Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kugandaara v. relax; rest esp. after

work or effort. Syn: kuhuumula,


kugangama v. squat; sit on the heels

with legs apart without the bottom

touching the ground.

kuganikira 1 v. point at s.b. with your

hand folded esp. while you are behind

them or from their back to indicate

fooling, kidding or joking.

kuganikira 2 v. cook greens by putting a

sticky plant in the sauce.

kuganya v. be sorrowful.

kuganyira v. 1 • forgive, pardon,

excuse, acquit; forget the mistake

that s.b. committed against you.

2 • sympathise; show compassion to

s.b. who is in trouble.

Syn: kukwatwa kisa, kusaasira.

3 • exempt; withdraw the

responsibility that s.b. has of doing

s.t. paying s.t., etc.

kweganyira v. forsake; stop doing

s.t., or leave s.t., esp. s.t. that you

enjoy or for which you have

responsibility. Syn: kubyeganyira,

ku̱biḵu̱pu̱kamu, kubihuumula,

kubisomokamu, kwehu̱u̱kya,

ku̱byelekesya, kubileka,


kuganyirwa v. be forgiven,

excused, acquitted, pardoned; be

left free from a punishment for the

crime you have committed or to be

exempted from a financial


kugaramiira v. lean back on s.t. while

you are freely at ease.

kugaya v. overlook, ignore, snub; show

or treat s.b. in a way that shows no

worth or respect to that person.

Syn: kudomaho.

kugaywa v. be ignored, be treated as

s.b. of a low status; be overlooked

or not respected.

kugaza v. 1 • touch; put your hands or

fingers onto s.b. or s.t. Syn: kukwata.

2 • fish with fishing gear that is in the

shape of a basket.


kugaza-gaza v. pat; keep on putting

a hand onto s.t. Syn: ku̱ti̱ga-ti̱ga,


kugaana v. reject, forbid, restrict, ban;

refuse to allow, accept, do or give s.t.

Syn: kwekunuka, ku̱giṟa, ku̱hyema,

ku̱ryega, kusuula.

ku̱gaani ̱sya v. 1 • interrupt; say or

do s.t. that makes s.b. stop s.t. that

he has been saying or doing.

2 • hinder, block; make it difficult

for s.b. to do s.t. or for s.t. to

happen. Syn: kukiika, ku̱ki̱iẕiḵa,

kukingiza, kucwa.

kugaara-gaara v. console; stay at a

funeral in order to comfort those

bereaved. Syn: kub̯umba-b̯umba,

ku̱gu̱ma-gu̱mya, ku̱tatatati̱iṟya, kub̯udab̯uda.

kugaaraata v. be mindless.

kugaayagaaya Var: kugaayagaayamu.

v. discuss; talk about s.t. with other

people, esp. in order to make a decision.

Syn: kwerorongoni ̱a, kuhanuura,


kugegemuka v. laugh; make a sound

that comes from the mouth showing that

s.b. is a amused or happy.

kugegeera v. burn brightly, e.g., a very

bright flame or piece of charcoal.

kugema 1 From: Runyoro. v. fold; bend

s.t. so that one part lies on top of

another part. Syn: kugonya, kukata,

ku̱kuṉya, ku̱ziṉga, kukuba.

kugema 2 v. shave; cut hair from the

skin, esp. the face using a razor.

Syn: kumwa, kuhala, kutega.

kugema 3 v. immunise; protect a person

or an animal from a disease, esp. by

giving an injection of a vaccine.

Syn: kukuuta bikatu.

kugemula v. visit with gifts; pay s.b. a

visit bringing him things like food,

drinks bundles of firewood, etc.

kugera 1 v. shine; be very smooth and

bright so as to be beautiful.

kugera 2 v. melt; change from a solid

substance into liquid form.

Syn: kunyelela, kwaga.


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