4372<br />

37 Hotel Management(TH) 4391<br />

38 Hotel Management(PR) 4392<br />

39 Mass Communication(TH) 4411<br />

40 Mass Communication(PR) 4412<br />

41 Health and Physical Education(TH) 4431<br />

42 Health and Physical Education(PR) 4432<br />

43 Sports Science(TH) 4451<br />

44 Sports Science(PR) 4452<br />

45 Social Studies & Life Skill Education(TH) 4471<br />

46 Social Studies & Life Skill Education(PR) 4472<br />

-cf_ P]lR5s bf];|f] ;d"x<br />

l;=g+= sIff !! sf ljifo sf]8<br />

1 Biology(TH) 2011<br />

2 Biology(PR) 2012<br />

3 Education and Development(TH) 2031<br />

4 Education and Development(PR) 2032<br />

5 Geography(TH) 2051<br />

6 Geography(PR) 2052<br />

7 Procedural Law(TH) 2071<br />

8 Procedural Law(PR) 2072<br />

9 Sociology(TH) 2111<br />

10 Sociology(PR) 2112<br />

11 Ayurbed(TH) 2131<br />

12 Ayurbed(PR) 2132<br />

13 Business Studies(TH) 2151<br />

14 Business Studies(PR) 2152<br />

15 Linguistics(TH) 2171<br />

16 Linguistics(PR) 2172<br />

17 Political Science(TH) 2191<br />

18 Political Science(PR) 2192<br />

19 Philosophy(TH) 2211<br />

20 Philosophy(PR) 2212<br />

21 Population Studies(TH) 2231<br />

22 Population Studies(PR) 2232<br />

23<br />

Horticulture (Fruit, Vegetable,<br />

Flower & Mushroom)(TH)<br />

2251<br />

24<br />

Horticulture (Fruit, Vegetable,<br />

Flower & Mushroom)(PR)<br />

2252<br />

25 Food and Nutrition(TH) 2271<br />

26 Food and Nutrition(PR) 2272<br />

27 Dance(TH) 2291<br />

28 Dance(PR) 2292<br />

29 History of Arts(TH) 2311<br />

30 History of Arts(PR) 2312<br />

31 Computer Science (TH) 4271<br />

32 Computer Science (PR) 4272<br />

b|i6Jo M<br />

‣ clgjfo{ ljifotkm{ g]knfL -))!!_ / cª\u|]hL<br />

-))#!_ sf cltl/Qm ;fdflhs cWoog tyf<br />

hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff -))%!_ jf ul0ft -))&!_<br />

dWo] s'g} Ps ljifo dfq cWoog ug'{kg]{ 5 .<br />

‣ sIff !! sf] clgjfo{ ;fdflhs cWoog tyf<br />

hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff -))%!_ / ;fdflhs tyf<br />

hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff æP]lR5sÆ -$$&!_ tyf<br />

sIff !! sf] clgjfo{ ul0ft -))&!_ / ul0ft<br />

æP]lR5sÆ -$)!!_ sf sf]8 km/s eP klg<br />

kf7\oqmd Pp6} x'g] 5g\ .

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