Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kitakunanukirwa adv. uncertain.

kitakwesigwa adv. unsure.

kitalimu Pl: bitalimu. n. s.t. not

useful; that does not help s.b. achieve

what they want or need.

kitalimu magezi ̱ Pl: bitalimu

magezi. ̱ n. nonsense.

kitama Pl: bitama. n. plectrum; part on

the body of a fish that covers the gills.

kitambaara Pl: bitambaara. n.

tablecloth; piece of material or

crocheted cloth for covering a table,

chairs, house utensils, etc.

katambaara ka mu ngalu

Pl: b̯utambaara b̯wa mu ngalu.

n. handkerchief.

mubboha bitambaara

Pl: babboha bitambaara̱. n.

Idiom. divorcee; divorced woman or

a woman who is separated from her

husband. Syn: mwiṯi̱ wa maka,

mwangani̱, mwiṯa nyu̱mba.

kubboha bitambaara v. Idiom.

get divorced, separate; end a

marriage relationship.

kitantagala adj. flat.

kitatiro adj. 1 • hard, brittle, being solid,

firm or stiff and difficult to bend or

break. Syn: kinyamaani, kiḵangabalu̱,


2 • difficult; s.t. that is not easy to do.

Syn: kyozo, kinyamaani.

3 • complex, complicated.

4 • tight.

kitatiro n. concrete.

kitaab̯u Pl: bitaab̯u. n. neighbourhood;

area surrounded by neighbours.

kitaatu Pl: bitaatu. n. drying rack;

structure on which things are spread out

for drying.

kitebe Pl: bitebe. n. 1 • class; group of

students or pupils in a school or college

who are taught together.

2 • social group; people who are

together in one place and have a

connection in some way, e.g., a group

of farmers, a music club etc.


3 • political party; political organization

having its aims in which s.b. casts his


kitebe kya bakori ̱ Pl: bitebe

bya bakori ̱. n. workers’ union.

kitebe kya baraamu̱ri̱ ba

misangu Pl: bitebe bya

baraamu̱ri ̱ ba misangu. n. jury.

kitebe kya b̯u̱su̱u̱b̯u̱zi̱

Pl: bitebe bya b̯u̱su̱u̱b̯u̱zi. ̱ n.

business organisation.

kitebe kya bbootya Pl: bitebe

bya bbootya. n. unedible

mushroom sp.

mu kitebe adv. together, unitedly, in

unison; in a group.

kitebe kya mugwete n. See main

entry: ntebe.

kitenge Pl: bitenge. n. sugarcane; plant

with a jointed stem that is chewed and

from which sugar is made. Syn: kiḵei̱jo.

kitereke Pl: bitereke. n. rent; payment

made by a tenant to their landlord or


kiteega Pl: biteega. n. muscle; that

lower part of the thigh of a four legged

animal, above the knee, with a

protruding tendon.

kiteekerezo Var: kiteekerezu.

Pl: biteekerezo. n. 1 • idea, thought,

theory, attitude, opinion; s.t. that you


2 • facial expression.

3 • suggestion.

kiteekerezo kikusembayo

Pl: biteekerezo bikusembayo. n.

afterthought, second thought.

kiteekwa adv. definitely; in a way that

is certain, emphasizing that there is no

doubt, that s.t. must be done or must

happen. Syn: b̯woza-b̯woza.

kuteekwa v. must; used to say that

s.t. is necessary or very important.

kikuteekwa adj. must do.

kiteera Pl: biteera. n. Pan troglodytes.

chimpanzee; wild animal that very

much resembles a human being.


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