Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kuhondeera v. follow s.b. around;

keep going with s.b. or s.t. wherever

they go.


Var: kuhonderana. v. be ordered,

follow one after another, be in


ku̱honderani ̱a

Var: kuẖondereni ̱a. v. order;

arrange things in their order as per

their sequence.

kuhonga v. offer a sacrifice.

kuhongira v. doze; feel sleepy and

sleep lightly while waking up fitfully.

kuhongolola v. be open.

kuhora v. lend; give s.b. money that will

be paid back after a period of time.

kwehora v. borrow money; take

money from s.b. or a bank and agree

to pay it back after a period of time.

kuhoromoka v. See main entry:


kuhotoka v. 1 • wither, shrivel; contract,

of a plant when it is starting to dry.

2 • Metaphor. be in an uncomfortable

condition e.g. due to poor economic

condition, sickness, or hunger, etc.

kuhoogoola v. remove husks from a

crop, esp. from maize cobs.

kuhoonongira v. oversleep; deeply

sleep past your intended time of waking

up. Syn: kuhetera.

kuhoora v. retaliate; do. s.t. bad to s.b.,

returning like for like, esp. evil for evil.

Syn: kusasuura, kunanula, kwiṟiṟi̱iṟya,


kuhooronga v. weep; cry loudly.

Syn: ku̱geegeeta, ku̱hembeeta, kulira.

kuhooyona v. quarrel, using obscene

words. Syn: kukungana, kuzongoba.

kuhooza v. levy, tax; charge s.b. market


kuhudekeera v. be soft; e.g., like a fruit

is when it is ripe or decaying.

Syn: kuheheera, kworoba, kuteketeera.

kuhugura v. move aside, set aside,

displace, put away; bring s.t. aside or

shift s.t.


kwehugura v. move yourself aside;

avoid, so that s.t. else can also pass.

kuhugutana v. be confused; be unable

to think clearly or to understand what is

happening or what s.b. is saying.

kuhugutanaho v. be confused a

bit; understand slightly about what

is happening or about what s.b. is


ku̱hu̱gu̱tani ̱a v. confuse, disturb;

make s.b. unable to think clearly or

to understand what is happening or

what s.b. is saying.

kuhuha v. 1 • be simple, easy.

2 • be light.

kuhuluka v. exit, go out; move from

inside s.t. and go outside.

ku̱hu̱lu̱kya v. 1 • take out; remove

s.t. from inside s.t.

2 • spend; use money to pay for


ku̱hu̱lu̱kiṟi̱iṟya v. germinate,

sprout; come out from underground,

of a plant. Syn: kumera, kwaruka.

ku̱hu̱lu̱kyamwo v. produce

offspring, reproduce.

ku̱hu̱lu̱kya meezi ̱ v. secrete;

produce a liquid substance.

kuhuluka kwa lyoba v. sunrise;

dawn, rise, of the sun.

kuhumbata v. hug, embrace; put your

arms around s.b. and hold him on your

body in order to show love.

Syn: ku̱gwangana mu salaka.

kuhuna Var: kuhuniira. v. be surprised,

speechless, astonished; be in shock due

to hearing or seeing s.t. you did not



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