Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kiteere Pl: biteere. n. piece of sweet

potato or cassava that is just sliced and


kiteeru Pl: biteeru. n. flu, cold; sickness

that makes s.b. have a constant flow of


kitimba Pl: bitimba. n. 1 • fishing net;

trap with spaces in between that is

woven from nylon threads used for

catching fish in water.

2 • scouring pad; sponge-like material

used for bathing or cleaning that is

woven from nylon threads.

katimba ka waya Pl: b̯utimba

b̯wa mawaya. n. chain link, wire

netting fence; thin pieces of wire

woven like a net used for making a


kitongole Pl: bitongole. n.

1 • organisation, institution.

2 • department.

kitongole kya b̯u̱su̱u̱b̯u̱zi̱

Pl: bitongole bya b̯u̱su̱u̱b̯u̱zi. ̱ n.

company; business organisation.

kitongoole Var: kyetongoori. ̱ adj.

unique, distinct; s.t. that is special or

unique among others. Syn: kyahu̱kanu̱,


kitooki Pl: bitooki. n. banana; food crop

that has wide leaves and bears its fruit

on a bunch.

kitooki kiṯati ̱mbwa Pl: bitooki

biṯati ̱mbwa. n. yellow banana that

is eaten when ripe. Syn: katooki,

sukaali ndi̱iẕi̱.

kitooki kiṯi ̱mbwa Pl: bitooki

biṯi ̱mbwa. n. banana that is eaten

after it has been cooked.

kituluguma Pl: bituluguma. n.

particle; small solid piece of s.t.

Syn: kitungutulu.

kitungutulu Pl: bitungutulu. n.

particle; small solid piece of s.t.

Syn: kituluguma.

kituuru Pl: bituuru. n. grave, tomb;

heap of earth or a structure placed over

the place where s.b. was buried.

kitware Pl: bitware. n. stretcher; long

piece of strong fabric with a pole on


each side, used for carrying s.b. who is

sick or injured and who cannot walk.

Syn: ki̱parapu̱, katabbu.

kitwekerano Pl: bitwekerano. n.

illegitimate child; offspring who has

been produced outside a marriage

relationship. Syn: mwana mutweke.

kitwo Pl: bitwo. n. gift, allowance;

amount of money or any tangible item

that is given to s.b. for a particular


Kityanga n. name of a place.

kiwaacu Pl: biwaacu. n. watermelon;

creeping plant that resembles a pumpkin

plant, bears fruit that are eaten while

raw and its seeds are used as spice.

kiwerekerena Pl: biwerekerena. n.

glass object.

kiweehuhulu Pl: biweehuhulu. n.

lung; part of the body in the chest used

for breathing.

kiwugo Pl: biwugo. n. dusting rag;

piece of cloth used for mopping or

wiping off the dust from household

items such as tables, etc. Syn: ki̱goye.

kiza Pl: biza. n. firewood bundle; wood

cut into short pieces tied together into a

bundle with both ends equal.

kizabiro Pl: bizabiro. n. mourning;

loud crying due to sadness and grief.

kizanzu Pl: bizanzu. n. leftover posho.

kizegu Pl: bizegu. n. s.t. roughly


kizib̯u Pl: bizib̯u. n. problem; s.t. that is

difficult to deal with or to understand.

kiziginiro Pl: biziginiro. n. sole, ball;

part of the foot on which are toes that

s.b. stands on.

kiziginiro kya gaali

Pl: biziginiro bya gaali. n. pedal.

Syn: kigulu kya gaali.

kizina Pl: bizina. From: Runyoro. n.

hymn. Syn: kyembu.

kiziro Pl: biziro. From: English. n. s.t.

extinct; that does not exist today.

kiziiriirwa Pl: biziiriirwa. n. egg that

a bird has sat on but has not been

hatched that becomes rotten.


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