Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kudiirana v. share meals; give food

to s.b. with whom you are working

or staying.

bya kudiiramu Sg: kya

kudiiramu. n. cutlery; eating


kudya 2 v. feel pain.

kudya kiḇbiḻa v. See main entry:


kudyamuka v. See main entry:


kudyerera v. become curly, of hair.

kufafanika v. become a nuisance.

Syn: kugwaga.

kufaho v. 1 • mind, care for, watch over;

love s.b. and feel that they are important

and worth worrying about.

Syn: kuwoneera, kulingiira, kulinda.

2 • pay attention; take note of s.t.

Syn: kwetegeerya.

kwefaho v. take care of yourself;

look after yourself properly so that

you look well.

kufeerwa v. lose s.t. or s.b.

kufeereza v. cause loss; make s.b.

lose s.t.

kufooka v. change, become different;

pass from one state or form into


kufoora v. turn s.t. with the inside part

coming out.

kufubira v. punish; make s.b. suffer for

breaking the law or doing s.t. wrong.

kufuga From: Luganda. v. rule; exercise

authority over s.b. etc. with the power

to decide how s.t. must be done.

Syn: kulema.

kufumba v. See main entry: ku̱ru̱mba.

kufumura v. pierce s.t. and leave it with

a hole. Syn: ku̱tu̱uṯa, ku̱hu̱duḻa.

kufuna From: Luganda. v. receive, get,

obtain, acquire; accept s.t. that is sent or

given to you. Syn: kutunga, kukwata.

kufunda v. be narrow.

kufunga From: Kiswahili. v. lock; close

s.t. with a lock.

kufunguura v. unlock; open a

padlock. Syn: kwahuura, kukingula.


kufurura v. shift, transfer; move s.b.

somewhere else.

kufuruka v. migrate, shift;

permanently leave one place and

permanently settle in another.

Syn: kudemuka, kusenguka.

kufuruka-furuka v. wriggle; keep

on changing positions.

kufuuhiira v. spray; use a pump to

scatter liquids on s.t. in very small


kufuutiika v. See main entry:


kugaba v. give s.b. s.t. Syn: kuha.

kugabamu v. divide; perform a

mathematical process to find out

how many times one number is

contained in another.

kugabira v. 1 • distribute, share out,

divide between; share s.t. between a

number of people.

2 • divide numbers.

3 • offer a sacrifice.

kugabirwa v. receive; be given s.t.

in form of an assistance.

Syn: kuheeb̯wa.

kugaba ngu̱zi̱ v. See main entry: ngu̱zi.


kugab̯ura v. get married; act of a man

officially taking the bride after the

introduction and the dowry.

kugada-gada v. struggle; try very hard

to do s.t. when it is difficult or when

there are many problems. Syn: kuwayawaya,

ku̱lwani̱sya, kupatikana,

kwenyamula, kuguuguuza, kuṉyeega,

kupataka, kupoolooka, ku̱tiṯa,

kwekamba, kwesabbula, ku̱ri̱iṯya.

kugaga 1 v. go slightly bad or rotten, of

food, by natural chemical processes.

kugaga 2 v. grab or hold s.t. very firmly

either by your hands or by a tool such as

pliers. Syn: kukaza, ku̱tati̱iṟya.

kugaganyula v. forcefully open or

separate the two parts of s.t.

kugaigahara From: Luganda. v. become


kugaliha v. widen; increase in width.

kugana v. narrate or tell s.b. a folktale.


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