Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kisensa Pl: bisensa. n. household food

container that is woven like a basket for

use as posho container.

kisensede Pl: bisensede. n. rag; old

piece of cloth that is torn.

kisenseru Pl: bisenseru. n. urinal;

structure for urinating in.

kiseege 1 Pl: biseege. n.

brokenheartedness, heartbreak; loss of

weight and a miserable state caused by

grief and sorrow when one has lost a

dear one to death.

kiseege 2 Pl: biseege. n. disease; muscle

inflamation of the thigh.

kisida Pl: bisida. n. scar; mark that is

left on the skin after a wound has

healed. Syn: nkojo.

kisigaati Var: kisagaati. Pl: bisigaati.

From: Kiswahili. n. 1 • fence; barrier

made with poles and covered with

papyrus mats, reeds, iron sheets or wire

to keep animals or unwanted people out,

e.g., around a house or at a disco dance.

Syn: lukomera.

2 • gateway.

kisiraani Pl: bisiraani. From:

Kiswahili. n. misfortune, bad omen;

continual bad luck. Syn: ki̱iṟa.

waakisiraani Pl: baakisiraani.

From: Kiswahili. n. unlucky,

disadvantaged person; s.b. who was

born naturally unfortunate.

Syn: waaki̱iṟa.

kisiibo Pl: bisiibo. n. fasting period.

kisobora adv. might, possibly.

kisoga Pl: bisoga. n. Ricinus communis.

Caster oil plant; quick growing shrub

with thorny seeds that contain oil and

large spread out leaves that are used to

remove charms.

kisokodole Pl: bisokodole. n. hollow


kisolo Pl: bisolo. n. animal; living

creature that is not a bird, a fish, a

reptile, a snake, an insect, a plant or a

human being.



kisolo kidya irungu Var: kisolo

kidya isubi. Pl: bisolo bidya

irungu. n. herbivore; animal that

does not eat meat.

kisolo kidya nyama Pl: bisolo

bidya nyama. n. carnivore; animal

that does not eat grass.

kisolo kya kwamu̱gi ̱ Pl: bisolo

bya kwamu̱gi. ̱ n. domesticated

animal such as a goat.

kisonsogolo Pl: bisonsogolo. n. egg

shell; outer surface of an egg.

kisookiiso Pl: bisookiiso. n. Aloe vera;

wild herb that inhabits spots with hard

soil, with leaves arranged like those of

sisal plant and containing very bitter


kisuba Pl: bisuba. n. lie.

kisumuruzo Var: kyab̯uruzo.

Pl: bisumuruzo. n. key for a door or


kisura Pl: bisura. n. slightly bitter salt,

found locally, that is mostly given to


kisusu Pl: bisusu. n. husk, fruit skin,

seed shell; outer part of a plant that is

removed before eating.

kitab̯ure Pl: bitab̯ure. n. solution into

which s.t. is mixed.

kitabbu 1 Pl: bitabbu. From: Arabic. n.

book; papers bound together inside a

cover which s.b. turns to read or to

write on.

kitabbu 2 Pl: bitabbu. From: Arabic. n.

bed; household furniture used for

sleeping on.

kitabbu kya nsaali Pl: bitabbu

bya nsaali. n. double bed.

kitagataga Pl: kitagataga. n. impulse,


kitakumala adj. inadequate, lacking;

not enough in quantity for a particular

purpose or need.

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