Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kuhab̯ura v. advise, counsel; give s.b. a

sense of direction about what he is

supposed to do.

kuhab̯urwa v. be warned; be told to

do or not to do s.t. in order to avoid


kuhabbula Var: kuhagula. v. pull apart

strongly to remove s.t. that has been

attached onto s.t. else.

kuhadama v. force yourself to climb s.t.

that you cannot easily do.

kuhaga Var: kuhaka. v. 1 • put in, insert

s.t. into s.t. else causing it to become


2 • be fully satisfied with the whole

stomach bulged.

3 • Metaphor. provoke, incite; encourage

s.b. to do s.t. violent, illegal or

unpleasant, esp. by making them angry

or excited. Syn: ku̱tu̱u̱ga, kuhemba

mworo, ku̱cu̱u̱kiṟi̱iṟya.

kuhagana v. give; act of generosity that

provides s.t. to s.b. with whom one is

working or staying.

kuhagatira 1 v. 1 • hold s.t. esp. a child

on the waist with one arm.

2 • embrace; hold s.b. of the opposite

sex on to yourself by holding their

buttock, e.g., when dancing.

kuhagatira 2 v. bear maize cobs; sprout,

of cobs on a maize plant.

kuhagaara v. be undisciplined.

kuhagira v. 1 • support; help or

encourage s.b. by saying or showing

that you agree with them.

Syn: kulwaniira, kuheega, kusemba.

2 • be enthusiastic.

kuhagula v. See main entry: kuhabbula.

kuhahamuka v. scream; talk loosely,

due to being possessed by a ghost or an

evil spirit.

kuhahaara v. wander; move to a distant

place away from your home without

any particular sense of purpose or

direction esp. due to desperation.

Syn: kuhambaara.

kuhaka 1 v. See main entry: kuhaga.

kuhaka 2 v. state of a cow reaching its

time for mating.


kuhakula v. harvest honey from a


kuhala v. 1 • peel, scratch, scale; remove

husks or scales from s.t.

2 • shear; remove hair or wool from an

animal, e.g., a sheep. Syn: kumwa.

3 • shave; cut hair from the skin, esp. the

face using a razor. Syn: kugema, kumwa,


4 • roughen; make s.t. rough and not


kuhala bigalagamba v. scale a


kuhama-hama v. 1 • say or do things

that have no sense.

2 • wander; walk slowly here and there

without any particular sense of purpose

or direction esp. due to idleness.

Syn: kwandaara, kwenjeera, kumangamanga,

kupaaraara, kutaabaana,

kutaaruuka, kuzengeera, ku̱gu̱suḵagu̱suḵa.

kuhamba v. 1 • subjugate, overthrow;

remove s.b. from power by force or to

defeat s.b.

2 • capture, enslave; abduct s.b. as a


3 • kidnap; take s.b. away illegally, esp.

in order to get money. Syn: kugwera.

4 • rape; force s.b. to have sex.

5 • hijack.

kuhamba b̯u̱lemi̱ v. overthrow

authority; remove by force a leader

or a government from a position of


kuhambaara v. wander; stray to an

unknown place. Syn: kuhahaara.

kuhambiriza v. compel; use force to

obtain s.t.


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