Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kub̯uukula v. uncover; remove s.t. that

is covering s.t. Syn: ku̱ku̱uṉyuḵuḻa.

kub̯uula v. open; open s.t. closed.

Syn: kutega, kwala, kwijula, kukingula.

ku̱b̯u̱u̱liṟi̱iṟya v. investigate,

interrogate; ask one person after

another in order to get the truth

about s.t.

ku̱b̯u̱u̱li̱sani̱a v. inquire critically,

cross-examine; use the words that

s.b. has already said to ask him

questions carefully in order to find

out the actual truth.

kub̯uusana v. resemble; look like or be

similar to another person or thing.

kubba v. be.

kubbaho v. 1 • exist.

2 • happen; action of s.t. taking


kubba na Lit: be with v. have,


kubbamu v. get involved; be one of

the people who are in s.t.

kubba mu nsonga v. See main entry:


kubbagala v. carry s.t. on a shoulder.

kubbaka v. play catch; throw s.t. in the

sky and then catch it.

kubbakula v. catch, restrain;

suddenly capture s.t. or s.b. that

tries or would try to escape.

kubbalula 1 v. explode, burst, tear s.t.

making a loud violent sound that causes


kubbaluka Var: kubbwatuka;

kurwatuka. v. 1 • be torn, have

burst, exploded loudly due to much

pressure from inside.

2 • spark; give out small particles of


kubbalula 2 v. hit; bring the hand, or an

object that is held against s.b. or s.t.

quickly and with force.

Syn: kubbarangura, ku̱diḵya, kuḏonga,

ku̱horongya, kusinyontola.

kubbanguuka v. curve, veer, turn to go

in another direction. Syn: kuhunguuka.

kubbangula v. cause s.t. to curve,

veer, or turn.


kwebbangula v. turn yourself; face

from where you have been coming

to go another direction.

kubbanika v. put s.t. up on top of s.t.

that is higher than yourself, e.g., up on a


kwebbanika v. climb up to the

peak of s.t.

kubbanula v. get s.t. from up high or

that is swinging in air and get it down.

kubbarangura v. hit; bring the hand, or

an object that is held against s.b. or s.t.

quickly and with force. Syn: kubbalula,

ku̱diḵya, kuḏonga, ku̱horongya,


kubbaratura v. split, break s.t. apart

using great force.

2 • v. crack; break s.t. without dividing

into separate parts.

kubbaratuka v. 1 • be split, broken,

separated, through force, into two or

more pieces.

2 • be cracked; get broken without

dividing into separate parts.

kubbaabbuula v. 1 • loosen.

2 • tear off.

kubbaabbuuka v. 1 • become


2 • become torn.

kubbaaka v. ferment; mix dry cassava

or maize flour with water as a

preparation for brewing.

kubbaama v. get bent, curved or

formed into an angle so that s.t. is no

longer straight.

kubbibbinula v. bend, contort; force

part of the body esp. an arm, leg or neck

so that it changes its normal direction or


kubbila v. taste; use the tongue to

become a ware of the sweetness or the

bitterness of s.t.

kubbingibbala v. get bent; become


kubbogobbera Var: kubbugubbira. v.

speak with pauses without pronouncing

words properly.


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