Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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makes with an intention of making

another person seem ridiculous.

Syn: ki̱joogo.

ki ̱su̱bi̱ Pl: maki ̱su̱bi ̱. n. green

grasshopper sp.

ki ̱swi̱ja Pl: bi ̱swi ̱ja. n. mild flu;

infectious disease like a very bad cold,

that causes fever, pains and general

body weaknesses, and which involves

sneezing, coughing and a running nose.

Syn: kiṉyamu̱gu̱u̱di̱, kihinzi.

ki ̱sya Pl: bi ̱sya. n. tail fin; part on the

body of a fish that it uses for turning.

ki ̱syanu̱ adj. white colour.

ki ̱syanu̱syanu̱ adj. grey colour.

ki ̱syanu̱ru̱u̱ru̱ adj. light colour.

ki ̱syeka 1 Pl: bi ̱syeka. n. container in

which brew-fermented cassava is


ki ̱syeka 2 Pl: bi ̱syeka. n. unmarried

woman who lives with her parents.

ki ̱syeke adj. fried.

ki ̱syoku̱ adj. dark.

kiṯahyo Pl: biṯahyo. n. ladle; large

spoon used for serving sauce.

kiṯaagi ̱ Pl: biṯaagi ̱. From: Runyoro. n.

branch; part of a plant that is attached to

a trunk and on tips of which are twigs

and leaves. Syn: ki̱jangi̱.

kiṯaani ̱iṉa Pl: biṯaani ̱iṉa. n. snail.

kiṯenge Pl: biṯenge. n. wrap; light piece

of cotton cloth, mainly imported from

Congo, used by women to protect their

clothes from dirt as they work.

kiṯerekereeru̱ adj. straight.

kiṯerekereeru̱ nka mataku ga

paasi adj. Idiom. flat.

kiṯeteeya Pl: biṯeteeya. n. dress;

garment with a length reaching just

below the knees, sewn and joined in the

middle around the waist, mostly worn

by young girls.

kiṯeerya Pl: biṯeerya. n. seat on which

an heir is seated during an enthroning

ceremony. Syn: kitebe kya mugwete.

kiṯi ̱iẖyo Var: kiṯi ̱i ̱yo. Pl: biṯi ̱iẖyo. n.

spade; tool used for digging soil.

kiṯi ̱iṉi ̱sa Pl: biṯi ̱iṉi ̱sa. n. respect,

honour, glory; good feeling due to

kiṯu̱u̱ti ̱

people behaving politely towards you or

admiring you.

kumalikamwo kiṯi ̱iṉi ̱sa v. be

disgraced; lose respect.

waakiṯi ̱iṉi ̱sa Pl: baakiṯi ̱iṉi ̱sa. n.

s.b. who is respected due to thier

high status at work, in society, with

wealth etc.

kiṯi ̱iṟi̱ Pl: biṯi ̱iṟi. ̱ n. Taboo. anus; opening

between buttocks through which faeces

pass. Syn: kiṉi̱ero.

kiṯi ̱mbiṟo n. See main entry: ki ̱cu̱mbiṟo.

kiṯiṉgatiṉga Pl: biṯiṉgatiṉga. n. mass

of floating plants that looks like a small


kiṯogi ̱ Pl: biṯogi. ̱ n. collar; part of a shirt,

coat or jacket around the neck that folds


kiṯooro Pl: biṯooro. n. dress that is

sewn loose like a piece of clothing worn

by a pregnant woman.

kiṯu̱ku̱ru̱ From: Runyoro. adj. red;

having the colour of blood or fire.

Syn: kyengu̱.

kiṯu̱mbi ̱sya Var: kiṯu̱mbi ̱sa.

Pl: biṯu̱mbi ̱sya. From: Runyoro. n.

1 • spice; ingredient that is added to

food, esp. sauce.

2 • yeast, leaven; substance that is added

to bread before it is cooked to make it


kiṯu̱ngu̱li̱ Pl: biṯu̱ngu̱li. ̱ n. military-cut

hairstyle; completely shaving off all the

hair at the sides round the whole head

leaving only the middle one.

kiṯu̱u̱go Pl: biṯu̱u̱go. n. coconut; big

wild palm tree sp. that grows straight

without branches with palmate leaves

and edible fibrous fruit with a large

seed, that is not used to produce

cooking oil.

kiṯu̱u̱ti ̱1 Pl: biṯu̱u̱ti. ̱ n. 1 • ant-hill like

structure that is made in order for the

king to climb on when a cultural dance

is going on.

2 • pulpit; small platform in a church

that is like a box and is high above the

ground, where s.b. stands to preach to

the people.


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