Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kikonko Pl: bikonko. n. canyon,

ravine; very deep valley with steep

sides and a stream along the bottom of

it. Syn: kihanga.

kikonombo Pl: bikonombo. n. banana

flower; part of a banana plant that

swings from a bunch and is like a


kikorwa Pl: bikorwa. n. 1 • character,

nature; the way s.b. is seen before

others. Syn: nyeetwala, nzicala, ngesu.

2 • action, deed, behaviour,

performance; s.t. that s.b. does in his

self regard before the people.

3 • event; s.t. that is taking place, that

will happen or that happened.

kikoomi Pl: bikoomi. n. oven; fire in a

hearth, set on wood, grass or cow dung

heaped together. Syn: kiṯu̱u̱ti̱.

kikoora Pl: bikoora. n. leaf; part of

plant commonly green and growing

from a branch, that manufactures food

for plant.

kikooto adj. big; large in size.

Syn: kabbeemuḻe.

kiku Pl: biku. n. bedbug; insect that

hides in beds, where it bites people and

sucks their blood.

kikubba interj. it will be.

kikudengeeta adj. hanging,


kikuhonderaho adv. next, then,

afterwards; coming straight after in

time, order or space, following

immediately in the order mentioned,

after s.t. else.

kiẖondereeni ̱ adj. successive,

sequential, consecutive; following

immediately one after another in a

series, without interruption.


kikuhwanana adj. similar; like, but not

exactly the same. Syn: kikwisana.

kikumala adv. enough.

adj. adequate, sufficient.

kikumalaho adj. good; of high

quality or an acceptable standard.

kikumba nte Pl: bikumba nte. n.

bush vegetation with fibres that are used

for tying structures.

kikundu Pl: bikundu. n. knot; fastening

of s.t. like a rope that has been looped

around and tied onto itself or s.t. else.

kikungu Pl: bikungu. n. deck, ledge;

raised step or floor that is made all

around under the veranda of a house

beside the exterior wall.

kikusoboka Var: kikusobora. adv.

possible, maybe, perhaps; s.t. that can

be done or achieved, that might exist or

happen but is not certain to.

kikuta Pl: bikuta. n. 1 • hide; part that

covers the body of an animal that

normally has hair on the outer surface.

2 • leather.

kikutab̯ura Pl: bikutab̯ura. n. s.t. that

is confusing or puzzling or that disrupts

the peace.

kikuutu Pl: bikuutu. n. sickle; curved

tool used for cutting bushes.


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