Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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Kirama n. name of a place.

kirambi Pl: birambi. n. stain; line of

dirt, mark on a surface that spoils its


kirangu Pl: birangu. n. announcement.

kiraaka Pl: biraaka. n. 1 • patch; piece

of s.t. like a cloth, net, etc. that is sewn

on a hole.

2 • necrotic dermatitis; type of sickness

that infects the skin making it look like

it has been scalded but eventually ends

up removing the affected flesh.

kirenge Pl: birenge. n. leg of an

ungulate mammal, between the knee

and the hoof, e.g., cattle, buffaloes,

hippopotamus, etc., either on a live

animal or meat that has been


kiro Pl: biro. n. day; period of time equal

to twenty four hours.

kiro kiẖandu̱ Pl: biro kiẖandu̱.

n. special day or a public holiday.

kiro kya kubyalwa Pl: biro bya

kubyalwa. n. birthday.

kiro kya mweri ̱ Pl: biro bya

mweri. ̱ n. date; particular day of

the month and the year.

kiro kindi adv. someday, sometime.

kirooyo Pl: birooyo. n. sheath; cover

into which a knife is inserted.

kirugamu Var: kirugamwo.

Pl: birugamu. n. result, outcome,

effect, consequence; s.t. that is caused

or produced because of s.t. else.

Syn: kiṟu̱giṟi̱mu.

kirumbu Pl: birumbu. n. thigh leg;

part of an animal leg between the hip

and the knee.

kirungi adj. good. Syn: ki̱semeru̱.

kirungiho adj. somehow good.

Syn: ki̱jangu̱ru̱kuẖo, ki̱semeruẖo,


kisa 1 Pl: bisa. n. grace, mercy, empathy,

compassion; feeling of strong sympathy

for people who are suffering and the

desire to help them. Syn: mbabazi̱.


kukwatwa kisa v. Metaphor.

sympathise; feel sorry for s.b.

showing that you understand their

problems. Syn: kuganyira, kusaasira.

waakisa Pl: baakisa. n. merciful

person; s.b. who feels with s.b. who

is in trouble.

kisa 2 Pl: bisa. n. s.t. empty.

kisagaati n. See main entry: kisigaati.

kisagu Pl: bisagu. n. cushion; soft

sponge or cotton fabric put on the

sitting or leaning part of a chair for the

one sitting to feel comfortable.

kisaka Pl: bisaka. n. 1 • very bushy plant

or shrub with several stems creeping

from one root.

2 • thicket; different plants intertwined

together and very thick.

kisalizo Pl: bisalizo. n. banana pruning

sickle; tool used for pruning banana

leaves or fibres.

kisararu Pl: bisararu. n.

onchocerciasis; infectious disease that

causes painful white areas on the skin

and can destroy nerves and flesh.

kisaahi Var: kisaahe. Pl: bisaahi. n.

1 • playground, sports field; area

specially prepared in which to play

games such as football, athletics, etc.

2 • runway, airstrip; place where planes

land and take off.

kisaahi kya b̯ulemu Var: kisaahe

kya b̯ulemu. Pl: bisaahi bya

b̯ulemu. n. battlefield; place where

a battle is being fought or has been

fought. Syn: ilwaniro.

kisaali Pl: bisaali. n. 1 • any piece of


2 • stick; branch that has broken, fallen

or been cut from a tree.

kisaanyuuzo Pl: bisaanyuuzo. n.

comb; tool used for disentangling the


kisembu Pl: bisembu. n. 1 • gift; s.t.

given to s.b., on a special occasion or as

an expression of thanks.

2 • talent; natural ability to do s.t. well.

Syn: talanta.


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